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#77 Aug 19 2004 at 10:34 AM Rating: Decent
5,645 posts
Posting from that place we put that thing that time

ahhh hackers reference ^^ sorry for the OT post, just thought that was clever.
#78 Aug 19 2004 at 10:54 AM Rating: Default
134 posts
I think you're giving people more credit than they deserve.

To you, it's a really laid-back, relaxed assumption; that people are going to read the good players list as well, and that will neutralize the effect of the bad player's list. Simple, right?

Did it occur to you that it might be hours in the experience point grind sacrificed to the people on this list that don't deserve that sort of penalty?

I honestly apologize for bringing this off-topic, but it just doesn't seem fair :\ I'm not nearly as passionate about this as I'm coming off to be, that's just years of debate talking, hehe.
#79 Aug 19 2004 at 11:12 AM Rating: Decent
996 posts
Ferra - think of it this way.

We note on the list how many people have recommended a particular person, and who has made the recommendations.

If you see someone on there with a long list of people, then you can be relatively sure that this person is someone to stay away from.

Ferra, consider that not *that* many people on Bismarck come to this forum. Consider that many of the people that do haven't seen this forum. Consider also that many of the people (including El and I, from experience last night) don't have the list memorized, with the exception of those who have offended us directly. Consider also that there are people willing to give a second chance, and people who are too desperate to care.

In short, this list does not alone dictate your karma, and it is not always going to be used against someone. In short, don't worry about it.
#80 Aug 19 2004 at 11:19 AM Rating: Decent
49 posts
I didnt say that THEOPHANY played Bad....
Just that he is very rude.....
If u dont do everything to his satisfaction....
and I mean He will let you know real quick about it...



To make everything clear I did have shellra.....><

watch out nice people....goodluck:)

#81 Aug 19 2004 at 11:38 AM Rating: Good
642 posts
Wow, somebody actually caught the Hackers reference^^ I'm impressed Tse : )
#82 Aug 19 2004 at 11:45 AM Rating: Decent
49 posts

#83 Aug 19 2004 at 11:56 AM Rating: Decent
Viviisan wrote:
WTF??? That movie was so stupid. Thanks for reminding me of the wasted $9.50 that I'll never get back! Smiley: bah In the sequel I heard that the Predator/stupid biotches' love child will be uber gay like that stupid half human Alien from Ressurection.

EDIT: Hollywood needs to start upping their dosage of Meth so that they don't keep making crap! Isn't it about time to make another Halloween movie(even though they really killed Michael Myers in the last one for sure((again))Smiley: tongue)? lol

Edited, Thu Aug 19 13:01:06 2004 by ffreak
#84 Aug 19 2004 at 12:05 PM Rating: Decent
49 posts
LoL I havent seen the movie....but It doesnt sound good...
I just heard my Bro say that phase yesterday...hehe

Nice reply though ....hehe
#85 Aug 19 2004 at 12:16 PM Rating: Decent
996 posts
"The enemy of my enemy is my friend" is originally from Sun Tzu's "The Art Of War". Don't sully it by attributing it to Hackers. :P

Could we please keep this thread clean and limited to Bad Player Alerts?

Edited, Thu Aug 19 13:17:36 2004 by Cutriss
#86 Aug 19 2004 at 12:18 PM Rating: Good
642 posts
Here's a question:

Should I update my list every oonce in a while? adding any new players just to make a quick, concise way of finding what we're looking for?
#87 Aug 19 2004 at 12:20 PM Rating: Decent
49 posts
.../cry sorry....
#88 Aug 19 2004 at 12:20 PM Rating: Decent
996 posts
I've got the 2nd post in the thread, so it's the most visible. I could do the updating in my post.
#89 Aug 19 2004 at 12:21 PM Rating: Decent
49 posts
.../cry sorry....cutriss.....
#90 Aug 19 2004 at 5:16 PM Rating: Decent
Worthles Player : Grim > Lv 46 DRK/WAR

He never vokes ... after Tank die,Whm uses 2 hr (omg) ... Whm,Blm,Rng die all after , he dont voke.

I ask him,he say he was "laggy" . End result,i tank as 45 Thf/Nin and kill Mob,he run to zone whitout Sneak & a big train ... many ppl at entrane die again ...

Good that i be at main Ranger 65;this was the biggest idiot ever.
#91 Aug 19 2004 at 5:17 PM Rating: Decent
Worthles Player : Grim > Lv 46 DRK/WAR

He never vokes ... after Tank die,Whm uses 2 hr (omg) ... Whm,Blm,Rng die all after , he dont voke.

I ask him,he say he was "laggy" . End result,i tank as 45 Thf/Nin and kill Mob,he run to zone whitout Sneak & a big train ... many ppl at entrane die again ...

Good that i be at main Ranger 65;this was the biggest idiot ever.
#92 Aug 19 2004 at 7:27 PM Rating: Decent
134 posts
Your list of things demanding me to consider are absolutely off-topic, and lacking in the substance to even pertain to my core concern. You're giving people too much credit to sway your own arguement. Unfortunately, people don't work as a whole, they're individuals.

Consider that now that my questions have been answered, I don't care. I asked nicely for friends to be taken off of a grudge list, and it was politely denied. I replied to defend my opinions, and ideas. So what's left? Nothing. I'm off to this good players thread as suggested. I feel really bad about posting off-topic, but my own crazy egomania keeps 'me fingers a'tappin'.

In short, this list does not alone dictate your karma, and it is not always going to be used against someone. In short, don't worry about it.

In short:

I honestly apologize for bringing this off-topic, but it just doesn't seem fair :\ I'm not nearly as passionate about this as I'm coming off to be, that's just years of debate talking, hehe.

That doesn't sound like much of a karma dictating travesty.

Edited, Thu Aug 19 20:31:09 2004 by Ferra
#93 Aug 19 2004 at 11:52 PM Rating: Decent
for starters i would like to say this, if your gonna tell a event that occured include the event to a more detailed truth i also sent you tells & warned you in pt that i had enough of you. & you couldnt show me a little common courtisey that you would be kicked from pt...... you chose to push further & yes i did kick you. not for haveing fun but for treating me poorly. i showed you no disrespect. but all you showed me was was you can not tell when jokeing goes to far. if its found offensive it is no longer a joke. in return id like to add we didnt get a long b 4 this incedent i invited you to pt for 1 reason i always look for the best in ppl & figured that the incedents that occured b 4 was maybe that you had a bad day. now i know different but will not flame you or disrespect you here or ne where else if you actually knew me you would know how inaccurate your statement was. have a good game & dont forget blacklist is a lovely feature.
#94 Aug 20 2004 at 12:08 AM Rating: Decent
aerwen this is to you as was previouse post by me. i am Sheeba the 1 your talking about. when you died in eco i could not raise i had recently deleted & started over keeping name, if i could of raised you i would of but thats beside the point, obviousely you do not like me or onix wich is your choice but when i was able to i would raise even those i did notlike to well...... if you can figure out how a lvl 20 rdm can raise by all means let me know & have fun in the game :) i did look for a raise for you wether or not they showed or you hped is beyond me i never did ask...... & once again you only told part of the story ..... seems to be routine for you, o well to each his own those who know me know well those who dont are left to wonder...... inaccurate posts do no one any good next time you want to flame someone i hope you can get the courage to tell the story in its entirety.
#95 Aug 20 2004 at 12:43 AM Rating: Decent
450 posts
The names Woe and Anitra were added to that list because of linkshell drama, and no other reason. If you want to start a grudge list, be my guest, but it won't benefit anyone but the individual gaining gratification from knowing that Bismarck server knows someone had done them wrong.

Regaurdless of the crap that did happen over AT LS
Antira is bad for the simple fact she is raceist towards galka in general(even though she says she is joking) and also the fact she can't keep gruges out of a PT which can affect the party as a whole. Also another reason i had her as a bad player was because of the fact that she beleives be a n00b means you should learn everything on your own and not ask for help on stuff that is easy/obvious to experenced players.

As to Woe yes its true that i never did say he was a bad player i did however say he was a bad LS leader in the sense that he plays favorites and well if he plays favorites in an LS can you be certain he doesn't do it in PTs.
Those were the reasons why I had posted them. And it isn't my opinion alone that thinks this makes them bad players. You may not have had problems with them but then again you are not an outsider to them or a galka.

Aside from that, anyone who would be so low as to put someone on a grudge list is probably too selfish to care about anyone else having wrong done to them. Point in case, forgive and forget, because it's falling on deaf ears.

Also i have said that if i have them in a PT i am not going to up and leave as long as they work with me. so it isn't a personal gruge however you may think i was bringing facts about them and that imo deemed them bad players to a point, i never said not to PT with them i only warned people about them, in other words they can be a problem not that they would be a problem.
Edited, Fri Aug 20 01:45:13 2004 by shadowbuni[/i

That concept is ridiculous, then. Unless these are truly bad players, people could be discluded from parties for no apparent reason. People are influenced by other's opnions, especially on a board as popular as this one. If they see Anitra, for example, on the bad player list, and somebody in the recruiting party says, "I hear she's a bad player." and somebody else backs up the same statement with the same source, they're obviously not going to give her a spot in that party, are they?

You are right in thinking that sort of, i think it was wrong to just put a list of names and who said so without the WHY? I have added the WHY? for both and again to think i posted them because of a gurge well ask around about my reasons i know several people who will agree with me including current and former member of AT, so that being said obivously it isn't a gruge but more so of what i say and have said they are facts about the player that can make them bad. that doesn't mean they are always bad. And as to other people thinking cuz they see a name on a list without a reason as to being a bad player, personally i would perfer not to be in that party.

So now that I give thought to it, if that's the way this works, then what's the point? Oh, right. So this is a grudge list, then? People are only reading it to see if their names have been placed in such a demeaning fashion. Because certainly a list with such sundry, second-hand information couldn't possibly be more helpful that it is most certainly harmful.

As to second hand info being harmful it can be but then again if i am not given a WHY? they are bad players i would still like to see for myself and i have done, and some of the people do change and in part because they see their name here or on other forms so imo this can also serve as a learning experience just like when i am uncertain of the way to do something in a PT i ask them how they would like it done, that way i can learn something i might not have noticed thus hopefully making me a better player.

Back to the real point of this forum:
I will 2nd or what ever its up to now on Lucun being a point theif. she seems to have stoped /follow other miners and stealing their points that way.
But if you have some time to kill what you can do is the say i do to her; after she steals a point i am picking i follow her around non-stop, i don't steal her points(up to you but i don't steal points even from jerks) and so far i have forced her to log off for the night or at least 3 hours that i continued mining. also so far she has not stolen a point from me again.

[i]Edited, Fri Aug 20 01:58:53 2004 by shadowbuni

Edited, Fri Aug 20 02:03:26 2004 by shadowbuni
#96 Aug 20 2004 at 3:01 AM Rating: Good
13,048 posts
Just thought I'd take this opportunity to defend myself.

1) It was a 2 WHM party. I thought it would be best for exp and downtime to have one of us med while the other was healing. Vivi got up when he was not at 100% and casted cure on me and the rest of the party when it was my turn to cure and still had ample MP left. (I use Astral Rings and Juice, anyone in my Linkshell or that has partied with me as WHM can tell you that.) I felt that I was capable of watching my own HP and curing myself (being that I'm a WHM) and was telling him to save his MP.

2) I am never overly rude. If another player acts inappropriately towards me, I will respond in the same tone as he used towards me.

3) At our level at the time (23-25, I can't remember exactly) Vivi had less than desirable equipment and not a full spell list. I don't mean he didn't have a worthless spell like Deodorize, but more like a spell on the Regen level or necessity. I'm not saying that all WHMs are required to have the best equipment, but having level 11-12 equip at 23-25? Meh, ok. You play your game, I'll play mine.

4) In the same line as him acting rudely towards me and I responding, after getting fed up with child-like antics, I proceeded to blist him, and leveled very happily to 31 and then got my new job of RNG, which I love.

Anyway, there you have my side of things. You can believe who you want, but I've had others vouch for me before, and this is the first complaint I've ever heard about my playing ability (if it even was a comment on my playing ability) and my conduct while playing. I'm always one for helping people, and even today I was in the dunes as RNG/NIN derailing trains near the Highlands zone. I've beenknown to go there and power level random groups as well as my own linkshell members for no profit and raising everyone who shouts for a raise (unless they ask me to hurry up when I'm already raising someone >.>). *shrugs*
#97 Aug 20 2004 at 9:24 AM Rating: Good
996 posts
Off-topic time, but this list has already gotten enough bashing, beating, and forum abuse that it hardly matters anymore...
Your list of things demanding me to consider are absolutely off-topic, and lacking in the substance to even pertain to my core concern. You're giving people too much credit to sway your own arguement. Unfortunately, people don't work as a whole, they're individuals.
For someone with an apparent history of forensics, you don't demonstrate much mastery of the English language. Why would I need to sway my argument? If anything, I need to sway *you* toward my argument. I still can't quite discern what you're trying to say here.

I fail to see how giving anyone credit (be it sufficient or excessive) is changing anything. I said that our system works because, for our small group, the list works within the constraints I mentioned above. Your statement seems to indicate that you have a rather dim world-view of people in general, and think that someone is going to see this list and go running about Vana'diel /shouting "Hey everybody! Here's the official Bismarck blacklist! Update your /blists now!" when that's simply not feasible, nor is it accurate. Would you listen to someone doing that and /blist people? Heck no.
Consider that now that my questions have been answered, I don't care. I asked nicely for friends to be taken off of a grudge list, and it was politely denied. I replied to defend my opinions, and ideas. So what's left? Nothing. I'm off to this good players thread as suggested. I feel really bad about posting off-topic, but my own crazy egomania keeps 'me fingers a'tappin'.
Yeah, apparently it is. Y'know, I posted that to try to make you feel better about things, and to be nice, but you just decided to blast me. So ***** you.
I honestly apologize for bringing this off-topic, but it just doesn't seem fair :\ I'm not nearly as passionate about this as I'm coming off to be, that's just years of debate talking, hehe.
That doesn't sound like much of a karma dictating travesty.
Now, see, that doesn't even make any sense. Are you saying that your statement was not accusing this list of being a karma-dictating travesty? Because if that's what you were saying, then your quotes are quite misplaced, and even so, I think you're blowing this way out of proportion compared to how you seem to be illustrating *me* blowing it out of proportion.

This is a network of trust we're building here. I trust my friends' decisions and accounts of bad players. If I don't know some of the people making claims here, then I'm less likely to give credence to their stories.

Anyway, you either think the list sucks, or you just don't like seeing your friends on it. If it's Option A, then take some positive action and help us craft a better system. If it's Option B, then DEAL WITH IT.
#98 Aug 20 2004 at 9:38 AM Rating: Decent

ugh, ok...

i'm in valkum lvling my mnk :( and it takes forever to find a party so i finally get in one....

crimson knight was around the homepoint spot out of the highlands
with me waiting and hes talking about "i'm going to become a GM tomorrow..blah blah..3 lvl 75s a test" something like that so i'm like this guy must know whats he doing..silly me :)

and so i'm in a party hes the war with no sub..and i'm like O_O
then hes like ok i'll pull and the leader a soft spoken taru whm tells him no nicely that we have a thf to pull and he's tanking

and he runs off..and the leader is like DON"T PULL!!!

and he goes "oh, your not rdy"
and i'm like well he just didn't hear..i noticed his link and i thought must be having a serious conversatoin in his link..

so i say "no, where ready, we just don't want you to pull!!"

no answer....

"i thought you weren't rdy?"

and then its "NO YOUR NOT THE PULLER YOU FRICKIN *^$%&$#^*($#%"
and he goes "..."
so we see him come pack to camp thinking he must have got the message and he has a lizy...

none of us have provoke except him witch he used to pull... and we kick him and we watch him squirm and die..


#99 Aug 20 2004 at 12:16 PM Rating: Decent
159 posts
Umm...that is by far the most cruel thing I have ever heard a party do to an individual. I guess your party must have felt good cause you taught that loser a lesson, but I definitely have to dissagree. Why couldn't you just explain to him (after you kill the mob of course) that you need someone that will tank, not a puller, then proceed to kick him and find a replacement? I mean, if he's a bad player, that doesn't mean he has to be punished for it (I mean, i know that at one point i was, myself a bad player). I mean, no one has to teach newbies if they want, but why did you have to kill him (and i do say kill because that is exactly what you did)? What you did to this guy is the lowest of the low. Maybe I'm a bit too compassionate or maybe I didn't go to the FFXI School of Hard Knocks where people treat new players like this, but I remember being a rank 1 no sub and partying for the first time. In contrast, my PT helped me understand how things work as a support character in the party setting as opposed to just kicking me and letting me die because i sucked. Seriously, after reading this, you have convinced me of 2 bad players to watch out for.

#100 Aug 20 2004 at 1:33 PM Rating: Decent
1,041 posts
I don't think letting him die was a very cool thing to do...maybe after fighting the lizard, if he still didn't listen, boot him. That way he's "solo" before he pulls, so if he pulls after, you don't have any responsibility at all to help :/ (BTW, had a situation very similar to this once where our puller was HORRIBLE...he pulled even when the tank was raise weakened, and when I had 30 mp left...and when I tried to replace him as puller with the samurai, he just...kept was like he just couldn't read. )

The meanest I ever got in a situation like that was when I was leader and we had a blm who was SERIOUSLY overnuking on onions in the jungle. I asked her a few times to slow down, no response...nothing...and she kept putting all the mages to sleep by getting hate so much.

After the third or fourth time (I was polite at first, but then got kinda stern), she got sorta "forgot" to cast poisona (I must have been afk... ;) ). But no, she was nowhere near dying, and I wouldn't have let her by any stretch of the imagination...but not being able to med her empty mp bar for half a minute sure straightened everything out ;)
#101 Aug 20 2004 at 2:21 PM Rating: Decent
Don't worry Theophany, Vivii hasn't even given us a reason why you were so horribly rude. I always tell other mages not to bother healing me as well. We have to rest to heal MP anyway. ^^; It sounds to me that he just got upset because you were giving him advice. Some people are just like that. =_=

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