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English speakers useless?Follow

#1 Sep 05 2004 at 2:10 AM Rating: Good
This is really starting to make me mad. A friend today mentioned to me that once a JP party invites you and they find out you're NA, they start ignoring you or suddenly the PT becomes "full". I've had this happened to me once, I was in port jeuno and I got an invite with some japanese and it said "PT?" so I reply that I do not know japanese, and ask if they needed a red mage. There was no reply. Ever.

It's clear that there are several newbies out there giving a bad reputation to english players, mostly RDMs, DRKs, PLDs, and other overpopulated jobs. Now the question is how the hell do we allow people to get so far in leveling? I mean a BRD/SAM to 75? Come on, you can't be THAT pathetic.

The other day I was doing Genkai 2, and we had another RDM in the alliance, he was wearing a lord yukata's a fencing degen, some crappy targe, and no other gear. When I asked him why he was so horribly gimped he replied that he threw away his AF and sold the rest of his gear. I really did the best I could to stop him from breaking the 55 limit, but I knew he'd just get another party 10 minutes afterwards JUST for being a red mage. After telling him he was of no use to the genkai 2 parties he tried to make me pity him...something that obviously doesn't work against me. I told him he could leave if he wanted to and so he warped and disbanded.
WHY the hell did he ever get in the party in the first place?
I just don't get how sucky players can pick a "needed" job like PLD, RDM, BRD, etc and gimp it all the way to 75. It's just not fair. I spent good money on my dark and light staves, my spells, spent time leveling my subjob to a decent level...I just don't get it, I'm up against these gimped *** RDMs and somehow sometimes they still get a party before me, or we end up in the same one.
I don't know, but it seems to me we REALLY need to start a thread with people who have gimped gear/spells/subjobs, and recommend good people for the parties, at least TRY to weed out the newbs by ourselves. Though somehow they'll end up in a party anyway, we can try our best to not bring them into OUR parties. It's unfair to people who play the job well and spend countless hours/gil leveling subjobs, farming, whatever it be.

If you're looking for good DRKs, there are plenty, you got Kulganflame, you got Fly, you got Stormchaser, I've partied with them and they're all great(I haven't had an exp party with kulgan, but he's in my LS and has helped me loads with my coffer keys). If you want good RDMs, you got Alauce, Neocraze, and I(unfortunately for you I'm in a set right now *grin*). Dataloss is an all around AWESOME player, he does any job you throw at him well, he has played WHM, BLM and most recently THF. I don't see him on often anymore, but if he's still around and lfg, send him a tell. As far as tanks go, Yeti and Bagram are both awesome PLDs, I've known yeti for a long time, and I've partied with her PLD since she was 17, so I know what I'm talking about.

See? It's not so hard to find good players, I just mentioned a handful, and they got your basic jobs covered, healer, tank, dd, etc. So what's the problem here? Do you really need a BRD/SAM that badly just because he's a BRD?

Sorry for the rant, but FFXI is just gonna get unenjoyable if this continues.

The people who are generally incompetant will be weeded out post level 60. Although quite a few of them do manage to squeak by somehow. To me threads like this are nothing but elitism against inexperienced players. The same elitism some of you say the lvl 75 rank 10 players unjustly impose upon you.

I found that in the "Bad players alert" thread and thought it to be pretty humorous.
Most inexperienced and "incompetant" players these days, make it past 60 without breaking a sweat. My good sir, it seems to me you fail to catch the point of such threads, it IS nothing but elitism against inexperienced and "incompetant" players, not just morons. And if people are gonna start being cowards about it and _NOT_ boot "incompetant" people from their parties for being inexperienced/gimped, that'll only make MORE level 75 rank 10 players unjustly impose elitism upon you, since they'll see you're just allowing more newbies to reach their level.
Treat others as you want to be treated? we're not in catholic school here, treat rookies for what they are and you'll be respected by those who are not amateurs for your wisdom in seeing the difference.

Edited, Sun Sep 5 03:34:12 2004 by Tiocfaidh
#2 Sep 05 2004 at 1:12 PM Rating: Decent
617 posts
Firstly if that BRD crack was on Blazingtiger, let that die already. No I don't know him, I've never met him, and I don't approve of it, but it's old and done with.

Secondly, about the Japanese thing....I don't know. I've never ever had that problem in Japanese party. They don't go out of their way to try and converse with me, but they sure don't shun me. But, just like English players, there are bad eggs. I'm positive there's a Japanese equivalent to GameFAQ's flamers out there somewhere, and so thusly they have their own biases and stereotypes. They're human just like us. Some are nice, some are bigots, and some are just plain rude. You'll have that. Gotta come to expect it. Can't expect everyone to be nice to you. If you get into a Japanese party where they're rude to you, tell others about them, so they know to watch out. The Japanese do need English speaking players sometimes, otherwise we would never get a party with them (and vice versa!).

You make good points but for the majority of this game, you can be handheld through it, and so people expect the same once they get past 50 and 60. Doesn't exactly happen too often, so they get mad, frustrated, and start to get, well, obnoxiously frustrating. Just try to help them first. If you make no attempt to tell them what they're doing wrong (in a CIVIL manner) and try to help them, you're no saint yourself. If they don't take your advice or are just rude to you, write their name down and tell people about them. But always try to help them first.
#3 Sep 05 2004 at 1:48 PM Rating: Decent
Message has high abuse count and will not be displayed.
#4 Sep 05 2004 at 8:45 PM Rating: Decent
1,041 posts
Sadly, you can make it to 75 with every job in the game without ever knowing jack about what you are doing. All you have to know is a few helpful people. I have *seen* complete morons blaze past me in levels. Even if you die twice every exp set, you will eventually level because you'll still earn more than you lose. It's probably best for SE's pocketbook that there is no IQ test to get past 60, because otherwise I'm afraid they'd be quite poor.

Idiots exist in all level ranges, ranks, and languages. :/
#5 Sep 05 2004 at 8:48 PM Rating: Decent
Heh, I can picture it.
"/sh som1 help with iq test plz"
#6 Sep 06 2004 at 12:00 AM Rating: Decent
183 posts
I can't agree with this more. I know complete morons past 50, and even past 60 with crappy gear and worse...they can't write a sentance without saying, "plz". I'll tell ya, you can deck yourself out all you want in this game, but it's not going to get you any more invites than the next person with the same job on the search screen. Yes, some people do get caught up because of their stupidity and aren't invited to parties, etc. *cough* Rushwood *cough* But most of the time you're just another blip on the radar for a party needed a DD, tank, or healer.

refresh plz

God damnit, refresh the Thief for once Ark! =D
#7 Sep 06 2004 at 12:42 AM Rating: Decent
450 posts
Well I haven't had a problem getting PTs english or japanese and i haven't had problems with japanese ignoring me. As to bad players getting far, well that is because a lot of people don't care as long as the xp doesn't get lost dramatically. i however hate that, why simply put i believe you expect me to know how to do my job decently(at the very least) why shouldn't I? I will rag on others who still don't know how to do their job no matter what race/job post 30(my bad player cut off) if you don't know how to do something in a PT simply ask and you should get an answer of sorts. I am a galka smn/whm so since i have learned how to do my job why should i let someone else get away with crap gear and bad playing skills. *sorry ranting* I don't think you need uber gear but at the very least current useful gear. (in other words a whm with tons of INT buffs doesn't work for me at all)

As to Blazingtiger you should check him often he uses a lot of dif subs for brd and from what i have been able to find out besides whm for a very few cures or blm for crap MBs well BRD subs aren't that important so saying he is bad for trying something different is wrong.

Until people start to actually give a crap about a XP Leech bad players will always get by.

Edited, Mon Sep 6 01:46:15 2004 by shadowbuni
#8 Sep 06 2004 at 3:14 AM Rating: Decent
48 posts
I must admit, I've never had an issue with Japanese people ignoring me because I'm from North America. If they start talking to me in Japanese, I use the "I'm sorry, I don't speak Japanese" line... if they include "PT" in the text then I'll remind them I don't speak Japanese but ask "Where?" as well to show I'm interested. Again, they rarely include me in party chatter, but I do my job well enough so there aren't any complaints.

BTW, I don't find the statement about BCNMs to be true... I've only been in one (unsuccessful) BCNM where we had a PLD, 4 BLM, and myself (RDM/WHM) and I haven't done any since... a shame for those BCNM freaks out there who would love my 3+ stacks of seals. As is, I'm lucky if I can scrape by with 5-10k in farming depending on the area/activity. My spells are fairly up-to-date though, excluding some Bars and a couple of lesser-used spells that I can pick up at a later date. As for equipment, besides my AF I use sword and shield and have a couple of stat enhancing rings... I haven't seen any earrings that I just have to have as opposed to spending my gil towards that next big necessary spell. Gimped? I'm not so sure... I'm just trying to do the most with what little I have. I haven't had any complaints so far.....

63 RDM/33 WHM/20 BLM
Bastok Rank 8
#9 Sep 06 2004 at 7:39 AM Rating: Decent
What the!!!!


Didn't you just get done running me down for suggesting that RDM ought to wear decent gear? With massive and vicious sarcasm at that?

It's the red mages that are gimpy at 30 that end up continuing to be gimpy at 50. Plain and simple. And once they figure out that they could show up in the starting armor and still be allowed to level, that's what they're going to do.

When they manage to get through Yhoator jungle in lizard gear, how can you tell them at 50 to go out and get decent armor? Do you think they're going to?

I'm completely thrown by your 180 on opinion. ><
#10 Sep 06 2004 at 11:16 AM Rating: Decent
48 posts

I must say I found myself disappointed in the armor choices available to a Red Mage past 30. After I'd gotten my Centurion set, I found few good upgrades to be had out there, and most of those were far beyond my price range... I was lucky enough to have gil to buy Brigandine when it came available. I still wore portions of Centurion all the way through 60 till I finally got my pimp hat. One of the big reasons this is allowed is because Red Mage gets the short shaft on a lot of spells... we have to buy Refresh, and Dispel, and keep all the other spells up too which cost an arm and a leg. I chose to try and maintain my spells as opposed to dealing with changing armor from level to level like the melee classes do. Gimped? Maybe... but as I am now I don't see any major equipment changes on my character till I get either a shot at the Crimson set or start on my second AF set in Dynamis.

63 RDM/33 WHM/20 BLM
Bastok Rank 8
#11 Sep 06 2004 at 12:07 PM Rating: Decent
107 posts
and other than being lazy there's probably no other excuse for not getting them(specially since a mage can pop 400k overnight by doing BCNMs) but keep your gear up to date, if you're using a gambison at level 55, or eremite rings at level 60 you SHOULD have enough money saved from gimping all those levels to at least be able to afford a decent pair of electrum rings.
Some mages use the argument "Well, spells are expensive, I gotta keep them up to date and that's why my armor isn't so great"...Okay, fine. But then if I ask you to cure a status ailment don't go telling me you don't have that certain spell. If you buy EVERY spell for your level as a WHM60, you can STILL spend 20k-30k on a pair of electrum rings, some black earrings maybe? I understand erase is expensive, but you're not required to have it at 32, giving you PLENTY of time to come up with enough money to have it by 50-55. And you're not alone here, I mean c'mon, an RDM/WHM will be ******* at at level 64 for not having erase.

I am a lvl 50 blm and quite frankly take offence to this, i am almost always broke, i keep my spells and my armor as up to date as i can and have frequently stopped lvling for extended periodes of time so that i can stay as up to date as possible,
iv never had an opertunity to do a bcnm and can only make gil in any remotly expediant manner thru farming which takes a very long time. There are severale mages in my current Ls and none of them have been able to make that much gil in such a short time, and its offensive to think that sumone has the gaul to call them lazy without even knowing them when they have spent countless hours NM camping trying BCNM's (without success) and regular farming so that they themselves arnt forced to lvl a 'gimped job'. i personaly have never had more then 90k, which is not alot considering the price of the spells i need, let alone the equipment.
to my own detriment i have focused my gil on spells that will improve my performance in a party by making sure i have all my non aoe spells (and if u dont know,its rather difficult to farm trains in areas like pashhow/rolanberry when ure strongest aoe is firaga).
i apoligize if im not able to shell out 80k for
eremites rings +1, or 40k for mages slacks.
i have other jobs in addition to my blm that i need to keep current as well, including ranger which is not cheap.
part of my lack of gil is indeed my own fault as i also help other people if they need it, indeed recently i escorted 2 people to selbina from windurst for their first time there and despite my own poverty, gave them each enough gil to purchase a map of the area so they wernt as much of a burden on their parties.

I apoligize for the rant, but after everything both i and my friends have done to make the gil we need to lvl our jobs, i find it abit insulting to see sumone arrogantly assume that evryone is able to make so much with so little effort.
#12 Sep 06 2004 at 12:21 PM Rating: Default
183 posts
I am a lvl 50 blm and quite frankly take offence to this, i am almost always broke, i keep my spells and my armor as up to date as i can and have frequently stopped lvling for extended periodes of time so that i can stay as up to date as possible,
iv never had an opertunity to do a bcnm and can only make gil in any remotly expediant manner thru farming which takes a very long time. There are severale mages in my current Ls and none of them have been able to make that much gil in such a short time, and its offensive to think that sumone has the gaul to call them lazy without even knowing them when they have spent countless hours NM camping trying BCNM's (without success) and regular farming so that they themselves arnt forced to lvl a 'gimped job'. i personaly have never had more then 90k, which is not alot considering the price of the spells i need, let alone the equipment.

Please! You gotta be kidding me. There are SO many ways of making gil in this game. Don't cry about "I'm a Black Mage so I can't farm." You have AOE spells...use them! Every job can farm, every job can garden, fish, take up a craft. /cry " I have spells that cost me 40k!" That's good for you, because all together right now I'm wearing close to 1 million gil in equipment, and do you hear me ******** about being broke?

You people who "gimp" jobs to a certain level and then complain how you can't buy spells/equipment really do **** me off. If you're so damn poor, stop leveling and do some farming / fishing / crafting for gil. Or you could be like many of the endgame people out there and buy your gil.
#13 Sep 06 2004 at 12:41 PM Rating: Decent

Thank you for the polite reply Zylador, and at this level, I see your point.

Refresh and Dispel alone left me broke for quite a long time. I was selling off very good equipment from some of my melee jobs to pay for all this stuff, and I too was in Centurion's up until the Brigandine (with some necessary RSE tossed in, as I'm Elvaan)
I don't consider lower-level armor at these levels (post 30) to be gimped, personally. Where I can take offense to a RDM in full Lizard armor at level 28 (when the spells are still relatively inexpensive, and the armor even more so), I can understand where the heavy defense becomes less important after 41.

I also saw your post where you mentioned wearing a mix of Lizard and Beetle in the jungles of Kazham. Maybe I was a bit too fast to generalize, as you clearly got through several Genkai, and are not gimpy by any measure.

My complaint against it is that in a 25-35 party, up close to a pk'ed mob, it's better to have all the protection you can get. At level 17, there isn't that much excuse not to have good equipment, because the RDM's chief role in the party is debuff/melee.
When the later levels come, I notice that I'm casting more than meleeing; in general I'm standing next to the mob and constantly casting something. A hit goes in once in a while, but the mob is much more impressed with the PLD than he is with me. So the armor can slip a little; hell, the defense on the RSE is terrible ^^

It does necessitate slipping to the mages' nook when the Hornflies are being pulled <_<
Damn you, Cursed Sphere. Yes. Damn you.

Thanks again for the reply, and yes, I did generalize a little overmuch. But when I see a RDM go jogging by in full level 17 armor, it always makes me wonder if he bothered to buy all his spells, or if his stat boosts exist. What kind of sword is this guy carrying? Stuff along those lines.

And ; ; for the ratedown guys; man, I open my mouth too much and I always end up spanked ;)

#14 Sep 06 2004 at 12:52 PM Rating: Decent
48 posts
In defense of misttrik, the 50 BLM, I must say that farming isn't as easy as some people say it is. I remember spending several days in Valkurm trying to get enough gil for Dispel, and I've just spent about a month farming to get the gil for Erase for my WHM. Spending a month of one's life farming is extremely tedious, even if you break it up from time to time helping others... No, I'm not complaining about having to scrape money together for my equipment, but I do think it's elitist for people to *expect* all their party members to have 1M+ in equipment just to be in their party. This is a game; people should come on here looking to have fun, not criticizing others about how "2 levels ago" someone's outfit is.
#15 Sep 06 2004 at 2:10 PM Rating: Decent
I'm completely thrown by your 180 on opinion. ><

Not a 180 opinion. As Zylador explained, our gear is very limited until RSE, specially from 17-30.
So yes, lizard armor is pretty much all you've got until RSE, and really all you SHOULD get until 30. It's not being gimped, it's saving money for the upcoming spells...Y'know, dispel, etc, after dispel you really shouldn't have an excuse for not having up-to-date rings, earrings etc.
Really though, RDMs have it MUCH easier than many people seem to think, by subbing BLM we can use -ga spells to farm easily, not to mention drain and aspir to reduce downtime(Though I don't quite get why you would have downtime farming as an RDM), you can sub THF to improve drop rates, you can sub NIN to kill things faster, and if you sub WHM you can do BCNM40s with ease, Giddeus? not a problem. I do it as an RDM/BLM though eventually I'll get WHM to 37 just to have it. Palsborough? hah, even easier.
Get to know people who do BCNMs and make static BCNM parties, like the one I have. It's not impossible, you just have to show the slightest bit of effort to look for these people.
As for BLMs farming...well, I've seen many BLMs hang about qufim at lvl 40-ish hunting down elementals. Just go to a zone where there are elementals often and nuke them with your strongest spells(How hard is it to go to shakhrami, sleep an elemental, debuff it and cast freeze? These are air elementals, they will most likely be shot down all at once by freeze). Or like cel said, just go berserk with those -ga spells on lowbie areas.
I must tell you when farming in qufim I've seen some light elementals spawn, rarely, of course, but they spawn. And having thf at 32 not only provides me with higher stats boost than at 15, more HP, but I can flee and get there faster(Light weather tends to not stay very long =[)
It's all about taking your time, there's no rush in getting to 60 for that pimp hat. Level other jobs, plvl people to raise that enhancing/healing skill, and farm, farm, farm.
You may not agree with my views, but if you don't, you're obviously wrong, since you can't possibly supply an argument for farming being hard SPECIALLY as an RDM.
I don't believe in rating down anybody, but if you wish to rate me down, go ahead. I care not, it will only show you've failed at supplying intelligent arguments and had to resort to childish measures.
Good day.
#16 Sep 06 2004 at 2:45 PM Rating: Decent
450 posts
Anyone who complains about being broke post 50 is just lazy. i hate farming since i am smn/whm main farming isn't too easy, however i do like mining dunno why i just do >.< and i tried for 2 days in yhugot grotto but got tired of annoying lucun and getting annoyed by lucun(made 30K). So i moved on to Gusgen Mines Nothing will aggro anyone 50+ except the hetacomb NM and the rare foul meat. so if you are blm/whm at 50 you can sneak when needed and warp whenever. in 4 days(about 8 hours per day) i made 180K which was enough to get my Dark Staff. I am pretty broke now but I have what i person thought was a must for a smn post 51. I don't have a Light Staff i would like one but i haven't needed it for keeping the party going.
So I basically took 4 full days out of lvling to get my dark staff but it was worth it since my down time without a RDM is almost none.

So basically if you think you can't farm effectively, fine Mine for ores and make gil that way. I would say grow stuff in plants but that takes longer but is good for money later on if you can grow good stuff.
#17 Sep 08 2004 at 6:43 AM Rating: Good
if you wish to rate me down, go ahead. I care not, it will only show you've failed at supplying intelligent arguments and had to resort to childish measures.

Well, thank you for the unusually polite reply, but I didn't rate you down. The only people I've ever rated down here were Smartiekjm and some RDM on the DRK forums that was making an *** of himself.

I make a point of supplying intelligent arguments. That's what I do. I like to be taken seriously when debating a point in public, and so I don't resort to anything other than my own point of view, thought out to the best logical conclusion as I see it. If I can slip a funny in at my opponent's expense, all's fair in love and war, but I try to be at least subtle about it. But while you might not like my cake, the ingredients are legitimate. I believe in fair play.

Which doesn't include ratedowns, those are reserved for total asshats. I think what we have here is some kind of base miscommunication, at least judging from the similar (yet somehow debated) point made between this post and mine.

#18 Sep 08 2004 at 7:18 AM Rating: Good
642 posts
Sneakyweaky wrote:
Please! You gotta be kidding me. There are SO many ways of making gil in this game. Don't cry about "I'm a Black Mage so I can't farm." You have AOE spells...use them! Every job can farm, every job can garden, fish, take up a craft. /cry " I have spells that cost me 40k!" That's good for you, because all together right now I'm wearing close to 1 million gil in equipment, and do you hear me ******** about being broke?

You people who "gimp" jobs to a certain level and then complain how you can't buy spells/equipment really do **** me off. If you're so damn poor, stop leveling and do some farming / fishing / crafting for gil. Or you could be like many of the endgame people out there and buy your gil.


He never said he can't farm and he did say that he has stopped leveling numerous times to farm for long periods of time. And I tend to sympathize with his opinion since I am a BLM and I work damn hard to keep my gear and spells updated. AOE farming is great, but keep in mind, it's not the easiest thing to do, especially when you have a less-than-educated DD-type job player reaming you out for "stealing all the mobs" in the area.

#19 Sep 11 2004 at 6:19 PM Rating: Decent
I jumped to Bismarck around in July, and have limited time to play, which is usually in the mornings CST, where most of the pt's are Japanese. I was a Mithra War/Mnk, now a 15DRK/7WAR, and I never have had problems with getting into a Japanese Party. If there are more japanese parties than english, I always put in auto translate *I don't Speak japanese* *Japanese* *party* *please invite me* and I always get invites. And usually I don't ***** about stuff, and I go with the flow and I have to say besides some great players in my LS, and a select few, the *** parties rock. People aren't timid, and will fight a mob to the end, and I have never had a problem getting a raise in a *** party. Of course this is my personal experience. One of the best parties I played in was in Qufim on Migardsormr, I was a 24 Mithra RDM/12BLM... and we had a BLM, a PLD, a DRK, RNG and a BRD... and we were chaining Pugs and Snips.... we had a few deaths but we kept drilling. When I was a WAR in Qufim on BIsmarck, with English players, we had a RDM/WHM, PLD/WAR, WAR/MNK (me,) DRK/MNK, BLM/WHM, and a RNG... and everyone whined that we didn't have a whm. We did really great until we pulled a little tougher pug than we wished and the PLD dropped and the DRK and RDM bolted. I sat there and luckily dropped it with the BLM/WHM healing and the RNG and me hitting it for all we could. The sad thing is it's always is almost like that. The party disbanded because we didn't have a whm and everyone said they told me so, and I almost leveled in 35 minutes...

Well, I can't say it's always like that... but generally it is.

Okay.. I guess I am through ranting... lol.
#20 Sep 11 2004 at 6:49 PM Rating: Decent
GPTurismo... HerV?!
#21 Sep 12 2004 at 7:45 AM Rating: Decent
Yep, GPT from Good ol'Herv. :3
#22 Sep 12 2004 at 9:07 AM Rating: Decent
A few things I would just like to suggest to all the mages that have trouble farming is this. Just take up a craft. Something like woodworking, or clothcraft, even leathercraft. All of these make good money even at relatively low lvls. And the main reason I suggested these is that it is easy to farm for what u need from low lvl mobs. That and the H.E.L.M stuff like shadowbuni suggested (heya buni ^^)are all non-violent and ur defense and attack power don't come into the equation.
One last thing, there is really no need to farm in the higher lvl areas like pashow marshlands or rolanberry fields, batallia, jugner etc. For a mage, that is just asking for loads of downtime. Go to tahrongi canyon, sarutabaruta, you get lots of mobs u can kill with ur staff/club/dagger in a few hits with next to no downtime. I know a friend who made close to 1mill gil in less than 2wks doing this. granted he spent his whole FF day farming, but hell it worked for him. The cost of what u farm vs ur downtime should be chief in your mind, do not get tempted by tiger fangs and mistletoe if ur gonna be resting for 5mins after one attack round.
Good luck to all and see you ingame :)

Edit: There is a hell for Undercutters, and I am the Head taskmaster. You do not want to meet me there. ^^

Edited, Sun Sep 12 10:13:35 2004 by Ivwri
#23 Sep 12 2004 at 1:42 PM Rating: Decent
Took a break from RDM to level MNK.
Got to 38 so far by leveling with the LS, it's often 4-5 LS people and a random pickup person, who usually we get lucky enough and knows how to do their job right.
Well, most of these people weren't on when I was on this morning so I decided to go LFG, now being a MNK/THF I expect to wait hours for a PT invite but hey! I get lucky(or so I thought) and as soon as I flag I get invited to...yup! CN!
CN is horribly overcrowded now, it's impossible to level there, so I use my Monk's decent charisma points and I guess manage to convince them to go to Altepa, the WHM decides he wants to try CN first. But luckily, we didn't! We head straight to jeuno and warp to altepa, our RDM had d/ced and our SAM was AFK, so the WHM decides to leave, thank you pick up WHMs for once again proving you serve nothing to the party!
The leader position is thrown around a bit until it lands on me. We had an RDM in the party, and I could tell she was a good player, so when she got back, I started looking for a tank, since we had a WAR/SAM wearing elvaan RSE and a scythe as our main tank. So I see a 39/16 WAR/NIN, now I'm thinking...Meh, underleveled subjob, at least he can tank better than a war/sam with blink, he also had the teleport-altep GC so he seemed promising.
God, was I wrong. He gets to us sporting cuir armor and some dual axes, and as always the usual "OMG NO WHM WE GUNNA DIE NUBS!" line is said. So I calmly explain that we have a blink tank and that the only use for a WHM before 56 is to run around in circles, boss people around, and leave the party when they please, such as our friend Tigy proved.
Then it happened! Our WAR/NIN didn't have blink!
Whatever, I wasted 2 hours basically comandeering this party, so we head out to camp. We pull a beetle, and UNFORTUNATELY, no one died, the beetle was slept and we managed to get away(Why!??!? WHY!!!!!).
Someone in my LS did make some sense of it, however. He said usually "fill-in" jobs get the worst parties, these being Monk, Thief, etc, because people unfortunately cannot understand the devastation either job can cause on the mob. So I combine Monk AND thief and get a super uninvitable job! Yipee!
So the moral of the story here is, it's clear why **** may be starting to invite english players less, I'd do the same.
#24 Sep 13 2004 at 12:05 AM Rating: Good
I calmly explain that we have a blink tank and that the only use for a WHM before 56 is to run around in circles, boss people around, and leave the party when they please, such as our friend Tigy proved.

Tigy again.

Tigy was in my party two days straight about a month ago; I was RDM, and he was a BRD.
That guy had me so angry by the second day that I warped home. Constant /t's criticizing me, and on the second day sent a /t: "This is why I hate RDM, because of people like you."

I take great pride in my character, my gear and my playing. This comment infuriated me to the point where I nearly saw stars, and /ma "Warp" <me>.

Happy ending;
I was in the Dunes on DRK and was invited into a party; Tigy was in it. I glance at the list, and lo and freaking behold, if he isn't a RDM.
I reminded him of who I was, and he disbanded about a minute later, citing a guy with no subjob as his reason for leaving. Yeah, right, Tigy. When your RDM gets to level 40 and heads to CN, you can bet your *** I'll be there waiting. I shall beat you mercilessly with my pimp hat.
I shall pimp hat you straight to your home point.

More to the point:
Man, what else do you expect from a guy with a level 16 NIN sub ^^ He knew he was subpar, somewhere deep down he was GUILTY about being subpar, which is probably why he didn't attempt to level his NIN even out of the Dunes. Got tired of "Where's your Utsusemi, Ninju?"
Moral; the trouble of finding someone with a leveled and capable character pays off in exp.
#25 Sep 14 2004 at 2:25 AM Rating: Default
What anoys me is when someone who has the godly stuff for every single level expects, because most likely they either botted for it or bought the gil online to pay for it, I dont know how to bot, nor do I have the money to buy gil online so I guess im just screwed and end up at the back of the line for PT invites
#26 Sep 14 2004 at 10:17 AM Rating: Decent
311 posts

Edited, Tue Sep 14 11:18:31 2004 by Magvius
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