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Merging LinkshellsFollow

#1 Oct 20 2004 at 9:32 AM Rating: Good
642 posts
Has anyone ever tried this? Is it even a good idea?

I'm just wondering because I was thinking of maybe finding another small LS like ours and merging together to make a slightly bigger one. I dont want anything huge, I like the close atmosphere of a smaller group, but we did decide we would like a few more members and recruiting isn't working out so well.

I was just wondering if anyone could offer some insight as to whether or not this would be a good idea or is it too much trouble for what it's worth?

#2 Oct 20 2004 at 9:35 AM Rating: Decent
389 posts
I've always thought about that, but I guess it really depends on how many people are in the linkshell.

MoonGlade has about 10-12 players, so I wouldnt want to merge with another linkshell that has like 20+ players...that would be way too much.

Plus I think it depends on how the members of the shell feel, you need to be careful with certain members not liking eachother or what not.

But otherwise I think it could be a good thing

Smiley: twocents
#3 Oct 20 2004 at 9:36 AM Rating: Decent
We did this some time ago and it worked great ( given that most officers in both LSes knew each other already ).

I would think that the merging of MystBattalion and DisposableHeroes was one of the best thing to happen to both ^^°
#4 Oct 20 2004 at 9:43 AM Rating: Decent
251 posts
Ele, all I have to say is... merge with NewGame+

that's all I have to say....

Merge with NewGame+

It would be awesome and fun, we are cool people.

You are cool people.

Merge with NewGame+

That's all I have to say!
#5 Oct 20 2004 at 9:49 AM Rating: Decent
690 posts
.....I think that's all he has to say. ^^

--Arondight, Bismarck
Nothing that is so, is so.
#6 Oct 20 2004 at 9:51 AM Rating: Good
642 posts are a strange strange little taru

*Shakes her head at Omni*

Having fun in Kazham yet??

Edited, Wed Oct 20 10:53:51 2004 by Eleusynia
#7 Oct 20 2004 at 9:53 AM Rating: Decent
251 posts

My personality matches the song "When you're strange."

Merge with NewGame+, you won't regret it I promise.
#8 Oct 20 2004 at 10:01 AM Rating: Good
642 posts
And its just an idea we've been toying with, nothing is set in stone yet. Havent even talked about which LS we might ask to merge yet.
#9 Oct 20 2004 at 10:02 AM Rating: Decent
610 posts
Well Eleu if you are considering it, I was thinking of doing the same thing with my linkshell. (I'm not the shell holder but I'm co-leader with my boyfriend) UnchainedSpirits has maybe 30 people tops but about 15 people who are regualrs to the shell. If you want to join shells I think it would be beneficial to us all. But it's up to you. :)

I think it could be a good idea because that would be more people to help each other. I know it is rather hard to find help sometimes but also because thats more friends you can make in the game. :) As long as the larger linkshell isn't too large it's a great idea.
#10 Oct 20 2004 at 10:09 AM Rating: Decent
251 posts
Yekan, what do you think you are doing? Moving in on my terf life this. NewGame+ needs people. We need help. We need help getting dressed in the morning. Do you people really look down at us "Below level 6783" people as peons? What is this world coming to?
#11 Oct 20 2004 at 10:33 AM Rating: Good
I have crossed into many linkshells before, and I am in fact still a member of several of them. The thing that I have noticed most of all is that each ls has a different "philosophy" governing it.

One type of ls is the helping ls that I am part of. My example here is the devilwolfpack. They help each other out A LOT. It is an excellant learning ls (things in it have changed a lot...not all for the best in the world, but still better than when it was slammed in Tse's journal-partially by me). It is relatively easy to go up in rank there for everyone who can help often does.

Then there is the centerist linkshells. Another of my ls, Nightfallsfavor, is an excellant example of this. It is a hybrid of conversation and of helping, and thus is in the center. It is a nice, steady flow back and forth between the two. In this ls, I have been a part of whether homeschooling is a good idea or not, and I have also gotten my rank five partially because of them. (THANK YOU GUYS AND GIRLS!!!)

On the other extreme, there is the conversational ls. One I am in, IaCiel, is this. I cannot recall the last time that anyone has asked for ls help there (not that it would not have been refused or anything). It is just simply a place to chill and talk about random stuff. The same thing goes another one of my ls, CAPSLOCK. It is more of a random forum than anything also.

But like everything, there is the way out there groups. The new ls i am in, Nightmasks, is an excellant example of this. It is an ls dedicated pretty much to role playing. It does not fit into any paticular mold, and is instead just itself. If you want role playing, send me a tell, and chances are you are gonna get in.

The ls "philosophies" get even more complicated with recruiting for an ls.

For this, I shall draw upon various ls i have mentioned earlier again.

On one extreme, we have ls that never seem to recruit, EVER. I cite the ls CAPSLOCK here. I was originally a member of Scatmansworld, the predessor to this ls. Unfortunately, that ls went under, and it was reborn as CAPSLOCK. I don't log onto it all the time, but I have noticed that the ls list never seems to change all that much.

Then you got the always open recruiting with only the most basic requirements. Example: the ls Nightmasks. You rp and am not an asshat, you are in. Easy as that.

Then you got the won't close the door to adding new people ones. Example here is Nightfallsfavor. If someone with a sack pts or even just runs into someone he or she likes, they will probably get added. This gives a lot of diversity to the ls, and I perodically see new people.

Lastly, there are four more factors to consider.

The officers, ls activities, number of members, and the level make up of the ls.

In a lot of the ls I am in, the criteria for officers varies a lot. For example, in the DWP it is anyone who Devilwolf thinks is responsible enough to hold a sack, and who WISHES to hold a sack. In Nightfallsfavor and IaCiel, it is the original founders. In an ls that is pretty much dead now, BismarckKillers, it was anyone who joined could have a sack. If two ls that wish to join have different ideas about this, it could be a MAJOR problem.

LS activities include ideas like a weekly eco run, or ls meets. What does your ls believe in? The DWP for example meets weekly on Sundays in Windurst, while an ls that I was part of that broke up, LordsofDarkness, met whenever the mood stuck them. The ls TheDarkCarnival held an ls race from Jueno to Rabao just a couple weeks ago that I missed :( A couple of my other ls, IaCiel and Nightfallsfavor, don't really do ls events, and in fact, I still have yet to meet all the members face to face. The activeness of an ls is something to seriously consider.

The number of members is important in some cases too. Do the people in the ls like only having a few familiar faces? Then maybe you should not add that 450+ group to it. The devilwolfpack I have seen grow over a long period of time, to where it is probably the largest ls in Bismarck. There is always someone new to talk to or to meet. On the other extreme is IaCiel. It is a close knit friendship of people, who know each other in RW, well, except for me and one other. At times, I am POSITIVE that I was given a pearl by mistake. There is roughly seven people in it, and i don't see it getting much bigger. What your ls thinks about its size is a very important factor to consider.

Lastly, there is the level/rank make up of an ls. Some ls this really doesn't matter, but in the more goal oriented ones, it does. Is everyone in the ls around lvl 45-50 like in CAPSLOCK? If so, then a bunch of lvl 10's might not feel so welcome there. Is the whole ls rank six? This just might make a lower rank person feel left out somewhat. In a conversational ls, or an rp ls, this really doesn't matter. For example, in Nightmasks, I am probably the lowest level player in it, and I know it. But guess what? It really doesn't matter, simply because levels are not the focus here, but rather roleplaying is.

These are all important factors, I feel at least, in considering whether or not to merge with another ls. If the two groups have waaay differant "philosophies", than things could fall apart rather easily.

So just be careful, k?
Proud citizen of Miranda.

-Currently on Pochacco Server of Hello Kitty Online.
#12 Oct 20 2004 at 10:59 AM Rating: Decent
610 posts
OmniscientUnlimited wrote:
Yekan, what do you think you are doing? Moving in on my terf life this. NewGame+ needs people. We need help. We need help getting dressed in the morning. Do you people really look down at us "Below level 6783" people as peons? What is this world coming to?

Aww Omni you are too cute! :) I would never move in on your turf. I retract my previous post so as to not move in on the cute Tarus turf! *pokes Omniscient*
#13 Oct 20 2004 at 11:46 AM Rating: Decent
251 posts
Your actions cannot be removed from the record books girlfriend... it just can't happen. The wound is too deep now... no signs of healing from this one..

#14 Oct 20 2004 at 12:14 PM Rating: Good
1,315 posts
I'm with AZ. I would think a merger of LS' of the majority being good LS members would be a positive thing. However, these would be some possible problems, and some possible benefits.

1. Egos...the unspoken "leaders" of one or more of the LS may attempt to take that role in the merged LS, to some people's dismay. Ex. Our LS really has no defined "leader" per se. However, I know some members who like it that way (Including myself) and would not want another LS leader potentially overstepping boundaries.

2. Fear of change...some people are just grumpy sorts and like to "keep to their own" so to speak. Nobody in particular in mind (ahem, *cough* Bluntforce *cough*) but just some people like the status quo.

3. LS tends to become a family of friends, and each family has it's own communication style. My LS talks quite a bit sometimes, but seemingly only for short stretches of time then back to work we go. It's almost like when we all first log on there is some funny banter and chit-chat, help requests or questions, then we all go do our thing and nothing much else is said. Whenever we get a member (i.e. Wuggles) who just use the LS chat for nonsensical chatting and dumb non-game related crap, /boot new dude/dudette. However, maybe one of the members of the conjoining LS has been a member for quite some time, and that LS did not mind his or her endless chatter. May cause some problems.

Ok, enough "What If's." Benefits..

1. Meeting new people or old people in a more in-depth and personal format. Always a good thing. Get to know who you play with and your experience is always better.

2. Added support for aid, missions, synthesis info, trade items, services, etc., etc...this list goes on. Need to level your sub? Alot better chance of finding someone you know is a decent player and with whom you enjoy spending time with when you have 30 people to ask as oppossed to 10. I find this to be the most beneficial aspect of a possible merger bar none.

3. I don't really have a 3rd benefit because I tend to be a pessimist, so thinking of good things is hard for me!

Anyhow, that's my opinion on the matter. It may even be a great time to kinda "not tell" certain unwanted members of current LS' about the move without be confronted with the possible awkward situation of explaining to them, "We are booting you from the LS because you always ask for help and never give any, yada, yada..." Just let them sit in the old LS shell for awhile with nobody there to beg for aid. They'll get the hint.
#15 Oct 20 2004 at 2:22 PM Rating: Good
253 posts
OmegaForce just recently merged with Apocalypse Inc and its been working out great for us so far.
#16 Oct 21 2004 at 10:36 AM Rating: Decent
recently Dominion has taken in a small LS and it has worked great. the people were motivated and helpful which helped the transition. personally i think its better for a larger LS to take in smaller linkshells instead of two equal or close to equal in size shells merging. especially when the larger linkshell already has a wide lvl range for the new members to connect with. as leader of Dominion i will continue to look to this option in the future because im a firm believer that there are waaaaaay too many small, unorganized linkshells on Bismarck. feel free to stop in to say hello on our new forums Dominion

Edited, Thu Oct 21 11:41:53 2004 by RestinPeace
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