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IRON - RecruitingFollow

#1 Oct 20 2004 at 1:56 AM Rating: Decent
We are currently looking for new members into our LS. We are well organized group of hard-core individuals mainly focusing on Dynamis - Sky and HNM's. You must be lvl 65+ to apply w/sky pass and be able to play from Sunday-Thursday 6pm-2am PST.

The Current classes can apply are:

Red Mage
Black Mage

If you are interested, you can contact me in game from 6pm-2am PST my name is Valkerine
#2 Oct 20 2004 at 5:32 AM Rating: Good
Don't I wish...
/sigh ; ;
#3 Oct 20 2004 at 6:59 AM Rating: Good
610 posts
Don't we all wish Sioux. LoL Maybe one day. Good luck finding members though. ^^
#4 Oct 20 2004 at 7:04 AM Rating: Default
183 posts
Hah, I laugh whole-heartedly at this after the **** IRON pulled the other night with Archdominius against Fafnir. Common courtesy with HNM's my ***.
#5 Oct 20 2004 at 7:47 AM Rating: Default
a level 55 commenting on that? lol.

Sorry sister but when there are 40+ people in aery you wont see all the player/monster models, if it turns yellow and you cant see the opposition then you dont know if they have wiped.

Quite frankly AD had 2-3 people left alife and would have wiped anyway so even if IRON jumped the gun it wouldn't have made any difference, even if they did have backup coming it probabably wouldnt have arrived in time.

One of those unfortunate things that happen.

now if IRON did it every HNM pop then maybe you'd have a point, but the occasional unfortunate incident is bound to happen.

Edited, Wed Oct 20 08:49:20 2004 by EgoDebuffer
#6 Oct 20 2004 at 8:07 AM Rating: Good
172 posts
Quote from Tredevolt:

"I don't care about made-up rules. I'm not going to wait around for them."

That information came to me from within the Iron LS from a couple unhappy members.
#7 Oct 20 2004 at 8:11 AM Rating: Default
yes post quite probably made up quotes great, thats how to smear someone.

Heres one someone said that he heard someone said tredvolt say

"I eat dead babies"

Get a clue.

Edited, Wed Oct 20 09:11:52 2004 by EgoDebuffer
#8 Oct 20 2004 at 8:22 AM Rating: Good
172 posts
Yes, I cannot honestly say for sure that's exactly what he said. I did, however, get the info from 2 Iron members. Right after the incident happened, Qumdi also dropped his pearl.

So yeah, take what I say for what it's worth. I personally don't have anything against Iron, and I highly doubt the vast majority of the players in the LS would do something like that.
#9 Oct 20 2004 at 8:44 AM Rating: Good
353 posts
IRON seems to be losing quite a few members recently. Which naturally tends to make people wonder. And step away.

Chopss, were you the one out in La Theine Monday night?

Edited, Wed Oct 20 09:46:41 2004 by Raynedrop
#10 Oct 20 2004 at 8:50 AM Rating: Good
172 posts
Yes, that was me. I was going to ask you if you happened to be there. I applaud your LS for being good sports about the whole thing.
#11 Oct 20 2004 at 8:59 AM Rating: Good
353 posts

It was all in good fun. We actually laughed about it because between eighteen of us, Brock beat me to the pull. And I'm sure Bloodtear likes to eat measily lvl 54 brds for lunch so I'm not complaining^^

It was a lot of fun to see a real HNM ls at work, even the strategy that goes into it (towards the end of the kill). The experience was just as valuable to watch as it likely would have been if we had actually gotten the pop.

Good show!

Edited, Wed Oct 20 10:14:01 2004 by Raynedrop
#12 Oct 20 2004 at 9:08 AM Rating: Decent
Looked pretty much like a common fight to me: hit hit hit Skillchain wash rinse repeat :P

But it was cool seeing just the 3 of you taking him on ^^

Edited, Wed Oct 20 10:57:31 2004 by dorobo
#13 Oct 20 2004 at 10:06 AM Rating: Default
If your are going to base your judgement of an LS from rumors and second hand talk, than you will never have the right idea about any LS:

1. Fafnir: We made the pull based off the fact that Fafnir went white, and there were 1-3 AD ppl in the zone that were still alive, with one being a pld in raise sickness. Once a monsters goes white we all know it is free to aggro anyone in the range. Also, Fafnir has a breath weapon and tail fail that can wipe out the zone. So when you have only seconds to make a choice, you base your choice on how to best save your alliance when another alliance is beyond the point of recovery. We saw things one way and Lunarians and AD saw it another.

2. Please do not take a leaked quote from our private forums out of context. Tredvolt was trying to say the same as point 1, once we are in a position of needing to make a choice, we need to be mindfull of how to protect our alliance. There is no way to steal a claimed a HNM, NM, or whatever. Once something goes white, are we suppose to watch it kill our mages cause 1-3 people in the 1st alliance arent dead yet?? Or better yet let it face us and use its breathe weapon and wipe out IRON and the Lunarians watching? Please do not take quotes out of context. There is a set way of claiming as designed by the game. We have a huge respect for AD, and in no way meant to do anything to dishonor them.

3. IRON has a target membership level, with carefully balanced job placement. We try to make sure to not over load in anyone job field, mainly so people feel needed, and they do not have to wait in a long line for rare/ex items. We are a hardcore LS, that demands a fair amount of time from it's membership. We mainly raid from Sunday-Thursday, making Friday/Staurday optional, so players have a chance to have free time both in the game and out. At times we loss membership cause they feel that real life will keep them from being at most events, and at times we have had to cut members for not being as active as they need to be, or once were without any excuse as to why they aren't showing up to camps, or people that just do not seem to fit in with our systems. So, yes as any other HNM/End Content LS, we be recruiting certain jobs from time to time, but in no way has IRON lost any huge membership.

4. IRON has gone out of it's way to remain neutral in LS conflicts on the server, we do not in anyway pull the same stunts as "some" other LS's do when another LS has a claim. We have even random'd with other LS's for a HNM pull, and when we loose we leave the zone, maybe leaving one or 2 for a ToD. We try to treat people as hopefully we want to be treated.
#14 Oct 20 2004 at 10:20 AM Rating: Excellent
340 posts
First of all, sorry if I ruining your recruit thread. I sincerely apology, I just cant stand some people post crap and others get influence by it.

EgoDebuffer whats you in game name? Were you even there when this happened?
Just who do you judge AD is going to wipe? We had blm/whm/rng/bst arrives in 5-10 seconds and our PLD is raised ready to use invincible. With the additional blm and the remain blm(ES up soon) in alliance. We have chance to sleep the dragon and buy time etc etc... Yes quite a fantasy, but do we get to try it? NO, IRON pulled it coz they "think" we are going to get wipe.

"IRON stole Fafnir from us." <= Thats our opinion, and all other HNM LS think if they heard the incident. Because everyone use the "all wipe" rule.
"We didnt steal the NM, we played fair game." <= Yes because you dont believe the "made up rule" that everyone is using. So the next time if we "think" you are going to get wipe we can just pull? Well good coz thats your rule.

All ArchDominus members respect IRON as I heard all IRON respect AD. Of course I love IRON even more coz I was born from IRON. However stuff like this will ruining 2 LS's relationshop also boost bad NA reputation. Lets not do this again...

If anyone has any more comment about this please post on AD's fourm instead of flooding this thread. I apology again for the off topic.

P.S. Errr I had to edit some grammer mistakes. =/

Edited, Wed Oct 20 11:29:43 2004 by Invoky

Edited, Wed Oct 20 11:30:34 2004 by Invoky
#15 Oct 20 2004 at 10:33 AM Rating: Default
Personally Invoky, this isnt a place for Non-LS members who arent even in the level range to talk about a situation that happened between 2 LS's.

Again, not everyone knows or uses the all wipe rule, most Japanese LS's do not, trust me we have had Fafnir pulled from us in the same situation, but again we were actaully gratefull cause we were beyond recovery and it did was save lives and exp loss. We did not mean to disrespect you or AD. We have no way of knowing of what abilities you have on timer or not on timer, we have no idea of non-visable LS members, and the pull was based on the fact that we were looking at an unclaimed, uncontroled HNM, that in all regards was free to aggro anyone.

Most of you do not know that many of AD where once in IRON, and I believed we always had a good working relationship, and this is just a difference of opinions that I am sure we will work through this, but I am upset that people who habe no idea what happened or what even a fafnir is like, are posting. Again we meant no disrespect to you or AD.
#16 Oct 20 2004 at 2:24 PM Rating: Default
183 posts
a level 55 commenting on that? lol.

Sorry sister but when there are 40+ people in aery you wont see all the player/monster models, if it turns yellow and you cant see the opposition then you dont know if they have wiped.

Are you better than me because you're higher in level then me? I have every right to comment on it, because it affected a few people I know. Common courtesy is a thing which should be used when dealing with something like this, but it was obviously not used.

As for knowing about it....I'm friends with a few ex-IRON members who left because they can't stand the way some of you treat people. And I think with a few of the posts above, a few IRON members proved my point to a T.
#17 Oct 20 2004 at 2:46 PM Rating: Decent
a level 55 commenting on that? lol.

I laugh at you for not expecting any comments from the majority of the 'posting visitors' to this board.

Edited, Wed Oct 20 15:47:20 2004 by Namari
#18 Oct 20 2004 at 3:34 PM Rating: Excellent
762 posts
jawas wrote:
Personally Invoky, this isnt a place for Non-LS members who arent even in the level range to talk about a situation that happened between 2 LS's.

Actually Jawas, not to play Devil's Advocate, but that's exactly what these boards are for. From my experiences, and judging from the amount of posts from it's respective members, I rarely see IRON, AD, or any other major HNM LS's members on these forums, except for the member of a linkshell who obviously wants to remain anonymous by posting under a stupid screen name and hiding behind masks *cough* EgoDebuffer *cough*. The majority of the people who use these forums probably don't have a forum for their own personal linkshell use like IRON. By the actual members of the linkshells posting, it takes it out of the private realm of the personal linkshell forums and opens it up to anyone who is a regular user of Allakhazam. I'm not taking sides, but you can't be honest if you expect a discussion not to occur on a public forum like this. Valkerine publicized that the linkshell needed members, and for that, it sparked the discussion that the rumor mill of the board's users have recently overheard. If you didn't want to hear the opinions of the people using their boards, then this was probably not the best way to advertise. I'm sure you didn't expect that response, but Alla tends to be very wide-ranged in the type of audience it receives.

But don't mind me, I'll just sit here with my bowl of popcorn watching the mud be flung and continue to be saddened by how politics can ruin this game.
#19 Oct 20 2004 at 3:48 PM Rating: Good
Can you pass the popcorn?

/em's tummy rumbles...
#20 Oct 20 2004 at 3:52 PM Rating: Good
762 posts
*** Mini - Hijack Begin ***

Sure! It's the Cinnabon flavored kind!

And btw, congrats on the baby!

*** Mini - Hijack End ***
#21 Oct 20 2004 at 4:10 PM Rating: Decent
***Mini Re-Hijack***

Thanks! First Dr's visit is Monday ~.~ Being a soon-to-be-daddy can be very intimidating

***Mini Re-Hijack End***
#22 Oct 20 2004 at 4:41 PM Rating: Good
183 posts
omg wintaru is gogin to be a daddy i am scared for that kid..... Not really congrats on teh baby you will be a great dad..

Now ont eh the topic of the thread you should have known before you even posted here you woudl get comments about what ppl think you did to them that is the way alla works it is public not privite so any oen can comment on any thing no matter lvl or what ls they are in.
#23 Oct 20 2004 at 6:14 PM Rating: Default
damn, this is juicy :O
#24 Oct 21 2004 at 2:15 AM Rating: Excellent
27 posts
You know, the other day I was thinking about how the HNM drama on Bismarck seemed to be lacking. Luckily we have plently of it now! So without further ado, let's get on with the show...

Personally Invoky, this isnt a place for Non-LS members who arent even in the level range to talk about a situation that happened between 2 LS's.

That's funny, I distinctly remember a 3rd LS being there...who was it now...oh right, it was the LS you were trying to beat by stealing Faf from AD.

Jawas, we've been friends since the beginning. I have a lot of respect for you and many other members of IRON, whom I also consider friends. But how you can honestly think that what you guys did was justifiable is beyond me. I heard the quote from Tred, and I don't care if he actually said it or not. I also don't care if you guys really thought that AD had wiped; it's irrelevant. The problem is, once you had claim you could clearly see that AD was not dead. Whether or not they WOULD have died is not up to you to decide, the point is they didn't get a chance to. At that point, the 'right' thing to do was to return claim to them and let things play out. Hell, we returned Faf to freakin' BR once, and we hated BR. Would it really have been so difficult to give him back to an LS you were (supposedly) on friendly terms with?

I used quotations on 'right' because it seems we do not agree on this point. More specifically:

Again, not everyone knows or uses the all wipe rule, most Japanese LS's do not, trust me we have had Fafnir pulled from us in the same situation, but again we were actaully gratefull cause we were beyond recovery and it did was save lives and exp loss. We did not mean to disrespect you or AD. We have no way of knowing of what abilities you have on timer or not on timer, we have no idea of non-visable LS members, and the pull was based on the fact that we were looking at an unclaimed, uncontroled HNM, that in all regards was free to aggro anyone.

Not trying to sound arrogant, but we've probably done 20 times as many Faf camps as you guys have, many against japanese comepition. We have always known japanese LS to uphold this rule. In all fairness our japanese competition is usually LibertyBlue, whom we're on friendly terms with. But that's really beside the point.

What would you suggest in the alternative? If it goes yellow it's fair claim? I don't need to tell you how many problems that would cause. Come on, this isn't Midgard:p Personally, I strongly believe in /randoming if the the group that won the pull is going to lose (many japanese LS do this as well). But, not everyone shares my view, and I can't force my opinion on others. What is your position here? If it's the former, then god help us, things are going to get ugly.

Until now, the HNMLS on Bismarck have remained relatively civil. I guess it was only a matter of time before things erupted, but in all honestly, there's no reason we can't keep this under control. I would hate to see this deteriorate into an all-out war.
#25 Oct 21 2004 at 5:05 AM Rating: Default

If you wish to talk about this I will free anytime in game to do so.

IRON has gone out of it's way to remain neutral in some of the past LS drama, I think if we truely thought that this would have caused this much of a problem then we would have just watched Fafnir kill 1-3 members of AD that were still in the zone.

But what does this rule mean, if we keep someone in the alliance away from Fafnir and still alive we can never lose the claim to the HNM in question cause we have a LS member alive. We have been camping against Japanese LS's in the early morning hours, and they would have pulled Fafnir in the same situation and have pulled Fafnir off us in a similar situation, Even one of your LS members agreed that most Japanese LS do not go by this rule. I and IRON have no problem playing by a set of rules, but you must agree that everyone must know and understand these rules 1st and than create a position to try to "play fair" and than not have another LS who doesnt agree pull whenever.

Tonight was an example of what we were trying to prevent the other night, you may call it BS or whatever, but tonight Nidhogg went white, and I think we all can agree that AD was in a point of no recovery, we held off. We tried to play by the rules that we werent aware that we broke the other night. Than Katuru got killed but a loose breathe attack and then 90% of us were killed by the tail fail. I do feel that when a claim goes "White" why should we or you or anyone else risk having your alliance aggro'd when 1-3 people might still be alive somewhere in the zone. We were not spaming voke in hope of a bug to turn it white or a freak chance that someone would log out while having hate and turn it white for a second. Fafnir was white and no AD members were in any position to retake the claim, no one was on its feet, or even anywhere near it. We were given the "Go" command and we took it. We would have never pulled if they had members still on its feet and/or visable to us that they were not done. We even had tred say in shouts to not take it until all members were dead. But at what point is an LS wiped out. Most of us know to just escape when we can not have a chance of recovery. But I do not agree that when a target is white and no one in the alliance that was fighting is in any position around it to reset the claim, that it is OUR fault. We do not have eyes in the back of our heads.

Again we did not mean AD any disrespect, and we did feel that we had waited long enough to take the claim over. AD and the Lunarians feel differently, and it is your right to disagree with it, but that was one time. I feel that it is unfair to keep this going. IRON does not run around stealing HNM claims, normally we will leave once an LS is stable, while other LS's will wait till the bitter end. We do our best to stay away from those engaged, while other LS's have people spam check our members in fight, or walk behind us to block our camera views or try to lag us. I still feel that this one situation was at best questionable, but there were too many things going on, too many people out of position to be able to say if we truely jumped the gun or not, and I just hate that one night will create uneeded drama. Tredvolt spent a lot of time trying to work things out with AD that night. We offer the random idea, which we have done with the Lunarians in the past. All we can do is choose to move on, and try to work together to make the HNM camps a better, fair place for all. Again we do not want drama, we just want the chance to collect the Abj.s that we need.

Again Kujo we have know each othe in game for almost a year, and I do think of you as a friend and hope to continue to do so. I hope this helps to explain our position, but we in no way want to create a LS war, we in no way want any ill feelings towards us, and trust me when we get nasty /tell, /say, /shouts in our directions we are told to not reply, if someone does trust it is addressed. We want harmony, and we are doing our best to make sure that something questionable does not happen again, I am not so much trying to say we are right and AD or Lunarians are wrong, but just trying to state my point of view of what happened.
#26 Oct 21 2004 at 5:50 AM Rating: Decent
62 posts

First of all that night it wasn't just IRON there. Lunarians are there too, and their standard rules on when to pull HNM from other LS is after they totally wipe. IRON did it before it happens. That also gives the unfair competition between these two LSs. IRON did it not because AD will wipe or not, they did it because they aware of the competition agains lunarians. The fair competition between these two LS on claiming it should be the moment of last AD member eat the dust. And IRON don't tell me you don't know Lunarian's standard rules about HNM. You well know their rules and still did it while they expecting you guys will be fairly competing with them.
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