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Zilart Missions Marathon -- aka Sky Access, anyone?Follow

#1 Oct 18 2004 at 11:21 AM Rating: Decent
65 posts
Thank you all who participated in this marathon!

Well, it is now 7am EST and we have been at it for almost 20 straight hours, but I am proud to report we were SUCCESSFUL in attaining our Sky Access!

Special Thanks go to ALL who participated.

Great job, all!


___Original Post below:___
Hello everybody,

I am planning on gathering as many people as possible to iron out as many Zilart Missions as we can, this coming weekend (10/23 and 10/24), starting with ZM4.

You should be at least lv60 (65+ would be great), and have cleared ZM1 thru ZM3, since they are simply 'talk to NPCs' missions.

If you are interested, please reply to this post, or you may send me an email at

I will keep everybody updated as we gather enough members via this thread throughout this week.

Thank you very much,


Edited, Sun Oct 24 06:39:02 2004 by Apollonious

Edited, Sun Oct 24 06:40:05 2004 by Apollonious
#2 Oct 18 2004 at 12:11 PM Rating: Good
471 posts
Bah, I'm 61 *tackles Apollonious* but I wanna finish ZM4. Why do you make me suffer so Apollonious?! *dies* Well, if I could go, I would.
#3 Oct 18 2004 at 12:26 PM Rating: Decent
65 posts
Well, The 'Merodi' effect raises your level to at least a lv70, so you're more than welcome to come! Clear your calendar for this weekend, Mero, we're Zilart-bound!

#4 Oct 18 2004 at 12:59 PM Rating: Good
471 posts
Woohoo! Alrighty then, I'm gonna try my bestest to be there. Hopefully I can get a level or two in between so I'm not so uber gimped >< I really wanna get up to sky ^^ Not to level, just for the damn awesome photo opportunity! XD

Well, that... and I'd love to pop in on some lvl 75 friends and run in there *Hugglez* them and help'm out with a supply run or a smile, or whatever ^^


I have this friend, and I can't speak for him, but I know he'd love to come join us. His name is Raevin, and he's a lvl 66 Galka monk. Apollo, send him a tell if I can't get to him beforehand. We were talking about doing ZM4 together, and this'd be a great opportunity ^^

Edited, Mon Oct 18 14:21:31 2004 by Merodi
#5 Oct 18 2004 at 1:16 PM Rating: Decent
305 posts
Count me in for ZM4.
#6 Oct 18 2004 at 2:19 PM Rating: Decent
175 posts
Oh! I want in! */em raises hand* Pick me! Pick me!!!

I promise no utter screwups like the other night either. x-my heart and hope to get KOd.

edit --
I should have mentioned. I can bring a full solid party. We are all level 60 now, but will be exp'ing hard this week so we could, in theory, be as high as 62 by the weekend.
-- edit


Edited, Mon Oct 18 15:35:25 2004 by Idwa
#7 Oct 18 2004 at 3:01 PM Rating: Decent
214 posts
If anyone would not mind, I would love to come out and help. I've
completed Zilart Missions 1-3, and am ready to go on ZM4. I'm
currently at 6o, which is the low end on your requirements, but
hopefully still acceptable.

link to me/my equipment is listed in my signature.

{Thank you.}^^
#8 Oct 18 2004 at 5:26 PM Rating: Decent
I'd like to join the Zilart Marathon.
What time are you planning to start?
If you could use a 61whm/blm let me know.
(Thank You)
#9 Oct 18 2004 at 5:33 PM Rating: Good
716 posts
I'm a part of Idwa's group. I'd really love to come, as well. 60 RDM at this time, but as Idwa said, we're going to XP hard all this week. So I should be at least level 61 by then.

My only niggle is that I'm not sure if I could go at ten AM EST. I'll try my hardest to, though.
#10 Oct 19 2004 at 9:10 AM Rating: Decent
175 posts
Sorry, I should have been clearer. I'm going to bring a full party of level 60-62 consisting of:


The only hitch is that Aybara and Maikeru need to complete Rank 6 and ZM1-3 before Sat. We are trying to handle that. If any of these guys can't make it, I'll edit this post and try to find replacements for them. I'm trying to get confirmation from them now.
#11 Oct 19 2004 at 9:41 AM Rating: Decent
65 posts

The Big NM Battle at the end of this mission (Three very tough Tonberries) has a 6-person limit... So if you are bringing 5 people with you, we could theoretically form a 12-people alliance and fight the NMs twice... but that would mean we would need twice the unlit lanterns, paintbrushes and uggalepih keys.

I'm fine with that, as long as everybody else is too ^^

Opinions, ideas?


Edited, Tue Oct 19 10:42:43 2004 by Apollonious
#12 Oct 19 2004 at 10:39 AM Rating: Good
For Zilart mission 4, make sure you have done all your prep work. You will need 4 unlit tonberry lanterns, and you will need at least one paint brush, 2 if you need to return to the BCNM for another fight. (We had 8 people so half of us had to return to the BCNM to fight again).

Now after you have your prep work done, you may think more is better right?

You try and keep 8 people sneaked and invised. Once one person gets agro, be prepared for a lot of aggro. The 8 people in my party all got whipped out once in the room where Carbunkle's Mitts NM spawns, the agro just kept coming.

Also, if only 4 people have unlit lanterns, dont be worried, as long as one person stays inside the door, it can be opened from the inside.

So, I guess what I'm saying is, if you intend to do this with more than 6 people, be prepared to fight the BCNM 2 times, get multiple paint brushes, find maps of the area, because it is a dungeon, make sure everyone brings 1 to 2 stacks of both sneak and invis powder/oil. These are not easy missions.
The weakest link in your party/alliance can easily get people killed, this is not a missionto skimp on oils because you dont feel like spending gil.

Good Luck!
Let me know when you get to ZM 5 =D

Edited, Tue Oct 19 11:41:07 2004 by SingBismark
#13 Oct 19 2004 at 11:34 AM Rating: Decent
883 posts
I should be killing Shadowlord tonight and will probably get all the talk-to-NPC ZMs done immediately afterwards as I'm very eager to continue with the story. So, count me in, please. :D
#14 Oct 19 2004 at 12:06 PM Rating: Decent
305 posts
Funny that u mention Raevin because he is in me and Ivy's LS. He will join for sure.
#15 Oct 19 2004 at 2:50 PM Rating: Excellent
471 posts
Raevin better join ^^ He owes me an adventure fighting together! We're also supposed to do Promyvion-Dem together because I promised him I wouldn't do one without him.

It's funny, we met sharing a same teleport together. He was so cheery and I sorta just started talking to him. When I reached my port, I sorta just sprung him a /tell asking if I could befriend him.

Since then, we've hung out a little more and just have fun together messing around ^.^ When I finally had a chance to see him in the Jungles of Yuhtunga after the day we met at port, we had a blast busting Gobbies and protecting the gate. Our most recent exploration was me keeping him company while he farmed up in Beaucidine. We ended up in Pso'xja and it was hilarious messing around with the cryptonberries and getting agro ^^ (that was more my fault).

So, yeah, Raevin definitely better come! Tell'm I send my *Hugglez* since I tend to miss him a lot when I'm out and not on FF.

Apollo, hopefully I can make it. Spam me with /tells on Saturday, because I tend to mix up my times a lot >< Don't leave me!!
#16 Oct 20 2004 at 10:30 AM Rating: Decent
175 posts
Apollo, a quick update for Saturday:

My level 60 party is now 61, so that will help a little. However, I don't think that we can do more than ZM4 and ZM5 without being level 65+. In all honesty, I think we will be lucky to knock out those two on Saturday. I just didn't want to suprise you if our party left after ZM5.

#17 Oct 20 2004 at 11:30 AM Rating: Decent
215 posts
I just recently started the Zilart missions but i'd love to be able to finish them quickly. If you need a 61 WHM for your Zilart Excursions, please count me in. I'll get as many of the missions as I can done before Saturday but, truth be told, i'll just sit around doing as i'm told as I can't possibly learn the intricacies (spelling error) of all the missions before Saturday.

#18 Oct 22 2004 at 8:49 AM Rating: Decent
65 posts
Well, guys, i've had a great response from this thread, and it seems we are all ready to go and inch a bit closer to [sky] access, [yes,please]!

I have had a few higher level players /tell me online that they would like to join in after we finish ZM5, so that is great news.

It'll be great if we can iron out ZM4 and ZM5 this Saturday. Party #1 still needs a good tank, so if any of you know someone who could help us, it would be greatly appreciated.

Hope to see you all online tomorrow!

#19 Oct 22 2004 at 9:24 AM Rating: Decent
790 posts
Goodluck lol. Watch out for Arch Duke, he can reset hate and go after the healers. He also got a nasty WS called Lightsaber, which does instant 1000+ damage to even PLD. He lightSaber'd me for 1400 damage.

But overall it's one of the most enjoyable BC fight in the game. Fire up fraps and take lots of cool pics. Arch Duke's got some nice looking armor.
#20 Oct 22 2004 at 9:27 AM Rating: Decent
996 posts
N00b Alert!

Sky Access?
#21 Oct 22 2004 at 11:51 AM Rating: Decent
175 posts
Oh No!

Apollo, things are not looking good for my party. I just found out that our RDM will not make it and our thf and whm probably won't have the missions started in time (just can't seem to get a 5-2 party I guess). So we are pretty much falling apart I think. The good news is that vormav (nin tank), arjaxa (blm) and I (rng) should all be available at 10:00 AM EST. So we can try to find a healer and a rdm or bard or something and fill out the party. I will do my best to try to fix my party up, but time is not on my side. I will try to keep you as up-to-date as I can on the situation of my party.

If, my party doesn't pan out, is there going to be an option to tag along and have some people fight the BC twice? I completely understand if that option is not on the table, I'm just trying to plan my day :-)

Also, could we make a quick list of the items everybody needs to bring? From what I can tell, this is a good start (this is just a bunch of collected info from the Zilart missions section of this website):
[li] Silent Oil X 24 (X12 for mages) / Prism Powder X 24 (X12 for mages and ninjas). It looks like after we reset our tonberry hate, we will need to do a lot of sneaking/invis. There will be sight, sound, and magic aggro in various places so it looks like we will need to be able to cover this through non-magical means in certain places.
[li] 3 gold beastcoins to reset tonberry hate. I personally have never killed a single tonberry, but I think I'll still need to do this since we have to kill them for drops. After we have all of our drops and are headed for the BC, we can avoid building up tonberry grudge points by calling for help.
[li] Poison Potion x 2 (maybe 3? *shrug*)- I notice that one of the NMs for ZM4 is a BLM, so I'm assuming Sleepga will be cast.
[li] Premium food/drinks/meds. Especially for those people under level 65.
[li] Ice Cluster. We should only need a couple for the entire alliance. This is for ZM5.
[li] Garnet (totally optional). This can get you an Opo-opo necklace. I think they are pretty cheap on the AH, but are supposedly very useful to melee when they go up against Matt.
[li] Rain Lily (totally optional). This can get you a Flagellant's Rope.

I think this covers the stuff that people will need to bring with them to make this successful. If I have missed something or stated something in error, please correct me.

#22 Oct 22 2004 at 2:08 PM Rating: Decent
48 posts
Bah, wish I'd've seen this earlier, I'd love to get the ZMs out of the way... <sigh> Alas, who wants a 69 Red Mage at this stage? ^^
#23 Oct 22 2004 at 2:12 PM Rating: Decent
175 posts
See my post above! :-D We are missing a rdm! and a whm! and a thf! /crys I think we are going to try really hard tonight to get our whm and thf to where they need to be, but I'm not holding my breath. We should have solid damage and tank for our party. Just need healing magic, debuffs, and somebody to keep MP up and backup sleep2.


#24 Oct 22 2004 at 3:20 PM Rating: Decent
Don't bother with the poison potion, BLM goes down pretty fast + he doesn't deal a lot of melee damage ( same for the summonner ).
#25 Oct 22 2004 at 3:23 PM Rating: Decent
48 posts
Well, keep me posted as to when you're doing this, Hogosha; I should be on for much of the weekend!
#26 Oct 22 2004 at 3:31 PM Rating: Decent
175 posts
Apollo's current plans are for 10:00 AM EST on Saturday (tomorrow) morning. I would coordinate with him if I were you. I will be working hard in the morning to try to flesh out my party (since he already has a full party). If my party does not fill, then we can beg for help from a couple of the members from Apollo's party if they don't mind fighting the burning circle fight twice (this requires making their way back to the circle). I want to avoid this if at all possible. If you are coming then we should have:

69 rdm (you)
61 rng (me)
61 nin (vormav)
61 blm (arjaxa)

So if you know a white mage and a damage dealer that needs the mission please give them a yell and let apollo (and me) know if they will make it.

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