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Lets take back our server.Follow

#1 Aug 30 2004 at 5:31 PM Rating: Decent
I want to be able to see this game for what it is, a game. I mean, I rember atari 2600. My thumb would hurt so much from playing on a ancient controler, but to flip the score bar from all 9's back to 0 on asteroids, was sompthing back in the day.

Id like to think I've played all the games worth playing since the infant years of gameing. Playing games is my hoby, hell till this came out I made $$ playing MTG.

I Play games for 2 reasons: (no not for fun XP )

1: I'm good.
2: most of my friends play

In stead of:
smokeing crack, killing, stealing ur newspaper... etc..

Geting to my point....

With all games Ive played, life included.... what gets clasified as wrong..... smokeing crack, killing, stealing ur newspaper... etc.. CHEETING..... which is really the bottom line of the subject at hand. Yes I'm one of those that would flame u if u had to use a game shark to beat any game. How is that fun, why bother playing at all? So really, I'm not so mad with the gilfarmers/to sell players, as I am at the ones buying the gill. They create the demand, they are the problem. No buyers no $$farmers. I hope this can become the new focus of bolth sides frustration. It may not effect u yet but, I gurante it will. $$Farmers will contine to thrive, unless we figure out a way to counter act them.

Want to know why JP's dont care...

1: This is thier game. They know the tricks that get them the $$ they need. Granted an origonal NA pc player Im sure is'nt too threatned.

2:They work together... NA LS = small.... JP LS = HUGE..... I beg every one of u that leads a LS, find other LS ur LS is friends with, and vote a new name and a curent leader, divide up the cost of a new LS and bam biger LS. It is in all of our best intrest to work as a team. It wont happen over night but a stronger LS can be made. Leaders need to people that can handel being the "@$$ hole" by cuting counter productive people. Flame and ridicule all that u know buy gil. Post in the server forms let your server know, and no one help them. And yes I have shun people that were friends, but they are undermineing the system. Don't you wonder why u cant use a game hack device. On line game... NO CHEETING... WORK TOGETHER... THATS THE REAL POINT OF THE GAME....

As for me, I pay to post here, as do u I hope. Encourage all u know to at least come here, become educated on the game ur playing. We have server forums that we need to make sure we use as much for uniteing the people our servers. And we need to use this main bord for things other than crap. Stop holding your uber $$ tricks or what ever secrets u have.

I rember the good old days when we posted on mesage bords to brag strats and tricks. Now were all fighting tooth and nail and the progress is minimal.

So at the moment for those that actually care, about playing this game, and stoping a pre mature death of a great game.

Its time for solutions. Complaining gets us no where.

And seriously, start another thread to flame this one.

Its time for solutions. Complaining gets us no where.
#2 Aug 30 2004 at 5:41 PM Rating: Decent
165 posts
i really wish there where large NA linkshells. everyone i have been in is about 20 people total, with 5 on at a time. we should have LS so big, that you are almost always grouping with atlest one other person from your LS
#3 Aug 30 2004 at 5:44 PM Rating: Decent
23 posts
/em applauds great post jenna, something everybody should take some time off to read... instead of worrying bout being leet and all super uber cool all the time, competing with everyone. take some time off from your nm camping, or farming to help someone out, you never know when you may need them... bad juu juu and that that good stuff :p
#4 Aug 30 2004 at 5:50 PM Rating: Decent
165 posts
i tried once. but i will throw this idea up here as well

we need big LS. its hard to get parties, everyone has trouble. its hard to get into BCNM. its hard to get some quest info. we need to be able to easly talk. and thats what LS are made for.

some people worry about the chat and scroll. set your party chat and other such things on delay. it makes them stick at the top of the chat box like the text for missions and such for those that don't know.

another possablity is to make 2 linkshells. both basicly the same but 1 is just chatting. the other is used only when looking for quests parties and such.

this idea is pointless for small LS. but i would like to see LS have 100+ members with 50+ on at a time. and always growing!
#5 Aug 30 2004 at 5:55 PM Rating: Good
510 posts
Wow, That sucks I had a giant post typed up and I accidentally hit escape. Let's try to get what I had down back here. :o

I myself am a seasoned NA player, I've been playing since November. And what about those people that don't like a giant LS? Hm? I'm one of those people.

Work>Time>Gil. I farm alone, I camp NM's with a friend, or two. Everyone that isn't a Thief spends the same amount of time farming, that is if you farm. Those who camp NM's you rely on luck, hope, and knowing the spawn rate, and sometime skill. :o
There are no real TRICKS to gil making. It's all about time.

And on to another note, Let's take back OUR server? By Our I suppose you mean NA as US, or OUR. And, Going with that assumption it's not OUR sever, It's everyone's server. JP's NA's the server belongs to us all. We all pay for the game and pay to play. So, It's everyones server. So, Try not to be so arrogant as to name a thread lets take back our server.

And if that's not what you meant, I apologize for anything in this post that has/would've offended you.

This post has been brought to you by Zariko, The Elvaan with Attitude.
#6 Aug 30 2004 at 6:00 PM Rating: Decent
Dominion LS has entertained taking in some smaller linkshells. if this sounds like something you would be interrested in /tell me ingame sometime and we can discuss it. i agree that we need more large NA linkshells on this server. visit our new linkshell forum!

Edited, Mon Aug 30 19:01:40 2004 by RestinPeace

Edited, Mon Aug 30 19:03:00 2004 by RestinPeace
#7 Aug 30 2004 at 6:08 PM Rating: Good
716 posts
Lunarians ring a bell?
#8 Aug 30 2004 at 6:13 PM Rating: Decent
165 posts
no who are they. i found the web site, that has to be the coolest link bar i have ever seen, not much in info though
#9 Aug 30 2004 at 6:23 PM Rating: Decent
183 posts
I myself love my LS. It's small, but not to the point of 4-5 people on at a time. We aren't caught up in this, "I gained a few levels now I'm done with this LS that can't help me." crap. Our level range is 20-65, and we're all people who will give up exp to help another person. (as we've showed with AF coffer keys >.>) Our LS is also "n00b free" We all speak in english, we don't speak, "u r dum, y r u h8 me?!?" I really don't think I can handle someone like that in my LS that's been around since early January.

So, in my opinion, I really wouldn't like a super large LS. ; ;
#10 Aug 30 2004 at 7:16 PM Rating: Good
716 posts
no who are they.

Lunarians are a linkshell on Bismarck. They've quite a few members, have been around quite some time, and are great at what they do. Their areas of expertise range from HNMs to Ballista to Dynamis. It's a really high-level shell, and from what I've heard, relatively hard to get in to. They're a well-oiled machine, to say the least.

There's another LS somewhat like Lunarians, but for the life of me I can't remember the name.

Edited, Mon Aug 30 20:19:25 2004 by Alauce
#11 Aug 30 2004 at 7:36 PM Rating: Decent
high end, numerous NA LS include: ArchDominus, IRON, Averyl and Lunarians ( Beautiful Reel used to ber in there, but i think they broke up and I might be missing some in the list )
#12 Aug 30 2004 at 7:36 PM Rating: Good
1,041 posts
Well, first off there's a HUGE cultural perspective in the way.

NA's have a culture of individualism. They *tend* (these are, of course, generalizations) to value independence, self-reliance, "being special", and the like. As a result, a lot of NA's will just up and make their own LS and invite a few friends. This means a bunch of tiny linkshells. Not all NA are that way and there are plenty of players who cross-culture. Lunarians is HUGE, for example (I love looking at their Gallery section), and is mostly NA.

I don't know much about JP culture, however, but I'll bet you ten cents that the difference in linkshell sizes is more cultural than tactical.

My point being of course that changing the way NA's do linkshells is both pointless and impossible. (And redundant, as there are already some large NA linkshells.)

And I'll second what Zariko said...OUR server...? LMAO...
It's no more OUR server than it is THEIR server...
#13 Aug 31 2004 at 2:05 AM Rating: Decent
383 posts
Its not pointless to try to make massive LS.. But as was stated...Americans value individuallity, and lack of conformisim.

Its that mentallity, that causes the ordeal of attempting to organize, and move 20+ people at the same time, utterly catostrophic.

Problem is, for better or worse, alot of English speakers do build alot of themselves into the game. Managing many multiple mentallities is an extreme chore.

What draws people into Most LS is the laid back enviroment, one that makes them feel a sense of family. But just like any family.. the bigger it is, the harder it is to hold together.

Militiristic recruitment, doesnt draw as many people in, until they wanna get something out of it, and on the down side, causes people to leave once they have what they want.
I mean who really wants to pay money to be bossed around after theyve left their job for the day , where they spend their time getting bossed around.

Luckily , XI, does in some small order, break away from these 2 dynamics, with the ability to freely switch between shells. problem that arrises from this, It can also lead to jealous, and also in turn end in destroying Linkshells. " So and So is pulling double LS duty.. isnt that a conflict of intrest" ect ect ect.

I dont really have a solution beyond this, But at least adressing the pitfalls might in turn give a realistic perspective of what it will take to create such a balance for such an entity to exist.
#14 Aug 31 2004 at 7:27 AM Rating: Decent
225 posts
*sigh* If people want to cheat....let them them cheat! I'm sick of all this "death to the gil buyers ect" you dont know their reasons or buying gil so quit flaming them. Keep your nasty thoughts to yourself, you don't know what your talking about.
#15 Aug 31 2004 at 8:28 AM Rating: Default
Lunarians are still together, one of the members of our shell is in that one as well, he's always busy doing HNM's and Dynamis.
#16 Aug 31 2004 at 10:52 AM Rating: Decent
610 posts
Personally I think that this could be a good idea but what about just two LS that ally with each other? The members of the LS can know the leaders of each LS and just contact them when they are in need of help. It might not work very well but its better than having a huge LS. But I do agree that NA players should help out each other.
I am co-leader of the DarkSeraphs LS and I know that we would all drop anything to help out another player. We currently have over 50 members (Not a lot but it's something ^^)So if anyone is interested in my little idea feel free to contact me in game. ^^ Or if you just need some help from a friendly white mage.

Edited, Tue Aug 31 11:55:54 2004 by Yekan
#17 Sep 01 2004 at 3:26 PM Rating: Default
First off, ty for the positive info and attitude, really I was expecting to get flamed to hell for this one.

2nd... We need solutions. No room for debate here, if you are a honest player. gil farming of all kinds is puting the ah into over drive. Fire crystals are up to 3k a stack again... on a wendsday... Light c's 11-12k again... I can keep going...

One thing Ive tried since my post is, I found some noobs, made them brass flower pots, had farmed alot of grain seeds and told them to feed either dark or water c's. Helps new players get a income going and hopeing more people will do the same. if we can saturate the ah with crystals it should help to keep prics down. Think is every noob was growing crystals. Then as the $$ is not enough for them they move on, pass the pots on to another noob.

And TYVM Boobookitty. Id like to consider my self to be a proud new member of her LS. She has only been pleasnt and helpfull. She spent her night protecting LS members while they leveled. Im sure a LV 75 whm could find better things to do... Oh, wait.... helping people is a great thing. /cheer boobookitty


No this is not my, or yours, or anyones server..... But Ill be damned if I sit by and watch gil farmers destroy "our" server. If you dont care, f'n quit now!!!! I dont want to be involved with people with a IDGAS attitude. Why bother wasteing your time here. Save your $12 a month + the $$ you'll spend buying gill, for your refill of stupid pills.

Coming from a lv 30 mithra whm/gimp lv sub, I fail to see how u feel u know anything about this game. I have 2 characters at lv 52, and I still feel like I dont know crap. But I gurantee I can make more $$ in a day than what your lv 30 gear costs. Know what ur talking about Noxx, before you start flameing. I gurantee you will feel the effect of gil farmers some time, we'll be happy to have you when your tune changes.

I dont know about the rest of the winers on "our" server, but I want to be surrounded by winers, not loosers.
I agree too many talk, then walk when they get what they want, this thread is not for them either.
Who wouldnt love is this was platform only and we didnt have to be bothered by those that want to destroy.... But we do... and if u have no intent on helping......

GTF OFF "OUR" SERVER!!!!!!!!!!!

I hear ever quest still has a pulse, go put the final nail in that coffin.

If you fall in the catagory of cheeter, I want nothing to do with you.

Only those that feel the same, and have solutions, need apply here.

If I come of as a jerk, sry I do things the hard way, the way the game designers intended us to do. Plug your game shark in and see how far you get.

P.S. TY all for the /tell hate mail. I see you read it here, but wont post here. Some how /telling me about how retarted I am really proves your point well. If your so right start a thread, list the benefits of cheeting the system, and lets see your rateing after. Btw I have plenty of B-list room left for your kind.

Please positive posts. I dont want to waste time here.

#18 Sep 01 2004 at 4:00 PM Rating: Excellent
163 posts
I dont think you understand what comes along with a "Big" Link Shell, and the people that let "Anybody" in.

You dont develope a close group of friends, what hapens is you get 40 people, 1/3rd of which dont know eachother, filling up your text window with spam.

The lower level players always want your help, and if you dont help them, they stereotype the WHOLE LS as not helpful.

Why didn't the high level players help? Because those lower level players just joined and they dont even know eachother.

Not only that, but who do the higher level players go to for help?

It sounds to me like chaos. I think you should become friends with someone first, then invite them into your LS after you know they fit in.

I've seen many LS go quiet because of one or two annoying people.
#19 Sep 02 2004 at 12:49 AM Rating: Good
Great post ^^

Although I am a proud hardcore gamer myself, I admit to using Game Genie to beat Little Nemo: The Dream Master back when I was like 11. The last few levels were WAY too hard... Ridiculous...
#20 Sep 02 2004 at 2:45 PM Rating: Default
TY btw, whoever rated me up. Not my goal, but is apperciated.

I dont mean to offend any one. My feelings on honor and morality reflect in what ever I do. Even though this is just a game, I still feel the need to do whats right.

I'm sorry that boterX, or gilbuyerG cant invest the time into this game like some can. As devilsadvocate.... How about a server for boters and hackers. Y not? Seriously, that would shut me the hell up.

Just another what if solution.
Yes I know that will never happen. But trying to be positive. Think solutions.

GL 2 all
#21 Sep 02 2004 at 2:56 PM Rating: Decent
1,315 posts
The only game I actually searched for some kinda cheat was Ghosts and Goblins on SNES or NES, cannot recall which one. Don't recall exactly but the level where you had to jump from ledge to ledge alongside of this castle where bats would randomly fly into you, just WAY too hard.

Of course, it was one of those games that when you got hit, you flew back like 5 ft. and into an abyss, as opposed to some games where you got hit but just took dmg and kept going. I hate you Ghosts and Goblins!!! (or was it Ghouls and Goblins...hmmm...)
#22 Sep 02 2004 at 3:26 PM Rating: Decent
13,048 posts
Hey, I know. I'll take away your job and have your family starve so that a couple kids can feel better about a game's economy. Sound like a plan? Ok.

Honestly, you come off as someone way too absorbed in the game and caring far too much. No, crystal prices are not the result of gil sellers. Every economy will go through lagre ups and downs, with little ups and downs in between.

The price of Wind Crystals is at 1900-2000 gil per stack in San d'Oria. OMGWTFBBQ! Gil sellers need to die!!!11! No, more like the Woodworking guild is there. Oh, that makes sense now.

See where your thinking is flawed? Gil sellers will not influence something so much that it kills the economy. In fact, if you think about it, gil sellers would decrease the price of something, because they would flood the market with said good. And if they lowered the price of light crystals, thank god for that small miracle.

Anyway, try to think less like a 12 year-old in the future. People have kids to feed, and they don't need some kid ******** about how it ruins an economy in a game.

Edited, Thu Sep 2 16:26:49 2004 by Theophany
#23 Sep 02 2004 at 5:22 PM Rating: Decent
384 posts
i agree 100%

if the lazy *** bums who buy the gil stop purchasing it - and acually go out and Farm/Camp/Fish/Synth like the majority of us all do; It'd kill their bussiness. meaning less inflation - and people wouldn't be gimped at level 1-20. i mean, Bismarck's gotten to the point it's costing a freaking Grand for the BASIC bronze Harness! why would people pay that?!

and as for the Feeding - Get an acuall job, it's not like it's that hard. join the forces (yes, Korea has them to) send your kids into work.

yes, they're a third world country, but still. (at the risk of sounding extremely absorbed into this game)

so i still stick with the

(|Death|) (|You can have this|)

for all the farmers

Edited, Thu Sep 2 18:24:21 2004 by Naeo

Edited, Thu Sep 2 18:25:56 2004 by Naeo
#24 Sep 02 2004 at 7:25 PM Rating: Default
13,048 posts
Actually the funny thing is that prices have gone down recently. Anyone else remember when Dark Staves used to sell for 500k?

So yeah, inflation?



Moving on.
#25 Sep 02 2004 at 7:44 PM Rating: Decent
785 posts
First let me say that I don't buy gil - don't see much point in it really. However, it really annoys me that people think of gil buyers as "lazy". Now, unless you've got someone else paying for this gil, you worked to earn the REAL money required to pay for the gil. How is this being lazy? You're working at whatever job you do to pay for this gil.
#26 Sep 03 2004 at 5:48 PM Rating: Decent
Wow Theophany, such a compelling arguement, The rank 3 lv 30 Has totaly changed my mind. Now I'm going to spend every dime I have to buy gil, so starving asians can live a better life.

Ty for actually reading my post, NO FLAMEING, SOLUTIONS... look it up if you have too. I guess you didnt read the part about how gil farmers wouldnt be here if people wernt buying. OPEN YOUR EYES.

>< No really ty Theophany rate me down please, while your at it, b-list me too. I'm sorry if I come off as arrogant but, why bother doing anything if your not going to do your best? I dont do anything half a$$ed. Your exactly the kind of player that wont make it. Prove me wrong.

When you could turn 1 mill gill in a day and, literally over night your profit got cut in 1/2, and every A$$ with a bot is makeing the problem worse. When your next body armor will cost you 2mill+, we'll see how happy you are about it.

Go to rabo some time and figure out why the lag is as bad or worse than jueno.

Start your own thread to call me a loser please. I wish for this one to accomplish postitve things, for players that care.

And I guess just a FYI. I play as a drk/thf and a whm/smn AT THE SAME TIME. Imagine how you could keep up with the rest of your pt. And my girl is my pt's pld. She cant make $$ for crap. Who buys her gear??? Take a guess. I currently craft B.smith 39, g.smith 35, wood 25, fishing 29, and I pay my rdm's way through cooking, because it benefits my pt. So I see the ah flux, not just through a drk's eyes.

The phrase "glass houses" comes to mind here.

Rate me down WTF ever. Wont change anything for the better.

Unfortuneately, the responses were what I had hoped. I was hopeing to get people together to boycott the ah, try to stick it to the gil farmers at least for 1 day, but forget it now. Some one tell me how to close or burn this thread. I'll be done here now. I'll worry about me and just me. The american way I guess. F it all.

Peace GL2 all

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