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#377 Sep 17 2004 at 1:11 PM Rating: Decent
996 posts
Ugh...Synapsis's long posts and dburton's lack of grammar/punctuation/capitalization are making me dizzy. Could someone just tell me who's right and who's wrong? :P
#378 Sep 17 2004 at 1:18 PM Rating: Good
642 posts
Does anyone else notice a trend with this thread?

I mean I enjoy a good episode of the Jerry Springer show as much as the next person, really I do. 0_o

But that's done in an hour. Can someone get started on a nice "Final Thought" so we can all move on with our lives?

Edited, Fri Sep 17 14:21:32 2004 by Eleusynia
#379 Sep 17 2004 at 1:22 PM Rating: Default

I'm terribly sorry for the length of my posts. Honestly I almost NEVER post on boards. it takes something REALLY big to get this windbag going

Once I'm going it just never stops lol.

Call my posts the balance to all the
"u r a ***"
" No! U R!!"
"No!!! U!!!"

that permeates this, and sooooo many other forums

Please Contribute to literacy. Start typing FULL words, you only shortchange yourself when you cannot express yourself like a real person.

/em is plowed over by the flying "The more you know" comet and encouraging music....
#380 Sep 17 2004 at 1:39 PM Rating: Decent
One of our original rules that was set is that we do not steal HNMs, and we still follow it 'til this day. We let everyone in the group that claimed it wipe (or ask us to take it off them) before we even engage it. If that somehow means we lose the claim to another waiting LS that claims it before the last person dies, then so be it. There was one incident where somehow we got the claim in the middle of someone else's HNM. We immediately returned it and gave our apologies.

I find it hilarious at what you just said. It is completely taken out of context. The HNM you are referring to is Fafnir. Macross slept Fafnir when Retreat was in the middle of killing it. When it woke it woke up, it promptly wiped out the rest of their alliance while Lunies still had claim, which prevented Retreat from doing anything. Yes, all of you Escaped so you technically returned it to their butchered alliance in which the RDMs and tanks were killed by the claimed Fafnir. I was told that most Retreat's RDMs and tanks were still alive so the fight was far from finish. I was also told that you did apologize but what's an apology worth. You don't seem to like to hear apologies from other people anyway.

The funny thing about the Lunarians from what I have told is that they think that it is wrong for someone to train at them but it is perfectly ok for them to train. BR is a Japanese LS so their PR department in the NA population is nonexistent. Perhaps BR is wrong in the Amikiri incident, but you can't deny training them (maybe you can since only this statement will reach everyone). That's probably the part of the story that most NA don't know since JPN don't really care what kind of crap is stated in NA conversations and rumors. Ironcially, the Lunarians got furious when someone from BR "trained" at them even though he wasn't really training and that person and his party apologized profusely. But how can Lunarians pass this opportunity to use this story as an excellent opportunity for more pro-Lunarians, anti-BR propaganda. I was told that even months after the incident Rudo continues to use this story as an example of how BR trains even after he was told many times that his interpretaion of the incident is false. By the way the person that did this left FFXI the next day because it was depressing. Just to mention, if you ask anyone that knew that guy personally, that person would would tell you that he is extremely nice and would never train at anyone.

As for regular NM stealing I know a lot of friends that have a lot of personal accounts of incidents in which people from the Lunarians stole their NMs. By steal they meant, someone claiming something that lost claim due to a bug/glitch. I know that this paragraph lacks proper nouns but the details of the previous two paragraphs should be indicative of the truth of this. I don't want to sound like a crybaby and give names. But anyway, I do wish that the Lunarians were made of better people but I don't hear anything good about them individually. But what can be done? I guess and LS cannot be responsible for the actions of it's individual. If the Lunarians are really that close perhaps you should get things straight and stop this kind of crap from happening. But maybe it's just inevitable. Lunarians are really good at PR. If you walk around Port Jueno, you can see all sorts of Lunarians with their nice equipment idling like status of worship, trying to demonostrate their uberness. Lowbie and Veterans alike probably walk around catching glimpse of them and saying, "Wow, so that's a Lunarian, I WANNA BE ONE!". Roflmao, how pathetic.

PS. I heard that you took Serket from another LS long ago. Durandul maybe?? I don't know for sure since my friends who told me were not there personally. Perhaps it's a rumor but all rumors carry a certain bit of truth. Only the Lunarians can elaborate on the incident.

Edited, Fri Sep 17 14:45:27 2004 by ChronoCrusadeB
#381 Sep 17 2004 at 2:16 PM Rating: Decent
But that's done in an hour. Can someone get started on a nice "Final Thought" so we can all move on with our lives?

Ok, Final Thought.

You got the good linkshells, you got the bad linkshells, and you got the ugly linkshells. In every ls there are good and bad people. Thus, address a Bad player post to a PATICULAR person or persons, and not at a whole linkshell. If I was a jerk in Nightsfallfavor and could actually live long enough to train a Marlboro (lvl 30 remember) into someone's camp, would that mean that everyone in the linkshell was bad?

We went through this with the DWP folks, remember???

The actions of a few do not define all, unless you are truly ignorant enough to blanket everyone like that. I want PROOF that every single player in a linkshell is a horrible person first, THEN AND ONLY THEN will I be willing to believe that a linkshell is bad.

Until every single Lunarian member is listed here with actual PROOF, I am going to hold my judgement on the linkshell.

I know I am making some form of sense here...

Can we move on now?

Edited, Fri Sep 17 15:17:39 2004 by Nightsintdreams
Proud citizen of Miranda.

-Currently on Pochacco Server of Hello Kitty Online.
#382 Sep 17 2004 at 2:23 PM Rating: Good
642 posts
*Loud applause and screams of "Jerry, Jerry, Jerry" as the credits roll*

Yay!! it's over!
#383 Sep 17 2004 at 2:25 PM Rating: Decent

Thank you.
Proud citizen of Miranda.

-Currently on Pochacco Server of Hello Kitty Online.
#384 Sep 17 2004 at 2:33 PM Rating: Decent
762 posts
I wonder what TheOneTrueBelgarath's Thought of the Day was..

*turns off filter to check*

Nope, no post!

Edited, Fri Sep 17 15:36:45 2004 by Clerico
#385 Sep 17 2004 at 2:34 PM Rating: Decent
Proud citizen of Miranda.

-Currently on Pochacco Server of Hello Kitty Online.
#386 Sep 17 2004 at 2:46 PM Rating: Default

Cambot wrote:

While partying in Garlaige, he kept pulling too quickly despite numerous messages by the whm, the sam, and myself and got the sam and I killed a few times before he disbands, saying that the WHM sucks and that when he was leveling with his 62 WHM, he did not need all that mp (nevermind the fact that a war/mnk tank doesn't have the luxury or healing himself/Utsuemi).

funny how you can judge someone when you pt with him once only?
I pt with the taru once and he done a good job for me, so I would hate to say he is good or bad player since I only pt with him once, maybe you should do the same before you post your complain...

Edited, Fri Sep 17 16:03:07 2004 by YellowSkins
#387 Sep 17 2004 at 3:41 PM Rating: Default
So uh...where are the ducks? =/
#388 Sep 17 2004 at 3:48 PM Rating: Decent
353 posts
Sadly, they're on backorder.


#389 Sep 17 2004 at 4:13 PM Rating: Default
Heya, Nipper from Averyl here.

I know the whole "Lunarians are mean and arrogant" thing is closed, but, i can't help myself, had to add something. You guys all say they have the best gear right? Well, yes, they do. You say they rule everything they do? As far as i know, they do that too. Sometimes "they are arrogant", i'm sure they are, but, you know why it doesn't matter? BECAUSE THEY WORKED THEIR ASSES OFF FOR IT IS WHY. Geez with you people. I know a few Lunarians, not as many as i should i guess. But, all the ones i know are nice people and would probly cut their arm off to help you if they can. Instead of giving them a hard time for something that effected you ONCE, try to give them credit for everything they have done. Kthxbai.

#390 Sep 17 2004 at 4:44 PM Rating: Decent
996 posts
Eleusynia wrote:
*Loud applause and screams of "Jerry, Jerry, Jerry" as the credits roll*
Jerrya! Jerryb! Jerryc! Jerryd! Jerrye! (etc etc etc)

#391 Sep 17 2004 at 5:25 PM Rating: Decent
OOOO!!! someone who wants to bring up past drama!!!!!

BR and Lunies have a very sordid past, stemming from PRE HNM hate from elfzombie (regretfully once a very good friend) Billmade, Minidragon and others ( bill and Mini are ex lunies)

FIRST the fafnir "MPK" 2 people were standing PLD Jimy and RDM Minidragon. NOONE ELSE there was no "alliance" to die. Macross got overeager, and instead of waiting 14 seconds while mini died from failed sleep, then jimy, he jumped in and "saved" them. Our ENTIRE ls at this point SCREAMED at mac "WTF" and instead of jumping in and killing the fafnir at 5% we told jimy we were escaping because even for BR we refuse to steal a HNM.

We left, mini and jimy died because they didnt take the chance to leave while they could, and we came back to kill the now 100% faffy.

NOW since you want to bring up old history about MPK play, lets get dirty. the first MPK By BR of Lunarians

the Amikiri incident. in simple terms.
We miffed the pull on amikiri, thief died mid pull but it was still following from hate on the pld running it up to Bune's area

Jimy's direct order.. STEAL IT! so they try to claim it, without provoke... they take the claim but leave it on our pld to kill him first before they take control of the mob. HOW NICE OF THEM

YES right during the battle one of our people "Accidentally" trained them ( yea right, it's NEVER an accident and i'll say that myself) and the bad blood flows. You deliberately kill our people on a pull, people are going to react badly. so no moral high ground for us, both sides behaved VERY badly that day.

Garliage days later... BR has serket and it goes unclaimed at 1%
Ljarin and Paul steal it, kill it, and tell BR outright it's to make us even for their theft of Amikiri. This earned what seemed to be a HONEST APOLOGY FROM JIMY for the incident. a VERY confused Durandal was near, but once things were explained to them they agreed with our actions.

ALL drama over, nothing more than "we dont like you you dont like us" but nothing more

3 weeks later BR starts training us during Fafnir out of the blue
once unsucsessfully, once they got us.

Now, I related that as drama and bias free as possible.

BR got a hold of Faffy again, invited every mid 60 player they could find and then spent 5 hours wiping out to the lizard. we have logs and screenshots of us laughing our asses off at them and predicting EVERY spike flail they caused as they did it.
Br's response... to start a slander campaign saying we cured them and caused spike flails, (which if we had WE would have been the ones dying, not them) I worked with Jimy and Elf before BR was formed and before Ijoined Lunies. the only real tactic they have is "throw people at it and replace them as they die"

Then all of a sudden we MPKed them because we GIVE IT BACK after a stupid claim, true, they had 2 people standing. mini should have had PLENTY of time to get recast back on sleep 2 at that point. but get your facts straight. ONLY Mini and Jimy were standing.

The sad thing is BR can change their name, Retreat, Blue, or AlphaOmega. it's the SAME BR ( btw why so many name changes... cant risk people figuring out who you are? ) and the same BR that has a LONG history of Steals, kills and general bad behaviour.

At least they cant blame us for todays wipe to faffy. it's still up and even with a really REALLY good player like Laomedon to direct them, they STILL can't kill it with any regularity.

Before you try labeling us, try getting both sides of the story.

Maybe next time someone tries this, I'll reply with my LS bias talking.

PS as to " it was an accident" and peoples pt apologizing it's a VERY large room, when you RUN RIGHT AT THE PARTY FIGHTING, STOP AND DIE you put the lie to anything "accidental"

PPS oh yes chronocrusade.. you seem to have a lot of information for someone I've never seen... with ONE post... too afraid to connect your name to your post and have to deal with the consequences? Just another disgruntled BR-er I bet working the slander lines.

PPPS Ummm NO BR was NOT a JPN shell, they were NA AND JPN, JPN lead by jimy, NA by Elfzombie. they DID boot most of their NA players tho when they changed names the first time. (such loyalty)
Edited, Fri Sep 17 18:27:35 2004 by Synapsiswhm

Edited, Fri Sep 17 18:30:30 2004 by Synapsiswhm

Edited, Fri Sep 17 18:33:43 2004 by Synapsiswhm

Edited, Fri Sep 17 18:50:25 2004 by Synapsiswhm
#392 Sep 17 2004 at 5:47 PM Rating: Decent
one more thought.

To anyone else wanting to turn this to a "I hate lunies" or ANY other HNM shell or group thread

Grow up, "I heard" " My friends said" are hardly a basis to make an arguement.

If you want to spend your time digging up the past, you might be pulling skeletons out of other peoples closets, and digging up more issues of the past.

You reduce yourself to nothing more than someone spouting cheap gossip, and a drama queen.

Long dead issues that have been set aside are quite fun to relive, but I'm sure the people in BR dont want people talking about say....stunspamming Roc from other LS's, or threatening JPN wide blacklists of players for creative tactics (Lol Chief, how you got that crab out into jugner proper, I dont know but you RULE!!! those idiots who left your shell because they thought BR had any kind of real pull should be kicking their own rears now) or any of a MULTITUDE of other things we could bring up.

If you really wish to bring up the past tho My memory is VERY long and i'm sure we can turn this server as nasty a place as Midgardsormr as far as HNM relations go.

NOW This thread is for BAD PLAYERS. if you have a NAME, and an EVENT please!! Feel free!!!

Dont try to win a war of morals. NO-ONE will win.

Don't try to make single accounts with no connection to yourself either, thats pure cowardice.
#393 Sep 17 2004 at 6:22 PM Rating: Excellent
883 posts
Could I possibly make a suggestion for now and for the future? If a nomination on the bad players thread results in this kind of a prolonged discussion, can the people involved in the dispute start a new thread for said discussion so we can keep this down to a simpler list? Post a link to the new thread so people know where to look for the discussion of the merits, or lack thereof, of the mention of a particular person, but let's please try to keep this thread otherwise clear.

Just a suggestion.
#394 Sep 17 2004 at 7:02 PM Rating: Decent
the Amikiri incident. in simple terms.
We miffed the pull on amikiri, thief died mid pull but it was still following from hate on the pld running it up to Bune's area

Jimy's direct order.. STEAL IT! so they try to claim it, without provoke... they take the claim but leave it on our pld to kill him first before they take control of the mob. HOW NICE OF THEM

YES right during the battle one of our people "Accidentally" trained them ( yea right, it's NEVER an accident and i'll say that myself) and the bad blood flows. You deliberately kill our people on a pull, people are going to react badly. so no moral high ground for us, both sides behaved VERY badly that day.

Your memory is pretty bad. Let me state what happened. So Fira pulls and you are right, it was a rush pull. BR was there by the way. On the way Fira dies, Kristien does Invincible that happens. Well hate is on Kristien, but Dayofpain provokes Amikiri claiming it while it is on Kristien. Everyone struggles to cure Kristien but that doesn't work and she evetually falls.

As you can tell from my language that I am pretty objective in my description of the events. I don't need to dress is up with vague inflammatory language. I did mention that BR might be the one at fault since BR is the cause. But do you really think Jimy said all these things or is tha what you would like to believe? But regardless of what happened, I just want this to be an example of an incident in which Lunarians train. Admit it, you are not as impeccable as you are leading the masses to believe. As to HNM steal, well, you did steal, and justification does not change that fact.

The sad thing is BR can change their name, Retreat, Blue, or AlphaOmega. it's the SAME BR ( btw why so many name changes... cant risk people figuring out who you are? ) and the same BR that has a LONG history of Steals, kills and general bad behaviour.

You mentioned all this about BR. You have accused others in this thread of making blanket statements, and vague generalization. Well you are doing precisely the same here. Care to elaborate as to what you are referring to specfically.

I am not interested in slandering Lunarians or defending BR. But the conflict between these two LSes is a good place to look for incidents in which Lunarians did not do what was "right".
#395 Sep 17 2004 at 7:56 PM Rating: Decent
Jimy said all these things or is tha what you would like to believe?
WE only have the people in YOUR alliance (thora, lufiita) telling us this to rely on... I guess thats a poor source. How DARE we believe people partied with jimy... We should have believed what he told the GM's "they were training amikiri on low levels and we SAVED them"

Side noteleave poor thora out of this, they nearly quit because of these actions and don't deserve having history slapped in thier faces. Same goes for lufitia.

And as to our "glowing" rep. We arent angels and i've never professed us to be such.

if you really want to dig up old drama thats your choice. this isnt the place for it.

and honestly, I agree i've been guilty of the same Crass generalization i've been railing against as well. for that I DO apologize, more than a few people in BR have had little to nothing to do with any of these sad events and wanted nothing more than HNM kills, not drama dating back before anyone was level 50

Suddenly your memory of the event is MUCH stronger!!! AMAZING now if you want to IDENTIFY yourself and try this again feel free

"You did train, and you did steal"
Pot, kettle, Kettle pot... Want to try moving your soapbox to higher moral ground than this?

I SAID they were trained. I SAID that 2 of our people stole serket from them in response to the Amikiri incident, and at that time everything was OVER.

is reapeating my statement supposed to be a point in your favor? or is the best you have to offer is "This is an example of how lunarians train"

trust me... Elf was MUCH better at training people, and not for stealing HNM.

"Care to elaborate as to what you are referring to specfically."
Care to start a War? YOU are the one who started digging up skeletons in an UNRELATED post, YOU are the one who sees fit to ignore the entire point of this thread for a personal grudge. If you really desire a line by line listing of every person offended, trained, killed, or stolen from look somewhere else. or PM me, I can Fill you in for HOURS, I ptd with Bill elf and jimy myself, so I know EXACTLY what went on.


Now to continue this publically serves no purpose. why don't you go back to whispering around how we caused all those spike flails and mpked you again? then you wont have to deal with me anymore.

"Lunarians are really good at PR. If you walk around Port Jueno, you can see all sorts of Lunarians with their nice equipment idling like status of worship, trying to demonostrate their uberness. Lowbie and Veterans alike probably walk around catching glimpse of them and saying, "Wow, so that's a Lunarian, I WANNA BE ONE!". Roflmao, how pathetic. "

Yea We're so egotistical, not only do we have neat armor, but we WEAR it while we're in the related job... i'll make sure everyone walks around naked from now on. all those throngs of adoring people strewing rose petals in our path are getting annoying...
Not at all like people wearing enhancing sword, kraken club and Scorp harnesses and sitting for hours at a time...

Pot? Kettle?

Coffee? tea?

Edited, Fri Sep 17 21:54:38 2004 by Synapsiswhm
#396 Sep 17 2004 at 8:17 PM Rating: Good
103 posts
Continuing this conversation here after several people have already expressed a concern that it is both irrelevant to this thread as well as unecessary borders on a tad rude.

Please take this drama/discussion elsewhere, so this thread can finally stay on topic for more than a week. :S ALL parties, either discuss this via PMs or create a seperate thread for it. You've hijacked 2 pages worth of throwing insults and defaulting accusations left and right. I don't care who was at fault, nor am I taking sides (I can't even see the sides any more). I just want this thread to finally return to warning people about those who will, with clear intention, cause them distress and harm and those who are clearly ignorant of all social graces and kindness.

Here it comes. ><;;

<rate down>

<rate down>

Edited, Fri Sep 17 21:20:03 2004 by endsville
#397 Sep 17 2004 at 8:19 PM Rating: Decent
#398 Sep 17 2004 at 10:49 PM Rating: Decent
this has been really interesting

/em slaps the worshiper for throwing a rose petal that didn't land directly before him.

oh yeah, Nipper sucks too :P
#399 Sep 17 2004 at 11:06 PM Rating: Good
Two things.

The incident I mentioned with the Lunarians didn't happen. >< I spoke with the friend in question, and as it turned out this stemmed from a party he was in with a member of the LS, and NOT an mpk incident. The disinformation was inadvertent. <_<
In the unlikely event anyone gives a crap at this point, I apologize. ;)

Secondly, I'm all for everyone having their say, but can we stop with the page-filling he said/she said crap from people who have made accounts JUST to argue?
What's up with people jumping in long after the argument has lost all relevancy in order to further defend the already defended? The POV being down from both sides, everyone reading this page will make up his/her own mind. Please don't let this turn into the kind of excessive silliness that the DWP affair was.

Enough from me too, come to think of it ;)
#400 Sep 18 2004 at 12:26 AM Rating: Decent
THANK YOU Sioux, It takes guts to admit when you make a mistake. you've got major points in my book right there, both as a player, and as a Moral person.

As to people who make accounts to argue, that is not so much of a problem... as long as they have the courage to Attach their names to it, and stand by their statements.

No accountability = cowardice.

You might give some consideration to altering your original post tho just to indicate the change or pointing to this post in particular. Not saying this is a MUST as your own post covers it nicely, but just a thought.

Edited, Sat Sep 18 01:28:58 2004 by Synapsiswhm
#401 Sep 18 2004 at 12:51 AM Rating: Good
I don't care one way or another about the story (got a great laugh from it all though because it doesn't, and never will affect me LOL) but I just wanted to point out that Synapsis, Sioux was talking about you (and perhaps others, but you at least said right out that you just created the account and all 10 of your posts so far are in this thread)

lol dammitaru.. you made me mad enough to make a posting account here...

Just wanted to point it out so that those the remark was directed at would get the "point". Back to the regularly schedule flame fest ^^
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