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Why do they MPK in EXP areas???Follow

#1 Oct 26 2004 at 9:44 AM Rating: Good
Look I am not trying to start another Gil sellers must die thread, but I have been playing since last october, and this problem seems fairly recent. Last April I never heard of this problem, maybe I was just naive and didn't see it but I see it now.

I love the people that post on these threads and I had the pleasure to have an awesome conversation with Yekan, who btw is one of the best WHMs in the server at her lvl. She was telling me that she wanted to quit because in 2 occassions Gil sellers had MPKied her parties at Kuftal, and she had every reason to do it but she didnt.

Last night I was skilling up my staff and suddenly through LS chat my RL friend Enubis starts saying that he wishes he could do something to a gil seller, mind you Enubis is probably the most chill and laid back guy that I know. He hardly ever gets pissed and thinks to help others instead of himself. He hardly ever levels helping the LS, well last night he said that someone had MPKid his party a long with many others, that raptors had been zoned from both sides. Valley of Sorrows zone and Cape Terrigan, which meant everyone was trapped to die. This really cant go on, I am in love with the game just look at my signature, and the ppl on our server are really awesome.

Please all I wanna know is the reasoning behind this and if anyone has suggestions on how to combat this. It is one thing price gauging (sp?), which in the opinion of many doesnt hurt anyone. But by killing people so that they lose EXP, thus time lost and making parties disband cause no one can raise them because the white mage is dead. This is wrong and we need to seriously stop talking and do something. Please anyone with suggestions help me out because I just dont understand.
#2 Oct 26 2004 at 10:17 AM Rating: Decent
617 posts
The Jerrys were MPKing in Kuftal because they didn't get the NM Lizard (Amemet?) and they get NASTY about it. Can you say, bitter?

They're the only ones I heard doing it. The Jerrys were on a rampage that day, I was there. A DRK in my party, Cerra, knew someone who was killed by them (girlfriend apparently) and was our reporter essentially.

They do it because they know there are no repercussions (only spelled correctly >_>). GMs won't enforce it.

Don't let this discourage people from counteracting the gil sellers though. This is proof that we're getting to them, so I say, we keep it up. Don't let them get a damn thing.
#3 Oct 26 2004 at 10:17 AM Rating: Decent
610 posts
As I told you the other day, my party got MPKed by two gil farmers in Kuftal Tunnel two nights in a row. I survived one of them and got back to raise my party but the other one we all died. It was terrible! They trained 50 (I am not lying) crabs in Kuftal Tunnel with their theives then died right near our camp and all the crabs came back for us and we couldnt escape in time. Who was the wise guy who made the casting time on escape so long? Do they want us all to perish before the spell is casted? /cry

But on topic, I dont understand it either. It's ridiculous! I wish I knew the answer to the problem but I have yet to come across it. Now I just stay away from the two people who got us MPKed. If they are in an area, I stay clear of it. For now, I think thats all we can do.
#4 Oct 26 2004 at 10:27 AM Rating: Decent
I was one of the "lucky" folks that was nearby Enubis when these guys rolled through. X( I reported the people who did it to the GMs but I'm not really expecting much to come out of it. By the time the GM got to me they told me that they were already looking into the issue and didn't bother asking me for any proof, so they apparently got a lot of complaints.

I really wish this kind of silliness would stop, it doesn't do anything but ruin the game for those of us who play it as such instead of as a job.
#5 Oct 26 2004 at 10:28 AM Rating: Decent
311 posts
raptors had been zoned from both sides.

Nice use of the pinser move sorry about your party tho.
#6 Oct 26 2004 at 10:44 AM Rating: Good
Thank you for the List Magvius this *******: Quiang , he was the ******* that MPKied Enubis' party. Enubis I went to school with him always laid back laughing all the time never says anything bad about anyone and yet he wanted to MPK someone, I was shocked. Quiang he was the one that he wanted MPKied the ******* that train 2 raptors from both sides.

#7 Oct 26 2004 at 11:01 AM Rating: Decent
I saw those jerry bastards yesterday in kuftal tunnel.. they aggroed a haunt a bunch of times. Luckly i had sneak on
#8 Oct 26 2004 at 11:21 AM Rating: Decent
610 posts
OMG Seriph that was the guy who MPKed my party too! It's crazy! >< So all i can say is stay away from any area that person is in. They are a level 60 something Thf.
#9 Oct 26 2004 at 11:26 AM Rating: Good
I may sound crazy but on another thread someone was saying the scariest thing are ppl selling their high lvl accounts on IGE and people getting a hold of their accounts and using it to become gilsellers with it.

He might just be one of these characters.
#10 Oct 26 2004 at 11:36 AM Rating: Decent
610 posts
Perhaps so but he travels with someone named Qhuia or something rather similar to that. I've been MPKed by them both. They are both higher level thfs who run around in their AF and MPK but they usually don't do it at the same place together. The reason I believe they are connected is because I saw them both zone into Kuftal from terrigan with like NO HP left and sent me a tell saying nothing but "HP++++" at the time I didn't know who they were so I healed them. Boy do I regret that one.
#11 Oct 26 2004 at 12:35 PM Rating: Decent
61 posts
I was getting ready to pull a crab near the cave @ Cape Ter., when I noticed Qhuiahit his/her 2 hour and ran in the middle of like 3 raptors. At this point I sent my party a shout for (Run Away!) (Danger). While I tell my party this, Qhuia had already hit flee and ran the raptors, a few pugils and some crabs to the zone. 2 of my party members die and 4 (including me) make it to the other side @ Valley of Sorrows only to see Quiang training 5 raptors towards us. I hit my 2 hour and zoned back. As I zone back I see about 10 dead ppl. My party is now dead, and so are 2 other parties. Most of us called a GM. These Jerks waisted a bunch of ppl EXP time from lost exp and death of party. My party broke up after that. >.< I put on my Treat Staff and got a raptor and took it out of the area. As soon as my HP got yellow I warped^^.
(Thank You)Holloween.
#12 Oct 26 2004 at 12:58 PM Rating: Decent
311 posts
Thank you for the List Magvius this *******: Quiang

No prob that is the main reason I created the list so people will know who the gilfarmers are.
#13 Oct 26 2004 at 1:00 PM Rating: Decent
311 posts

He is also on the list I will send you guys a link to the list.
#14 Oct 26 2004 at 1:01 PM Rating: Decent
68 posts
The full party of gilfarmers was:

I think my party was lucky and only had two people die. Its times like these that I wish there was PK style PvP in this game. How hard would it be to kill them with their massively underleveled subs and ****** equipment...

Oh, and none of our GM calls did a damn thing because they were in VoS this morning, farming raptors again. The funniest part of it was that the rest of that party tried to blame it all on Quiang and acted like they didn't know her. Tetak even raise II a bunch of people. But like I said, they were all in same party farming raptors this morning. I /slapped them all and got a bunch of tells in chinese. Weeee!

Edited, Tue Oct 26 14:09:56 2004 by Lainn
#15 Oct 26 2004 at 1:11 PM Rating: Decent
311 posts
The full party of gilfarmers was:

They are all on the list. Sorry can't get link just go to the subject Gilfarmers in the Bismarck server forum.
#16 Oct 26 2004 at 1:16 PM Rating: Good
Can you please explain to me why did they MPK these people. What that hell do they gain. But besides that I try so hard to keep my temper in check, but this is BS I am F**cking pissed off about this. I pay money and time also spent is money, so why isnt this company that we give our money too isnt doing anything about these @$$holes? Something definitely needs to be done, other companies like lucas arts have kicked them out of Star Wars Galaxies, so why isnt SE doing something.

If anyone reading this thread knows or is an Admin, I would really appreciate it if instead of sending feddback to the masquarade send them all the threads that contain this type of rant. We are always beating the dead horse, and always preaching to the Choir when we do these threads here. Please Allakhazam community you helped us against Optimum Online, now this problem is bigger than the North East, this about everyone including the Japanese.

We all hate it when a noob comes up to us and says can I have some gil, well besides stealing our mobs these ppl are also stealing our time, and our money. Money from our subscription, and the time we spend recovering exp. Please lets band together and do something until it gets worst as it will only do.
#17 Oct 26 2004 at 1:19 PM Rating: Good
This is the Link to the thread that Magvius wrote to list these horrible people.
#18 Oct 26 2004 at 1:30 PM Rating: Good
I agree, we're clearly pissing them off. Keep up the good work!

And on a side note, if square gets as many GM calls as they did for this, repeatedly, they may start to catch on that, hey, this is important!

It's to be hoped anyway.

Here's another thought. All the game publications have an area for letters from gamers. Perhaps we should start writing all of them. More than likely some of our letters would be published.

This would constitute bad press for Square and might convince them to pay more attention to gilsellers.

If anyone thinks this might be worth a try, lemme know. I'd be more than happy to put together a list of all the gaming mag's email addresses.
#19 Oct 26 2004 at 1:31 PM Rating: Default
196 posts
oooooh i sure can explain why they MPK us last night, because i was in the pt with the stupid ranger that provoked them! we went in valley of sorrow and their pt was there, dumbass ranger goes to them and says <death> <you can have this> and then he also bugs them <please> <leave> then after that Quiang started poking him, just random tho nothing like spaming. but then our ranger went stupid. everytime he would pull a raptor, he would stay there with his pull in their pt, and since they we're medding well duh! raptors we're on them. was a pain in the *** too and then the ranger "magically" dced....
i called a GM, they didnt give a damn about the gilfarmer pt and the area it happened, they just said we'll invistigate this mather further. He just wanted the one that started he couldnt care less, darn GMs are a joke. I should have followed my first idea, that ranger bugged me 3 times to pt and i accepted finally the third time, shouldnt have and next time i'll know not to pt with him -.-;
#20 Oct 26 2004 at 1:32 PM Rating: Decent
Oh, and none of our GM calls did a damn thing because they were in VoS this morning, farming raptors again.

It's good to see Square is keeping my expectations of customer service in MMOs at the same level.
#21 Oct 26 2004 at 1:39 PM Rating: Decent
68 posts
JoLOveS wrote:
Can you please explain to me why did they MPK these people.

The reason they did it is because we were xp on the mobs they are trying to farm. They trained both sides of the zone so noone had anywhere to go. MPK multiple parties, and many of them will leave. (Which is exactly what the majority of us did last night, although my set PT was calling it quits at that time anyways.) Every XP party leaves, they can go back to farming and not have to worry about running out of mobs. Plain and simple.

Keraya wrote:
was in the pt with the stupid ranger that provoked them! we went in valley of sorrow and their pt was there, dumbass ranger goes to them and says <death> <you can have this> and then he also bugs them <please> <leave>

Oh, so thats how it started... I had another friend in your PT that was telling me something to that effect, but I wasn't sure what exactly happened. He was letting me know that the ranger in your PT was trying to Shadowbind mobs in the middle of their PT so it would attack them. (Which makes him no better than the gilfarmers themselves.) Yes, I would love to get rid of them too, like I said if there was PvP I'd attack them in a heartbeat... but trying to MPK is against TOS and look what it started. And you don't have to be shy about the ranger's name, it was Terrestrialrage.

Edited, Tue Oct 26 14:51:45 2004 by Lainn
#22 Oct 26 2004 at 1:40 PM Rating: Default
i suggest we all start using provoke bots, and over crowd there areas of camping. things like argus, stromper chyme(sp?) and mee degi the punisher. we'd be cheating yes but its for the greater good. and we'd make some gil and they probably wouldnt be getting a xmas bonus this year.
#23 Oct 26 2004 at 2:13 PM Rating: Good
Please we need to get the masses together, and get someone who cares. We no longer are the geeks of yesterday that lived in the dark. No more do video games get shunned upon. We are becoming mainstream, thus enough people can help us. Get your letters out there. Post them on any other website that you can we need to get rid of this problem. We have to, unless you like living in a world of constant harrassment.

Please, please lets help each other out somehow.
#24 Oct 26 2004 at 2:29 PM Rating: Decent
617 posts
I like the bad press idea, that can kill a company more than anything. But, which magazine/publication would hold the most weight is the issue.

I think if we continue to interfere with the gil sellers, we will win. We are OBVIOUSLY making some ground here, as they are now resorting to MPK, something they have never had to do before, so we're doing something right.

We need to keep it up. We cannot back down. If we get discouraged and just give up, then they win!

It's OUR game, let's play how WE want to! We shouldn't let a group of thieves ruin the game for us. And yes I know a bunch of gil buyers are gonna be whining in the near future, but tough. Play the damn game the way it was meant to be. If you don't like it, there's always PSO. Good ol duping is still pemitted in those parts. -_-
#25 Oct 26 2004 at 2:39 PM Rating: Good
write all of them.

and put a little surreptitious cc: at the bottom, to let them know they aren't the only ppl to receive this letter.

i'm off to work now, but i'll see about putting a list of email addresses together tonight.
#26 Oct 26 2004 at 2:52 PM Rating: Decent
33 posts
I was there last night when Qiang and Qhia and many others whose names will probably escape into the ether were on the rampage. By the way, y'all are spelling their names wrong. No 'u's involved.

I got splattered believing I could safely zone back. Almo saved most of our butts by pulling the raptors on the Valley side away from the zone line before her Monk-ly hitpoints couldn't hold out any longer. A friendly gil farmer (or so I'm told -- Tetak I believe) WHM Raise IId most of us.

It was annoying. I did end up talking to a GM, 'cause I was experimenting with how the GM call system worked and I thought I'd escaped out of it, but apparently I hadn't. They asked who was involved and if they'd said anything, etc., etc. Don't know if anything will come from it.

To me, it was obnoxious. If it happens more frequently in the future and I'm involved, I'm going to actually get angry. For now I'm just annoyed.

Edited, Tue Oct 26 15:55:23 2004 by Nyellili
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