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Bad Player AlertsFollow

#52 Aug 15 2004 at 10:47 PM Rating: Decent
20 posts
Hehe, I wish I could fully remember this person's name... I know it began with "Silver" but I don't remember what the second part was... It was something like "Silvercloud", or "Silverstreak", or something... Ugh, anyways...
Very obviously a n00b. He/She plays a Mithra, so I'll just assume that it's a boy. Anyway, I'm in Valkurm trying to level up Thief to 15 so I could have Treasure Hunter when I go farming. I get into a party which contains four new players (no subjob,) me, and a guy who I think had very recently hit level 18 and had gotten his subjob. This "Silver...something" WHM is doing a decent job of keeping everybody alive, and I'm thinking "Wow, I've finally gotten into a good party in Valk!" Then, Silver starts using curaga when only one or two people are hurt. This person is very obviously obsessed with healing, but you will see that he is so horribly uninformed and stubbornly refuses to be informed. This is how it started...
<Silver...something> : Dont hit call for help cuz we won't get any exp
<Me> : Yeah, unless we're all about to die lol
<Silver...something> : No, just don't hit it! we need exp!
<Me> : Yeah, but I'd rather miss out on 50-80 exp than lose 250 exp by dieing.

Well, the conversation didn't go much farther than that, and I don't remember exactly what was said, but you get the basic idea. Anyway, we get into trouble, and three people die. Then, after these people have perished, Silver...something uses Benediction, and, as Bene usually does, draws MASSIVE aggro. Well, Silver...something dies, and I Call For Help. A few level 50+ people were RIGHT next to us, saying "Call for help!", while Silver...something kept on saying "Don't call for help!" Well, the 50+ players kill off the thing that had killed just about all of us. This is how the party window lit up...
<Silver...something> : YOU DUMBASS BIOTCH
<Me> : ?
<Silver...something> : DONT CALL FOR HELP NOW WE GET NO EXP!!
<Me> : I don't think that really matters to more than half the party at the moment...
<Silver...something> : I HAD IT UNDER CONTROL
<Me> : Um, you cast Benediction during a fight without a Paladin. You sucked all the hate off of the tank.
<Silver...something> : SUCKING HATE IS A GOOD THING
<Me> : You really need to figure out what a WHM is.
<OtherPlayer> : Silver... I don't think she's that dumb... she's the only one out of us that hasn't died yet...

At that point, I just left the party. Never have I met a WHM that was so confused as to what his or her job was. He then went on to argue with the 50+ players about various things... I wasn't there to hear it, but it was relayed to me by a friend who had decided to listen to the argument while spamming /laugh. Apparently she was also under the misconcpetion that Ranger could only be used as a subjob! Hmm...

Eesh, sorry 'bout the long post... I tend to ramble... sorry! ^_^;;

(AUGH, I wish I could remember his full name!!)
#53 Aug 15 2004 at 10:54 PM Rating: Decent
Eleusynia, feiw: the correct spelling is 'Maxximus', there's 2 Xs. (don't want to get the name mixed up with some other innocent player) ^^

Edited, Sun Aug 15 23:55:36 2004 by Avitue
#54 Aug 16 2004 at 12:54 AM Rating: Decent
Oops...edited ^^
#55 Aug 16 2004 at 7:28 AM Rating: Good
642 posts
Edited, sorry about that ^^"
#56 Aug 16 2004 at 9:16 AM Rating: Decent
1,315 posts
Don't know if this makes a "Bad PLayer" but it was hela jerky.

Short Version, and I quote...

I was running through Dunes heading to Golden Bat camp. I get a random /tell "help"

So, I spin around to see some guy running and a Goblin (Ambusher I think it was) chasing him. By the time he stops (which was quickly) he is basically too far for me to run to him. Why he did not run towards me to close the gap I have no clue.

So, I pull back my bow. Anyone with any sense realizes Ranged Weapons (Great Bow +1)are not the quickest things in the game, and I am RNG/NIN {Sorry, No Provoke}. By the time my bow lets loose it hits him twice and he drops. Not my fault, I tried, sorry.

Then I get this..from Cboy

Cboy>> "come on"
Me>> "sorry bow is too slow"
Cboy>> "then get another one"
Me>> "***** you buddy"
Cboy>> "I have a 55 pld you are only 30 something"
Cboy>> "newb"

So I attempt to write back, "who cares, what does the level of your other char. have **** to do with this, I tried to help and it didn't work out so don't be a jerk."

It said was not received, and the random name Foxmcloud popped up in my return /tell name, so I am assuming he switched to his mule real quick, who knows.

Anyhow, next time I'll just give them the {Sorry, I do not speak any English}

#57 Aug 16 2004 at 9:38 AM Rating: Decent
I'd like to add a player to this list. He may not be the worst player ever, but he definitely gets my vote for most annoying. Be on the lookout for a player named:

I was in Qufim last night and invited this taru drk to my party. He spent the better part of 2 hours explaining that his level 30 war/thf could hold hate better than any player period. He complained that he could take hate from our paladin too much.

On top of that I was the only whm and we were fighting clippers and everytime I cast Dia he would cast Bio. I asked him to stop doing that because it was cancelling out my Dia, then we threw a ???? fit. He said he needed to cap his dark skill. Then he said it was capped like 5 minutes later WTF??

The guy even had in his voke macro "N00B level your sub and upgrade your equipment" Overall this guy was arrogant, cocky, and had a holier than thou attitude about him. I was complaining about him to one of my LS mebers and guess what? He knew this pr*cks name before I even told it to him. Smiley: rolleyes

Apparently my LS buddy ran into him in Valkurm and he was shouting n00b to everyone like every 5 minutes. Just an overall bad party experience with him. Avoid him if you can!
#58 Aug 16 2004 at 2:45 PM Rating: Decent
28 posts
Sparticus --> SneakyWeaky

I second that notion. This guy sucks, ive seen himin the dunes

Cboy. Yeah, ive seen him, he is a high-lvl PLD, with the same ****** equip as always, this guys really arrogant, i PT'd with him way back in the day.

BTW im a hume RDM lvl 17 in sandy, if any of you have seen me
#59 Aug 16 2004 at 9:10 PM Rating: Decent
Wow, you could actually understand what Cinamin was saying? I remember when he was a cocky little RDM trying to group with me and my friends, all he would do is cast usless Barstona just to level that up. and he would say things like " Msb I'm himfry " " I wsme a Wafglee "

We later got a translator and found out he was hungry and wanted a Waffle...
#60 Aug 18 2004 at 3:33 AM Rating: Decent
Well this list is long but some of the people on the list i partyed with and had not to much of a Problem they would say some dumb thing but thats about it. One person i dont like was Angeloup?. this person was a whm in the dunes ATM and join my group. after 3 fights with our tank and 800 xpp gain in 25 min he leaves when the puller pulls we died horriblie. then this personn has the nerve too LFG shout while we died. i havent seen this person in a while and thank god for it.i dont really know if am a bad player but i try my best in a group. this is my first post just wanted to add something. see ya peeps.

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------41 rdm 23 whm 20 blm 16 thf 14 war 11 drk
LS groups
LORDS, DWP, fallenangels
34 beastmman seals/rank 3
#61 Aug 18 2004 at 6:56 AM Rating: Decent
Sheeba is one of the best RDMs I have ever played with if she didnt raise you it was becase at lvl 20 you cant raise. Also Onix is not her brother. They are friends period.
I would trust Sheeba with any aspect in the game.

Lvl 60 PLD/WAR

Edited, Wed Aug 18 08:03:04 2004 by Devilsluck
#62 Aug 18 2004 at 8:49 AM Rating: Decent
134 posts
Please take Woe off of the bad players list.

He is a perfectly capable player, and one of the best party leaders I've had the pleasure of playing with. He is by no means a competent and fair linkshell leader, but that does not make him a bad player. He works with people well in party situations, and emergency situations.

If you want to start a list about bad linkshell leaders, put that on there, but otherwise please digress. If you need proof, try inviting him.

#63 Aug 18 2004 at 9:18 AM Rating: Decent
996 posts
Okay. I can't remember the name, and this guy didn't **** me off enough to warrant a /blist, but I still want to rant about it.

Bastokan Rank 2 WHM named something like Phaelean.

I was going to Giddeus to farm yesterday, and he sent me a /tell in the way in asking him to help get his Giddeus key for Kazham. The first clue I should have had is that he couldn't figure out how to invite me.

Him: You're not showing up.
Me: Use /sea all valcrist.
Him: Duh.
Him: You're not showing up there.
Me: Sorry, most people don't know how to invite without using Find Members. You wouldn't believe how many people I have to teach how to invite by hand.
Him: I've been playing this game for a long time. I know what I'm doing.
Me: Well, you're /anon, so it's not like I'd have any way of knowing. :P

Halfway to the back room, it hit me how stupid I was being - How exactly could he assert himself as having longer playtime than me without even having gone to Kazham (and therefore not having gone above Lv. 25)? I mean, I know it's possible, but that doesn't mean it's likely...or smart.

Then he kept trying to Sneak/Inviz us. Yeah...because the only things that would aggro on me here are the very things you're here to fight. I kept trying to get him to stop, at the very least with the Sneak, since only the wasps would aggro on him on sound, and I can one-hit those.

Then after invizing me, he asked me to wait up, complaining that since I was invisible, he couldn't autofollow. "Yes you can." "No you can't". "Dude, you can. Inviz yourself and I'll prove it." He did, and I did. And he still didn't beleive me. I was already growing really weary of this guy, but he wasn't putting me in mortal danger, so no big deal.

Then he finally went off /anon, and I saw a WHM25/MNK12. MNK as a sub? ...interesting... and Bastok Rank 2. Well, I guess you're not as hardcore as you claim to be...

Luckily, we got his key on the third drop, and he Instant Warp'ed out of there, but not without offering me a linkpearl of course. Heh...thanks, but NO THANKS.

Anyway, since he's on his way to Kazham now, I just wanted to warn you guys off of him. Yet another full-of-himself WHM...

Edited, Wed Aug 18 10:20:34 2004 by Cutriss
#64 Aug 18 2004 at 6:34 PM Rating: Decent

Edited, Wed Aug 18 19:44:58 2004 by Andykiller
#65 Aug 18 2004 at 6:46 PM Rating: Default
49 posts
I hate to talk bad about anyone ....but

Theres a guy ...a elf wm....his name is (Theophany)....some people
think he is nice LOL.....He is the rudest Wm ive ever seen...
#1 Bad player in my book and I have..... I think my list is up to
62 people that wanta kick him off.....and what bothers me is
he is on the good players list LOL....umm yeah if u know him and dont like him send me message here or to my chars vivisan, shimra

goodluck everyone....:)
#66 Aug 18 2004 at 6:54 PM Rating: Decent
"Adding Morphious, Elvaan SMN/WHM."

Ahhh, Morphious, the RDM that thought he can tank, and he had a high DEF. He was a RDM/WAR when I partyed with him in the jungle. And he said the only reason why he wanted to be a RDM so he could heal him self and cast Enthunder... stupid reasons... and then I go "The job of a RDM is to enfeeble and back up heal." Then he says "No, I wanna melee" Then I say "No, help me heal" then he goes "No, I wanna melee" and so on. Then like right before I got 30, he helps me heal. lol.
#67 Aug 18 2004 at 7:12 PM Rating: Decent
49 posts
hey Andykiller...I dont relly remember you but your on my friends list so i must know u from somewhere hehe sorry
#68 Aug 18 2004 at 7:24 PM Rating: Decent
What's your name on it... I think I remember you...
#69 Aug 18 2004 at 7:41 PM Rating: Decent
49 posts
Shimra..or ..Angiesan..??
#70 Aug 18 2004 at 7:48 PM Rating: Decent
Yeah, I remember that name... I dont know how... but, I deleted you off my friends list... awile ago lol. (Talk about Shimra, BTW)
#71 Aug 18 2004 at 7:51 PM Rating: Decent
49 posts
lol o thats why i havent seen u on.....your offline on mine..
i think i knew youack when i was a rdm now im a 20 sumn hehe
#72 Aug 19 2004 at 5:38 AM Rating: Decent
134 posts
Also, I'd appreciate it if you would also take Anitra off of that list. She is one of the players that coasts this game by using SKILL. She is literate and has a very good understanding of what works and what doesn't. As long as you're aware of your behavior around her, I doubt you should have little more than a text-scuffle. People set their standards, and if they're high, more power to them.

The names Woe and Anitra were added to that list because of linkshell drama, and no other reason. If you want to start a grudge list, be my guest, but it won't benefit anyone but the individual gaining gratification from knowing that Bismarck server knows someone had done them wrong.

Aside from that, anyone who would be so low as to put someone on a grudge list is probably too selfish to care about anyone else having wrong done to them. Point in case, forgive and forget, because it's falling on deaf ears.

#73 Aug 19 2004 at 6:38 AM Rating: Good
642 posts
No one is going to be taken off the list, regardless of anything. This is just an opinion board, just as it is your opinion that someone is NOT a bad player, it is someone else's opinion that they are. If you want to rebute a bad player posting, by all means, you're more than entitled to, but do it in the Good players forum please and thank you.

This thread is only meant as an informative list to people who like using it (like myself) and it gets hard to find what we are looking for when posts start arguing back and forth over one player.

** Maybe you could just add a short post here that this person is also on the good players list and then post your reasons over on that thread?

Edited, Thu Aug 19 07:54:34 2004 by Eleusynia
#74 Aug 19 2004 at 7:32 AM Rating: Decent
134 posts
That concept is ridiculous, then. Unless these are truly bad players, people could be discluded from parties for no apparent reason. People are influenced by other's opnions, especially on a board as popular as this one. If they see Anitra, for example, on the bad player list, and somebody in the recruiting party says, "I hear she's a bad player." and somebody else backs up the same statement with the same source, they're obviously not going to give her a spot in that party, are they?

So now that I give thought to it, if that's the way this works, then what's the point? Oh, right. So this is a grudge list, then? People are only reading it to see if their names have been placed in such a demeaning fashion. Because certainly a list with such sundry, second-hand information couldn't possibly be more helpful that it is most certainly harmful.

It just doesn't seem fair to run it that way, if the opinions are represented as facts, then that is wrong, and hurtful to those who really are dedicated members to Final Fantasy Eleven.


Edited, Thu Aug 19 08:39:47 2004 by Ferra

Edited, Thu Aug 19 08:41:18 2004 by Ferra
#75 Aug 19 2004 at 7:43 AM Rating: Good
642 posts
I did say that a short post in here letting people know that this person was also on the good players list was a good idea.

I edited everything else out because I'm just doing what I asked not happen, arguing about something on this thread.

All I meant by my post was that no one can be removed from the list so its rather pointless to suggest that. If you have a differeing opinion from that posted here, by all means, we'd love to hear it as well, but preferably in the good player list.

If someone takes the time to read this thread and let it affect their thoughts on someone, then they are also more than likely taking the same time to read the good players list and will note that some people are listed on both.

Edited, Thu Aug 19 09:11:18 2004 by Eleusynia
#76 Aug 19 2004 at 10:33 AM Rating: Decent
5,645 posts
Posting from that place we put that thing that time

ahhh hackers reference ^^ sorry for the OT post, just thought that was clever.
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