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Bad Player AlertsFollow

#177 Aug 28 2004 at 8:52 PM Rating: Decent
145 posts
Well our linkshell has booted DontKnow aka Chrissie, he wore out his welcome. We gave him a chance under both names and he blew it so he is definatly on the bad player list again. You would think people would learn
Retired July 2009

#178 Aug 29 2004 at 10:24 AM Rating: Decent
716 posts

I'm putting myself on the list. Not because I'm a bad player or anything, but for my connection. I was in two parties yesterday in which I had to completely forfeit playing at all because my router died. Luckily, I think the connection only dropped when had just finished fighting a mob. If any you guys are reading this, I'm sorry. :/
#179 Aug 29 2004 at 1:53 PM Rating: Decent
996 posts
Hiflyraven and Bribe.

Where to begin...

Partying in Qufim. We managed to make the party work with me as a dedicated WHM (RDM22).

At the start of the party, those two (along with a third, Avatar) would do nothing but yammer on about how one of them wanted to buy a PC because he was on a PS2. During the battles. I can understand party chatter, but in the middle of a battle, you should be fighting, not talking. If you're talking, then you're not likely to pay as much attention to the situation at hand. And I admit - I talk sometimes during battle, but I can handle myself reasonably well. These guys all had underleveled subs. Bribe (a BST/WHM) WASN'T EVEN WEARING ANY ARMOR! No armor at ALL!

They're also pull-hungry and greedy for XP, despite the fact that most of the pulls they were bringing in (because of our level gap) were only bringing in 50 XP or so. They nominate my wife as the tank (which is appropriate), and then Hiflyraven continually overrides her provokes.

Let's not also forget how Hiflyraven would tell Jerusha (my wife) to Provoke after I get hit twice by a Pug, even though it's his own damn fault for upsetting the hate balance by stealing all the hate from the mob just after she's used Provoke herself!

Bribe refused to believe me when I told him that Greater Pugils link, despite plenty of anecdotal and personal evidence (and me having the strategy guide *RIGHT* in front of me). And later on in the party, he even decided that *he* should pull! Let me remind you - He has NO ARMOR.

Thank GOD for Regen...
#180 Aug 29 2004 at 4:55 PM Rating: Default
Hey Tsetsou did'nt we do the Bastok Eco-Warrior together? I was on my old Char Drage!(Taru Dragoon)

If we did i could nominate you for being really rude to one of my friends after we finished it!

His name is Koltor and you were cussing at him for not voking a Mob off you in Konschtat, except for the fact that you were constantly running away out of reach for him to voke!
(We sat in the same room so i saw it all)

I actually think one of your friends began complaining to him in tells after you Blisted him!

If you're not the one then im really sorry, just wanted to tell the story if it was!!
#181 Aug 29 2004 at 8:20 PM Rating: Decent
159 posts
I second Bribe as a bad player. Different story tho...

Back when i was doing my WAR as a sub for my THF around lvl 10 or so, i happen to get an invite to a pt with Bribe as the WHM. Well he decides that since he is an Elvaan that he should be able melee as well because he can do a whole freakin 6 DMG per hit! Needless to say, he had a hard time believing that he shouldn't engage in battle. I finally stopped the pt and said, "Look Bribe, we have to get this sorted out cause one day you will have to learn to do this job correctly or you will never get any invites."

He instantly disbands from the party...The only thing i hate worse than Ignorant newbies is ignorant newbies that refuse to believe that there might be another person out there that could teach them a thing or 2 about their job >_<.

BTW, for the record, i had my WHM to 40 at that time so i could at least given him a few tips.

#182 Aug 30 2004 at 7:26 AM Rating: Good
642 posts
LoL, i knew Chrissie/Dontknow couldn't change. I know him too well ><
#183 Aug 30 2004 at 7:41 AM Rating: Decent
5,645 posts
His name is Koltor and you were cussing at him for not voking a Mob off you in Konschtat, except for the fact that you were constantly running away out of reach for him to voke!
(We sat in the same room so i saw it all)

Get some glasses then buddy.

events as they happened:
i called for help as koltor ran by.
koltor stopped.
koltor stood there while i kept getting hit.
i was in the red and started to run trying to find something to charm.
i died.
i sent a tell to koltor "Thanks for nothing"
he responded with "You should be happy i stopped"

At that point we both sent rude tells back and forth to each other.

get your facts straight, he could have voked and single hit that liz to kill it and instead stood there and watched me die.

Now if he had kept running i wouldnt have cared and assumed he didnt see it. but he STOPPED 2 feet from me while i died.

As for someoene else sending him tells, i'm sure i ******* about it in LS though i never told anyone else to send a tell.

So was i rude to him? yup. was he rude to me? yup. Did this involve you? Nope.

Edited, Mon Aug 30 09:36:35 2004 by TseTsuo
#184 Aug 30 2004 at 8:54 AM Rating: Decent
17 posts


You're wrong on three counts:

1. I NEVER said yes to your party request. Wishful thinking on your part.

2. You didn't get me a raise. I got raised all right, but it was not by anyone you sent.

3. No, you didn't say you hoped I would "die 100 times." Your party friend did.

It's funny how you accuse me of lying to the whole server...YOU'RE the one who will lie about anything to get a WHM in your party, YOU'RE the one who doesn't seem to understand English, sir, are the one that just "doesn't get it."

You deserve to be on the bad player list, n00b, and you have some nerve posting on here complaining about other players.

#185 Aug 30 2004 at 11:44 AM Rating: Decent
179 posts
I have yet another person to add to the list.

Elvay. She is an elvaan WHM. I pt'ed with her in CN last night. We were fighting flies when she got too close to the fly when it used it AOE. She was knocked down to about 150 HP. Then she warps out in the middle of the fight leaving us WHMless. Then 2 people in our pt died (rdm and the tank). We finally beat the fly. So after the fight we asked her why she warped out. She said that it was our fault that she got hit, when in reality she was standing right next to the fly when it used its AOE.
#186 Aug 30 2004 at 12:23 PM Rating: Decent
what are you complaining about if your sister is farming, did you ever stop to think clarissa is farming? wow people today, what their way..
#187 Aug 30 2004 at 12:31 PM Rating: Good
183 posts
ele am i on this list yet?
#188 Aug 30 2004 at 1:12 PM Rating: Good
642 posts
LoL, no Bob (Dno) :P

You are not on this list yet. (Atleast not to my knowledge) But there is no reason why you should be so stop trying!!
#189 Aug 31 2004 at 2:51 PM Rating: Decent
Lol, I had used a copyrighted quote from a book...and a lot of websites are kinda touchy about that sort of thing. I just didn't want anything to happen to my account as a result.
Proud citizen of Miranda.

-Currently on Pochacco Server of Hello Kitty Online.
#190 Aug 31 2004 at 11:59 PM Rating: Decent
54 posts
Disclaimer: This is prolly going to wind up very long. I takes a hell of alot of BS to get me irked to this point.. and the point of /blisting someone.

First person ever to land himself on my blist.
I decided to switch mains once again and go for ranger.
So i was on my way throught he dunes for the 5th or 6th time.. I had pretty good luck with all partys i joined untill i joined one with this follow tonight.
Note: everyone else in the party ruled but Makemyweapon.

This WHM had mostly starting gear and was mostly naked.. no protectra (we noticed after he was casting protect on everyone before fisrt fight.. i guess we figured no big deal becuase our blm had it and casted it)
no poisona.. no curaga.

I pulled a few mobs we where getting really good exp for a lil while. untill i after some comments from our rdm we realized he wasnt really healing anyone at all.. the rdm was. (i forget his name off hand but i would add him to the good player list ^^ )

We lost our tank.. waited for a new one.. got one and things started to go very badly.. we asked him if he was there no reply for a minute or 2 a few times. No warning of afk. then the last fight we had with him i was faceing him and realized he didnt move or cast a single spell the whole battle. I told him "ok this is no fair to the rest of us." he responded "whats not fair?" i said "you didnt cast a single spell that whole battle!"
he replys "oh ill turn my sound on then so i can tell when you guys are fighting"
our blm got a brd replacement and booted him. a minute or 2 later he wanders in camp with 3 weakish gobs and dies. somehow i think we killed them all.. and continued to get some very kick *** exp over his dead body. /wave {Hello} /blist
#191 Sep 01 2004 at 1:06 AM Rating: Decent
13,048 posts
Ah, I finally remembered who it was that I wanted to add to the list.

Cleyra (DRK/WAR).

-Story time-

I was partying in the Dunes (as usual, trying to level my NIN sub ; ;) and I got an invite. The party was going well when our puller had to stop for a while as two bogies popped right in front of our camp down near Siren Sands. I told him to hold off on pulling, as the bogies were awfully close to camp. We wait until the sun rises and the bogies vanish, and our puller pulls a Snipper, and lo and behold right as it gets to camp, we lose our DRK. Anyway, long story short, we ended up killing the Snipper as it only conned VT, and I rotate my screen a bit so that I can see if our mages are resting, and guess who I see standing five feet away with her party flag up? Cleyra. No "[I'm sorry.]" or anything. Left when she knew a mob was incoming, and stood LFG five feet away while our party struggled with a VT because we lost one of our DDs. ; ;

Anyway, I guess she didn't like that we stopped for a few minutes to get rid of a few bogies in our way.

As a side-note:
She had terrible equip on. No DEX+ equip, nor a leveled scythe or great sword for her level. It should aslo be noted that she is an Elvaan, who are notoriously bad in the DEX department.
#192 Sep 01 2004 at 6:47 AM Rating: Good
642 posts
Not a bad player (as I've never PT'd with him/her/it) but definitely annoying as all hell.


I was camping lizzy last night and everyone and their mother was checking me 4 times over. I asked politely that everyone stop examining me. Once is ok but there is no need to do it 3 or 4 times. Everyone stopped except for this lovely specimen of a human being.

He started running by me and examining me 5 or 6 times over, then he started poking me every time he passed by. Again I /tell him asking to please stop because it is getting annoying. He responds with only a "LOL"

Next time around he takes off all his equipment and stands right in front of my character and "/em shakes his bootay" .....Argh

Anyway, then its back to the pokes and the waves and the running circles around my character until it finally got late enough and I had to log.

**I did /blist him after a short time but that does nothing for actually seeing him run circles around me non stop ><. And I also called a GM and, of course, that wasn't much help.

Edited, Wed Sep 1 07:49:10 2004 by Eleusynia
#193 Sep 01 2004 at 12:37 PM Rating: Decent
LOL Gween was probably drunk. He was, the first time I ever met him.
#194 Sep 01 2004 at 2:36 PM Rating: Decent
People who don't share Logging or Mining Points, in my eyes are the biggest #@!(%$ in the universe!

This means you Shiwen!
#195REDACTED, Posted: Sep 01 2004 at 2:40 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) That's it!!
#196REDACTED, Posted: Sep 01 2004 at 2:51 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) I have sent a e mail to the admin of this websight, they have confirmed that this post violates the terms of agreement and will be deleted soon. If anyone else find any posting offensive and idiotic like this one just go to submit information and submit a complaint against it.
#197 Sep 01 2004 at 2:58 PM Rating: Excellent
642 posts
Trash talker?? lol um ok.

Had you read the whole post I was simply summarizing what EVERYONE else had written. I myself posted 1 person on the list, how is that trash talking? (well 2 people as of today).

Now, if you are upset that someone nominated you to the list, that's fantastic. Tell your side of the story and we will all be more than happy to listen. But if you are going to go around calling other people bad posters and trash talkers you may want to take a long hard look in the mirror.

Never mind everything else I said before, If you want to nominate me as a Bad player, you are more than welcome to. As long as you clearly explain why you think I am a bad player I won't argue with you. I didnt bother to read that whole other post because I value my eyesight just a tad so please, repost it and go crazy with all the insults and accusations you like^^

Edited, Wed Sep 1 16:18:37 2004 by Eleusynia
#198 Sep 01 2004 at 3:08 PM Rating: Decent
Wow, idocy has reached us even here tucked away in our little server forums. Since you typed that somewhat grammatically incorrect (and rambling) post, I'm assuming you can read, at least marginally and you would see what Ele says is true, she was just summarizing a previous thread. Maybe you should read a little more carefully before blasting someone hmmm?

Why don't you just tell us why you shouldn't be on the list, or refute their opinion?

BTW I refute your post saying Ele is a trash talker and a bad poster.

Edited, Wed Sep 1 16:13:31 2004 by Wintaru
#199 Sep 01 2004 at 4:20 PM Rating: Decent
996 posts
As a note - Posting this list does not by definition make Eleusynia a bad player, as this did not occur in-game nor was it related to her in-game actions. So your nomination for Eleusynia is invalid.

I doubt you e-mailed the admin of this "websight". You would have to know how to use an ii-male claiyent.
#200REDACTED, Posted: Sep 01 2004 at 5:26 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) IM sorry if i was upset but i did email the admin and i am having this string removed even if i did misspell some things it is offencsive and i dont care what i miss spell. I all honesty i only know maybe half the people on that list and every singoe one are kick *** good players that have had some newb or somone who is upset nominate them. If you had one spec of proof like a screen shot or somthing this post might be valid but it isnt and i am having it removed thank you and im sorry well not really if you want a real black list then make a websight witrh screen shots to prove it.
#201 Sep 01 2004 at 5:30 PM Rating: Default
Well if i felt like i owed anyone what so ever a explantion to why i do not deserve to be on this list i might say so. But since you have exactly 0% evidence and no screen shots to prove anything every single nomination is invalid and should be removed.


I mean come on you even said your self your put that up there cause your bord at work. I did send a e mail to the admin and i explained that you only put those names up there because your bord at work and i received a e mail back saying if that is tha case it will be removed and as for the comment on my grammer or what ever who really cares you only bring that up because you cant find a valid argument for my post thanks alot and i look forward to destroying any argument anyone has about this thread being completly invalid and rude ;)Cause it is and it isnt going to be on this websight for very much longer :)
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