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Clearing my NameFollow

#1 Aug 22 2004 at 1:15 AM Rating: Sub-Default
Proceed to the badlist and read what I have written this shall bring clarity to my name and stop all confusion
#2 Aug 22 2004 at 10:50 AM Rating: Excellent
996 posts
Heh. If there's one thing that big block of text does, it isn't "bestowing clarity".
So... you think im the bad guy eh I will tell you the truth I am not a bad player and my ls is amongst the great
Maybe it's great to your own members, but your reputation precedes you, and there are plenty of people that know to steer clear.
ladyx scoped my Item which I was gonna sell for 200k instead of the 7k I paid for it was a lvl 70 Item I told my ls what I was doing this does not make me a bad player but a guy trying to find a way to make money people on this game is rich what I couldn't understand is why ladyx was trying to make me seem like the bad guy if anything it was ladyx for trying to get everyone to blist me for trying to sell the item for 200k which is not against terms or policies he said he was gonna use me for footage and make me infamous I kept asking him why was he trying to knock my hustle but he kept harrassing me
Now, I have to say - Outside of the sports industry, I have *never* heard anyone refer to a hustle as good. says this:

n 1: a swindle in which you cheat at gambling or persuade a person to buy worthless property

Going around Windurst /shouting "Coeurl Jerkin for sale! (Rare) (Item)" when it is certainly not rare (It's craftable, and from relatively cheap items at that) is most definitely trying to convince a person to buy worthless property (at least, compared to your price).
I am here to clear my name ask anyone in the DWP Devilwolfpack which is my LS what I am really about
I think many of the people here have reservations about anyone who willfully chooses to spend any large amount of time in your LS. It sure didn't take long for my wife to drop your pearl.
hopefully people will realize that I am not about scamming people at all just needed money really bad I could of had plenty of reasons to sell it for 200k but I didnt I sold it for 10 the item had not been sold in windurst before so I figured im broke and I need money
If you were simply trying to correct the lack of an AH listing, then you could have easily put it up yourself, and then repurchased it. Voila...AH listing and history. The fact that you *knew* there wasn't an AH listing for it just enforces the fact that you were trying to scam someone.

And there are plenty of ways in the game to make money that don't involve ripping people off, though for some reason, the idea of seeing you fishing just doesn't register in my mind...
I just want you to know if this happen to you by ladyx speak up cause I dont think its right even effected some people in my ls because of it im running low on pc memory
Aww...that is just too cute...

Hmm...looks like I can't use [quote] anymore after five quote blocks, so I'll just italicize your parts now.

but if you feel what I did was enough to put me on the bad list then do what you must but as a LS leader some people need to be professional about things

That'd be a first for you from what I've seen.

and not go about spamming and trying to drag peoples name into the ground now that this is off my chest I think most of bismark knows me

Yeah, I'd say that's about true.

if not then they do now I am known for my good deeds and my hard effort

if not the good deeds of others in my LS Makayan being one of them Fallenangels another one of my LS's

I never see Makayan anywhere except outside the Windurst Woods Residential Area, so this doesn't go very far to establish your "credibility"...
#3 Aug 22 2004 at 11:45 AM Rating: Excellent
388 posts
if not the good deeds of others in my LS Makayan being one of them Fallenangels another one of my LS's

Isn't Makayan just a mule? Not a brilliant character reference, there.
#4 Aug 22 2004 at 12:24 PM Rating: Default
I presume you are ladyx and is here to defend him/her it matters not really my point is selling something in my bazaar isnt wrong because its the persons choice to choose to do so and ladyx had no right to intervien how ever you spell it I have other references other than makayan.

If you really want to goto the source ask roronoa and as for clearing my name like I said trying to sell something on 1 occassion for 200k does not make me a bad guy even if it was a coerl jerkin and no im not gonna buy my own product just to get someone to see how much I paid for it.

In fact thats the stupidest idea I have ever seen yeah I tried to pull the wool over the peoples eyes once I assure I am no easy target which I think that ladyx was trying to make me I think it is a pointless effort the more you attack me the worse you will look.

you act as if you dont make mistakes and to act like your beyond human is wrong people make mistakes even if they are big ones but you see people are also forgiving and even merciful I do no sense this with you I believe that you are in fact in on the dragging my name into the ground.

I feel like Spiderman and your Jona Jamison I have yet to see compassion come from you and I probably wont get it go on keep bashing my name
#5 Aug 22 2004 at 12:31 PM Rating: Good
716 posts
Just a small note..

When there's no price history for an item up on a given Auction House, and you have something to sell.. why -wouldn't- you buy your item from the AH to set a price history, then put it back up for the same price? I mean, that just seems like common sense to me.
#6 Aug 22 2004 at 12:43 PM Rating: Default
because I was trying to sell it for more than what it was or what I had I was flat broke also if people seeing you buying your own product that would look desperate as well.
#7 Aug 22 2004 at 12:55 PM Rating: Good
716 posts
if people seeing you buying your own product that would look desperate as well.

Or they may see it as you doing something smart and trying to further the economy by adding new things where there was none.

And honestly, what's the deal with scams, anyway? In the amount of time it took you to dupe some poor halfwit into buying into your con, you could've easily just farmed the gil.
#8 Aug 22 2004 at 3:48 PM Rating: Decent
762 posts
Devilwolf, it's really hard to have respect for you when:

a) You start a new thread telling us to go to another thread to start a discussion on something that should have been explained in the first thread to begin with.

b) An obvious lack of any grammar or sentence structure education.

c) Arguments that are self-defeating and 2-way.

In fact thats the stupidest idea I have ever seen yeah I tried to pull the wool over the peoples eyes once I assure I am no easy target which I think that ladyx was trying to make me I think it is a pointless effort the more you attack me the worse you will look.

You admitted to pulling the wool over people's eyes. In my opinion, honor in the gaming world is just as important in the real world. Reputation determines how other players view you. Yes, there's the in game fame system, but we also have measures of judging you as well. Plus, the more you attack, the worse you are making yourself look as well.

I haven't even read your first post yet, but I'm sure it will be amusing. I hope that you can find more honorable ways of playing and getting gil. It's not that hard if you respect other people instead of trying to rip them off.

Edit: I tried to read your first post. It was impossible to read. 20-year old man with a degree of some sort? I hope someone in your education told you that in order to make a point, the other party has to be able to understand it. That is the whole point of grammar.

Edited, Sun Aug 22 17:04:24 2004 by Clerico
#9REDACTED, Posted: Aug 22 2004 at 6:07 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Nobody likes you Devilfag, get lost.
#10 Aug 23 2004 at 2:20 AM Rating: Default
I didn't come here to impress you I have come to atone for what I have done like an confession my education has nothing to do with how I type things in a message board.

I didn't come here to make friends either if I do then cool if I don't I never really cared but for those who actually have hearts should post as well.

Some of you act as if you have no home training all I want is a lil peace and a lil quiet my name was put under false accusation now im defending it with faith and belief go on keep calling me gay the moderator will see it and then you will be wondering why you don't have an account.

I said all I can say some of you people dont deserve an apology nor will you get one I am admitting to a mistake I should of been respected for that and left alone.
#11 Aug 23 2004 at 7:33 AM Rating: Good
642 posts
I know this is probably not completely on topic but oh well.

Apathy --> a LONG time member of wolfpack...Since I started playing this game anyway.

I think he speaks volumes for this LS. I was teleporting in windurst last night and I get a tell:

Apathy: Invite me
Apathy: I need mea

I'm thinking wow, not even a please, but ok, maybe he's in a rush. So I invite him, he runs up to me and pays me. I teleport mea.

Me: Thank you!! Good luck!

*Apathy Disbands*

Ok, no thank you, no good luck to you too. So I /tell him

Me: You're Welcome^^


VERY RUDE!!!!!!!!!!!! *Sorry just had to get that off my chest because it was bothering me to no end*

If you want your LS to have a better reputation I suggest teaching your members some manners and consideration for the other players because god knows their mothers didnt.
#12 Aug 23 2004 at 9:11 AM Rating: Decent
762 posts
The best way for people to leave you alone is to keep to yourself. By starting this thread, you're asking for it ;)
#13 Aug 23 2004 at 12:00 PM Rating: Good
415 posts
i was part of the DevilWolfPack....
i hated that ls..
i mean no offense, but....
i ididnt hate the whole ls, but i got a new ls for a bit and i had 2 ls' that i had to go between
it was kinda hard, and then when i got back on to DWP.
some people were like
"Where were you?"
so i told them i had another ls and i was switching between them.

then i get kicked out
what is it illegal to have 2 linkshells?
my advice, just dont join that ls
#14 Aug 23 2004 at 12:09 PM Rating: Good
415 posts
so yes, devilwolf, if u want your ls to look better, try to teach them some manners, and try to have manners yourself
#15 Aug 23 2004 at 12:25 PM Rating: Default
Ah the ignorance is amusing. It'll be interesting to see where this ends, maybe I'll see if I can't find Ladyx and speak with her about it as well...
#16 Aug 23 2004 at 12:29 PM Rating: Decent
375 posts
Well, I am a high lvl leathercrafter and I have made many Coeurl Jerkins mainly for skillups. I would sell a few on the AH for 6K-7K and the rest to NPC just to recoup a few bucks. I have put a few up in Windy for 6K also but never sold after trying for a month. No biggie
Heres where this guys post confuses me..Is there anyone out there who is that big an idiot that would pay 200K to use this? First off, why would they buy it if they are not high enough lvl to use it.If they were high lvl to use it and purchased it from him, they damn well should know about AH history and gear research.
Looks to me like this guy was just trying to scam a n00b who bought a million gil.
As much as n00bs annoy me, that is just not right and immoral and a part of what ruins the game for everyone.
#17 Aug 23 2004 at 3:40 PM Rating: Default
this is the code we go by I do not see how people are doing the things you say they doing I made this code with nakynaw so many corrections I had to make to the DWP thats why at the meetings I have in windurst woods on sundays I discuss issues Eleusynia
aka Gonomba knows first hand what im about.

He and his girlfriend/wife I would like to say we are cool they were in the pack long ago anyway this is the gode we go by.



Wisdom and Fraternity…

The Code


(We love the wisdom by trying to reach it, not by thinking we possesses it)


To get in our Linkshell, you must have a character over level 18 and have a support job, or, to be rank 3 and over. It’s not that we don’t want to help lower level players, but we need to gather a community of experienced players to cooperate in some activities that requires high level like some BCNM etc…


No question is stupid, only the answer can be. We want all of you to behave, so that god players will not be tempted to leave the Linkshell because they do not like some members’ behaviour. Of course, joking is allowed, but please understand that allowing stupid comments is the best way to loose wiser players that dislike idiot’s comments.

In a different order of ideas, we would like you to be aware about what we would call “banalities spamming”. What we suggest here is that we will soon be a big Linkshell, and we can’t encourage our member to keep it equipped very often if we keep spamming the chat log window. So we ask to think before writing things in the Linksehll, to se if it has any kind of utilities. Cause if you just crossed a nice mithra dressed in red, we don’t really need to know it. But if it seems at least a little pertinent to you, then feel free to share it with us.


When speaking of joking, one kind of joke is not allowed: having fun about inexperienced players (newbie) disrepetitively. We also do not want to read vulgar jokes abusing the auto-translate function. We all know about the “mithra” “fun” “hole” so please do these in “/tell” mode if you feel like you can’t stop doing that kind of unwelcomed jokes in our Linkshell.


(Wars are bad cause the create more mean people then they take)


Of course, absolutely no irrespective comments on nationalities, races, genders, sexual orientations, etc, are to be accepted. We want to share a big community, and the more diversity there is, the more enriching it will be.


It comes to the common sense that one of the first goals of equipping a Linkshell is to keep in touch with great players that eventually could be partners in some kind of Final Fantasy activities, so we count on you to maintain a good cooperation level. If you can help one of us, do it. And if you need help, don’t be afraid to ask for it.

However, if one of us ever has a very specific question, it could happen that none of u could answer. Then, all questions cannot be answered by Linkshell so do not take it as a denial, but go to one of the many websites available to find answers. One of them could be for those who do not know it.


We want DWP to feel like a big family, or at least a nice community. So friendship is the key word. If u have nice people on your friend list, as long as they agree with the code and meet the requirements, we would love to have them with us.

To keep this friendship alive for a long time, we also don’t want to see any debates concerning real life controversial subjects. Debates are good if they run like a civilized discussion, but when it comes to a battle or a competition, it only brings hate and discomfort. So please try to accept that no one is owner of the absolute truth, because there is only more or less convincing opinions that we can share and discuss about for much greater result then debates.

Also, all disputes concerning trades and exchanges will not regard the Linkshell. If you decided to lend money to a lower character, you must first understand that you are not helping him, cause he will not get the necessary experience, and that if he does give u back the money, the worst we can do, and only if we have very good reason to think that it’s the truth, is to banish him from the Linkshell after we’ll have tried to communicate with the concerned person and understand the situation.


It may sounds like a lot of restrictions for some of you, but you must understand that the purpose of these laws are to ensure the liberty of the majority, by restricting the liberty of those who use it against the others. We must act like thinking humans, and think like humans of action.

If you agree with this all, just let us know and you will be more then welcome in our Linkshell, the “DevilWolfPack”

But once you agreed, if one of us sees that an other one is not respecting the CODE, he will get a single warning. No one will be kick without warning first, but if you are in our Linkshell it’s because you agreed to follow the rules, if we have to warn you more then once, it’s because you don’t belong to the DWP community.

Now we hope that you will enjoy our Linkshell, and if you have comments, questions, or suggestions to make, ask Devilwolf, Angelriel, Nakynaw

All written by Nakynaw and edited by DW himself.

#18 Aug 23 2004 at 3:46 PM Rating: Decent
996 posts
Assuming you actually take these rules seriously...

Do you have selective enforcement of these rules or something? My wife was in your LS for three days, and there were *plenty* of violations of your rules. It was almost as if it were encouraged. Your Maturity and Respect sections were basically thrown right out.
#19 Aug 23 2004 at 4:53 PM Rating: Good
716 posts
No offence, mate, but.. after reading the code of conduct or what-ever it is for your linkshell, I must say..

Why haven't they mutinied yet? I was in your shell when it first started at the very beginning. Half the people were subjobless, asking stupid questions about buying gil, being completely rude to one another, and just all-around being idiots. And from what I've seen from you on these boards, you're no different.

Don't you think your alleged code of conduct is just a whee bit hypocritical?
#20 Aug 23 2004 at 4:56 PM Rating: Decent
Not to mention that if you read Ladyx's original post, the story is about you scamming new people which you admit to. I'm sorry but a LS is only as good as it's worst player and to have the leader of the LS doing something like that automatically makes me avoid it.
#21 Aug 23 2004 at 5:58 PM Rating: Decent
18 posts
Well, wail we are on the topic of scams... what is with all these casinos... aloud myself to start hearing shouts again for like 10 mins when i was in bastok and immediatly cut it off when i entered the market district... by the way... my lil bro won 50k gil the other day!!! lol thanks for the advice about keep doubling the bet who ever you were that said that!!! We made us some good moneys!!! also...the casino shut down afterwards...i think its best to scam casinos...but leave regular people alone ok for now on...well just thought i would add that... dont know you guys... so im not saying a word about yall...but look me up some in the dunes atm!!
#22 Aug 23 2004 at 7:22 PM Rating: Decent
64 posts

if not the good deeds of others in my LS Makayan being one of them Fallenangels another one of my LS's
Isn't Makayan just a mule? Not a brilliant character reference, there.

Dont drag Makayan into this bash on the Devilwolfpack. Hes a great guy, and a very experienced character. I personally stick up for him if he were my own brother. I met him as a total nOob in valkrum and we have been friends since. He is truly excellent player, and he is on the best player list for bismarck server.

As for Devilwolf, well, I don't personally know him, but his reputation preceeds him, its generally not a great thing from what i have heard. My girlfriend had a mule in the original LS, and it was full of the "new" players, good and bad.

Im not going to say anything bad about you Devilwolf, but Makayan does not deserve to be a part of this post in any bad ways.
#23 Aug 23 2004 at 8:57 PM Rating: Decent
23 posts
Verrcetti Scholar is rit u should bot drag Makayan down he is a great player from wat i have seen nakynaw is also a great player as well i have pted with him many of times...devil i have been in your LS... i don't really know u but didn't relly like your LS ok yes u tried to scam ppl into buyin sumtin way overpriced and everything but as long as u don't try it over and over again and u learned not to do it than i forgive u.. off the subject yes casinos scam ppl but u know wat its the players fault for tryin to win easy money i've lost bout 100k in one roll i'm not complainin cause it was my own fault for betn in the first place well w/e i've said wat i wanted to say.. =^^=

Edited, Mon Aug 23 21:59:35 2004 by amorra
#24 Aug 23 2004 at 9:46 PM Rating: Default
Lets get this straight this code was just posted due to the new players there was a time where I was going through some rough things in real life and choas broke loose in the LS where I had to do alot of clean up and im not dragging anything hes in my LS rather u like it or not.

No the rules are not hypocritical I have angelriel as my second in command along with a few other officers and I really dont like being judged 2 wrongs dont make a right I suggest you not judge he who has not wronged you and I sold the coeurl for 10k whats the problem.?

I can see if I did it and got away with it but I knew it was wrong yeah I know lead by example right well I been doing so and if you got questions about my good deeds ask Makayan since you all claim to know him so well how dare you judge me and not know a thing about me.

Instead of oh I can understand or even try to see what I am about you label me how unfair and unprofessional can you get if I wasnt a good person I'd probably be cursing you out for this nonsense it really don't make sense why its so easy to attack someone while they down.

This is not a tactic I came to tell the truth but I will defend my name and LS because the way your treating me and my LS for some he say she say is buck wild crazy even some of you should be ashamed now I was told to say nothing and let it die out which I was gonna do.

But now instead I think for every mistake you make every error and false statement you make I will say something to make you see im not a bad player and to sit and point finger I really hope you feel good about it I will tell you straight up I dont kiss no ones behind or even suck up.

Where is the mercy and the 2nd chances if you people cannot give that then you make me sick and should just stop responding I do not wish to waste my time on snobby selfish non god knowing people this should be my last post of complaint to you I want to be treated fair and not like a criminal.

This is all im asking as a positive person.

#25 Aug 23 2004 at 10:08 PM Rating: Decent
23 posts
devilwolf i never said u were a bad person and wat not.. only thing i said was as long as u didn't scam ppl constantly i really don't care i forgive so don't be yelln at me bout anything but w/e
#26 Aug 23 2004 at 10:14 PM Rating: Default
Im not yelling amorra just saying im getting attacked for telling the truth I think I know how jesus feels without the who getting murdered and coming back to life thing lol.

No not yelling at all your the coolest person I met on here besides nightsintodream.
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