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Thursday, Sept. 16th Let me know if interested pleaseFollow

#1 Sep 15 2004 at 10:35 AM Rating: Decent
1,315 posts
Hi all.

I have to level my NIN sub. It is currently lvl 20, so yeah, that requires I flag it up in Qufim (because I dont have a level 20 set) <---Disclaimer written for anyone who felt the need to come in and say, "Hey man, you ain't gotta go to Qufim dude!!" Der...if you don't have a set at that level you pretty much don't have a choice.

Ok, back on track. Everyone knows NIN is EXPENSIVE (and if you didn't know, I just told you). Also, I hate playing NIN, but by some sick twist of fate I am good at it. I am just used to RNG dmg I guess and those two katanas are just fly swatters compared to my bow (I love you Mr. BOW!). So, if anyone wants to level their lvl 20-21 subs or mains, please let me know tonight in game or post here (should be logged in around 8:30 p.m. EST). I just don't have the gil to go through 4 bad pick-up Qufim parties until I find one I can get a few levels out of.


Edited, Wed Sep 15 11:36:46 2004 by Trizzoro
#2 Sep 15 2004 at 10:54 AM Rating: Decent
311 posts
I would do it but i will be logging in at 11:30 am-12:30 pm pst. And my bro owns the game so i have no choice. I need to lvl war it is at 20 too

Edited, Wed Sep 15 11:55:08 2004 by Magvius
#3 Sep 15 2004 at 11:12 AM Rating: Decent
73 posts
Hello. I have a 21 monk that I wouldn't mind leveling. You can check out my gear down by my sig. I use food and am proficient in skill chaining.

I do feel your pain on leveling ninja, I can't imagine how expensive ranger must be as well.

Name is Sigmund, shoot me a tell if ya require my services.
#4 Sep 15 2004 at 11:22 AM Rating: Good
183 posts
i will try adn be on and i need to lvl my war he is 20 with pretty much top gear and i eat food as well
#5 Sep 15 2004 at 11:29 AM Rating: Decent
1,315 posts
Thanks Dno and Sigmund, I'll let you know when I get on.

Hopefully some mages wanna come along too, of course, those being the most difficult to find :( And a THF if anyone has a THF at that level would be great for NIN tank.
#6 Sep 15 2004 at 11:57 AM Rating: Default
Hopefully some mages wanna come along too, of course, those being the most difficult to find :( And a THF if anyone has a THF at that level would be great for NIN tank.

THFs don't get TA till 30. So really they'd just be STEALING your hate. Thought I'd point this out :)
#7 Sep 15 2004 at 12:28 PM Rating: Decent
103 posts
What you really want is a second Ninja. A second ninja will be able to voke if your Utsu gets interrupted and you can both ping pong tank really well if you communicate. Either way, you will probably need someone there to voke off you for your Utsu casts, but an extra Ninja is ideal. Also, if you plan on going to Qufim, I reccomend bringing a BLM. They'll really ***** up those crabs. :3

The best late Dunes PT I ever had was 2 NIN, RNG, THF, WHM, BLM. We didn't need the WHM half as much as other PTs, thereby allowing us to fill in the extra heavy damage slot with a Ranger or Thief. in order to make up for the two blinkers. The two Ninja's switch tanked and I sat behind one of them and SAed whenever the other one voked. Hate management was fantastic.

Wish you called us up about 4 days ago. :/ My bf and I (a Ninja atm) shot up a good 6-9 levels by having incredible luck with PTs in Korroloka, the Dunes, and Qufim. But if you want to bother with a 20 WAR/THF count me in. :S
#8 Sep 15 2004 at 12:34 PM Rating: Decent
1,315 posts
Tiocfaidh wrote:
Hopefully some mages wanna come along too, of course, those being the most difficult to find :( And a THF if anyone has a THF at that level would be great for NIN tank.

THFs don't get TA till 30. So really they'd just be STEALING your hate. Thought I'd point this out :)

I am aware. However, I wouldn't mind some hate stolen when I am attempting to get (Utsusemi) off.
#9 Sep 15 2004 at 12:40 PM Rating: Decent
1,315 posts
endsville wrote:
What you really want is a second Ninja. A second ninja will be able to voke if your Utsu gets interrupted and you can both ping pong tank really well if you communicate. Either way, you will probably need someone there to voke off you for your Utsu casts, but an extra Ninja is ideal.

I actually may have a second NIN. Erroneous in my lvl 40 static also (last I heard) needs to level NIN, was gonna ask him when I logged on tonight if he has done so or not. I tried soloing for a couple levels in Bub Pen like I did with WAR a long time ago, but NIN is so expensive blowing 3 shihei per fight on DC's and they just don't dmg like the WAR did, so it takes forever.

If I could get a BLM and WHM lined up I think we have a good enough pt for this level to at least wreck some crabs for a few hours.
#10 Sep 15 2004 at 1:42 PM Rating: Decent
103 posts
Ohmigosh, I completely forgot that I'm a lvl 21 Black Mage. ><;; It's right there in my sig and I never look at it.

Well, if I can get together some gear for that level, I can bring my 21 Taru BLM self. I'm a big stickler about having +1 fancy pants stuff (Mage's Slacks, Mage's Tunic), but I'm pretty sure I can pull together something decent by Thursday. ^^
#11 Sep 15 2004 at 1:52 PM Rating: Decent
1,315 posts
Awesome! I'll send each of you a /tell in-game maybe tonight, probably tomorrow and see if you all are still up for it!

Now for the elusive healer....
#12 Sep 15 2004 at 2:46 PM Rating: Decent
996 posts
endsville wrote:
What you really want is a second Ninja. A second ninja will be able to voke if your Utsu gets interrupted and you can both ping pong tank really well if you communicate. Either way, you will probably need someone there to voke off you for your Utsu casts, but an extra Ninja is ideal. Also, if you plan on going to Qufim, I reccomend bringing a BLM. They'll really ***** up those crabs. :3
Having done this for the last two days in Valkurm, I have to say that if this is what you want, I would ask you to be willing to offer a bit of kickback. Leveling a NIN with Utsusemi is one thing, but expecting two NINs to replace a WAR requires either a *very* good damage party, or stacks upon stacks of Shihei. I burned through two stacks in about (I'm guessing) three hours of gameplay while we sat there smacking Snippers for <10 dmg per hit. For those playing at home, that's about 12K gil for just me - Don't forget there's two NINs. So, those three hours of gameplay cost us both about 25K. That's a *lot* of money at low levels.

I know NIN isn't meant to be cheap, but I think the double-Ninja setup, while very nifty and good to work with, is *very* expensive from 15-25. It's comparable to asking a mage to use juice nonstop.

If you really want a double-NIN party to work, then go into it with enough skill to make Shihei for them. I wouldn't mind paying for Shihei so much if someone were to make it for me and offer me a reasonable price on it, accounting for the party benefits it brings. I just think a double-NIN setup shifts too much of the financial responsibility to the Ninjas. (our katanas aren't cheap either, and we eat food too :P)
#13 Sep 15 2004 at 3:28 PM Rating: Decent
1,315 posts
Val, tell me about it. I pray to only spend 25k for me alone in consumbales to get my NIN to 25. I blew 37k in consumables and two katana (that worked for...hmm, two levels) to get my NIN from 18 to 20 in the dunes. A 25k investment would be welcome.

And we don't expect mages to always use juices? ^^ First I've heard of it!
#14 Sep 15 2004 at 4:41 PM Rating: Decent
My sub, BLM is 21, I need to lvl that up so yea im interested, just let me know if u need me, 5:30 my time so that will be good.
#15 Sep 15 2004 at 7:57 PM Rating: Good
I'll be lvling up my bard in qufim tommorrow BRD19 almost 20 ^^
#16 Sep 16 2004 at 9:49 AM Rating: Decent
103 posts
Cutriss wrote:
Having done this for the last two days in Valkurm, I have to say that if this is what you want, I would ask you to be willing to offer a bit of kickback. Leveling a NIN with Utsusemi is one thing, but expecting two NINs to replace a WAR requires either a *very* good damage party, or stacks upon stacks of Shihei. I burned through two stacks in about (I'm guessing) three hours of gameplay while we sat there smacking Snippers for <10 dmg per hit. For those playing at home, that's about 12K gil for just me - Don't forget there's two NINs. So, those three hours of gameplay cost us both about 25K. That's a *lot* of money at low levels.

I know NIN isn't meant to be cheap, but I think the double-Ninja setup, while very nifty and good to work with, is *very* expensive from 15-25. It's comparable to asking a mage to use juice nonstop.

If you really want a double-NIN party to work, then go into it with enough skill to make Shihei for them. I wouldn't mind paying for Shihei so much if someone were to make it for me and offer me a reasonable price on it, accounting for the party benefits it brings. I just think a double-NIN setup shifts too much of the financial responsibility to the Ninjas. (our katanas aren't cheap either, and we eat food too :P)

I've also been in two Ninja PTs, for the majority of 13-21 actually. That is why I suggested replacing the extra healing mage with a high damage slot, in order to balance out the lack of physical damage and the uneccessary presence of an extra healer.

I am aware of Ninja costs, my bf complains about them every day. :P But somehow in two NIN PTs, we are able to chain to #5 in a well rounded set up and gain a great amount of exp an hour. Being able to pull mobs quickly with little to no downtime and therefore more mobs per hour means that in the two NIN PT, we get the most we can out of the time that is available. The exp gained and the number of mobs defeated is greater than if we had one Ninja attempting to tank and a WAR since someone WILL get hit and we most likely will need another backup healer (thereby increasing downtime). This wouldn't be the case post 24 though, as by then you can replace your second Ninja with a WAR/NIN and do very well.

I just find that a 2 ninja PT, with the appropriate damage slots, works much better than any one ninja PT pre-24, therefore equaling to more exp an hour for the cost of the Shihei required. And yes, I am leveling both Alchemy and Woodworking in order to make my own Shihei, and yes, as a mage I carry around all my ingredients to make my own juice and use them consistently in order to get the most out of the speed of the chain.
#17 Sep 16 2004 at 9:53 AM Rating: Decent
590 posts
Hey Trizzoro, if you'd like a (or yet another) 20 mnk/war to join in the Qufim beating, I'll be around.

#18 Sep 16 2004 at 9:59 AM Rating: Good
183 posts
Trizzoro i may be a little late i just remembered i have to help out my old highschool marchign band till 8 and i am nto sure if i can get on at 8 30 exactly... I will try my best tho plus i am nto sure if you even need a war/mnk
#19 Sep 16 2004 at 10:51 AM Rating: Decent
1,315 posts
Ok, Sigmund mentioned to me last night he would not be able to come.

So, the list should be:

Dno - WAR/MNK (assumption on sub)
Trizzoro - NIN/WAR
Erroneous - NIN/WAR
Jordan - MNK/WAR
Mamimi - BLM/WHM (assumption on sub)
Andykiller (if available) - BRD/???
Lipeth - BLM/WHM

Of course we won't be able to fit 7 members, but things happen. People have to go, can't show up, yada, I will start out with the first 6 on list, see where we are at from that point. I will get ahold of each of you in /tell approximately 30 mins. prior to embarking. Thank you all. Remember, we're fighting crabs and such at first, so not having a traditional WHM should not be much of a problem. We'll see how it goes. Should be fun either way!

Edited, Thu Sep 16 11:53:38 2004 by Trizzoro
#20 Sep 16 2004 at 11:53 AM Rating: Decent
I got a WHM/BRD, WHM/SMN level 21 about to hit 22 in like 1k. if you want me to join. Leigaon is the name.
#21 Sep 16 2004 at 12:27 PM Rating: Decent
1,315 posts
Sweet I have your name written down (Leigaon) and may be in need of your aid if others cannot make it.

Thanks for the great response everyone!
#22 Sep 16 2004 at 12:39 PM Rating: Decent
5,645 posts
thf @23 and i can join you then if you want.

there is 1 good alternative to qufim 20-23.

Beeetles in sauromogue. Near where the crag spine pops up. along the Southern edge if walking/choco from jeuno.

Get a ranger or 2 or a few BLM's though and the fights will fly by, you will most likely run out of mobs before you can finish chains if the PT is good.
#23 Sep 16 2004 at 3:32 PM Rating: Good
183 posts
trizzz i will eb on at 8 30 exactly and will then make my way to jueno
#24 Sep 16 2004 at 3:38 PM Rating: Decent
1,315 posts
Alright Thanks Dno so we will plan on 8:30 EST. Tse, let you know when we get to 23 (should get at least 22 tonight).

I'll send each of you a /tell prior to 8:30 to reiterate if you are all able to attend. Thanks again,.
#25 Sep 16 2004 at 3:58 PM Rating: Decent
374 posts
Hey Triz, I can't level with you tonite unfortunately, but I can share with you a spot in Sarumague Ch. that I went with an all JP party except for me and the exp came flying in.

It's a level 20-22 camp, and you'd be fighting beatles. Out of Port Jeuno, you follow the right wall of the zone a little ways to a little alcove where there are about 6-9 beatles. Awesome exp at 20-22. You may or may not know about it, but I felt I should share because the exp was simply awesome. 2 levels in 2.5 hours (it could be because the JPs were doing level 3 skill chains and I was magic bursting like mad and they never stopped pulling ><).


#26 Sep 16 2004 at 4:13 PM Rating: Good
183 posts
trizz just in cas eyou didn't understand i will nto be on to get teh /tell before 8 30
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