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#102 Aug 20 2004 at 3:42 PM Rating: Decent
134 posts
For someone with an apparent history of forensics, you don't demonstrate much mastery of the English language. Why would I need to sway my argument? If anything, I need to sway *you* toward my argument. I still can't quite discern what you're trying to say here.

Well, we're all learning here, aren't we? Being an freshman in my English major, you're quite correct. I don't have much mastery of the English language. I have a High School degree, and that's not saying much, seeing as I'm from the United States, eh?

You can't sway somebody with a flimsy argument. I don't see the difference between swaying *me* and swaying the *tools* to sway *me*.

I fail to see how giving anyone credit (be it sufficient or excessive) is changing anything. I said that our system works because, for our small group, the list works within the constraints I mentioned above. Your statement seems to indicate that you have a rather dim world-view of people in general, and think that someone is going to see this list and go running about Vana'diel /shouting "Hey everybody! Here's the official Bismarck blacklist! Update your /blists now!" when that's simply not feasible, nor is it accurate. Would you listen to someone doing that and /blist people? Heck no.

This is an obvious over-stretching of my views. I simply said that people quietly make up their minds and make parties and invite people based on personal preference and what they've heard from other individuals. I never said the world was going to end because of this list.

Yeah, apparently it is. Y'know, I posted that to try to make you feel better about things, and to be nice, but you just decided to blast me. So ***** you.

I was perfectly civil, but I was being petty about your offhand reply, granted. I can understand how you were offended, because I didn't present my ideas with enough courtesy, which I apologize for.

***** me? What was this about mastery of the English language?

Now, see, that doesn't even make any sense. Are you saying that your statement was not accusing this list of being a karma-dictating travesty? Because if that's what you were saying, then your quotes are quite misplaced, and even so, I think you're blowing this way out of proportion compared to how you seem to be illustrating *me* blowing it out of proportion.

I'm not illustrating you blowing it out of proportion o_0 If I did, it was an accident, or some sort of late-night lack-of-sleep induced.. thing. You implied that that list dictated my karma, and I factually showed you how I really don't care, but rather, I'm an egomaniac of sorts with a mind for defending myself. :] I could care less about this list as of now.

This is a network of trust we're building here. I trust my friends' decisions and accounts of bad players. If I don't know some of the people making claims here, then I'm less likely to give credence to their stories.

That's you, unfortunately, and not everyone else. I realize that the brighter members here can discern that.

Anyway, you either think the list sucks, or you just don't like seeing your friends on it. If it's Option A, then take some positive action and help us craft a better system. If it's Option B, then DEAL WITH IT.

Why doesn't somebody post the reasons in part with the actual list? Quote the people who nominated them for it? That does seem like too much work, though.

Seriously, I'm hardly complaining as of late, I honestly don't care. If the names can't be taken off, I'm out. I really don't need to be 'swayed'.

Edited, Fri Aug 20 16:42:58 2004 by Ferra

Edited, Fri Aug 20 16:44:49 2004 by Ferra
#103 Aug 20 2004 at 4:02 PM Rating: Decent
Admitedly, I am an airhead at times, but ive never considered my self a bad player. Stupid stuff happens. However i would like to post a few names. Honeybuns,and juddge- i was invited to a party with them in the dunes as my warrior. I was called names adn kicked from theparty because i died saving the tanks ***. There pler was slow to cast adn only healing the main tank(not very well either)and they had no mages. Umm, hello is it not the other tanks in the partys job to voke if main tank is dying, for better of party? On top of this, I was apparently the only one not being healed by pler because I was not bastokian and every one else in party was. Noofense to bastok of course, but thats not a cool reason to let yur party members die. Even if you are only there to PL. Last but not least, I was highest lvl adn rank player in party,only one other having a sub job even, adn i was treated with immense disrespect before i even had a chance to get to the parties camp.
Guuruu- when my roomates and i started playing he was frequently yelling newb at passerbys at sandy gates. He later started yelling at another character, and thouroghly bashed her adn claimed she should be raped adn murdered and so on for her sexual prefernces. He attacked 2 of her freinds verbaly as well. Then, after being warned by gms, on 2 other occasions did the same thing. He has no repsect for other players and is extremely rude. Other wise, most people i meet on bismarck are pretty cool. :P
#104 Aug 21 2004 at 3:49 PM Rating: Decent
415 posts
umm sheeba had the cap taken off..
i thought we wree friends cuz she was really nice to me at first
then she just refused to raise me when she had the cap off
and later she kicked me out of her pt cuz i ws joking around with her..
no offense but...
i wouldn't trust her
#105 Aug 21 2004 at 4:27 PM Rating: Decent
311 posts
When I was pting in the dunes I saw a lv 45 pld with no sub my pt and I were like wtf? I don't remember his name but it struck us as odd. We were like how did u get thru the game with no sub
#106 Aug 21 2004 at 5:32 PM Rating: Decent
617 posts
Word to the wise:

People who are high level with no subjob are almost always doing it to make people place them on bad players lists and accost them. Do you know why? There is a glitch that can remove your subjob, and there is a level cap quest where your subjob is removed for the fight.

Remember this.
#107 Aug 21 2004 at 6:38 PM Rating: Decent
629 posts
I remember sprite.

I'm a taru war16, no sub in dunes. I'm pting right? she rolls up on a choco (this is out in the middle of NOWHERE) and /checks me. I see

Sprite: Hmm, taru war. No sub. Lame. Get a new character fool.

OMG I could've killed myself.

My entire ls blists her (lol unorganized ls for lvl 16 XD) and I find out later a ton of others hate her too


I know silverak. He's a decent dude. He's too high lvl for me to pt with so idk bout that but he's been in 1 of my ls and we chat everytime we see each other.

Also (sorry lol)...

Dnothoran/cutiewootie, seeya ingame lol didn't know you frequented allakhazam. ^-^
#108 Aug 21 2004 at 7:05 PM Rating: Decent
134 posts
Sprite has been extremely rude to me throughout the course of playing this. She/he deserves some sort of award for this next little gem:

Ferra thinks to herself, "I think I'll go explore Garlaige Citidel! Yay! Fun!"

So, I drop down the hole sneak and invised, and BAM right there, two dead beastmasters. One of the names I cannot remember, but Sprite really sticks out. Like a very community concious white mage, I ask her friend if she wants a raise. No reply. I begin to raise, being a level 33 white mage at the time, I couldn't do much else.

Figuring that they can refuse the raise if they like, I didn't think it would do any harm. I get a few /tells from sprite..


Regardless, I gave his/her friend a raise, and left Sprite. I'd have loved to get a raise II for them, but where's the incentive, right?
#109 Aug 21 2004 at 8:18 PM Rating: Good
umm sheeba had the cap taken off..
i thought we wree friends cuz she was really nice to me at first
then she just refused to raise me when she had the cap off
and later she kicked me out of her pt cuz i ws joking around with her..
no offense but...
i wouldn't trust her

So maybe over time you grated on her nerves. I don't know the whole story but I don't belive Devilsluck would invite a bad player into his linkshell. She is Mom for the people who play during the day, she takes care of everyone there, and helps when she can.
Maybe when someone asks you to please stop something that you were doing you should; you need to think about your own actions also, and not just blame others; there is usually a reason people begin to dislike someone, and it is not cause they are bad players.
#110 Aug 21 2004 at 9:12 PM Rating: Decent
617 posts
Watch out for Zander. He's an Elvaan I don't know what spamming shouts for Teleports for 300gil, only he doesn't respond to /tells when you ask him for one. But he'll continue to shout.

And I have to be the only person who has never seen this notorious Sprite.
#111 Aug 22 2004 at 12:18 AM Rating: Decent
18 posts
ok...First of All, my name is Dwyrin, You may have heard of me... may not have, I am a relatively new player to this game seeing as how i got it in April of 2004... I don't believe im perfect and if i have ever made a mistake in a party with you I am truely sorry, but on with my story...

A few weeks ago me and 2 friends are just ******** around when my friend asks us if we want to go kill this NM in the Castle near windy.(please forgive me... i am relatively new to this game so i do not have all the names of the dungeons memorized yet.) Well when we get there, by the way im only using a lvl 30 war at this time, we precede to go wait for this NM at the spawn point. We sit there for 2 hrs waiting on the spawn, and seeing as how i do not NM hunt that often i got bored. Well a few mins later this Lvl 75 monk appears named Cheif. All of us are bored to death by now so i decide to try to start a conversation with this guy. He replies, "I don't Speak any English. I don't speak any Japanesse." So i was cool with it... i forgot to /tell my friend he didnt speak english or japanesse... next thing i know this guy starts B****ing at us in English because my friend was just being curious and asked him what he fought for his kote. So, then i'm pissed because for one he lied to me, and two, there are nicer ways to tell someone you dont feel like talking. Anyways i get bored and someone else shows up, i think a lvl 50 ranger...not quite sure, so i start to joke around with this mithra. I type /emote pushes <t> off the edge! Next thing i know this cheif guy sends me a nice /t telling me to grow up and go away... then he says he blisted me and is goin to spam the forums letting people know to blist me... so i decide to give him a nice reason to blist me... i run over to him with my elf and do the /joy motion to him about 100 times then decide that was enough and to go back over to where i was at with my friends... Later, NM pops, we start dieing, he starts giving shouts degrading us as we are about to die, so i say fine, F*** You, call for help, then die! im sorry for all others there hunting the NM, but i was determined i was not going to let him have it after all the hours of sitting there waiting patiently and enduring his rude comments... sorry this post was so long, but I also wanted to add that i am a forgiving person and if cheif /tells me a nice lets try to get over the deal message i am willing to forgive him... anyways, i just thought i would add a lil comment to this. Sorry about posting this so long or if you think i am in the wrong i am sorry too, but a man can only take so much! Also, beware of a whm in the dunes that keeps joining parties, lotting on everything and leaves you stranded in the middle of a fight. Sorry for the long post!
#112 Aug 22 2004 at 1:10 AM Rating: Default
So... you think im the bad guy eh I will tell you the truth I am not a bad player and my ls is amongst the great ladyx scoped my Item which I was gonna sell for 200k instead of the 7k I paid for it was a lvl 70 Item I told my ls what I was doing this does not make me a bad player but a guy trying to find a way to make money people on this game is rich what I couldn't understand is why ladyx was trying to make me seem like the bad guy if anything it was ladyx for trying to get everyone to blist me for trying to sell the item for 200k which is not against terms or policies he said he was gonna use me for footage and make me infamous I kept asking him why was he trying to knock my hustle but he kept harrassing me I am here to clear my name ask anyone in the DWP Devilwolfpack which is my LS what I am really about hopefully people will realize that I am not about scamming people at all just needed money really bad I could of had plenty of reasons to sell it for 200k but I didnt I sold it for 10 the item had not been sold in windurst before so I figured im broke and I need money I just want you to know if this happen to you by ladyx speak up cause I dont think its right even effected some people in my ls because of it im running low on pc memory but if you feel what I did was enough to put me on the bad list then do what you must but as a LS leader some people need to be professional about things and not go about spamming and trying to drag peoples name into the ground now that this is off my chest I think most of bismark knows me if not then they do now I am known for my good deeds and my hard effort if not the good deeds of others in my LS Makayan being one of them Fallenangels another one of my LS's
#113 Aug 22 2004 at 2:49 AM Rating: Decent
1,297 posts
#114 Aug 22 2004 at 2:54 AM Rating: Good
Oh that was just priceless.

Ladyx, who knew you had the magical power to make someone's computer run low on memory! I'm amazed...can you teach it to me???

*falls over laughing like a maniac*

P.S. Don't you know it's okay to try to rip someone off of 200k, as long as you can come up with a lot of reasons why you need money??
#115 Aug 22 2004 at 3:41 AM Rating: Decent
45 posts
I'll read that when it is written as a non giant run-on sentance.
#116 Aug 22 2004 at 4:41 AM Rating: Default
716 posts
I know this has been said before, but.. Salvationman really sticks out in my mind.

I've never partied with him before, so I don't know how good he is in that aspect of the game, but he has to be one of the most annoying, pompous, and conceited people I've met in the virtual world of Vana'diel. I must have rubbed him the wrong way when I was just beginning, or something, because when I was levelling my NIN in Ghelsba back in March, he was a real prick to me. Calling me various names, like 'n00b', 'idiot', 'douchebag' and things like that. Was never provoked in the slightest.

I was camping Golden Bat earlier this week and he accosted me again. Once again, it was unprovoked flaming and just all around being a real pain in the ***** I'd really like to know what stick was shoved up his *** to make him such a mean person to be around online (I know I'm not the only person that's has troubles with him: my entire shell dislikes him.), but some things are just better left unknown.
#117 Aug 22 2004 at 10:40 AM Rating: Decent
183 posts
devilwolf wrote:
So... you think im the bad guy eh I will tell you the truth I am not a bad player and my ls is amongst the great ladyx scoped my Item which I was gonna sell for 200k instead of the 7k I paid for it was a lvl 70 Item I told my ls what I was doing this does not make me a bad player but a guy trying to find a way to make money people on this game is rich what I couldn't understand is why ladyx was trying to make me seem like the bad guy if anything it was ladyx for trying to get everyone to blist me for trying to sell the item for 200k which is not against terms or policies he said he was gonna use me for footage and make me infamous I kept asking him why was he trying to knock my hustle but he kept harrassing me I am here to clear my name ask anyone in the DWP Devilwolfpack which is my LS what I am really about hopefully people will realize that I am not about scamming people at all just needed money really bad I could of had plenty of reasons to sell it for 200k but I didnt I sold it for 10 the item had not been sold in windurst before so I figured im broke and I need money I just want you to know if this happen to you by ladyx speak up cause I dont think its right even effected some people in my ls because of it im running low on pc memory but if you feel what I did was enough to put me on the bad list then do what you must but as a LS leader some people need to be professional about things and not go about spamming and trying to drag peoples name into the ground now that this is off my chest I think most of bismark knows me if not then they do now I am known for my good deeds and my hard effort if not the good deeds of others in my LS Makayan being one of them Fallenangels another one of my LS's

Punctuation....use it. I would suggest getting past 5th grade before you try and post on boards where you're already looked at as an asshat.
#118 Aug 22 2004 at 11:25 AM Rating: Decent
1,041 posts

I couldn't really make sense of that. Something about money and memory and lots of LSs? *decides to go farm instead*
#119 Aug 22 2004 at 12:53 PM Rating: Default
SneakyWeaky wrote:

Punctuation....use it. I would suggest getting past 5th grade before you try and post on boards where you're already looked at as an asshat.

I can care less of what other people think really I just wanted to get my point across had much on the mind I wanted to get it all out yes I know its a run on sentence I am a 20 year old man graduated in 2002 for crying out loud well at least it got your attention.

and by insulting me your only gonna make me famous!
#120 Aug 22 2004 at 6:03 PM Rating: Decent
45 posts you don't care what people think...why did you make a post and thread about trying to clear your name?
#121 Aug 22 2004 at 7:30 PM Rating: Decent
13,048 posts
I'd have to agree on Salvationman. I've partied with him once or twice as WHM and BLM, and both times he made a big deal in the party that I "had borrowed his Astral Rings and had not given them back." Yeah. Each time he did that I sort-of stared at the screen for a second before bursting out laughing and then ignoring the comment. Then he persisted in /tells, calling me a n00b and various other profanities, at which time I said sorry to the party and left. Still haven't blisted him yet. No idea why though. Ah well, I'll probably party again with him when I'm a RNG and he'll ask that I give him his Emp. Hairpin and Leaping boots back. -_-
#122REDACTED, Posted: Aug 22 2004 at 7:54 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) ****.
#123 Aug 22 2004 at 9:18 PM Rating: Decent
785 posts
I can care less of what other people think really I just wanted to get my point across had much on the mind I wanted to get it all out yes I know its a run on sentence I am a 20 year old man graduated in 2002 for crying out loud well at least it got your attention.

First: You're not getting your point across when you're not even using sentences.

Second: What the hell did you graduate from?
#124 Aug 22 2004 at 9:50 PM Rating: Good
I am a 20 year old man graduated in 2002 for crying out loud

Would that be 3rd grade you graduated from?
#125 Aug 22 2004 at 11:18 PM Rating: Decent
287 posts
I can care less of what other people think really I just wanted to get my point across had much on the mind I wanted to get it all out yes I know its a run on sentence I am a 20 year old man graduated in 2002 for crying out loud well at least it got your attention.

and by insulting me your only gonna make me famous!

If you could care less then you wouldn't care to get any point across.

If you wanted to get your point across you would have made paragraphs and sentences.

If you were a 20 year old who graduated in 2002 you should act it.

People's insults towards you probably will do little. What you are doing to yourself is what is making you famous. Famously idiotic.

I don't want to sound mean. But it is the truth or thats what it seems to me.
#126 Aug 23 2004 at 12:00 AM Rating: Decent
883 posts
Do you think it might be possible not to let Devilwolf continue to take over this thread? He started his own thread to ***** in, let him have his drama fit over there. Just a suggestion.
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