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noobs at all lvlsFollow

#1 Oct 16 2004 at 3:53 AM Rating: Good
147 posts
I couldn't believe what I saw tonight. A rdm in my quicksand caves party at lvl 51 without dispel! Unbelievable that people can get this far in the game with such a lazy, noobish approach. Anyway in hindsight the sheer absurdity of it was really funny, so I invite people to post examples from our server that prove a noob is not just someone in single digit lvls.

***And for the sake of NOT making this another bad players thread, lets keep it anonymous. Post the funny noob behavior, but NO NAMES***
#2 Oct 16 2004 at 5:14 AM Rating: Default
Dispel isnt cheap, there is no need to be an *** about things just because said player doesnt have X hundred amount of hours to farm, or X hundred dollars to spend on IGE to get some gil for dispel so people like you stop degrading his character.

Edit: I agree he should have it, but the economy on this game is hardly geared towards helping anyway, exploit exploit exploit seems to be the motto down at the AH.

Also... if you want to say he should just BCNM for it, lots of people cant get good groups for it, and if you dont have a good group youll just die, simple as that.

Edited, Sat Oct 16 06:16:13 2004 by Takanaki
#3 Oct 16 2004 at 6:16 AM Rating: Decent
282 posts

I thought dispel can be bought from NPC in rabao for around 50k depend on your fame. 50k isn't very hard to make no matter what job you are. 51 with no dispel is almost 20 levels worth of gimped.
#4 Oct 16 2004 at 8:02 AM Rating: Decent
232 posts
OK a lvl 51 RDM without Dispel....He should be Ashamed to be a RDM. I agree spells are expensive but buy lvl 51 you should have occrued enough gil for that at least. Dispel is 1 of the main reason partys want a Rdm. I am not saying he should have every spell up to lvl 51 (i am 53 and i still dont have a couple of the "Bar" spells, but i do have Phalanx W00T!). But that is such an important spell i dont know how he got to 51 without it.
#5 Oct 16 2004 at 12:13 PM Rating: Default
Any1 thats THAT lazy shouldn't play this game /sigh

Im a RDM at lvl 30 and i bought Dispel Yesterday
#6 Oct 16 2004 at 12:33 PM Rating: Decent
935 posts
Dispel isnt cheap, there is no need to be an *** about things just because said player doesnt have X hundred amount of hours to farm, or X hundred dollars to spend on IGE to get some gil for dispel so people like you stop degrading his character

And here I completely disagree. Dispel is a scroll that can be obtained for for a very low price, in comparison with its longetivity. You will be loved for having Dispel for a *very* long time (your entire career in fact), and along with Refresh, it's debatedly your best two spells. If you can't stop to farm for one of your top spells, hmmm, well maybe I'm wrong here, but I'm not comfortable with an RDM who doesn't have Dispel at a level they can use it. At level 31 you already have access to a variety of farming options, especially as an RDM. If you hate farming, there's other options available too. If you can't take them time to fish up 15 stacks of Moat Carp for an incredible spell, well, there's lots of other parts of this game that are going to alienate you.
#7 Oct 16 2004 at 3:19 PM Rating: Good
1,622 posts
Takanaki wrote:
Edit: I agree he should have it, but the economy on this game is hardly geared towards helping anyway, exploit exploit exploit seems to be the motto down at the AH.

You can get Dispel from a merchant in Rabao. Because you can buy it at a constant price from an NPC, price gouging at the AH is not really an issue (unlike drops/crafted items, e.g. Archer's/Sniper's Rings, Haubergeon). You can always get Dispel for 70k or less (depending on fame), so there really is no excuse for not having one of a RDM's most important spells.

70k is just not that hard to get, and if you're not willing to put in the time to get together gil for Dispel, you just shouldn't play RDM.
#8 Oct 17 2004 at 2:29 AM Rating: Decent
790 posts
RDM at 51 with no Dispel is just GIMPED, period. Regardless of the price, there's no excuses not to have it at level 37 for crawlers. I am just amazed that he made out of the Crawler's Nest without it. The party he's in must get a HUGE downtime everytime the crawler puts on cacoon shells on. And those crawlers do them about twice every fight.
#9 Oct 17 2004 at 4:20 AM Rating: Decent
1,297 posts
I buy Dispel in Rabao for 63k and sell it at the Jeuno AH for around 70k. I wouldn't call an 11% markup 'price gouging.' It's the same tip you'd give to any delivery boy. :P

Without the markup nobody would make the Rabao Dispel run and there would be very few copies on the AH. I think that would be an easier excuse for people to use if they don't bother to buy Dispel.

#10 Oct 17 2004 at 11:10 AM Rating: Decent
1,805 posts
Yes..I've had the RDM around my level (48-50 pt.) not have dispel....or bio II...or Dia II...and his nuking power was not even near leveled if it makes you feel any better about that RDM..this RDM?...My avatars did more damage overall than his nuking power..and he had a 5 level undersub which case he did refuse to main heal becuase he said RDM's don't main heal at all..

Bright side? He did cast Refresh and Refresh only the first 1hr 1/2 of the time we pt'ed with him.... /sigh.
#11 Oct 17 2004 at 11:47 PM Rating: Decent
107 posts
Well, as I scream dispel while soloing low-level crabs with my level 9 thief... I can't imagine this... so.. I'm going to go sit in a corner and hold my blankie.

Can I have a hug?

Yes, I am obsessive-compulsive about my job class, why do you ask?
#12 Oct 18 2004 at 3:21 AM Rating: Default
2,268 posts
Yeah, I know this one guy.. ignorant as hell. Still on the same level as a beginner and you can tell this by the way he talks. Obviously, he never got the memo that the word "noob" went out in like '98 and still uses it to degrade players that aren't "as good" as himself.

In hindsight though, if you have to have all the spells and "uber" (another cool kid term) equipment to be considered a good player, you should just find another game. :)
#13 Oct 18 2004 at 4:01 AM Rating: Decent
205 posts
I think I partied with this RDM a few days ago in Garlaige.
I'm sorry but that's like a lvl 45 whm without Raise. There is no excuse to not have a spell that important.
#14 Oct 18 2004 at 10:44 AM Rating: Good
1,315 posts
Takanaki wrote:
Dispel isnt cheap, there is no need to be an *** about things just because said player doesnt have X hundred amount of hours to farm, or X hundred dollars to spend on IGE to get some gil for dispel so people like you stop degrading his character.

Ok, if I went by this way of thinking I can join your party at lvl 46 and use Iron Arrows? Cause I ain't gots enuff times to farm!

If you can't afford an ESSENTIAL (yes, essential meaning that is basically one of the main reason your job even gets an invite) then you should not play that job. You should just stop that job at that level and start again on a lvl 1 job, so your CHOICE of not taking the time to earn enough money for this item does not ***** the other players in your party who DID take the time to get their gear/spells up-to-date. Please.

Edited, Mon Oct 18 11:45:22 2004 by Trizzoro
#15 Oct 18 2004 at 10:51 AM Rating: Decent
251 posts
True... Trizz... True...
#16 Oct 18 2004 at 11:25 AM Rating: Decent
Well check this out, I'm a lvl 40 RDM right now w/o Dispel. I went thru Crawlers Nest w/o it. Most players didnt care, and never held it against me, but in returned i spent all my mp enfeebling and keeping HP up. I sub WHM, so scarfacing myself to keep everyone HP up was a big risk. But anyway, many people dont have all the time in the world to farm and stuff. I'm a college student so I schedule game and study time. Farming is a long process that really takes a long @$$ time. Currently, I have 30k and hopefully more soon. All I'm saying be aware of other players life schedule and stop bashing them for what little time they have to do all these extensive processes for outrageously priced spells. Man, just give people a break.
#17 Oct 18 2004 at 11:57 AM Rating: Good
1,315 posts
TallTaru wrote:
Well check this out, I'm a lvl 40 RDM right now w/o Dispel. I went thru Crawlers Nest w/o it. Most players didnt care, and never held it against me, but in returned i spent all my mp enfeebling and keeping HP up. I sub WHM, so scarfacing myself to keep everyone HP up was a big risk. But anyway, many people dont have all the time in the world to farm and stuff. I'm a college student so I schedule game and study time. Farming is a long process that really takes a long @$$ time. Currently, I have 30k and hopefully more soon. All I'm saying be aware of other players life schedule and stop bashing them for what little time they have to do all these extensive processes for outrageously priced spells. Man, just give people a break.

Like I said, if you can't afford it, then change to lower lvl job til you can. I made over 35k one night leveling SAM in E. Sara near Windy on Beehive Chips and Silk Thread. If you don't want to play other jobs and just stick to your one job all the time, then take some of that time you are LEVELING and farm instead. All those levels you got without Dispel, you mean to tell me you could not sacrifice 5 hours of leveling for 5 hours of farming? Because that would be MORE than enough time to get Dispel.
#18 Oct 18 2004 at 12:56 PM Rating: Decent
85 posts
Im a level 53 red mage with dispel and honestly I dont think it was really worth the 70k I payed for it. Seriously I never used it until leveling in Kuftal and parties never cared for it.

It is sad how some of you attack a persons character cause they dont have the time to farm for the best equipment or the high level spells. This is supposed to be a game meant for people to have fun not for them to stress about not having enough gil to buy a spell. Stuff like this makes the gil farmers have business you know. The more you complain the less fun this game is for someone else making them belive that they must have this 70k spell or 250k staff, in order to be able to enjoy themselfs in a party situation.

Farming is not easy in this game, I still havent been able to figure out how some people come up with 1mil worth in gil. Before you start bashing, yes I fish, I also craft and kill anything that moves within my sight that dropps something of value. I do not however camp NM's I have much better things to do with my play time than sit there waiting for some critter to pop that will most likely not dropp the valuable item and I would have waisted precious time there.

To the complaints of the red mage not having a strong nuking power. Do you realize a red mage debuffs has to refresh every person in the party that uses mp and also nuke? I myself am having a problem with this. I have been in parties were members demand refresh when they havent even used their mp!! I spend half my party time trying to refresh every mp user in the party to keep them satisifed the occasional debuff spell to keep my own sanity typing /ma "Refresh" <name> is not fun .. Yes I do have a macro for it but typing it gets the 15 second delay out of the way =/ It is hard for some red mages to keep their elemental skill current. Not enough nuking time in a party situtaion. I only nuke for MB's now =/

Some of you might actually enjoy the game more if you lossend up a bit and stopped stressing on everyone elses character.

#19 Oct 18 2004 at 1:05 PM Rating: Good
107 posts
With regard to what Yahira just said:

LOL I am personally OCD about the way I play red mage because it's easier for me to have fun when I can go "WHEEE dispel... yeah defense boost my ***** moblet!" A second red mage in my party... As long as they can hold up their end of the debuff/refresh/heal duty, I never really care if they don't have dispel. I have it, which means someone can cast it ^^ However, I will get pissed at them if their gear has bonuses that they don't utilize or if they have obscenely expensive gear and no dispel. I won't say it to them, nor will I really care, as I said, as long as they do their part in making the party successful. Wear your level one RSE and cast stone I for all I care, as long as I am not doing everything for your free XP, I'm happy!


OH and by the way all red mages *should* (IMHO) consider their partying location and build vs. what spells they have. So if someone says "We're going to go fight crabs." and you don't have dispel, informing your party leader is a VERY nice thing to do >.> Or if they ask you to main heal, inform them that you don't have WHM sub or a light staff (which I always have to do because I currently have neither) or Cure IV or what have you. Just be considerate of others. YOU are a red mage, and you will most likely get a party. That one just might not be where you fit best ATM^^
#20 Oct 18 2004 at 1:28 PM Rating: Default
yesterday i was lvling in Crawler's Nest. We were doing fine. I pull a nest beetle. (It was the last one of our chain) so we were kinda fit on mp but still ok to kill it. Then a war from another pt run around us with a beetle attacking him... then he died.. we are like wtf??? Oo then the beetle aggro with the one we were fighting...

end of story...

there was 7 corpes lying in the tunnel.


damn noob. he could have died alone and we would have gladly raised him... instead he makes a whole pt dying cos is own stupidity...
#21 Oct 18 2004 at 2:04 PM Rating: Good
935 posts
Yahira, I completely agree this game is about fun, but I have to disagree with the rest of the post. I realize that not everyone enjoys farming, but Dispel has been an amazing spell my 31 levels of experience playing with RDMs at a level they can use Dispel. It works wonders on Cocoon, on any mob using magic Spikes, and without an RDM to dispel crabs in Kuftal and beyond, experience points can really slow down due to melee damage being quite minimized. Quite frankly, if I party with an RDM without Dispel, if being dissapointed is somehow attacking their character, I'm completely guilty.

As Trizz has stated, if you can't stop to farm a couple of evenings for one of your most powerful spells, you should think about playing another job, it's a quick way to make gil. However, nearly every job has a piece of equipment, or spell like this, that is considered crucial to your job and has a price tag attached to it, and the same tired arguement repeats itself. People who struggle with gil, or don't want to spend it question the worthwhileness of the said spell/item, and people who reccomend the person stop to farm for the spell/item are given titles like character attackers and elitists.

Edited, Mon Oct 18 15:08:21 2004 by Germonick
#22 Oct 18 2004 at 2:07 PM Rating: Good
205 posts
Look, to the people that are saying "don't ***** about other peoples gear, just have fun," you gotta understand this: I don't care if a RDM has every Bar-spell. I don't care if he has gear from 25 lvl's ago. I don't care if I don't have refresh on me every single second, etc. There are a lot of things that won't bother me, but, when it's a critical job ability, you best have it. If you don't, you're just being selfish. You aren't thinking of the good of the party, you are getting by at the expense of your teammates.
That being said, RDM is a powerful job, use it to the best of it's ability.

Good post above mine, didn't see it before I typed mine.

Edited, Mon Oct 18 16:50:25 2004 by AutechreBlm
#23 Oct 18 2004 at 4:18 PM Rating: Good
161 posts
If you can't afford an essential spell for your job: stop. leveling.

If you don't have time for farming, how do you have time for leveling? Just use the time you are currently using to level to farm!

I haven't been out leveling for a couple weeks now because I've been farming for Dispel. For me, yes farming can be slow. But I see it as a nice relaxing break from leveling. I can get pretty wound up sometimes after bad party after bad party. It's nice to just solo for a bit.

And with farming comes some extra bonuses. Throwing a protect on myself or an en- spell from time to time boosts my enhancing skills. I went out with a bow and arrows and started leveling my archery skills.

You can boost up healing with run by cures. While doing the Selbina clay quest I helped escort someone from Mhaura to Windy Woods. While farming you interact with people more, help each other out.

For me, it helps me still appreciate the game and not get burned out. I like stopping and catching my breath every once in a while. I'd be going nuts if all I did was level.
#24 Oct 18 2004 at 4:24 PM Rating: Good
107 posts
Dawntreader wrote:
If you can't afford an essential spell for your job: stop. leveling.

I thought I was the only one who did that! I took a month off from leveling (well, three weeks, roughly) to farm for Phalanx and a couple of other pieces of gear and spells. Yeah. Yeah. I'm a nerd. But look at my pretty gear! >.> Yep ^^
#25 Oct 18 2004 at 4:29 PM Rating: Decent
Thats not fair you should let people play how they want some people arent rich blah blah, JK. I hate when people say they dont have something like that because they arent rich, **** It doesnt take much for to make gil.
#26 Oct 18 2004 at 5:24 PM Rating: Decent
21 posts
Heres what I think. If you dont have something essential (any class, aka, new weapon, new spell, etc.), you are gimped and are leeching off my time that I spent getting gil. When a Rng comes to a 55 PT with a Shikar Bow, im gonna kick him. There are acceptions, however (not having a Eurytos Bow, Ochiudos Kote, etc.) But when the pt NEEDS Dispel for fighting crabs in Gustav, and you dont have it, youre hurting us. Just yesterday I had to kick a Ninja from my 42 Wars PT cuz he didnt have Utsusemi: Ni. Yeah, its cold, but he couldnt tank, hell i couldve tanked better as War/Nin.

Is conclusion, do everyone else a favor and keep up to date. Get the stuff you need at the level its available, and there wont be any problems.
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