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IRON - RecruitingFollow

#52 Oct 22 2004 at 9:18 PM Rating: Good
340 posts
1. People running away from Fafnir when it goes white,

Yes, but dragon was on us so why does it matter? You kite Kirin and its not white?
#53 Oct 22 2004 at 10:09 PM Rating: Default
Yes, but dragon was on us so why does it matter? You kite Kirin and its not white?

Please stop comparing fights that have nothing to do with each other. Fighting Kirin is another matter, it is a pop fight, and anyone who tries to take someones else Kirin is HUGE _______. Dont compare to KB, cause it is a different fight all together

No the Fafnir was not on you. When Kfcc ran by use Fafnir just sat there white. How are you going to say your still fighting something when your not engaged and do not have a claim and your running in wrong direction of the HNM.

1) We had brd, blm, dragon, whm(not very sure), and pld alive. Dragon was on our brd and pld was ready to invincible, reinforcement could arrives anytime. Maybe theres only 1% chance we can beat it or even .5%, but we were still on it.

You were not still on it when your not engaged and running away, if you were still on it, it would be purple and we could only watch.

2) You guys sent us /tell ask if you can voke. We ignored you but you claimed anyway. Why did you even ask if you were gonna claim?

If you would have replied to the /tell, please we have pld 2hr ready we still want at it, we would not have been given the go to pull it, right here is the route of this whole problem, you just admitted that you wouldnt reply to us asking if is was ok to pull it off you, if you would have said no dont pull, we would have backed off.
#54 Oct 22 2004 at 10:21 PM Rating: Good
340 posts
See this is the problem, we see differently. You said dragon was unclaimed and stood there but thats not what we saw.

And no, we didnt reply you doesnt mean we give you permission to pull.
#55 Oct 22 2004 at 10:33 PM Rating: Default
So how can we claim something that is still your target, we cant....When your still engaged its purple and we can not do anything if we wanted too, once whoever in your alliance that had hate is dead, and there is nothing on its hate list, and you do not do anything to it, it becomes a free target, the difference is when it becomes a free target, if you have people still in a clear fighting position, that in my mind is stealing, if when it clears hate and becomes a free target <white> and the alliance is running away from it, than it seems fair to pull it. You just said we tried to ask your permission to take over claim, and you didnt reply, no that does not give us a pass, but it tells me, we tried to talk to your alliance and you ingored us, which than puts us in position that we have to guess what your doing next, where if you had just replied we would have known to not pull. You put this in a whole other light by admitting that we tied to contact you guys and you guys ignored us.
#56 Oct 22 2004 at 10:35 PM Rating: Default
[qoute] See this is the problem, we see differently. You said dragon was unclaimed and stood there but thats not what we saw.

If you still even had aggro, when Kfcc ran through our alliance Fafnir would have followed he didnt, he just sat there.
#57 Oct 22 2004 at 10:42 PM Rating: Good
340 posts
If a PLD in alliance die an other mages on other party didnt engage, NM can be "unclaim". Thats why is possible to "voke steal" even if you are engaging NM.

If you still even had aggro, when Kfcc ran through our alliance Fafnir would have followed he didnt, he just sat there.

Kfcc wasnt the only one there, fafnir doesnt have to be on kfcc.

Des/kfcc/kanibus/firen etc etc...
#58 Oct 22 2004 at 10:53 PM Rating: Decent
Please refer back to my post from today, when your around it and fighting it and it goes white, that is clearly stealing, when your hauling *** away from it, and no one is trying to claim it, and were stuck inbetween whats left of your pt and the HNM that is white, to me thats a fair claim, Aggro was reset, and you were not going into right direction, and now we know you ignored us, when we tried to talk to you, this whole mess would not have happened if you just said, were are not done please give us a chance, we would have respected that request, but you didnt, and we were left guessing and you saw from what happened with Nidhogg, how when these Dragons are uncontrolled how they can wipe the whole pit
#59 Oct 22 2004 at 10:56 PM Rating: Decent
340 posts
This is topic is gonna contiunes forever if we keep like this.
We saw the different things but the others do not agree.
I believe what we saw coz we were the one engaging - we knew what we were doing.

I dont wish to discuss this here anymore, I already had no intension to discuss from my previous post. If you wish to contiune, please message me in game.
#60 Oct 22 2004 at 11:09 PM Rating: Decent
Lol yea I'm full of **** tredvolt. pretty obvious who this is now.

Truth is painful isnt it.

And someday you wont be fooling anyone but yourself anymore.
#61 Oct 22 2004 at 11:13 PM Rating: Default
mmmmm I do not think that is Tredvolt at all, the grammar is all wrong, and plus he wouldnt hide behind another name like that.
#62 Oct 23 2004 at 12:15 AM Rating: Good
stealing is stealing
stealing is wrong
wait til they all die is wise.. we were even nice enough to let Fafnir kill every last IRON before we engaged the other night, despite Zzion's call for help. Just the easiest way to handle these things;;

next time you take nm.. just think: would my momma approve of this?

^^/ bye


Edited, Sat Oct 23 01:17:23 2004 by Zenelly
#63 Oct 23 2004 at 11:39 AM Rating: Decent

First of all I would like to say, i'm not taking anyones camp. So I am neutral cause i don't know the story and I have friends in all 3 LS'S involved.

Secondly, Celestia you are a Lvl 55 Monk. Do you actually know somethings about HNM'S? What you just did to this Recruiting Thread is totally disrespect toward IRON. If you read the subject carefully it says IRON - Recruiting. Why did you start a post in this thread when you knew that the thread will become out of the topic. You want to bring down one of the best NA LS's on this server. Why didn't you start a new thread about this instead of having disrespect for IRON by posting in this recruitment thread, when you knew that there will be a big discussion about it. IRON only wants to get better by getting more people, which his normal for a awesome LS like that. I'm not only blaming you Celestia, everyone who answered is at fault. Guys please give some respect to this recruitment thread and bring it to another one, honestly.

OK Iron are rectuiting, they are looking for:

Red Mage
Black Mage

You need to be lvl 65+, have sky access and be able to play from 6:00pm - 2:00am EST.

Lets stick to this topic and take this fight into another thread.

Edited, Sat Oct 23 19:37:03 2004 by Aphrodisiak
#64 Oct 23 2004 at 2:55 PM Rating: Decent
All due respect jawas, with the deliberate jabs I took at tred (no secret before this post how i felt about him) it's hard to not believe otherwise.

With his close friendship with some of the BR people, (his main attack on my standards, (that being the retaliation action for Amikiri) coupled with his utter loss of intellect (stooping to "you are full of sh*t" x3 it's otherwise painfully obvious.

I jabbed him where it hurt, and thats the best he can muster for a reaction.

So tred, since you think our taking our revenge on serket was bad, does that mean if Lunies Stole a claim from you, in a VERY obvious fashion, that your own people wont retaliate? Or say IRON had done this to Lunies, instead of AD... do you honestly think that "something" wouldnt happen? I'm not that unrealistic to think that Ghandi is running either of our shells. why else do you think we are so careful to avoid such actions? lets turn bismarck into a living hell for fun!!! YAY!!!

So, now whenever tred does finally order the trains on Lunies, we're ready, and expecting them now. (as opposed to writing off tred's statement as hot air before, now we have a reason to believe him)

So, that being said, when is IRON going to take that final step to prove me right? Come on now, I know your folks are pissed. You got caught, and now it's time to lash out since apologizing to AD would be far too difficult.

Sincere Congrats on Kirin BTW, it was far too long in coming, and i'm glad to finally see you doing something big.

I hope whoever has the money to BUY the shining cloth from your group is someone deserving.

#65 Oct 23 2004 at 4:37 PM Rating: Default
Actually we found out who eggobuster is and it wasnt Tred, Just want to state that for the record, Also for the record IRON will never be the 1st to train anyone, we refuse to be apart of that kind of action, We do not want to be in any type of LS War. And for the last time, when you had your problems with BR, we were told by Tred to stay away and do not get involved, we were warned many times to no be any wheres near anything that could confuse us with being on any side, I refuse to see why you can not just accept that we do not to cause anyone any harm, I have tried to explain what happened, but people still refuse to believe that we never wanted to anything to upset anyone, This is my last post on this,

Aphro thanks for your kind words, and yes this was not the place to talk about this, actually I believe this was a AD and IRON matter, that should have been the end of it.

Edited, Sat Oct 23 17:49:04 2004 by jawas
#66 Oct 23 2004 at 6:13 PM Rating: Decent
Holy ****! Are you listening to yourself!? Synapsis, you are trying to provoke a response? You're acting like a child. As far as I can tell, you are just milking every last drop of the situation. This has only happened 100 different times on other servers. Synapsis, your prejudices are so thick that I don't believe a word from your mouth should be trusted.

It's simple. What have you added to this conversation, other than instigating more "blind" rage? In all honesty, you have very little to do with the matter. If a resolution between iron and AD were to come about, an agreement was made, it would have nothing _what so ever_ to do with you. You are coming off as the kids cheering the fight on in school. No matter how much you justify your involvement with "but we could of pulled it too", if your are adding nothing but controversy than blind prejudice, your posts will be sorely unwanted.

Great, there was drama on bismarck. We all like it because we are all in some way involved. But you can't (on a public forum no less) think that the problem will ever be resolved if every tom, diick and bluemary wants to kick in there 2 cents. If you have a REASONABLE point to make, and you want to post it in a NEUTRAL manor, then I wouldn't mind hearing your comments. But you are doing nothing but rabble rousing.

Before accusing me of being an iron supporter, I have no real affiliation with the matter. ALL I am posting about is the people that have nothing to do with the matter other then the need to provoke it further.

Iron: What is done is done. I'm glad to see that most of your party is staying civil in the matter and I hope that every LS could display this maturity. I don't know if you felt your actions were justified or not. I don't know if a apology is in order or not. But regardless of the "affiliations" with other linkshells, I trust that in the end, your LS leader will take what action he/she believes is justified.

AD: If you were so scorned in the matter, I would only hope that you would pick a better place then a public forum, in a topic intended for recruitment to respond. But don't get me wrong, I don't blame you for this in anyway. I think the bulk of this was nothing but people who are more interested in the drama then the situation. If you are a civil LS, then accept the resolution that Iron makes, regardless of the outcome. Take the high ground, even if iron doesn't.

Lunar: I'm sorry to say this, but you are coming off immature and down right evil. As a bystander, please just stop. I want to see a resolution to the problem, and unless you have a less problematic way of making your points... then I see no point in hearing your retorts. Who cares if tredvold (spell?) has affiliations with other LSs? In all honesty how can you not? If you close your LS off and never interact or forum relations with people outside of your LS you might as well have a server to yourself. I honestly don't see this as the "beginning" of Iron stealing HNMs. If you see something I don't, that is your opinion. But any retaliation on your part will only hurt your LSs reputation. Yell at me if you want, try and take my post apart point by point. But in the end you will add nothing but spam, nothing towards a resolution to the problem. I am trying to remain as neutral as I can. Above all else, I just want to see a general resolve.

BR: I have only heard rumors of the LS, I don't even know what it stands for. But I have heard a rumor that at one point you where in the same situation as AD with lunar. There were 2 members left and wipe was seemingly unavoidable to the other LS. I am told that words were tossed around but in the end nothing came of it. I'm not placing blame on lunar for this, but I do believe this situation seems a lot like what we see here. I believe there is little way lunar could of known to pull much as there would be little way iron would of known to pull. Regardless of the reasons behind pulling, he's was pulled. I see there is bad blood between the LSs, and all I can hope for is that Iron and AD can come to a common agreement.

Everyone else: Your opinions are welcome. But I hope both parties take them with a grain of salt. In the end no one can speak for the LSs involved other then there respective leaders. If you wish to comment that is up to you, but I will personally try and post constructive comments and only go out of my way to comment on the posts that lack merit.

I would like to close:

I never intended to hurt anyone and I tried to remain as neutral as I could. I was more harsh with lunar but that is only in response to the needless drama that they brought to the table. You can flame, but what would that accomplish? My only intention for posting is in the near future, i hope to see a solution for a problem everyone will agree, should just come to a resolve.

P.S. Please for give my poor grammar and spelling. _(. .)_

Edited, Sat Oct 23 19:44:27 2004 by DramaQueen
#67 Oct 23 2004 at 9:01 PM Rating: Decent
935 posts
If you are a civil LS, then accept the resolution that Iron makes, regardless of the outcome. Take the high ground, even if iron doesn't

I just wanted to add that accepting a resolution definitely isn't always taking the high ground, especially if you feel you deserve better.

Everyone else: Your opinions are welcome. But I hope both parties take them with a grain of salt. In the end no one can speak for the LSs involved other then there respective leaders. If you wish to comment that is up to you, but I will personally try and post constructive comments and only go out of my way to comment on the posts that lack merit.

And here I would completely agree, and become a bit confused with the part of your post addressing IRON and AD. Since it's clear the leaders of both LS's haven't posted in this thread what do we know about IRON being civil or AD feeling scorned in this matter?
#68 Oct 23 2004 at 9:05 PM Rating: Decent
762 posts
I can't put credibility to any post that doesn't have an in game name attached to it. With a name like DramaQueen, what weight should we place into your opinion?
#69 Oct 23 2004 at 10:13 PM Rating: Decent
955 posts
That post oddly supports IRON and is against everyone else. Why can't we just lock this thread. I'm tired of seeing this.
#70 Oct 23 2004 at 11:59 PM Rating: Decent
I'm glad to see there isn't a slew of flames.

I just wanted to add that accepting a resolution definitely isn't always taking the high ground, especially if you feel you deserve better.

In my experience, taking the high ground is not "sinking" to the level of the aggressor. If iron continues those actions in the future, i believe your negative sentiment would be well deserved. From what I see though, this is nothing more then a misjudgment. One i could see many other LSs making once. But, i believe at the end of the day, this is a lot of drama over something we have only seen once from this LS.

And here I would completely agree, and become a bit confused with the part of your post addressing IRON and AD. Since it's clear the leaders of both LS's haven't posted in this thread what do we know about IRON being civil or AD feeling scorned in this matter?

That post was directed to the members of the LS that have posted in the thread. I don't know of the actions taking in game by either LS. The basis for those opinions are surrounding this posts made by the LS members. I think a lot of AD members had some really good points, but a lot of the posts come off as threats, instead of what I would only hope as a possible end to the matter. I understand your angry, but its not going to gain you any ground. Personally I would let my LS leaders take care of the matter and try and keep needless bickering amongst the members to a minimum. If they are uninterested in a resolution, then take the high ground and turn the other cheek. I can say I would respect you a lot more for doing what's right, over doing what you feel is justified.

I can't put credibility to any post that doesn't have an in game name attached to it. With a name like DramaQueen, what weight should we place into your opinion?

My points are still valid and my intent is still clear. Would you throw stones at the one person not inciting a witch hunt? I have friends in both AD and Lunar, I do not intend on burning bridges over this. But i could not stand by and watch this silly event unfold. What weight does my opinion have? No more then yours my friend. We are equals in that regards. This is the medium for expressing opinions. You can disregard my post if you feel it necessary.

That post oddly supports IRON and is against everyone else.

Please forgive me if it seems I came off this way. I was only addressing the members and the posts in this thread. I personally believe iron was wrong in pulling fafnir before its time. But if the thread seems a bit bias, it is only because i disagree less with the manor this event was portrayed and addressed in a public forum. This is nothing but smearing, and that is just as bad IMHO.

Why can't we just lock this thread. I'm tired of seeing this.

This, i could not agree more with.

I will try and restrain from any further posts, thank you for putting up with my rant.
#71 Oct 24 2004 at 12:09 AM Rating: Decent
883 posts
Requesting thread lockage. When someone named DramaQueen starts posting, that's a good sign the thread should go.
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