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Bad Player AlertsFollow

#202 Sep 01 2004 at 5:33 PM Rating: Good
716 posts

In all honesty, sir, you've really no sway in this. If this thread were removed, so would the threads of its ilk in the other server forums. Conversely, there are members on the good players list that you might think don't deserve to be on said list. It's all a matter of opinion. And nobody's opinion is right, just like nobody's opinion is wrong. Deal with it.

If you believe they don't deserve to be on said list, make a complete, readable post about it in the appropriate thread, detailing why you think they're a bad (or good) player. It isn't your job to get up-in-arms because people have opinions. That's ever-so-slightly annoying.

#203REDACTED, Posted: Sep 01 2004 at 5:33 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) AND ANOTHER THING IF YOU DONT EVEN KNOW HOW TO SPELL THERE DAMN NAMES YOU SHOULDNT BE ABLE TO NOMINATE THEM COME ON THATS JUST IMMATURE AND ITS OBVIOUS THAT ANYONE WHO WANTED TO LIE AND NOMINATE SOMONE AND MAKE UP A STORY COULD SO WHATS THE POINT AS LONG AS EVERYONE KNOWS YOUR LIST IS FABRICATED AND ALMOST 100% UNPROVEN THEN KEEP POSTING I JUST WANT PEOPLE TO SEE IT FROM MY PERSPECTIVE. I go into a forum and see somone saying i dont know if any of these peopel actuly are bad players but hey im bord so ill just add them to my list they should really screen forum posts cause this one is way of base. This has enspired me and i dont knwo if spelled that right and i dont care. I am going to make a actule websight for bed and good players GUESS WHAT ILL HAVE PROFE SCREEN SHOTS AND WITNESS'S UNLIKE THIS HALF *** FORUM BISMARK BLACKLISt.
#204 Sep 01 2004 at 5:36 PM Rating: Decent
13,048 posts
Belgarath, please stop acting like an immature 4 year-old. I myself am on this list, and I don't particularily care. It's opinion. You know, that thing that people have about you when they first meet you? Yeah, that. I'm sure that some people I've personally nominated here and on KI are kick-*** players, but they certainly weren't when I partied with them. It's my own opinion that they couldn't do their job in the party well, and I'm entitled to voice that opinion. Were there not this thread there would be about 1,001 individual threads of people ranting about the crappy party they had, this person was such a newb, etc. etc. blah blah.

So please, just grow up and get over it. ^^;
#205REDACTED, Posted: Sep 01 2004 at 5:36 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) By: Alauce
#206 Sep 01 2004 at 5:39 PM Rating: Good
716 posts
Did you ever stop to think that you're not the only one who might have friends on this list? I myself have partied with numerous people on the list and have found them to be at least good players, given the right circumstances. But you know what? I don't start a tirade against the entire message board because I think they're being wronged.

If they've read the posts, they can stand up for themselves. None of us are belittling anybody, here, with the exception of you making yourself look like a bigger tool with every post you make. All we are doing is providing a scenario and a description of why we think a player deserves to be on this list.
#207 Sep 01 2004 at 5:39 PM Rating: Decent
883 posts
Oh my god, are you serious? Belgarath... if you read Eleusynia's post you would know that she was ONLY reposting a COMPLETE list of the original "bad players" thread on the unofficial Bismarck forum that Tsetsuo had been running in his journal. That is the "bored at work" part and if the admins come and read this thread, they will understand that, certainly better than you apparently have.

As for whether people belong on this list or not, I'm reminded about how a lot of people who go on reality shows and look bad come out afterwards and say that was all the editing that made them look so bad. Well, guess what - all the editing in the world can't make you look bad if you didn't give them fodder in the first place. Nobody needs screenshots to prove that someone is a bad player, and you're off your rocker if you really think someone's going to post them.

Now, seeing as I'm one of the people who seconded you as a bad player, are you going to go and put me on your bad player list for absolutely no reason other than I had the audacity to call you out on your behavior?
#208REDACTED, Posted: Sep 01 2004 at 5:40 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) I half to say this TheophanyScholar is more then likly very younge and immature my orginal post wasnt bad and the first reply he sent was immature and childish. Now i put some more posts up here and instread of acting like a good player for example i respect Alauce Scholar post cause it was not offencsive and it got to the point just letting By: Alauce
#209 Sep 01 2004 at 5:40 PM Rating: Decent
124 posts
Heh, if that is Belgarath the tarutaru ranger I'll add you to this list. Fighting in Kazham he brought gob after gob after gob until the whole party was killed and then disbanded.

Edited, Wed Sep 1 18:41:24 2004 by Strazer
#210REDACTED, Posted: Sep 01 2004 at 5:44 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Well let me be the first to say this bad player thread is done and the fact that anybody any level can lie and make up stories to get nomited and then ask a friend to 2nd the then false nomination is very easy. I could go online right now and look on my friends list and find 40 people who would help me 2nd a bad player without any proof lol so this post if bs and thats all i have to say.
#211 Sep 01 2004 at 5:46 PM Rating: Good
124 posts
My question is: Why do you even care? If you don't like the post then don't read it.
#212 Sep 01 2004 at 5:49 PM Rating: Decent
13,048 posts
Belgarath, you're just adding fuel to the fire of why you are on this list. Not even meeting you in-game I'm tempted to not party with you and put you on my blist, just because you can't act mature about a thread made about bad players in a game.
#213REDACTED, Posted: Sep 01 2004 at 5:50 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) I am not only Belgarath the level 40 taru ranger but i am
#215 Sep 01 2004 at 5:54 PM Rating: Decent
13,048 posts
/Green]Hmmm.[Red /Green]I don't know.[Red

Edited, Wed Sep 1 18:54:42 2004 by Theophany
#216 Sep 01 2004 at 5:54 PM Rating: Decent
996 posts
I did send a e mail to the admin and i explained that you only put those names up there because your bord at work and i received a e mail back saying if that is tha case it will be removed
So, you lied?

I'm sure that will go over well with the administrators.

And get this, you little ******. Several of us have this list backed up. If you somehow manage to lie/cheat your way into having it removed, we'll simply post it somewhere else and link to it.
#217REDACTED, Posted: Sep 01 2004 at 5:58 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) ÐÔ½»ÄãµÄĸÓH
#218 Sep 01 2004 at 5:58 PM Rating: Decent
883 posts
Belgarath, GET IT THROUGH YOUR HEAD THAT NOBODY IS MAKING UP STUFF BECAUSE THEY'RE BORED AT WORK. Eleusynia was bored at work, ergo, she went to the ORIGINAL bad players thread which no longer exists and made a full list of everyone that was mentioned there and who mentioned them so we would not lose everything in that thread entirely in the move from the unofficial to the official server forum. Nobody made up anything about you; Drowsorez and I both had stories as to why you were on our personal list. Those stories are not posted here because they were in the original thread which has since been removed, but I assure you that they WERE there. You really have quite the ego if you think anyone cares enough about you to make the effort of inventing stories about you, bored at work or not.

k, now, back to your regularly scheduled bad players thread...

edit: ah i see that the thread hasn't been removed... my mistake. well, there you have it. thanks for the link grimina!

Edited, Wed Sep 1 19:06:53 2004 by Byaina
#219 Sep 01 2004 at 5:59 PM Rating: Decent
13,048 posts
The best of the best are as follows

Ranger- Belgarath
Redmage- Mattssj
Samurai- Mattssj
Whitemage- Nathanp

The Worst of the Worst
Ranger- Most non japanese rangers besides exceptionaly gifted and patient americans.(im american i i hardly every see any americans fully upgraded like i am and likst 90% of the japanese rangers)

That was from the Good Players thread. Now, we look at this:

I am not only Belgarath the level 40 taru ranger but i am

Belgarath the level 47 Paladin

Belgarath the level 25 ninja

Belgarath the level 52 Whitemage

Belgarath the level 31 warrior

Belgarath the level 31 Blackmage

Belgarath the Level 27 Beasmaster

Belgarath the level 30 redmage

Belgarath the level 15 summoner

Belgarath the level 59 Dark Knight

Belgarath the level 1 dragoon

Get it right lol

I see some discrepancies. o.O;
#220REDACTED, Posted: Sep 01 2004 at 6:03 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) were? Sirouslt i want lieing weres the mess up?
#221 Sep 01 2004 at 6:04 PM Rating: Good
The original Bad Player Alert thread...
#222REDACTED, Posted: Sep 01 2004 at 6:06 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) LOL i spelled so much **** wrong on that last one but sirously i want to know whats the problem you dont beleive that i have diffetent charectors on different servers? I mean i dont care if you beleive me or not but i dont see and discrepncies or how evr in the hell that is spelled just curious lol were is the **** up?
#223 Sep 01 2004 at 6:06 PM Rating: Decent
13,048 posts
Either you're too dumb to figure it out, or you think we're all morons; but either way, there's no way that two people can have the same character name on the same server.

Edited, Wed Sep 1 19:07:10 2004 by Theophany
#224 Sep 01 2004 at 6:18 PM Rating: Good
had me lost on that one Theophany but I think I see the issue...

You misread. He isn't saying that he ISN'T a ranger..he's saying he's not ONLY a ranger, he's also all those other jobs.

On with your regularly scheduled momo blasting =)
#225 Sep 01 2004 at 6:35 PM Rating: Excellent
159 posts
Wow, now i remember why i nominated you in the first place Belgareth. I don't know if you remember me, but i sure as hell remember you. No matter how good your gear is, how high your jobs are, and how good of a player you may deem yourself you still are the WORST PLAYER i have had the privalage of meeting. Your selfish boasting on this forum only illuminates further the nature of your maturity. God save you, the lone player on my Blist.


Edit: Here's the original thread in case your curious Bel. Its 7th from the top i think.

Edit: And one more thing i discovered while reading your other posts. If you think me nominating you was trash talk, your a complete hypocrite. What you called me after the pt disbanded in this particular instance was unfounded, uncalled-for, and utterly unforgivable. I wouldn't give any specific screenshots because 1) i was a new player at the time and didn't know how to shoot them, 2) the screenshots would get me removed from this forum. I don't appreciate you calling my nomination for you unfounded. You know what you did, so either apologize or shut the hell up. And if you don't remember, that just shows me that you have no morality. Anyone who said what you said to me would have apologized a long time ago. I won't give any specifics, but i believe after the 3rd or 4th ethnic slur was when i called the admin(as you all know it is explicitly forbidden on POL terms of agreement).

You deserve this nomination, whether you have matured from what you once were is not for me to find out. I take your nomination on the Good Players forum as a good sign, but that will not make me revoke my descision as you will have no opportunity or second-chances with me because i will never party with, or hopfully see you, ever again. I gave up on you a long time ago.

Edit: Wow, i've never edited something 3 times, but i just saw that he NOMINATED HIMSELF! I revoke the first part of my second sentence in the last paragraph.

Edited, Wed Sep 1 20:54:36 2004 by Drowsorez
#226 Sep 01 2004 at 7:57 PM Rating: Decent
277 posts
Belgarath has been on my blacklist for the passed few months. He's likely the biggest a-hole i've ever seen in game.
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