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Was I wrong? If so, what to do?Follow

#1 Oct 18 2004 at 12:46 PM Rating: Decent
73 posts
This is something that has been eating at me for a while now. The incident happened quite a while back, but its come back to bite me in the *** recently. I'd like some of yalls opinions as to whether I was totaly out of line, and if I was, what I should do about it.

/deep breath

Ok here it goes: I was in a supremely great group in crawlers nest. We were getting great chains, the puller was awesome, the whm had erase (hurray!), all the damagers were mindfull of thier aggro and hate was locked down on the tank (me).

We had finished a chain (either 4 or 5) and we all reasting up mana to begine anew. Then I see on my screen: soandso is defeated by a worker crawler, followed by several other "death messages". I peek my head around the corner to see a group has been decimated by worker crawlers (at least two). Only around three members of the group are still standing. I think "thats too bad, I wish I could help".

The reason I choose not to run in provoking like mad is my group was in no condition to fight even one crawler, let alone the add that would have resulted. When I'm tank for a group, my first and foremost concern is the well being of my group members. I shrug it off and tell my party to be careful, as worker crawlers were on the rampage. We had full intentions of raising the whole party after the crawlers had finished thier grizzly work.

Then the ranger of the group that was being munched on by the crawlers makes a bee line for my party with two crawlers in tow. He then just stands right in the middle of our party. Were still in no conditions to fight. In two or three hits he goes down, the crawlers leave to go find one of his fellow party members that bolted earlier. I say "Just sit tight, when our whm has mana she'll raise yall".

After the raise this ranger has the audacity to start calling us names, cursing at us for not helping and what not, so on and so forth. Everyone in my party was like "wtf????". He went to go take a knee by the rest of his fallen comrades, when his party member that had run off came training the crawlers back ontop of him. I guess his hate had not died with him because the crawlers decided to take the ranger out again (ahh, gotta love karma). Out of cruel humor I do a /point and laugh emote at the ranger's corpse (which in hindsight my not have been the most tactful thing to do).

Then I get the tells. Not only is this ranger cursing me out the paladin in the group is giving me heck for not jumping in and trying to save his group. The ranger is just as foul mouthed as one can get, but the paladin actualy seems intellegent, so I try and reason with him, letting him know my parties situation and that I would have gladly helped had we been able to. By the end of the night the paladin and I were on good terms, he respected my decision, and how it was the best one for me to make for my party.

But the ranger, jeez, theres no reasoning with this guy. "You should always try to help" is basicaly what he was arguing (in between the name calling and cursing, it was hard to keep a line of communicatin open).

After awhile I guess he decided to leave me be (after I had ignored him for a while). My group continued to level and all was good. Then I get an invite to crawlers nest recently and when I get an invite, I'm not in the group for two seconds when the ranger says "This Sigmund guy is a horrible player, I wont party with him". I think "wth??" (I didnt remeber his name at the time). Finally after complaining what a bad player I am he says he wont party with me, and promptly disbands.

I sent a tell asking him what his problem with me was, and hes says: "it dosen't surprise me a jerk like you dosnt remeber the horrible things he does" I cycle through my memory of rangers with attitudes I had partied with and I'm thinking this guy is one that had a problem with me in the jungles of Khazam (for some reason this ranger didnt want to pull). I asked if he was the guy from Khazam, and said "I thought we had worked that out". He then replys "No it happened here, you probably cause so many problems you cant remeber them all". Then he says "welcome to the blacklist".

Then I get who it is. I had completly forgotten this guy. I certainly dont care what he thinks about me, but I dont want him spreading the word around that I'm a bad player either. Is there any thing anyone can think of so that I can reason with this guy? Was I completly in the wrong for not risking my own and my party's life trying to bail him out? I just dont want a bad reputation on our server.

Sorry for posting a rant-type thread, but what I'm really asking for is advice, any would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
#2 Oct 18 2004 at 12:57 PM Rating: Good
388 posts
I can't see anything wrong here: people have to be responsible for their own pulls. If you could have helped, great, but even then, you're not *obligated* to. You're certainly not in any way obligated to jump in if it's going to get your party killed as well.

I would just /blist him and ignore it. You didn't do anything bad.

#3 Oct 18 2004 at 1:00 PM Rating: Default
sounds like this guy was a moron
you did what needed to be done, you cannot always be concerned with the matters of another party (especially if you are in no position to take on a potential add). I would say just blacklist this idiot and move on, having a person or two pissed off at you will not kill you, I find that it makes the game more interesting :)
#4 Oct 18 2004 at 1:07 PM Rating: Decent
690 posts
From your story it sounds like you acted the responsible and mature one.

Sure, one should try and help out as much as possible, but if helping means two dead parties instead of one, well...

I've always been of the opinion that the well being of your party comes before lending a helping hand to others. If your group was in no condition to fight, then running in with voke wouldn't have been heroic, it would have been foolhardy.

Not only that, but you would have had grief from your own party for being reckless like that.

It's like Winawer said. You are not obligated to help another party in need. If the situation permits and you can handle lending assistance, then by all means, go for it. But if you're stuck in downtime and know that helping = death, stay the hell out.

And don't take this ranger to heart. He sounds like the type to fly off the handle if things don't go exactly his way.

--Arondight, Bismarck

Nothing that is so, is so.
#5 Oct 18 2004 at 1:08 PM Rating: Decent
85 posts
Siggy you did the right thing. You kept your party safe wich in return gave them sure raises after your party was healed and those crawlers found their way back to their home.

If you would have jumped in even if you zoned it there was the risk that the crawler would go after your party on its return or it would just attack the same party again while they were weakened.

Must be some kid who was upset about his xp loss not his party dying. Dont let it bother ya Siggy your a good person and I'd party with ya any day and you know it :)
#6 Oct 18 2004 at 1:13 PM Rating: Good
471 posts
Whenever I end up being a leader of a party, my first concern is always my members. I love my friends to death, but if it endangers my party, I'm not just going to up and run out. Maybe it's just me, but I saw nothing wrong. If you all were in med status, and knew you couldn't help without risking death, you aren't entitled to just go up and sacrifice yourself. (Although, I have to agree, the point and laugh was a little tactless)

I'm a little miffed at people that purposely die in the middle of other parties, expecting others to help just because they're standing there. It's painful, especially if the monster is the type that agros automatically. I've died countless times to goofs who do that. If you run by, we're bound to notice! Don't just stand there in the middle dieing in front of us >< We don't need a show, or the agro that might occur on certain monsters.

I am curious to know if he called help on that monster. Because if there were any other groups there, I'm sure they might've come, health and time permitting.

An almost similar (though not quite) thing happened to me while in party yesterday. Actually, we had two instances. We were fighting Toramas in Onzozos Labyrinth.

The first occurance, the party next to us had the whm die from agro. They were in need of Cure help, and our party wasn't doing anything. I pulled out a cure knowing that at least I had stoneskin up if I took agro and could take a hit, and my party was at full health for any endangering situations. Needless to say, they were able to polish it off fine.

The second occurance was when a party had a problem, and we were in the middle of a goblin battle. They escaped, leaving one member behind, who in turn, was getting mauled by a Torama. In that situation, he was already too dead to run away from us to die in a secluded spot. We couldn't just stop battle to help him, and we didn't, but the moment we could, we were still in good health, and we took on the Torama. He died before we could take it off him, but he was greatful and apologetic for putting us in danger.

But the point is, our group's safety came first. We can't be good samaritans all the time. Like anything, we pick our battles. It's easy to sacrifice ourselves for a good cause, but it's hard to think about sacrificing our friends or our good parties in the same light.
#7 Oct 18 2004 at 1:17 PM Rating: Decent
107 posts
When I was in CN, doing Rumbles, we ended up being one player short... while we waited for our 6th to arrive, a pop tried to destroy us. The incredibly kind group behind us was in moderate shape but took it from us, and I healed them as much as I could. Thankfully they were higher than us and had little problem. A few fights later my party was doing rather well, and to my horror I watch this party behind us drop to a Helm Beetle pop + link. Although my party was in mid-pull, our other mages had plenty of MP and I had convert ready to go.. so I /checked til I found the WHM< raised him, had our WHM raise the RDM, and continued to follow their progress through /tell during my party's fight.

My point is, when you CAN help, you should. If that party had been nearly dead when the Rumbler popped on us, I would have understood them not helping. We couldn't help them with a Helm, but we could help with cleanup. You were in the right. That guy is a big meanie. Kick him >.>
#8 Oct 18 2004 at 1:32 PM Rating: Decent
232 posts
As a tank your #1 priority is the safety of your party, I give you Kudos for not putting them at risk. That Rng is an idiot if he doesnt relize that. Its better you didnt party with him anyway he is probally the reason they had the crawlers Linked to begin with.

You are right in this situation. IMO
#9 Oct 18 2004 at 2:24 PM Rating: Decent
282 posts

You should ignore him, Helping, even if its a morally right thing to do is still a CHOICE not a responsibility, some people need to understand that. Even if your party is full health and sitting there not helping, it is still your choice. Now no one ofcourse would do a thing like that because helping creates friendship and good impression. But helping is still a choice. You're not responsible for anyone's death due to their circumstances that you have nothing to do with. That ranger need to grow up and realized its his bad pull that killed the party and he should take responsibility.
#10 Oct 18 2004 at 2:30 PM Rating: Decent
205 posts
You're all good brotha, don't worry bout it none.
#11 Oct 18 2004 at 2:58 PM Rating: Decent
517 posts
Just like everyone said, you did the right thing. The only thing you're guilty of, is feeling guilty for something that was not your fault. You did your job by making sure you kept your party out of harms way while the other party got mauled.

It's completely understandable that the party which was defeated was quite mad. Anyone whose whole party dies would undoubtedly be pissed, but stuff like that happens in the game, and people need to learn to deal with it. Sure everyone always wishes that they would be saved, but they need to look at it from the other person's perspective. In these situations, it's easy for people to lash out and blame someone else for what happened to them.

In the end, just don't worry about it. You can't please everyone. If you HAD tried to save the other party, you probably would have gotten your own killed, and then there would be even more people angry at you. Personally, I would invite you over that ranger anytime. You're definitely the better person, and a lot more mature than that ranger.
#12 Oct 20 2004 at 1:59 PM Rating: Decent
73 posts
Thanks for everyone's responses. I appreciate the kind words and encouragement. I guess one enemy wont hurt (it'll be neat to have a real-life arch nemesis).

Thanks again for taking the time to read and answer my post.
#13 Oct 20 2004 at 2:19 PM Rating: Good
253 posts
Seriously, people need to realize something about Crawler's Nest. If you make a train or get an add that you can't handle without a blm to escape or a whm to tele, JUST DIE. I can't count how many times my party had to evacuate because some idiot trained workers or soldiers to the zone. And even some rumbles and beetles once too! If you get in this situation the correct thing to do is just die and ask someone nicely for a raise. Making these trains just ruins it for other people. So to your question I say, you did the right thing and that rng should be shot for training them to you.
#14 Oct 21 2004 at 3:38 PM Rating: Decent
I agree, you did the right thing, especially since your PT was in no condition to fight. The other PT should have let the puller die if they could not handle it. I remember an Elemental aggro'd our BLM in Qufim and he got pissed because I didn't voke. Well, the whm cured him to save him, and the drk voked. I told them not to but they did. The elemental then killed the DRK, then went after the whm who was running towards Jeuno. I then simply ran to the tower an zoned, waited for the clear, which sadly was my entire pt dieing. I then went out and got raises for everyone. Once everyone healed, they booted me because they said I was a horrible voker and not a team player.

I had to remind them:

1. I rarely lost hate
2. I died instead of letting the mob get the whm when the drk wouldn't voke
3. The Elemental would have left the pt alone if the whm hadn't cured the blm, and if it killed all the pt before they got to the tunnell, I wouldn't have been any help.

I guess I am rambling again. But to answer your question you were in the right... except for the point and laugh. You might have saved that for a /p... ;)
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