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Bad Player AlertsFollow

#302 Sep 09 2004 at 1:25 PM Rating: Decent
103 posts
Libien pretended to offer a service and then rescinded on that said agreement and stole someone's gil with the intention of decieving them. The problem isn't the existence of the casinos or even a person's participation in them. It's the fact that this person planned on stealing someone's money, bragged about it, enjoyed it, and is liable to find other ways to do it to other people.
#303 Sep 09 2004 at 2:43 PM Rating: Decent
161 posts
The other day I overheard in /say a Mithra talking about calling a GM. Now out of sheer curiosity I asked her what had happened. She told me that someone named Libien had been running a casino with a 10k maximum bet. This Mithra, being bored and slightly tired, decided to take up the bet and put up her 10k. Libien then ran off with her gil without allowing her to roll. When she asked him to give her her money back he bragged about how she couldn't do anything about it and that he'd get away scot free. This Mithra discussed the matter with a GM who said that Libien has been suspended before for violating the TOS or something of the like. Libien gave the money he stole to his friend Savont who was holding it for him and knew that he had stolen it.

Now as she told me this I was really very dismayed. It boiled down to outright theft and I immediately told my LS, and my BF who was PTing at that moment. He told his PT and Savont and Libien were /blisted by a large number of people. One person from the PT, Jimbo, convinced Savont that he would have to return the money and he did.

I don't know if either Libien or Savont have been duly punished but Savont from what I have heard has quit the game. Please be wary of participating in any casinos, especially any one run by Libien. I promised that Mithra that I would try to make the Bismarck community aware of these two, as it isn't a matter of them being impolite, or even poor players, but a serious lack of ethics.

Now that is odd!! See my post over here:

My post about Hiptaru's casino..

Savont spent the whole time standing there yelling about Hiptaru and how casino's are a joke. Hmm...maybe he was trying to ruin business for Hiptaru for his friend's casino? No idea. That is bizarre that he was doing that and then he helped his friend do that horrible thing to the Mithra.
#304 Sep 09 2004 at 3:00 PM Rating: Decent
103 posts
I don't know what's up with Savont. I've spoken to him in /tells and he knew the money was stolen and he knew how. He gave it back because he was afraid of suspension and simply wanted to help out Libien, whom I think is the "mastermind" of whatever scheme was pulled. Savont apparently has left the game presumably because of school, but from all the things I've heard and seen Libien do, it's Libien that you don't want to trust.

Savont may have been a hapless partner-in-crime. *shrug*
#305 Sep 09 2004 at 6:34 PM Rating: Default
ok this is a **** off and i think i should be taken off the list... im guessing i was put on there for the replacing a memeber while d.c first of all i replaced him cause it was the 3rd time he d/c and he wasent coming back...
#306 Sep 09 2004 at 6:44 PM Rating: Good
No Lilblob, I put you here.

I added you to this list after that party in Valkrum, thirty levels ago. You were our WHM. I know Xanoxonax and Gailen were in that party with us, the others I don't recall.

You were climbing all over us to take a Ghoul that had popped nearby; we were camping in the trees north of the La Theine zone. You were about to level, you wanted the ghoul, etc, etc.
We didn't want the Ghoul. Had no BLM and were down one member.

So you ran over and cast Dia on that ghoul. You're lucky that all of us had some sense of party loyalty, or we'd have let the thing chop you into Taru salad.

So we voked the ghoul off you and fought it. When we killed it, every one of us was in the orange.
You leveled, disbanded immediately, and ran off without a word, leaving us to heal back the damage on our knees.

Fair reason for your being here, I think.
#307 Sep 09 2004 at 8:30 PM Rating: Default
hummmm i dont recall doing that ..... besides.... i never pull... ever... ever ... ever.... and if i did im sorry lol... musta bean when i was a n00b lol... but... now im completly alot better now and im sorry if iv done anything to **** you off in the past but all i ask is to be taken off this list... as it seams to rip off the reputation i have.... thank you...

Edited, Thu Sep 9 21:36:45 2004 by LilBlob

edit : wait i think it might be when i hit lvl 18... and its cause i really wanted to get my sub class not sure... :/

Edited, Thu Sep 9 21:40:30 2004 by LilBlob
#308 Sep 10 2004 at 7:46 PM Rating: Decent
Yes i would also like to second on Lucun and Libien. Lucun keeps stealing mine and everyone around hers mining points in the grotto and Libien cheated that little taru in shout in the middle of south san d'oria. It was a little hard to miss that one.
#309 Sep 10 2004 at 7:54 PM Rating: Decent
Oh i would also like to add Drunkenboxer(unsure of spelling) now that i think of it.

I was in a pt in Qufim when this guy gets agroed by a giant and a wight. I tell him to zone to Jeuno alone so that there is no party agro and such. He starts flipping out telling me to f*** off and that it was my responsibility as the tank to zone HIS agroes. He zone safely. The whm was a Japanese player so didnt understand not to follow and our downtime was like 30 minutes after that ***** up. He then proceeds to keep insulting me with very vulgar language. I (and 2 others) then die on our next fight because of him and he refuses to get me a raise and looked for only raises for the others. Btw he was the only other english language speaking person in the party that was not dead. So i was stuck having to go to my HP in San D'Oria because of his trivial imaturity(once again unsure of spelling). Beware of this guy and his attitude.
#310 Sep 11 2004 at 12:24 AM Rating: Decent
996 posts

I think this one's a single-person/multiple-PC player, as there were several other players in Giddeus with similar names (Marryberry, Somethingelseberry) and they were all running around together except Marrybaby.

Anyhoo, I'm fighting 2nd-tier Yagudo with two of my RL friends in the game, and this chump starts charging through the area underneath Hoo's plateau with about 10 Yagudo in his wake. No biggie, I've seen plenty of trains.

Then he takes them right into our camp (while we're fighting), and then just sits there for a minute. As he stands still, some of the Yagudo he picked up via Link start noticing that...hey...we're beating up on their friend. They start turning attention to us.

After a minute of me screaming at him in all caps (/say STOP TRAINING THROUGH OUR CAMP PLEASE), he leaves. And then comes back again twice more in the next ten minutes. He does the same thing. >.<
#311 Sep 11 2004 at 12:27 AM Rating: Decent
I thought I saw Ladyriku in here somewhere...
Anyway I gotta say that yeah, her name belongs on this list...Seemed to be acting drunk on shout all night, I don't mind people who are ACTUALLY drunk, but people who fake it **** me off.
Anyway, it got annoying, so yeah, going under my "moron list".
#312 Sep 11 2004 at 7:04 AM Rating: Decent
383 posts
Id be inclined to agree on Drunkenboxer

Im not sure how this happeend, but he managed to be in every PT I was in for 2 days it seemed like.

We were in Garlaige, And the first couple of PTs we were in were adequate, Not great. and i didnt notice anything.

The latter 2 parties I started noticing bad things.

First off, He was a DRK In RSE. and kept taking his pants and shirt off. Which i thought a little immature, but hey.. we all have unique sense of humor.

He inspected me many times, and I finally got frustrated, and inspected him back. He was wearing lvl 15 "bastok" CP gear except for his chest peice which again was RSE. Now im not one to judge. I can understand being poor in game, and not being able to upgrade.

I did start to notice that he was a manasponge when he picked up aggro, And being a DRK that was usually at least once a fight. Me being an Elvaan WHM, in 3 peices of RSE, Made it hard for me to keep up with his HP loss.

Again, I did not let this bother me, and trudged on. What bothered me , Was once, when the PT had died, the rest of the PT started griping, placing blame, ect, (like pts end up doing when death occurs, most times) Our Tank told him to change his sub from what i think was SAM to WAR/THF or whatever.

Something i dont appreciate either. But it was his responses that got me. He kept whining and complaining, trying to justify his choice in subjob, and then got to the point where he ended up begging the PT to kick him out.

Well, eventually he was obliged.

Im not saying hes ness. a bad player. He was just underequipped as a DRK, and rather immature which made him more of an annoyance than someone id call a bad player.
#313 Sep 11 2004 at 9:48 AM Rating: Decent
40 posts
He(drunkenboxer) also doesn't take advice very well...i was leveling my war sub a few days ago with him in the party. His constant use of soul eater was eating up hate and the mp of the mages. That alone gave us much more downtime. I suggested he only use soul eater during WS, but he would not listen. Also he refused to be in skillchain because he "wanted to maximize his dmg".
#314 Sep 11 2004 at 1:50 PM Rating: Decent
251 posts
I post this for the sake of not necessarily adding a bad player, but adding a warning to people, who will hopefully be able to prevent this guy from becoming a bad player.

A few recent posts have named Drunkenboxer. Theres another guy out there, who I believe is actually a different person, but seems to be friends with Drunkenboxer: Drunkenfighter.

Drunkenfighter, last I saw, was in Qufim, and is a classic arrogant dark knight. He likes taking hate, and thinks Berserk + Last Resort + Soul Eater is a good idea frequently. His idea of being a damage dealer is not holding back. At all. While this is admirable, as I understand it, a good damage dealer knows how much hate the tank has, and deals as much damage as they can without taking hate.

I think DF mentioned DB as his friend, and almost seemed to see him as a bit of a mentor. So... point being, watch out for him, and try to reign in that Dark Knight arrogance if you happen to party with him...

Hm. I should probably mention Nimbusyosh, the Paladin I partied in CN with last night (level 37-39 range)... He had +atk gloves from level 15, lvl 20 pants, a +1 str ring, a shell ring, and a rabbit mantle (to name my favorite pieces of gear). He apparently had his level 40 armor paid for, which is a nice thing, but... well, luckily he wasn't tanking. I really would not want to see him tanking with that gear. He claimed the +vit on his eq made up for the lack of def (sacrificing 30 def for 3 vit, when you could instead get +4 from rings relatively cheap? huh?). He also said his level 40 armor would last him until AF. This... didn't seem right to me. He used the typical "I'm poor" excuse.

Just... give these guys a friendly word of advice when you see them :P

Magvius wrote:
I don't agree with casinos but if u trade them money they cna walk away and it is LEGAL.

I disagree - you offer a service (however dubious a service it is) and don't follow through, take money and walk away laughing... If Libien was indeed suspended, doing that is clearly NOT legal. If you give someone money to teleport you, and they laugh and walk away, I would consider reporting that. If you give someone money to PL you or help you with a coffer and they walk away laughing, I would consider reporting that. I'd like to reread the TOS, but I would guess theres something in there that covers it.

Magvius wrote:
There is one way to prevent this then... Just don't play any casinos Plain and simple.

This, on the other hand, I agree with.
#315 Sep 12 2004 at 2:44 AM Rating: Decent
1,297 posts
I've been playing this game since the NA release and haven't met one person that I think deserves to be on a list like this until today. I was playing Summoner in Yuhtunga in a pretty decent group, would have been a great group but we were pretty much playing with 5.

ValkyriePrinces was our White Mage or more correctly she was a wasted 6th space. She's a crappy WHM and a jackass to boot.

-One member of our party lost Protect, he probably cancelled it on accident. Our wonderful WHM refused to cast Protectra II again after he asked for it multiple times. He took a lot of our hits so he really needed it. But, I guess in her eyes it's better to wait until everyone needs it.

-Towards the end of our PT Princes stopped healing altogether. She wasn't AFK though, because a couple times she got hit with Goblin AoE and stood up only to sit back down a few seconds later. This must have gone on for 8-10 fights. Me and the Red Mage noticed it and exchanged a few tells. I didn't say anything in PT chat though, because I was kinda curious to how long this would go on. We were doing just fine without her. One Goblin battle did get out of hand though , like they tend to do in Yuhtunga and we barely survived. Some of us were under 50hp and both the RDM and I were out of mana. Valkyrieprinces had 100% mana. The rest of the party finally noticed and asked her what the hell she was doing. She said she wasn't AFK, but just not curing. Then let everyone know she hadn't been doing anything for 10 battles and did a /laugh emote. She told us that we can't boot her because we'd never find another WHM. But, our leader did just that. She stood around us for awhile laughing and saying crap like, "Don't die fools."

Anyhow, Valkyrieprinces is one of the worst players and definitely the worst person I've met playing this game.
#316 Sep 12 2004 at 1:10 PM Rating: Decent
311 posts
hey i said it was legal i didn't say it was right.
#317 Sep 12 2004 at 2:40 PM Rating: Decent
955 posts
Want to add Dburton onto the list. Last night he trained 4 spiders to us while we were killing Fafnir because he didn't like one of our members. Called GM on him the the GM gave their usual response. We didn't die but it was a pain having to keep Fafnir slept while we killed spiders.
#318 Sep 12 2004 at 7:40 PM Rating: Decent
1,041 posts
Here's one to look out for: Osarion

No idea what the hell he was doing, but I was killing some weak yagudo in the upper open area on the way to the rank 5 door. I had just killed a zealot or some such when I saw this guy run through with a huge train of weak yags. I target him to see if he's actually in trouble or something, but he's at full health so I figure he's having fun. I moved to the opposite side of that map so I wouldn't get train spam. However, for whatever reason, he changes direction and pulls his train past me again...while I'm pulling a prior. I'm a bit nervous, but I got *really* nervous when I notice that his train is starting to move back toward me.

I didn't see how he lost agg. I know he didn't warp because he remained in the castle...might have escaped I guess. Given that he changed direction on me, and I just *happened* to be fighting when he lost agg, I don't think this was some accidental "whoops" kinda thing. I sent him an angry tell and got some careless response.

I'd never met the guy before so no idea what I might have done for him to try an MPK on me. Who knows.

Wise to keep an eye on him if he's in your zone though.
#319 Sep 12 2004 at 10:48 PM Rating: Decent
My bad player would be... Marik.

I don't mean to sound like an idiot but, This guy is a ******.
Im minding my own buisness playing the game... walking around bastok. This guy sends me some idiotic messages, then curses me for no reason. (LOL?)

He refuses to tell me how he got my name, well. I turned the tables on him. Annoyed him so much that he logged off, I hope he blacklists me... Is an idiot, lied to me about a number of things, told me someone hated me and gave him my name (Turned out to be a lie, said person was nice...)

Eh, im just tired, Im just going to play the game and ignore it. (I had a bad day today, if training mobs on idiots was allowed, Id do it all day..... Good thing he isnt in my nation, I will destroy him on the fields of ballista if I see

Edited, Sun Sep 12 23:49:45 2004 by DarkProphet
#320 Sep 13 2004 at 2:31 AM Rating: Decent
103 posts
New addition: Kirrt

I was in a level 23-24 group in Qufim leveling alts and subs. We were going to Lower Delkfutt's Tower to exp off giants but when we get there, several giants and dolls were at the entrance being trained by this Elvaan named Kirrt. We zone and just wait outside for the train to go away.

Kirrt then comes zooming in from outside and zones two Dancing Weapons. We had to zone back into the tower. We pass this off as him just being foolish and ask him to stop. We get to our camp inside the tower and Kirrt trains 3-4 giants and a couple of bats /on us/. I have no idea why, we did nothing to him. He was obviously level 55+ since he wasn't getting hurt, but he was wearing level 20 gear. He didn't respond to our /tells or /says to please stop. We called a GM and got the usual response. After we all had to 2-hour to kill everything he left with a 55 WHM named Vizen.

I really don't understand the mentality of people like this. Is it because we were training low level jobs, did they not like our names, what?! Just watch out for Kirrt, if he even looks as if he may be training something on you, call a GM immediately.

Causing trains like that for no reason in particular is just... wrong.
#321 Sep 13 2004 at 10:24 AM Rating: Decent
1,315 posts
Not necessarily a bad player, but did a real di[/b]ck move last night.

Galka: Screams

Galka named Bellrogg did a /shout for help killing Quad NM's for Rank 5 in Lower Jeuno. I needed it too, and knew someone in my LS who did also, so I sent him a /tell. Real nice guy. He already had this Galka (MNK I believe) Screams in party. I made a comment on how impressive his HP pool was, and got nothing. This guy never said sh[b]
it the whole time, with the acception of a random mistell, so I know he spoke English.

Long story short, we all go all the way to the camp area for the weaker of the two Quads and Screams just disbands and starts running off! No message why, no complaints, nothing...just wastes all that time going there, waits 50 seconds then bolts. What an a[b][/b]ss. Members of our group even sent him a /tell asking wtf? and he/she never responded. Who knows. People are just inconsiderate.

Edited, Mon Sep 13 11:24:32 2004 by Trizzoro
#322 Sep 13 2004 at 10:50 AM Rating: Decent
172 posts
I second that Screams is just an idiot. He sent me a blind invite to a party of 3 MNKs (one being him), 1 THF and a RDM/NIN. I was already a THF. I accepted, looked at the list, and told him (Thanks for the offer, but I'll have to pass). I disbanded party, and he reinvites me. I decline. Someone sends me a /tell explaining their group and the level spread, and it seemed pretty good to me. I let them know that I'm willing to join, but Screams keeps inviting me so I can't accept the invite to the good party. I tell Screams to stop inviting me, but he doesn't quit. FINALLY the other party leader got an invite before Screams could, so I was able to join the good party. I flamed Screams to death but he never responded with anything.

Another guy that you might want to watch out for is Ashtarr. I don't know what level he's on now, but he was a hume 36 RDM / 15 NIN. He wore Attack+ earrings, Strength+ rings, 1H Sword that doesn't give any bonuses, shield, helmet, virtually no MP+ gear, MND gear, or INT gear. I asked him politely why he doesn't sub a mage job instead, and why he doesn't use more MP+ equipment, and he says that the NIN sub keeps the RDM well-rounded, which is exactly what the strategy guide tells you do be. I just laugh and offer my opinion but he doesn't seem to want to change. No problem by me, I just won't ever invite him into my party. Later on, we're fighting in the main room of CN, and he trains what looked like 5 or 6 doom scorpions into the main room. There must have been 4 or 5 parties in there, and he just happens to die right in the middle of the room. All but 1 party made it out alive. I was able to make it out thanks to flee, but my party wasn't so lucky. I'd have to say at least 20 people died thanks to that. I don't know how he thought he had a chance of making it out alive when that many scorpions are chasing him.

One more guy that you may want to watch out for is Cheerykingfish. I don't know if that's his exact name, but it's pretty close to that. He was a level 39 Galka MNK/WAR around 2-3 weeks ago... and he was still wearing Tropical Punches. I offer him a party slot if he changes to Mythril Knuckles (or whatever the good H2H were at the time) but he said the +10 acc was just too good to pass up. He said food was too expensive, so that really didn't do the DMG +0 on the Tropical Punches much good. DMG +0 + No Food = 20 Damage Combo for T3H W1N!!1
#323 Sep 13 2004 at 10:52 AM Rating: Decent
590 posts

While partying in Garlaige, he kept pulling too quickly despite numerous messages by the whm, the sam, and myself and got the sam and I killed a few times before he disbands, saying that the WHM sucks and that when he was leveling with his 62 WHM, he did not need all that mp (nevermind the fact that a war/mnk tank doesn't have the luxury or healing himself/Utsuemi).

After finding a replacement (an awesome BST who did a great job pulling despite that fact that he's never been to GArlaige) we went back at it and Teji kept pulling links 9according to the BST who was pulling at the time, on purpose, thereby ruining the other partys leveling attempts. Our sam got mad and threatend to call a GM. He replied that he didn't care and that he was quitting anyways so he wanted to have fun before then.

Later, it seemed that his party was geting mad at him for his pulling speed, but by that point I had gone from 33 to 35 so I wasn;t paying attention.
#324 Sep 13 2004 at 11:35 AM Rating: Default
311 posts
Damn all these galkas being on this list give galkas a bad name. I am not like these other galka I know how to do my job so please don't hold this info over me. I know it has nothing to do with me but i just don't want galkas to get a bad rep because of these guys. (^ ^)b
#325 Sep 13 2004 at 12:17 PM Rating: Decent
996 posts
Cuttie - WHM n00b, *very* bloodlusting. We actually had several occasions in Valkurm when she started pulling (with Dia...) because she thought that the THF doing pulls wasn't fast enough...

Also, sure, WHMs are party leaders fairly often since they're the cornerstone of a good party, but when I joined her party, there were three THFs. THREE. Did I mention this was a 13-14 party? Yeah. I know how hard it is to get a party as a THF, and I would have certainly had one, and if circumstances were dire, two. NEVER three. I might as well use my 2HR now and get it over with.

She also wanted to take an IT gob while our new RNG (one of the THFs left) had still not made it to our camp. Oy.

Oh...and I should point out how refreshing it is to see Benediction go off after the BLM and I are both dead... (leaving two THFs, the WHM, and the RNG)

EDIT - OH YEAH, SOMETHING TO ADD - We were partying up to the maintenance window on Monday. When it was time for everyone to log, Cuttie turned on Quartermaster so that she'd keep the rest of the loot as people were logging. I even said "Quartermaster??" in the party chat, but she ignored me. Hmph.

Edited, Tue Sep 14 09:38:38 2004 by Cutriss
#326 Sep 13 2004 at 3:18 PM Rating: Default
Laural I was in a PT with her, and she let our PT die as her WHM. She went AFK constantly, and it was always random. How can a WHM go and come back with everyone in RED and say "I'm Back Sorry about that." time? Is fine..5x times? Kinda a problem..up to the point where I lost count?..Yeah A problem.

Reason we didn't kick her was becuase she was a WHM, and those are hard to come by in quifim.

While talking to her in /tell's I sought advice about how to make some gil in this game which she led me to many different things.

Though she did go on and on and on and on about it I was thankful, until I asked her about a part of it where she disagree'd with me constantly, and some how she got upset from it all and went off on me, saying about how she was 17 with a PHD Degree and that she didn't have time to coach people, and that I was dumb becuase I was a Republican, that it was common for Republicans to be dumb and not know the answer.

Of course I shrugged it off and tried to just play with her in the PT anyways, but she would try to make constant "Republican" jokes mixed with not knowing what to do in the FFX game.

Only reason I asked her for advice for gil in the first place was becuase she kept bragging about how she was set for life with gil and that in a few weeks she'll be good to go forever with great gear

So I don't know what I did to tick her off, but obviously it was something, sooner or later she was just fussing at the entire PT.

She let our PT die, she was constantly AFK, and she is a very high ego'ed woman who will constantly tell you her pro's and yell at you when you ask her something that she doesn't agree with, and for some reason she'll blame Republicans for it.
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