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Bad Player AlertsFollow

#1 Aug 12 2004 at 7:43 AM Rating: Default
5,645 posts
Link Removed, we can continue the list here.

Edited, Fri Aug 13 08:34:17 2004 by TseTsuo

Edited, Sat Sep 18 17:51:50 2004 by Kaolian
#2 Aug 12 2004 at 11:55 AM Rating: Decent
996 posts
Are we going to continue the Alerts here, or just link back to the old thread?
#3 Aug 12 2004 at 1:15 PM Rating: Decent
45 posts
I don't know about where I should post this, old or new thread, but I figure I'll put it here anyway >_>

Anyway, the character I wish to warn you of is Negolas. We were grouped in CN last night. I was a 45 Thief, he was a 45 Dragoon. I'll put it bluntly: He just did not pay attention at all. Heres a sample of how he wasn't paying attention.

<Me> Ok, Neg, be sure to voke first so I can trick on the paladin.
(No responce)
<Me> (Asking the same thing 2 minutes later)
<Negolas> Oh, sure, that sounds fine.

Then, there were the battles. It took him like a full minute to join in each battle. I nearly died a few times since he wouldnt voke off me like we agreed on 3 minutes prior.


#4 Aug 12 2004 at 2:02 PM Rating: Good
388 posts
TseTsuo, (or someone else) is there any chance we could have the old thread summarized here? I know this would be a giant pain in the *** but it might save some confusion, and then you could kill the old thread. I would do this myself, but I should be studying for my final in Stats right now (eep).

#5 Aug 12 2004 at 4:32 PM Rating: Default
883 posts
How about Guarino?

Still with the question mark by his name, he runs by me in Port Bastok. Next thing I know:

Guarino>> come with me to the outpost
>>Guarino: Excuse me?
Guarino>> i need a mage to help me out to get the the outpost
>>Guarino: I'm not a mage.
Guarino>> o then forget u then *****

Wow. Getting off on the right foot, this one.

Edited, Thu Aug 12 17:32:42 2004 by Byaina
#6 Aug 12 2004 at 11:17 PM Rating: Good
183 posts
wanderingsamurai wrote:
Gorthox- If you say anything he doesn't like he'll boot you from the party, not only that, he'll mock you afterwards by emoting that he wipes his sweaty balls on your face, and laugh. Than he'll send you invites 5 minutes later and annoying tells. I blisted so now I don't have probs from him, but it happened to another guy in the party later.

Kitesan- He's an annoying 12 year old kid, we had to boot him from our linkshell because he never stopped asking the question "How do I make gil, this is the last time I ask I promise" than when we booted him he still bothers Linkshell member, and we booted him months ago.

trickybeck the Sly wrote:
  • Sprite - I think everyone on Bismarck has run into her/him. Especially likes to use BST to train aggro mobs onto newbie parties.

  • Silverak - Likes to smoke pot while playing, decides to up and quit parties after taking 15 minutes to chocobo someplace, uses underleveled subjob even as a 50PLD, is generally a crappy player

  • Krusader - Ranger that insisted on subbing BLM so he could Warp back home after the party split.

  • CurrentlyPsd wrote:
    Ive played w/ krusader just the other day. Hes a very nice guy and now he is a thf/nin and pretty good to.. Maybe hes come outta the rng/blm stage. who knows.

    SingBismark wrote:
    Milkshake - he ditched a party I was in because there was too much down time, but decided to insult everyone in the group before he left.

    The party was excelent, 200 exp a kill, chain 2 or 3. The party leader was a rank 10 paladin, with his in game wife, who is a rank 5 53RDM. So they knew what they were doing.

    Milkshake - my friend Berandas was playing a PLD in the dunes, when I guess Milkshake thought he wqas not doing a good job and booted him from the group and continued to tell Berandas how much he sucks.

    Milkshake - for sending me tells about how bad a player Mador (The rank 10 paladin) and Tige (the 53 RDM) are.

    He is the only person I have ever Black Listed, and I asked my whole LS to do the same.

    He tells me how uber he is, first time saying he is a 60 BST. Then next time I talk to him, he is telling me how uber he is because he has a 50 WAR. Which leads me to believe he is a liar too.

    dorobo wrote:
    hahaha Mador is one of the coolest guys around according to a lot of people, and real good too ( he has a 70+ samurai )

    /slap Milkshake

    Edited, Fri Aug 13 00:20:20 2004 by Dnothoran
    #7 Aug 12 2004 at 11:26 PM Rating: Good
    183 posts
    SingBismark wrote:
    I am thuroughly impressed by Mador. He is a truely great player.

    Winawer wrote:
    Ronillio - partied with him twice in Qufim (he was a 24 whm, no sub, level 1 hear). Besides getting the first party killed twice through sheer incompetence, I was with him in a second party when he said that he had to go for an RL problem. He disbanded immediately, and then sat there for the next half hour. He threw up his flag and asked to join again, and the pt leader (a nice guy) let him have one more chance. 30 seconds later, he says he has to go (same RL problem excuse) and drops the party again. Sits around for another 20 minutes while we kill things, and then finally joins another party *right beside us*. I finally blacklisted him at this point (though I had to laugh; I warned the leader of the party he joined, and the leader told me I was probably wrong - 10 minutes later, Ronillio pulled a thunder elemental onto his new group and got himself and his party wiped out...)

    shykin wrote:
    mamosuomaro or something really long random name on blist
    Trains and kill people for fun.Never forget that day one of my best parties and he trains making pt break up.

    wheatpuff wrote:
    Krusader - Ranger that insisted on subbing BLM so he could Warp back home after the party split.

    haha He's still around? I played with him quite some time ago. I usually start PTs and ended up inviting him. He was really bad, but was LFG another day when I was starting a different PT and thought I'd give him a second chance. He was still bad, so I decided never to invite him again - but one time when I wasn't the leader, the leader asked "Should I invite Krusader? XX Ranger LFG.". 3/5 party members all said no at the same time lol

    Anyway, here's my additions:


    These 2 are both PLDs and play like a they are a drunken monkey just mashing the keyboard. Seems like everyone that was in the range to PT with them knew this. When they were lfg and I sarcaticly asked if I should invite, the whole PT started sharing stories about how much those 2 suck. Redmagic accually tried to play as a PLD/RDM, need I say more? Woodfoor... *sigh* I'm not even going into it.

    Maybe some others here can share some stories about these two, anyone that was leveling in thier range at some point will probally have one.

    Oh also, Mimibaby and Mimigirl - watch out for those them.

    Opps, one more to add. Evilbob - he's the only person I've ever seen use the word "N*gg*r" in this game.

    FutureIsNow wrote:
    haha Redmagic and Woodfoor...they are always joined at the hip it seems...the past couple days I've see them running around together in Beadeaux(sp?)...have never pt'd with them, but I've heard...

    #8 Aug 12 2004 at 11:36 PM Rating: Good
    183 posts
    Raynedrop wrote:
    Woodfor and Redmagic.. I slapped them the other day for something... I can't remember what it was, now, unfortunately. Training somewhere. Oh yeah! Beadeaux! All of Beadeaux.


    Usually training doesn't bother me. They must have done something else as well. Just thought I'd share my pointless story.

    Edited, Tue Jun 29 17:00:59 2004 by Raynedrop

    ruskusiscool wrote:
    AUGH!! Usually I don't let other players get under my skin with their crap. Last night, however, I got pretty riled. The fellow responsible?
    A friend and I were in Yughott Grotto camping Ashmaker Gotblut for the Priest's Robe. We made our way into the Grotto, and there was already a tag team in there hunting. Well, no one owns hunting grounds, so my friend and I set up and start looking around. The other two are obviously getting angry at this. It was SirHeadro and someone else, I forget his friend's name. Anyway, the friend who wasn't creative enough to be remembered starts spam-checking me while SirHeadro starts following my friend around and typing asenine emotes. I turn my filter on and the spamchecker is totally out of the scene. He doesn't do anything else. Meanwhile the SirHeadro guy is still emoting his crap. We both blist him and he starts just running in circles around us. The worst part about it is that my friend had to log, so now this *** probly thinks he's the reason we left, and we didn't even get to stay long enough to compete for the mob. If you are after the same mob as this guy, be ready with the blist and the gm call because I'm willing to bet this is something he does frequently.

    Trizzoro the Quick wrote:
    mamosuomaro or something really long random name on blist

    Is this guy a Galkan? Name so long it wraps around to a second line? If so, I concur. Was hunting crawlers while camping Spini Spipi and I swear this guy kept putting his Galkan on /follow on me! Every time I stopped for about 30 mins he would crash into my ***, then kinda walk off real quick then back again. So, I started changing my weapons to knock the /follow off, then he started /check on me EVERY time I ran past. Sooooo annoying.

    Oh yeah must mention...

    Jessicai..this bliznitch was so newb she still had a question mark next to her. I was running into East Sara from Windy at Leviathon's Gate. She sent me /tell "Hey wait." I stopped, waited, said "Yes?" Waited longer...she then types back "join my group." I was thinking what? But, to be nice, I replied "where are you going?" I wait, and wait, and wait. She then replies "U R A F@CK" Then runs off through Leviathon's gate...

    Edited, Wed Jun 30 14:28:58 2004 by Trizzoro

    Edited, Wed Jul 14 11:40:33 2004 by Trizzoro

    ArchiVeflax wrote:
    Illfearin: Stupid enough to get way too close to the Wraith about 40 people were waiting to go away in Garliage and make us wait all over again for it to move -_-

    Nacarti: He's not a terrible guy, but he frequently stacks Soul Eater with his other attack buffing job abilities... there's no such thing as 'hate control' when you're partying with this DRK. Apparently I'm not the only who's seen this in action; several other people I've partied with have commented on not wanting to invite him.

    Edited, Wed Jun 30 15:57:12 2004 by ArchiVeflax

    wanderingsamurai wrote:
    Adding a new one.

    Wizzard- Annoying Black Mage, he's a 7th grader by the way. I was leveling up Bard in Kazham, only level 24, he asks for Mages Ballad ALL the time, even after I tell him I don't get it til 25. He than tells me which songs to sing and when(which if was paying attention would see I'm already doing so). Party breaks up and we start a new one, and Wizzard gets in it. We have a good party although we don't have a WHM, but b/t 2 BLMs, a Bard(me) with astral rings and 2 blink tanking ninjas we don't need one, but he keeps complaining that "WE NEED A WHM" finnally we get down to it, and we start fighting a Gob, and he says:
    <--- Log Off
    and than disbands that party while we're fresh on a Goblin Smithy basically killing us and he logs off. There was more to it than that too, but that's it in a nutshell. He's annoying and if he gets the change he'll put you in a position that will kill PT members.

    #9 Aug 12 2004 at 11:43 PM Rating: Good
    183 posts
    KamakazeKat wrote:
    I'd like to second the addition of Ronillio. Here's a copy/paste of my thoughts on him posted on another forum...

    Ronillio a hume SAM/WAR.

    The story begins in Valkurm (and ends there to.) I got a party, which through all turned out to be decent, even though we only lasted for 30 minutes. The plan was that i would utsusemi ichi tank and then i'd get provoked off of by the WAR and repeat the process. Well in the first few battles things go horribly wrong and i end up dieing.

    Now let me set up the scene before this point.

    I came to the party, happy to have a party, and do the routine looking around and /checking party members if needed. I see the SAM, Ronillio, and he looked pretty naked to me. I check him and what do i see about all level 1 gear, including his Sword (mumeito.) Now, i'm no SAM expert, but after getting to 30 with it i THINK that there are a few upgrades along the way to 17. I make what i thought was a harmless comment about his gear. "Interesting gear Ronillio." Now if that somehow translates into "OMFG YOU NOOB WHAT'S UPZ WITH UR GEAR OMGZZZ#!?%!@#?$@!?$" please stop me now, but i'm thinking it doesn't. What i got back in response was "Just leave me alone" "I don't want to ****ing hear it" and a generally pissy attitude about it.

    Then i die.

    What does he say?


    He could of voked, he should of voked, did he? Nope. Due to either not liking me and letting me die or gross incompetence on his part, he didn't.

    I get raised, i donate to the whm (she seems to be hovering around the dunes raising people and asking for donations if you feel so inclined) casted Utsusemi, healed a bit, then went off to pull, while the WAR will instead tank full time. Now while pulling something goes on, i can't remember what, all i remember is frustration and anger.

    I go off on the guy.

    "I expect people, ESPECIALLY melles, to be decent euqiped when i come to the dunes. Instead i get a ****ing sam wearing level one gear?"

    It was more elaborate then that, but you get the point.

    He comes back with more "leave me the **** alone" type crap. Another person backs me up *thank you ^^* and the SAM gives an excuse about having level 18 gear waiting. WELL NOW, ISN'T THAT LOVELY? Why didn't he say that earlier? Instead, i get bombarded with attitude i didn't deserve and was not about to stand from someone with no excuse for his equipment up toi that point then "leave me alone."

    However, even if he does have more gear waiting, that does not account for his lack of a better weapon (last time i checked there was no level 18 great katanas, unless they semi-recently added on,) Bone Earrings, Amethyst Rings, Warrior Belt, etc.

    The party went on with all of us but him mingling with eachother, having a good time, and doing a decent job of killing before we split 30 minutes after we started. He promptley logged.

    Did I blacklist the guy? Nope, I'm more forgiving then that.

    All i can say is do not catch this guy on a bad day, or much party drama will ensue.

    Oh yes, and today i saw him in yhoator while i was finishing up my ninja scroll quests in norg, level 30WHM/4BLM, still with lvl 1 RSE gear on. I pity the party who got him.

    Edited, Mon Jul 5 03:46:40 2004 by KamakazeKat

    Edited, Mon Jul 5 03:47:12 2004 by KamakazeKat

    ruskusiscool wrote:
    A guy in my linkshell got victimized by a scammer this weekend. He didn't want to call a GM, but I definitely want to spread the word.
    This guy was in Jeuno on /anon shouting offering teleports. The guy from my LS pays him. He takes the cash and runs into his mog house. Turns out he's a monk. A damn monk who's offering teleports. Our whole linkshell starts bombarding him with crap, he's this, he's that, he's a friggin thief. He replies to all of us with "Fight the power!" "Do I know you? No? Then I don't care." Well I told another linkshell I knew. They started in on him too. Just watch who you ask to teleport you, I guess. This guy sucks.

    Sioux wrote:
    My little addition:


    I was in a pt in the dunes some time ago with my WHM, Kublakhan. She was lvl 12 at the time, and we've all been in lvl 12 parties in the dunes; lots o' death. It's dangerous. But I was doing a fair job, and we had one death in 3 hours of playing.
    And then someone left, and we made the mistake of inviting Darkblizzard, a SMN/WHM.
    The instant Dark joined the pt, the first words out of her mouth were "Subjobs would be nice."
    Remember, a lvl 12 party.

    No one really told this chick off, more's the pity, because the entire time, all she did was rail about how much everyone sucked in the party. One guy mentioned wanting to be a SAM, and her comment was "Good luck making it that far."
    She would go on endlessly about her lvl 72 friends...
    She complained about my downtime, saying I ought not to "cure so fast."
    "If they get down to yellow they're ok," she said.
    Far be it from Darkblizzard to throw a Cure once, however.

    The pt broke up a short time later because of this player's ranting about how we weren't good enough for her. She never did leave however, possibly because most parties sickened of her and booted her.

    TseTsuo the Wise wrote:
    i can second the motion for darkblizzard.

    maybe not a bad player skill wise but definatley an *******.

    not only was he my first blacklist entry but also my first PT kick.

    funny story, two people had similar names int he PT and i kicked the wrong one first by mistake ;;

    but yea this one's worth avoiding.

    SneakyWeaky wrote:
    Warning...Warning...Bad player alert...

    Sparticus: Right, so I'm partying in the dunes with my Ninja a few hours ago. I get an invite from someone I partied with in Crawler's Nest, and he wants me to tank. So I'm all for it. When I get to the group, I see a taru with two Katana's so I get excited because the two of us can juggle Utsusemi for NO downtime. The first mob comes, I voke it, shadows all wear off and I'm expecting a voke from the other guy....nope. So I get Utsusemi recast and then the gob dies after those 3 shadows wear off. I ask why he didn't voke, and I get no reply. I check the party list...and he's a rank 4 taru Ninja/Thief. I then proceed to check his equipment. Leather armor, a Wakizashi (Level 7 Katana) and a Kunai (Level 1 Katana). Then I thought to myself, "Maybe he pops Mitkabobs?" Another fight goes by, nothing...

    Sparticus hits for 0 damage
    Sparticus hits for 0 damage

    It looked alot like that ya know? I then proceed to ask him why he doesn't have Utsusemi, or even a WAR sub. He proceeds to tell me off that it's only his sub, therefore it doesn't need paying attention too. I'm almost stabbing my computer screen at this time because of the massive massive leech. Then every single time I cast Utsusemi after battle...

    Sparticus bursts out laughing besides Celestia!

    /blist add Sparticus

    Sorry for the rant people, I just had to let it out!

    Okay I am doen for the night some oen else can do more later I tried but I am tired now... I will do more later when i get bakc up unless someone yells at me for doing it this time....
    #10 Aug 13 2004 at 12:48 AM Rating: Good
    388 posts
    Cool, thanks!
    #11 Aug 13 2004 at 3:39 AM Rating: Decent
    292 posts

    A noobish level 39 DRK/SAM who used all his buffs at once, then claimed to know what he was doing. Not to mention staying behind the enemy, which completely messed up a SATA viper bite skillchain.

    Our PLD sucked too.
    #12 Aug 13 2004 at 4:01 AM Rating: Decent
    617 posts
    Be on the look out for Honeyboy.

    Not sure if he's a bad player but he was shouting this in Bastok Markets and then moved onto Port Jeuno:

    /sh l@lz lel 35 whm lfg plz invite me!

    He really was level 35 Those aren't typos either.

    And adding Clarissa, a high level DRG that was one shotting things in Pashhow for apparently no reason. My sister was trying to farm where Bloodpool spawns because it's the best place to get beastmen blood when she (I'm assuming it was a she anyway) comes along and Jumps on everything, killing it, or finishing it off in two to three hits. Cleaned the entire area out in a matter of minutes. My sister asked her to move on but no reply, and she (my sister) then moved onto killing the Fungaurs while she waited for the leeches to respawn. Clarissa did the same thing and one shotted all the Fungaurs next to her. She followed my sister around for a bit until she got a party.

    If you're able to one shot things, it's time to move on...

    Edited, Fri Aug 13 05:35:36 2004 by seraphimhunter

    Edited, Fri Aug 13 05:35:48 2004 by seraphimhunter
    #13 Aug 13 2004 at 6:56 AM Rating: Good
    642 posts
    Maybe if I get bored enough at work I will probably make one long post with all the players on the good and bad list and who put them there. I probably will get that bored at work :/
    I'm always that bored at work ; ;

    /sobs uncontrollably
    #14 Aug 13 2004 at 7:32 AM Rating: Decent
    5,645 posts
    its your call, i should have some time this weekend to nicely summarize the list, we can continue posts here.

    Do you think the good/bad player lists should be stickied?
    #15 Aug 13 2004 at 7:37 AM Rating: Decent
    353 posts
    Heh.. Honeyboy.. He's also a mining point thief.

    I was in Jeuno last night when he was shouting, but he upgraded it to 45 whm.
    #16 Aug 13 2004 at 7:47 AM Rating: Good
    642 posts
    Ok, so it didnt take me long to get bored at work :)
    Here is the list from TseTsuo's journal in summary:
    Its down as:
    "Bad player--> The first to nominate them (any others)" and if there is a (?) beside the name, it's because the poster wasn't sure how to spell it.

    Gorthox --> WanderingSamurai
    Kitesan --> WanderingSamurai (Tweedius, Wintaru)
    Sprite --> TrickyBecky
    Silverak --> TrickyBecky
    Krusader --> TrickyBecky (Wheatpuff)
    Milkshake --> SingBismarck
    Ronillio --> Winawer (KamikazeKat, Cutriss)
    Mamosuomaro (?) --> Shykin (Trizzoro)
    Woodfoor --> Wheatpuff (Raynedrop)
    Redmagic --> Wheatpuff
    Mimibaby --> Wheatpuff
    Mimigirl --> Wheatpuff
    Sirheadro --> Ruskusiscool
    Jessicai --> Trizzoro
    Illfearin --> ArchiVeflax
    Nacarti --> ArchiVeflax
    Wizzard --> WanderingSamurai (Meerkatxx)
    Jugernaut --> Ruskusiscool
    Darkblizzard --> Sioux (TseTsuo)
    Sparticus --> SneakyWeaky
    Nolocke --> Seraphimhunter
    Lilblob --> Sioux (Chisusu)
    Buddah --> Maryl
    Elite --> Clerico (Sevenclaw)
    AcesMcNugget --> Clerico
    Jedimindtricks --> CurrentlyPsd
    Morphious --> Meerkatxx (KamikazeKat)
    Haiden --> JMT
    Kobold --> Seraphimhunter (Astika, Dawntreader)
    Fathom --> Seraphimhunter
    Bladez --> Shykin
    Onionjoe --> Cutriss
    Delatorre --> Cutriss
    Existence --> Cutriss
    Naij --> Cutriss
    Assellus --> Cutriss
    Marita --> TseTsuo (Eleusynia, Dawntreader, Wintaru)
    Morph --> Chisusu
    Salvationman --> Drowsorez (Fatmatt, Sioux)
    Bengsston --> Drowsorez
    Belgareth (?) --> Drosorez (Byaina)
    Gandelfeleblanc --> Drosorez
    Elekson --> Typhman (Kingpopof)
    Shippochan --> Byaina
    Strifff --> Merodi
    Lizy --> Raynedrop (Mint)
    Devilwolf --> LadyX
    Goku --> Cutriss (Demoncide)
    Saphire --> Cutriss
    Whitefyr --> ErroneousMonk (SigmundBismark)
    Hawk --> Cutriss
    Ciddy --> Fatmatt
    Yonon --> Seraphimhunter
    Lafookeshafoo (?) --> Seraphimhunter
    Arano --> Fatmatt
    Leopaldon --> Eleusynia
    Axi - TseTsuo (Lainn)
    Anitra --> Shadowbuni
    Woe --> Shadowbuni
    Lucun --> Wintaru (Merodi)
    Doublening (?) --> Wintaru (Merodi)
    Rucbiac --> Criterias
    Chrissie --> Raynedrop (Eleusynia, Demoncide, Cutriss)
    Maximuss --> Avitue (JackalSama)
    Idon --> Avitue

    That's it!!
    If I spelt anyone's name wrong, I apologize. Please let me know and I'll correct it ASAP. And this is just for informational purposes, It does not in any way mean that I agree with the nominator (unless I nominated you or second you, and in that case, too bad :P )

    Edited, Fri Aug 13 10:28:25 2004 by Eleusynia

    Edited, Mon Aug 16 08:28:56 2004 by Eleusynia
    #17 Aug 13 2004 at 8:34 AM Rating: Decent
    41 posts
    Hmmm Seraph,

    Unfortunetaly, I dont believe Clarissa (never met her btw) was wrong in what she was doing. The whole idea of farming is that its often faster to farm stuff that you can one shot kill get some drop and move on. The spot where the leeches drop the Beastman blood is well known for its farming potential, and you cannot shun people out of it, because they are high level.

    Some people I know, lvl 55 still farm goobues in Passhow, basically one shot killing them and theres nothing wrong with that. Some people farm the Shak Maze for crawlies, and they one shot kill them, and theres nothing wrong with that.

    I understand it can be really frustrating thou. Im lucky to be high enouhg to be able to farm some areas where there are no lower levels. But plenty of people lvl 40-55 are stuck going back to the old farming spot they had because they are not high enough for higher ones.

    #18 Aug 13 2004 at 9:02 AM Rating: Decent
    One teensy correction, Lucan is actually spelled Lucun. Thanks!
    #19 Aug 13 2004 at 10:37 AM Rating: Good
    388 posts
    Ok, so it didnt take me long to get bored at work :)
    Here is the list from TseTsuo's journal in summary:
    Its down as:
    "Bad player--> The first to nominate them (any others)" and if there is a (?) beside the name, it's because the poster wasn't sure how to spell it.

    Fantastic! Thanks a lot.

    Do you think the good/bad player lists should be stickied?

    I'm not entirely certain, actually. Off the top of my head, I'd say sure, but it it's going to be stickied than we should probably treat it as a sticky in another forum - all the information in the leading post (edited to be up to date), with discussion and new entries in subsequent posts. <shrug> Just my 2 cents on that...

    #20 Aug 13 2004 at 11:30 AM Rating: Default
    1,315 posts
    An Addition:

    Perhaps not a bad player (never partied with him/her) but the most annoying, log point stealing midget in this game.


    He/she is ALWAYS at Ghelsba Outpost and is ALWAYS stealing log points, no matter what you say.

    Tigerclaws (Mithra) does this also, btw...
    #21 Aug 13 2004 at 12:03 PM Rating: Good
    183 posts
    you know what ele i really should have just done it your way >.< *hits self in head* i just wanted to get soem of teh story over here as well tho because some of them were pretty fun and just made you know want to help the person or pt with them before of stuff, you know kinda renforced why they were on the list in the first place.
    #22 Aug 13 2004 at 12:10 PM Rating: Default
    1,315 posts
    Dnothoran wrote:
    you know what ele i really should have just done it your way >.< *hits self in head* i just wanted to get soem of teh story over here as well tho because some of them were pretty fun and just made you know want to help the person or pt with them before of stuff, you know kinda renforced why they were on the list in the first place.

    No, I think the thread needed both formats, story and quick reference list. Good job to the both of you!
    #23 Aug 13 2004 at 1:51 PM Rating: Decent
    617 posts
    Hmmm Seraph,

    Unfortunetaly, I dont believe Clarissa (never met her btw) was wrong in what she was doing. The whole idea of farming is that its often faster to farm stuff that you can one shot kill get some drop and move on. The spot where the leeches drop the Beastman blood is well known for its farming potential, and you cannot shun people out of it, because they are high level.

    Some people I know, lvl 55 still farm goobues in Passhow, basically one shot killing them and theres nothing wrong with that. Some people farm the Shak Maze for crawlies, and they one shot kill them, and theres nothing wrong with that.

    I understand it can be really frustrating thou. Im lucky to be high enouhg to be able to farm some areas where there are no lower levels. But plenty of people lvl 40-55 are stuck going back to the old farming spot they had because they are not high enough for higher ones.

    I can understand that, but she was pretty much stalking my sister. She's a level 40something RDM/WHM and it takes her pretty long to finish off the monsters in there if she conserves her MP. Even if she does go nuke happy she can't one shot. She's also skilling up her dagger on the side (hell bent on getting dagger to 100). But Clarissa came in there, jumped, and killed mostly everything. She was following my sister and watching what she was pulling. If my sister went for a crawler, Clarissa got there first and one shot it. If my sister went for a Leech, too late, it's dead. She did sometimes get Dia out before Jump, but Clarissa just went off and one shot something else.

    I understand that it's pretty efficient that way, and I won't tell her where she can and can't farm, but you do NOT stalk people and take their kills just to make your self look cool and/or just be a jackass. If Clarissa had responded to my sister (she used the translator) as to whether or not she was farming or what, maybe we would have given her the benefit of the doubt. But she did not, so the only conclusions we can draw are (1) she's doing it to be annoying or (2) I smell another Jerry clan.
    #24 Aug 13 2004 at 2:05 PM Rating: Good
    642 posts
    I'm going to add a group here, Seraphimhunter just made me think of them. They are not necessarily bad players but I am putting them here because they are SUPER annoying. (to girls anyway, or maybe just me, who knows)


    When I'm in a pt in crawler's nest and my screen is already chalk-full of pt spam and such, I do not need to be getting tells like:

    "Hello Beatuy!!"
    "Heloo Baetyu!!"

    And every other mispelling of beauty imaginable. Nevermind all the times I got "Raise please!" When Im a BLM/WHM.

    Then they run around non-stop with the
    "HI Beatuy!!"


    /super-omega slap to every Jerry on the server.
    #25 Aug 13 2004 at 3:45 PM Rating: Decent
    /clap Eleusynia

    Now, to put them all in alphabetical order... *lol* j/k
    #26 Aug 13 2004 at 3:47 PM Rating: Good
    642 posts
    LoL, I considered that!!

    Then I thought "Exactly how bored am I?"...not THAT bored^^
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