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#127 Aug 23 2004 at 12:56 AM Rating: Decent
762 posts
Yes, Moderator, please delete the replies based on DevilWolf. We need this thread to stick to the topic, or *gasp* don't make us start a new one.
#128 Aug 23 2004 at 1:58 AM Rating: Default
I think the moderater should delete this thread you people are cruel and heartless not to mention petty and the guy that called me **** trust me I am anything but **** I was trying to clear my name I am not a bad player and on bad incident does not change the good person I am.

I do act like im 20 I have yet to act in a childish manner which most of you have by showing great disrespect and chopping my comments up and trying to yet and still make me look like a bad guy give it up its not really worth the time or the effort.

Besides im not just gonna disappear cause you want me to you put me on a list that has nothing to do with my game play all I wanted to have fun and help people not im really annoyed because people love to mess with other people just because whats worse is you are defending negativity.

And promoting false reports on innocent people yes I made a mistake does not effect the game play or make me a bad person I am man enough to admit that one mistake.

Oh and one more thing calling someone out of their sexual preference is against terms of service I hope you get what you deserve when the moderator sees it other than that you all have a good day or night or afternoon let this be a lesson learned well for picking on the innocent.
#129 Aug 23 2004 at 2:41 AM Rating: Decent
617 posts
Well I don't know you at all, even in game, so I'm reserving judgment. However, random insults and poorly constructed defenses will rarely win battles for you.

...and this place has a moderator? I find that hard to believe, considering Turdferguson's post still exists.

Anyway you've made your defense, you have your own topic for it, and the rest of you have also made your points. Let's all be adults about this and move on, shall we?
#130 Aug 23 2004 at 9:13 AM Rating: Decent
Yes please, let's move on...
Proud citizen of Miranda.

-Currently on Pochacco Server of Hello Kitty Online.
#131 Aug 23 2004 at 11:43 AM Rating: Decent
415 posts
ok look im sorry Devilsluck if Sheeba is your friend, i am just wondering why she was so mean to me.
Maybe you could ask her for me?
and no i hadn't talked to her in a while and she hadn't talked to me in a while so there is no way that i couldd have been
"Racking on her nerves"
i am really sorry if i offended any friends of hers, and i am sorry if i offended sheeba also..
but i just wondered why she would do something like that to someone that was her friend.

also onix was doing the same thing to me..
he kicked me out of an alliance and killed me with bats...
i have no idea why.
i asked him and he doesnt respond
if anyone knows Onix or Sheeba, please ask them why they
did those things to me...
cuz i really have no idea why, and they dont want to tell me either.
#132 Aug 23 2004 at 12:48 PM Rating: Decent
169 posts
Raynorak - I had to make my first GM call. (/sigh) LVL 50 THF in Khazham who insisted on making rude and sexually explicit emotes on all the female characters playing in the area. We asked him to please leave us alone. He continued to harass me specifically.

Then he brought a higher level GOB into the middle of our camp. Luckily we saw the bomb toss and moved before we all got the AOE. Please call a GM on this player if harasses you. Don't hesistate. The one that I spoke to said he would look into past offenses and recommended that I /blist him.
#133 Aug 23 2004 at 12:53 PM Rating: Decent
353 posts
Oh geez.. That freak is still at it?
#134 Aug 23 2004 at 2:13 PM Rating: Good
169 posts
Apparently so. This wasn't the first time he did it. Just the first time that I called a GM. And I only did so at the request of our other party members.
#135 Aug 23 2004 at 9:25 PM Rating: Decent
228 posts
yah that guy makes a pass at any female within a ten foot radius =/
I was hangin out in Kazham with a few friends (Vimien, Mullen and Aakashi and someone else...forgot who) anyway, dude wouldn't leave Askashi alone. Every time someone asked him what was up or if he would knock it off he just kept at it. He didn't leave us alone till we left for Norg :P
So yeah, if ya see him, and you're a girl, run for shelter :) lol
#136 Aug 24 2004 at 1:09 AM Rating: Decent
225 posts
My first add to this list...


He was in my party yesterday, he is impatiant (he actually has amacro saying "PuLl PuLl PuLl <call14>" and uses it mulitple times). He went completly off at me for conectrating my healing on the tank instead of him <_< then proceeded to pull a banshee to my party. Kicked him imediatly
#137 Aug 24 2004 at 4:31 AM Rating: Decent
1,297 posts
(he actually has amacro saying "PuLl PuLl PuLl <call14>" and uses it mulitple times).

Hahaha... just be happy he didn't use Calls 1-3. :P

Edited, Tue Aug 24 05:32:39 2004 by Samskeyti
#138 Aug 24 2004 at 7:21 AM Rating: Decent
5,645 posts
First some background:
A few days ago in jeuno while trying to carry on a conversation in LS and with people in tells i kept losing the conversation and missing parts because no less than 3 people were spamming their 7 line casino macro. In addition one particualr idiot next to the HP in lower jeuno was spamming /random. He was not even playing the casino. I sent a tell asking him to knock it off which of course got me the typical "STFU" response, as well as some other friendly words. So i blacklisted and informed him as such. Well blacklist does not filter out /randoms (dumb) so i was still stuck having to scroll back to read conversation. Anyway his final response was "like i give a ****".

So i ended up in a PT last night heading to kuftal, first SAM had crap gear and underleveled sub (at 54 ; ;). So i convinced leader to replace. Then we got a PLD, who's name was familiar but i couldn't place it. So we are playing and things are going well. But i notice some of the conversation isn't making sense and the PLD does not seem to have a /p {Provoke} line to announce the voke. Then it hit me, checked blacklist and there he was. So now i am happy, he's gonna give a **** now. And i stopped curing, him.

Now my intent was not to let him die, simply to scare him. Well the RDM picked up on this (the RDM who did not respond when leader said "is everyone here for an hour at least?" then when we arrived in altepa said "I only have around 45 min") She began to yell at me, and i took the PLD off blist so i could see his responses.

I explained to the RDM why and that i wasn't going to let him die. Just prior to this i had asked the leader to either replace the PLD or me, and that i would hold no grudge if he decided to replace me.

BTW the leader had no GK, he was sam, and instead had a polearm because he sold his last sword because he needed the money so we had no decent SC.

The PLD refused to med between fights and instead would run outr of MP before the mob had lost even 1/3 of his HP.

Anyway, sorry this got long but for the poor player i must nominate myself. I should have just left the PT instead i made a poor situation worse by acting childish.

To my entire party i apologize for my actions, with the exception of the PLD, you know who you are if you are reading this, and you would be wise to avoid PT's with me.
#139 Aug 24 2004 at 7:52 AM Rating: Default
Lol i am deleting my post.

Edited, Tue Aug 24 13:35:11 2004 by Nightsintdreams
Proud citizen of Miranda.

-Currently on Pochacco Server of Hello Kitty Online.
#140 Aug 24 2004 at 12:03 PM Rating: Decent
510 posts
Haha, I might have an idea on who you're talking about TseTsuo, Horrible PLD.

Now, Onto my bad player rants.

#1. Zariko - He's a really crappy WHM.
#2. Taruman - Is it just me or has anyone else noticed this fellow being a complete and total ****? I'm sure he's a decent player as a Black Mage, but good lord. He's the crappiest Red Mage i've ever seen. I get a party together and invite him to join out of Pity. ( He had been seeking for three hours.) We go to Cape Terrigan and are doing okay. The THF and I are skill chaining and the BLM is bursting with Freeze, pretty fast EXP. Then I take a note of something during a short downtime. Taruman is sitting while he should be refreshing the mages. He wouldn't dispel when we asked him to. (When we were hitting for 0 on the crabs.) And he replied with something like, "I know when to dispel, You don't have to goddamned tell me how to do my job!"

That's when most of us goit a tad bit peeved with him. But, We persissted. And about an hour later, we were making great EXP about 6k in that passed hour. Taruman decides to say "I can't be bothered to play with you ametuers." ...

....And well, That's when I went ********
#141 Aug 24 2004 at 12:16 PM Rating: Good
214 posts
personally speaking, Zariko, i think you are the last person to
be talking about bad players, after the run-in i had with you in
a party at the Boyahda Tree.

disbanding party so you could claim/open a chest all by yourself,
even though the whole party was together and everyone had seen
the chest at the same time, then making excuses about how you
were justified in opening it yourself, without a) informing
party, and b) asking if any one else needed chest, or had a key,
c) lying about the contents (amount of gil) received from the

(it's not about the money, it's about common courtesy, it's the
principality of the matter.)

then, making a fight more difficult than it should have been,
because you were not paying attention, and as a direct result,
had to force tank to capture hate on his own, without SATA+VB and
a Distortion SC.

Then you complain about the fact that i was not ready, yet you
refused to acknowledge my pull macros, which <call> and clearly
state my TP numbers ... instead telling me that i need to type
out that i am ready. thus, i waited until mid-fight to drop
Viper Bite on my own, without ended a SC, because you would not
respond, then afterwards wanted to play the blame game.

it's your general attitude, that seems pretty bad to me. ><

Edited, Tue Aug 24 13:23:30 2004 by Astika

Edited, Tue Aug 24 13:27:10 2004 by Astika
#142 Aug 24 2004 at 12:22 PM Rating: Good
Might wanna add who you are talking to Astika Smiley: grin
#143 Aug 24 2004 at 12:28 PM Rating: Good
214 posts
oops, thought i did. :D edited now, thank you for pointing that
#144 Aug 24 2004 at 1:44 PM Rating: Decent
17 posts

It is hilarious that Aerwen is on this board. He is the ONLY person that has ever blacklisted me, and he should be put on the bad player list. Here's why:

A few months ago, my Tarutaru WHM is face down in the Valkrum Dunes sand (I wasn't in a party, I had just been trying to get from one end to the other, and got jumped.) So, since I was a WHM, I was obviously getting bombarded with /tell's and party invites left and right. Aerwen tells me he has a full party just missing a WHM, and wants to know if I want to join. I tell him "I don't know if I'm going to get raised." He tells me he'll look for a raise for me. I never said I would join his party. I figured that, if anyone was good enough to line up a raise for me, I'd be happy to help their party for a I didn't want to commit to anything till I knew where a raise was coming from.

Ten minutes later...everyone wants me to join their party, but no one has a definite raise lined up.

Then, a friendly high-level WHM comes by and raises me. I ask her what party sent her, what party I should join. No response.

So, I get the hell out of the Dunes...I am not going to sit there injured and get killed again. I go to La Theine to rest.

Aerwen starts sending me all these /tells "what are you doing? you said you would join our party!" I explain no, I never said I would, and since Aerwen couldn't provide a raise, I had no reason to pick his party over anyone else's (and truthfully I didn't want to party that day anyway, though I would have as payback for a raise). He keeps insisting that I promised to join his party, even as I back up my text window and re-read EXACTLY what I said. Then he tells me he assembled a whole party because I told him I would join--even though he had told me up front he already had a party! The guy just lied left and right. He cursed at me, blacklisted me (like I said, no one else has ever blacklisted me...I am a good player), and got his little party friends to send me /tell's like "I hope you die 100 more times." And he made a point to /slap me the next time he saw me.

It's funny to see Aerwen on here complaining about bad players.
Put him on the list!

I'm proud to be on your blacklist, Aerwen. I'd never want another invite from your sorry butt.

#145 Aug 24 2004 at 1:51 PM Rating: Decent
5,645 posts
night why did you delete your post?

I thought that it was an awesome post.

; ;
#146 Aug 24 2004 at 11:00 PM Rating: Default
510 posts
I'm not going to go through here denying everything there Astika. Some is true, some is a blatant lie.

But, If my attitude was bad. Was because you were the worst THF I had ever partied with.
#147 Aug 25 2004 at 9:33 AM Rating: Good
214 posts
I'm not going to go through here denying everything there Astika. Some is true, some is a blatant lie.

But, If my attitude was bad. Was because you were the worst THF I had ever partied with.

Say what you will to make yourself feel better, but I am not
lying about any part of it.

What I don't understand how you can get "worst THF I had ever
partied with" from only two (2) fights.

Maybe it is because other people will accept that kind of
behavior/attitude, and I would not. /shrug

#148 Aug 25 2004 at 9:51 AM Rating: Decent
Ok I had to post here after following this for a bit. I don't normally like to get involved in these things but I feel I must add my two cents here...

I'm a 55whm/27blm on Bismarck. Being the WHM I usually find myself responsible for forming the party and inviting members. Because of this I've chatted with quite a few THFs in my time.

Having partied with the both of you i feel I am able to say that Astika is the best THF I have ever partied with. I have played with your average pickup THF and find that they:

A) Not even remotely close to having as good of equipment as Astika. I've never seen a thief who has better gear then him.

B) Miss use / don’t know how to use Sneak Attack + Trick Attack correctly.

C) Can't pull correctly... I don't need to get into this one.

I've pt'd with both of you on more then one occasion so it's not like I'm making this up. If he is the worst THF you have ever partied with then I would suggest not having a THF in your party because they don't come any finer then Astika.

#149 Aug 25 2004 at 12:10 PM Rating: Good
642 posts
FYI - For those of you who are trying to avoid Chrissie like the plague, he has deleted that character. He now has a Galka (who's name I haven't been able to find out) and a Mithra named Dontknow.

Normally, I would assume that when someone starts all over they are trying to make a clean start and act properly this time around, but I know Chrissie >< and I honestly don't think anything has changed.
#150 Aug 25 2004 at 12:41 PM Rating: Good
388 posts
I've noticed that Lizy is already on here, but I want to add my two cents.

I was in Kazham last night, levelling my WHM when I got an invite from a thief Delautime (sp?) to see if we could put together a party. I said ok, and we set off. Two other players later, we're looking for a tank and the final slot is open.

Dela invites Lizy (SAM). Now, I partied with Lizy the previous night in Qufim and found her to be somewhat pushy, but I wasn't going to say anything (I wasn't aware that she was already on this list).

However, the second she gets in the party, she begins barking orders at Dela, the leader, telling her who to invite. Dela was already negotiating with a PLD, but Lizy was insisting on MNK. I sent a tell to Dela telling her that I had partied with Lizy before, and that to be careful because Lizy could be somewhat pushy.

Well, Lizy keeps pushing, and Dela is getting fed up. I send a /tell to Lizy to ease off a little, which is ignored. She pushed some more, and Dela finally says 'Go find another party to run.' Now at this point, we simply have a difference of opinion. Lizy responded indignantly, and I said in /party 'A suggestion is one thing. Demanding is another. Just back off a little, Lizy'. I immediately get a /tell from Lizy telling me to mind my own business, and calling me a '*****'.

So I said in /party 'Lizy, if you call me a '*****' one more time, we'll be doing this party with you on my blacklist'. Dela send me a telling asking me what had happened, and I told her that I had been called a ***** in /tell. Dela immediately booted Lizy, and we found a more suitable replacement. And as she left, she did

/em flips off the thief [Dela] and the *****.

Total time she was in the party? About a minute and a half. Another entry on my blacklist...<sigh>

#151 Aug 25 2004 at 2:19 PM Rating: Decent
1,041 posts

I was leveling pld in the dunes *sigh* and we invite a blm. First thing she does is melee o_O which isn't so bad.

But then...when we're fighting a sheep and everyone's sleeping (used cure I to wake whm, but there wasn't enough hp in my bar so I died shortly after). She says " will wake everyone." Well...I have a 33 whm. I've tried that a few times, having heard it myself, but it NEVER worked. In my set party as my thf, the whm there is 59 and it's never worked for her either...a few of us said to Kitkal that it doesn't no way were we rude...just said flatly that it wouldn't work.

She immediately says "I use it all the time on my 28 whm!" "It was a 78 whm that told me to use it!" (Yeah, she said 78, then proceeded to tell us that there was a quest to go from 78 to 82...then called US *************** real.) Booted her that instant and got a kickass ranger, which was nice.

But wary...Kitkal is a noob with a sharp tongue...stay far away!
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