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#1 Aug 13 2004 at 8:07 PM Rating: Good
883 posts
Please reference this thread:

I have been wanting to try to organize these kinds of games for ages and ages but haven't really been able to. Now that we have a server forum, I can get in touch with more people than just my friends and LS! :D So who would want to do a race or a game like any of the ones listed in this thread, or something else entirely? I'd be open to any suggestions and I'm happy to organize everything (but just as happy to accept volunteers to help!) So what do we think, Bismarck?
#2 Aug 13 2004 at 11:02 PM Rating: Good
183 posts
ok here are my ideas i kwnot hey are a little childish but hey they seem liek they would be fun to me... what about hide and seek? I knowyou can just sea to see what zone they are in but what if you had to eee them and /check them for the seeking to count? anotehr one chould be tag basicly done in the same way but the runners haev a head start from the "it" and they coudl be doen in rounds or timed to see who wins the prize ...
#3 Aug 13 2004 at 11:04 PM Rating: Default
Hide and seek wouldn't work since you can long-range check and target.

Tag would suck because either the thieves would all win, or people would maintain the same distance.
#4 Aug 14 2004 at 12:06 AM Rating: Good
157 posts
Heh, a few weeks ago, some of us in Hotuken Knights did a level 1 race from Sandy to Jeuno and then to Windy. No Home Points except for in Sandy and Jeuno, so if we die, we get to restart. XD
The first one to die died in Jugner I believe. Ikika and Solarflare made it without dying once. I managed to stay in first the majority of the time, survived a Gob Ambusher aggro 75% of the way through Meriphataud, and then got Yag'd in Saruta. The prize was 10k gil. Then a bunch of us went and suicided in front of the AH in Windy. It was damn comical seeing all the people going "wtf?". XD Fun times.
We had another race planned with the route being Windy -> Jeuno -> Bastok -> Rabao, but it was postponed. If we ever schedule it again, we should advertise it here to get more people to join. ^^
#5 Aug 14 2004 at 10:21 AM Rating: Decent
195 posts
The level 1 race sounds like it would be pretty fun. Some of my other LS members might be interested in an event like this too. It would be a great way to get to know other players outside of flat out xp parties or questing parties.
#6 Aug 14 2004 at 1:15 PM Rating: Decent
183 posts
how about a hutn for staff members like you only get to know what they are wearing and what zone they are in when you find them they giv eyou a random item(they then tell the person who is holding the event what item and who got it and when) and say teh first to get all of the items wins. for itesm you can just use cheap junk like bat wings earth crystales maybe if any one has soem fo teh summerfest race items those. also they woudl eb allowed to use chocobos and teles to get to teh zones but the person holding the item can;t tell them where they are in the zone as in if they are asking in shouts and if they are asking for any as seen some oen wearing so and so.
#7 Aug 14 2004 at 2:20 PM Rating: Decent
883 posts
I'd love to do the level 1 race and I like your idea too Dnoth, but that would take a LOT of people just to be the folks who have to be found alone. If we get more people here who are interested in doing this stuff, that's an idea. For now why don't we just work with the level 1 race? Demon, did you have anyone monitoring to make sure nobody cheated or was it all just by honor?
#8 Aug 14 2004 at 10:23 PM Rating: Decent
157 posts
Well, we were all in an alliance, so we'd notice if someone had over 40 HP or if it suddenly said "LowJeuno". Though if we get more than 18 participants... =/
#9 Aug 15 2004 at 12:22 AM Rating: Decent
883 posts
Duh, that would make sense. XD I like the Windy>Jeuno>Bastok>Rabao route but do you think that'd be too much to try for the first time? I'd really love to organize this. :D If we do get more than 18 people, we could probably do more than one alliance with one neutral person not running the race in each alliance to keep an eye out for any shenanigans. Thought?
#10 Aug 15 2004 at 5:49 PM Rating: Decent
183 posts
i woudl be willign to run in / ref the races if you need ppl...
#11 Aug 16 2004 at 1:19 AM Rating: Decent
883 posts
Hmm. I just had an idea to make a new linkshell specifically for people who want to set up/participate in these events. Or we could just keep talking here, I just thought an LS would work for those of you who know people who would like to participate but aren't posting here. Or, those of you who do know other people could just post and list who would be willing to do it so we can keep a tally of names and how many people and so on.

So, here's what I propose. Let's try the simpler Bastok>Jeuno>Windy route for the first run. I'd like to aim for this weekend, if a week would be long enough to organize it. Demon, can you give us any idea of how long it would take?

I'm thinking the best time would probably be late at night EST to allow for the PST people to join in too, but do you think the afternoon would work?

Should there actually be a prize, or just bragging rights? If there were a prize, who should arrange it? Would there be an entry fee with prizes to be taken from the fee, or just a prize arranged by whoever is setting up the race? I'd like to have an entry fee with first, second, and third place prizes of, say, 70%, 20%, and 10% of the total funds from the entry fee. I think it'd give more people incentive to run the race, but of course, it would be just silly to have a ridiculous entry fee. So maybe just 100gil per person, nominal but enough to make people want to run the race for some kind of reward.

Anything else people can think of? This would just be the first of many events, I'd hope. I'd love to do chocobo races and the sort of scavenger hunt that Dnothoran suggested, too. Chime in, everyone, I know more people have to be reading this thread than the few that have posted ;P
#12 Aug 16 2004 at 2:29 AM Rating: Decent
183 posts
personaly i woudl make it 60% 25% and 15% ; or maybe even 50% 35% and 15%. right now i dont; really want anotehr Ls i alrdy haev 2 and it is hard to juggle them as it is
#13 Aug 16 2004 at 7:19 AM Rating: Good
642 posts
I think this is a great idea^^

I'd also love to help out if you need anyone, just let me know!
#14 Aug 16 2004 at 10:02 AM Rating: Decent
157 posts
Heh, when we did the Sandy>Windy one, I didn't pay attention to the time at all. ^^; I'm guessing it took, like, an hour or so.

I like the idea of a small entry fee and prizes based off it. I think there should be an additional prize of, I dunno, 1k for anyone who makes it without dying once. ^^

#15 Aug 16 2004 at 10:39 AM Rating: Decent
183 posts
Yeah, when I ran the race for our linkshell I expected a few more people than we got, but we ended up with 8 or so people racing from Sandy to Windy. All in all the race took anywhere from 45 minutes to an hour. Everyone was in an alliance with level 1 jobs. The winner got 10k supplied by me, but the entrance fee I like, or maybe set up a pool so everyone can throw in 2k or something and the winner takes the pot. I still don't know how many examines I got on my way through Sauromogue and Batallia. =D
#16 Aug 16 2004 at 10:47 AM Rating: Decent
996 posts
I'd love to join as well. I've never been to Rabao, so I dunno about *that* particular course (I've been to Altepa, but didn't make it to Rabao), but I'm game for anything else.

Assuming it's a to/from Jeuno run, how do the rules work with regards to setting HP at an outpost? Allowed, or no? If it's allowed, then you have an inequity with regards to which nation controls the intermediate territory (Meriphataud, Derfland, Norvallen). Anyone can set HP, but some people will have to pay to do it.

Furthermore, if Conquest manages to turn over the relevant territory to Beastmen, then everyone's on equal footing, though it takes a lot longer to recover if you die (in fact, it'd likely put you out for good).

If you outlaw setting HP at the outpost, you'd have to station a representative at the outpost (and the sub-outpost too!) to make sure nobody comes near the WW/RK/IM people. Otherwise, you wouldn't know if someone set HP unless they died.

The easiest way to regulate the initial-HP-setting is to have a Warp2-equipped BLM on hand to warp everyone back to a set starting HP.

One last note - No races *to* San d'Oria/Windurst/Bastok - There are still TP glyphs in circulation. I should know - I still have three of 'em. :D This is also a consideration to make on any routes that go through one of the towns, such as the proposed Rabao run.
#17 Aug 16 2004 at 10:57 AM Rating: Good
642 posts
I can be your warping BLM...I like warping people^^

If you want to do the HP warping in timely fashion, however, you're going to need more than one BLM, as each warp is 150 MP. I can only get off 3 before I have to heal again, which is going to take a LONG time if there is an alliance of 18 or more :/

Edited, Mon Aug 16 12:01:10 2004 by Eleusynia
#18 Aug 16 2004 at 12:02 PM Rating: Good
642 posts
Here is my idea:

First off, I think you should make a committee type group. 5 or 6 people that will help with the organization, recruiting etc. and mediate the events.

Then I suggest a scavenger hunt^^ I have all the details but If I type it here i'm afraid people will see it and figure out ways around the "security features".

I'd love to be one of the mediators if you arent already full of volunteers. Lemme know^^
#19 Aug 16 2004 at 12:17 PM Rating: Decent
883 posts
Cutriss, I would say for the shorter races HP-setting shouldn't be allowed along the route (other than the Jeuno halfway marker). Maybe someday we'll do a massive "race around the world" where you have to hit every region (now how cool would that be?)and there would be HP pit stops along the way. I'm a big fan of The Amazing Race, can you tell? Anyway, for a shorter race HP-setting would be outlawed, and you're right about checking to make sure no one does it along the way. This is going to take more people than I thought... XD As for the glyphs, as Demoncide pointed out, with everyone in an alliance it would be pretty easy to see if someone just ports to the designated finish line, so I don't think we need to worry about that.

On a side note which really has nothing to do with anything, I like the Bastok>Jeuno>Windy route over San D'oria>Jeuno>Windy because Batallia Downs is a lot easier to sneak across than Rolanberry Fields, and we do want to give everyone a challenge, don't we? ;D

Eleusynia, I don't have any volunteers at all so far so you can be the first official member of the "committee." /cheer This was why I had the idea of an LS to get together and discuss ideas, but just sticking to this thread on the board works just as well. I would still prefer to do a race for the first "event" just because it would be easier to organize and have a trial run and everything, then we can work up to more complicated events like scavenger hunts once we have a sense of how everything should work. I'd be interested in trying to do an event every weekend; maybe alternating a race and a scavenger hunt every week? {Hmmm.}

Something I just thought of: how could we keep track of everyone to make sure they aren't using items such as silent oils and prism powders, or getting external help from mages who can cast sneak and invis? It would ruin all the fun if anyone cheated like that. We could have "referees" on chocobo riding along, but if the racers get separated by too much it would be way too hard to keep track of everyone. I would hope and assume that everyone is honorable enough not to cheat like that, but you never can tell. ;P Thoughts?

Edited, Mon Aug 16 13:20:07 2004 by Byaina

Edited, Mon Aug 16 13:27:40 2004 by Byaina

Edited, Mon Aug 16 13:31:33 2004 by Byaina
#20 Aug 16 2004 at 12:21 PM Rating: Good
642 posts

/puts on her committee hat ^^
#21 Aug 16 2004 at 1:31 PM Rating: Decent
You know what would be the ultimate race?? You have to go from Khazam to Norg as a level 1!!Smiley: yikes Think about it. That would be next to impossible thanks to all the wonderful Goblin Smithys lurking about. You would have to have some huge payout for that to work. Can you imagine it though? That would be an insane race.
#22 Aug 16 2004 at 1:46 PM Rating: Decent
183 posts
i can also be on teh commtee but i am nto sure abotu the tiems i can ge ton they change aroudn alot
#23 Aug 16 2004 at 2:12 PM Rating: Good
642 posts
I'm sure if anyone caught another participant cheating they would be more than happy to report them lol.

But we can also enforce a zero-tolerance rule, if anyone is caught cheating or using outside help of any kind they can be permanently banned from any future activites. Maybe? that might deter atleast a few cheaters I would hope.
#24 Aug 16 2004 at 9:17 PM Rating: Decent
157 posts
I'd love to join as well. I've never been to Rabao, so I dunno about *that* particular course (I've been to Altepa, but didn't make it to Rabao), but I'm game for anything else.

Going to Rabao would be, like, the most fun because in Korroloka you have a choice of a long, safe path or a short, dangerous path. And Altepa isn't impossibly hard or anything. XD

Assuming it's a to/from Jeuno run, how do the rules work with regards to setting HP at an outpost?

Outpost home pointing should definitely not be allowed due to cost for some people, particularly the higher ranked people. However, free home points at the blue crystals is okay, as towns can be like checkpoints or something. And of course, the people in the alliance would notice if someone was in Batallia and suddenly went to West Ron. or something. Oh, and remember to set your Home Point at the start. If you forget, die, and HP to Jeuno, you get disqualified anyway. XD

First off, I think you should make a committee type group. 5 or 6 people that will help with the organization, recruiting etc. and mediate the events.

I'll volunteer if it doesn't involve not participating in anything. O.o

Something I just thought of: how could we keep track of everyone to make sure they aren't using items such as silent oils and prism powders, or getting external help from mages who can cast sneak and invis? It would ruin all the fun if anyone cheated like that. We could have "referees" on chocobo riding along, but if the racers get separated by too much it would be way too hard to keep track of everyone. I would hope and assume that everyone is honorable enough not to cheat like that, but you never can tell. ;P Thoughts?

Well, before everyone dies and restarts, everyone tends to be clustered together close enough to see the "Stupidperson uses a Prism Powder". The refs on choco thing is a good idea, IF we can get enough people to be those refs. But yeah, when everyone starts to get killed and separated, it'd be hard to keep track of people. =/

You know what would be the ultimate race?? You have to go from Khazam to Norg as a level 1!!

This was actually suggested as the next route for our LS. Multiple times. But we decided against it due to it being impossibly hard. I don't care how good you think you are, you are NOT getting past those goblins in the tunnels!

But we can also enforce a zero-tolerance rule, if anyone is caught cheating or using outside help of any kind they can be permanently banned from any future activites. Maybe? that might deter atleast a few cheaters I would hope.

Agreed. ^^

Oh, and some things I forgot to mention: No anon! If you're anon, it's harder to prove if you're really level 1. And besides, it's more fun if random people can /check you and see a BRD1/PLD1 in Batallia. XD Which brings me to the next thing. Abilities. IMO, abilities should be allowed. Sure some jobs sound like they have advantages such as RNG's Wide Scan or PLD's Invincible, but Wide Scan takes time to use, and if you get aggroed anywhere past the really really low level zones, you won't have time to hit your Invincible macro. =/ For the HK race, I went BST/RNG. BST because it's my level 1 job with the highest HP, and /RNG for the radar. XD

Edited, Mon Aug 16 22:22:31 2004 by Demoncide

Edited, Tue Aug 17 00:39:40 2004 by Demoncide
#25 Aug 16 2004 at 10:02 PM Rating: Good
690 posts
Umm... yeah. Forget what I said.

(edited for stupidity)

--Arondight, Bismarck

Edited, Mon Aug 16 23:06:09 2004 by sagashe
Nothing that is so, is so.
#26 Aug 17 2004 at 7:40 PM Rating: Decent
883 posts
OK, so we have a few things established:

-Small entry fee, 100g
-Prizes to winners 60%, 25%, 15% good?
-Bastok>Jeuno>Windy route for first run
-Byaina's Little Helpers: Eleusynia, Dnothoran, Demoncide (no, being on the committee does not mean you can't participate!)

Things yet to be determined:
-What day and time would be best?
-Who and how many will be participating?

If you all could start asking around your LSes and friends lists, I think we could answer the last two pretty quickly. Keep us posted! (~^.^)~
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