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#27 Aug 13 2004 at 4:04 PM Rating: Decent
305 posts
Funny that u mention the Jerrys. Because they are all Chinese, they don't speak English very well. There is always a Jerry in Jeuno whenever I'm LFG.
#28 Aug 13 2004 at 4:28 PM Rating: Decent
Heck, I'm bored enough XD!
All credits to Eleusynia for the original post ^^

Alphabetical Order by Player Name:

AcesMcNugget --> Clerico
Anitra --> Shadowbuni
Arano --> Fatmatt
Assellus --> Cutriss
Axi - TseTsuo (Lainn)
Belgareth (?) --> Drosorez (Byaina)
Bengsston --> Drowsorez
Bladez --> Shykin
Buddah --> Maryl
Chrissie --> Raynedrop (Eleusynia, Demoncide, Cutriss)
Ciddy --> Fatmatt
Darkblizzard --> Sioux (TseTsuo)
Delatorre --> Cutriss
Devilwolf --> LadyX
Doublening (?) --> Wintaru (Merodi)
Elekson --> Typhman (Kingpopof)
Elite --> Clerico (Sevenclaw)
Existence --> Cutriss
Fathom --> Seraphimhunter
Gandelfeleblanc --> Drosorez
Goku --> Cutriss (Demoncide)
Gorthox --> WanderingSamurai
Haiden --> JMT
Hawk --> Cutriss
Idon --> Avitue
Illfearin --> ArchiVeflax
Jedimindtricks --> CurrentlyPsd
Jessicai --> Trizzoro
Jugernaut --> Ruskusiscool
Kitesan --> WanderingSamurai (Tweedius, Wintaru)
Kobold --> Seraphimhunter (Astika, Dawntreader)
Krusader --> TrickyBecky (Wheatpuff)
Lafookeshafoo (?) --> Seraphimhunter
Leopaldon --> Eleusynia
Lilblob --> Sioux (Chisusu)
Lizy --> Raynedrop (Mint)
Lucun --> Wintaru (Merodi)
Mamosuomaro (?) --> Shykin (Trizzoro)
Marita --> TseTsuo (Eleusynia, Dawntreader, Wintaru)
Maxximus --> Avitue (JackalSama)
Milkshake --> SingBismarck
Mimibaby --> Wheatpuff
Mimigirl --> Wheatpuff
Morph --> Chisusu
Morphious --> Meerkatxx (KamikazeKat)
Nacarti --> ArchiVeflax
Naij --> Cutriss
Nolocke --> Seraphimhunter
Onionjoe --> Cutriss
Redmagic --> Wheatpuff
Ronillio --> Winawer (KamikazeKat, Cutriss)
Rucbiac --> Criterias
Salvationman --> Drowsorez (Fatmatt, Sioux)
Saphire --> Cutriss
Shippochan --> Byaina
Silverak --> TrickyBecky
Sirheadro --> Ruskusiscool
Sparticus --> SneakyWeaky
Sprite --> TrickyBecky
Strifff --> Merodi
Whitefyr --> ErroneousMonk (SigmundBismark)
Wizzard --> WanderingSamurai (Meerkatxx)
Woe --> Shadowbuni
Woodfoor --> Wheatpuff (Raynedrop)
Yonon --> Seraphimhunter

Edited, Fri Aug 13 17:45:19 2004 by feiw

Edited, Mon Aug 16 01:53:24 2004 by feiw
#29 Aug 13 2004 at 6:49 PM Rating: Decent
955 posts
Maximus --> Avitue (JackalSama)

Everyone remember that "Maximus" and "Maximuss" are two seperate people

From post mentioning this:
Maxximus & Idon

Ok, so we start a party in the Dunes and we get this black knight named Maxximus. Fine right? Except he talks like this: u r 2 etyuw4ih ur. And that's basically what it looks like. We're having a hard time understanding him so we ask if he could please talk in English (his excuse is he's on a PS2...). So he starts getting all sarcastic and going u=you, r=are, 2=two and this other guy in our party, Idon, sticks up for him. =_=

Anyway, we're getting really annoyed, not only because of that, but he's not listening and cooperating with us at all. He gets mad at us because we 'didn't move over to where the monster was he found'. He was our puller, he's supposed to 'pull' the monsters to us, not make the group go to him. wtf? >_< So we're basically telling him he's being annoying and Idon starts calling us noobs (LOL) so we kick them both. XD

My friends and I didn't have subjobs at the time and they did, but that doesn't mean we needed them. And just because we're new players doesn't mean we're bad players. Atleast we play our jobs right and do the best for the party. ^^; We found a NIN and another great player as replacements and it was one of the best parties I was in.

After we kicked them, Idon sent me a /bklist tell (I know that's not the right command). They were being really childish and calling us names. I just ignored them completely and went on to find new members. I added them to my blist later on when I wasn't busy. They're the only ones on it and I hope I never see/hear of them again. ^^;

Edited, Fri Aug 13 19:53:28 2004 by Ayrilana
#30 Aug 13 2004 at 7:00 PM Rating: Decent
955 posts
Also want to add Blazingtiger to the list. He has been kicked out of several linkshells and not many people seem to like him. He started the game as a SAM but switched to a BRD because he wasn't getting any invites. Here's a link to a thread at another forum which he started:

and another from the Killingifrit forums:

Edited, Fri Aug 13 20:09:37 2004 by Ayrilana
#31 Aug 13 2004 at 11:25 PM Rating: Decent
67 posts

Blazingtiger used to be in the LS I'm in right now, and his reputation apparently precedes himself. I believe he's a level 75 Brd/Sam... yeah...

Anyway, two more to add. Xaeon - the first linkshell member I've ever blacklisted... A couple weeks or so ago, as a level 31-ish paladin, he agreed to join a static a few other LS member and myself were trying to get started. A few days later, he had leveled past us all, by about 3-4 levels. When asked why, or upon hearing our displeasure at his ditching us, his only replies were simple "lol"'s, or the explanation, "I wanted to meet new people." I advised him to have fun meeting the people on my blacklist - he didn't get it. He's level 42 now... Rank 2.

And then there's Tweedledumber, Rushwood. I'll let Celestia/Chaos/Sneakyweaky tell you all about him, but the story is pretty much the same. I'll just add that he joined my blacklist when, upon finding out a fellow LS member was gay, his reply was 'EWWWWWWWWWWWW!" ... yeah.

Both these two are in it totally for themselves, and are on a mad rush to be ubar 1337 aweXome level 75 dooders. Unfortunately, they're both Paladins, and much like the Brd/Sam Blazingtiger up there, that often means a Free ride exp-wise - whether they deserve it or not.
#32 Aug 13 2004 at 11:57 PM Rating: Decent
49 posts
what can i say about the dunes that had not already been said. anyways my main concern was for a player by the name of NETBOB a lvl 10war/sam i thought hmmm a tank in the dunes with some experience, or so i thought. when a ls friend and I asked to set up a sc, he was like, " tp macro??" and midbattle i asked him to spam his tp, and he waits till after the battle to do it, and this is all going on as I a 10nin/war, had to voke so the mages didnt eat it. and finally, to not banter on. i pulled night bats, and afterwards our rdm decides to pull a lizzy while the mages had no mp, so needless to say everyone died, and NETBOB had full hp, b/c he freakin didnt engage!!!!

so look out for NETBOB
#33 Aug 14 2004 at 12:17 AM Rating: Decent
157 posts
Blazingtiger used to be in the LS I'm in right now

He was? Since when? I'm assuming before you joined, as I've been around longer than you and I've never seen him on the LS. O.o

Anyway, two more to add. Xaeon - the first linkshell member I've ever blacklisted... A couple weeks or so ago, as a level 31-ish paladin, he agreed to join a static a few other LS member and myself were trying to get started. A few days later, he had leveled past us all, by about 3-4 levels. When asked why, or upon hearing our displeasure at his ditching us, his only replies were simple "lol"'s, or the explanation, "I wanted to meet new people." I advised him to have fun meeting the people on my blacklist - he didn't get it. He's level 42 now... Rank 2.

And then there's Tweedledumber, Rushwood. I'll let Celestia/Chaos/Sneakyweaky tell you all about him, but the story is pretty much the same. I'll just add that he joined my blacklist when, upon finding out a fellow LS member was gay, his reply was 'EWWWWWWWWWWWW!" ... yeah.

Both these two are in it totally for themselves, and are on a mad rush to be ubar 1337 aweXome level 75 dooders. Unfortunately, they're both Paladins, and much like the Brd/Sam Blazingtiger up there, that often means a Free ride exp-wise - whether they deserve it or not.

I'll second them, for the same reason. =/
#34 Aug 14 2004 at 1:16 PM Rating: Decent
67 posts
He was? Since when? I'm assuming before you joined, as I've been around longer than you and I've never seen him on the LS. O.o

I guess I must have just gotten the story mixed up - my bad. :)

Edit: Just to clarify - I was wrong, he was never in the HotukenKnights. I misunderstood what others had said in talking about him. And I'm sorry for any confusion brought about by this.

So like I said - my bad. :)

Edited, Sun Aug 15 06:29:47 2004 by ErroneousMonk
#35 Aug 14 2004 at 4:37 PM Rating: Decent
415 posts

Sheeba, and Onix
i was in this pt with a mithra named Sheeba
she was my pt leader
and this taru started joking arouond with her
he was like
/p Pulling a Sheeba, heads up!
so i joined in
ii said
Me :/em attacks the Sheeba
Sheeba throws the taru into the water
Me: /em helps the taru out of the water and uses her Katana on the Sheeba
party: CAT FIGHT
Sheeba:no id win if it were a cat fight
me: /em challenges the Sheeba
then she friggin kicks me out of her party...

#36 Aug 14 2004 at 4:42 PM Rating: Decent
415 posts
i was doing the eco war quest
Onix was the alliance ldr
after we had done the quest and everyone had gotten the stalagmite thingy,
he trained some bats on me and kicked me out of the alliance
then the whh
who was right by me
and she had raise
wouldnt raise me
#37 Aug 14 2004 at 4:49 PM Rating: Decent
415 posts
here is a really bad player alert
i was in yhoutar jungle, and ouor pt put up camp in ia cave
apparently there was a pt some dstance away from us, but in the same cave
do they were like
so we r like
we can share, its not that hard

then about 10 minutes later this guy named Greyhound trains gobs to us and tries to kill us
so we dont let him do that by moving to the other pt when he deos that
so that the gob attacks to other pt and not us
then he just fights gobs right on top of us so that gob bomb will kill us

#38 Aug 14 2004 at 4:57 PM Rating: Default
Aerweny, you sound like an annoying asspipe yourself.
#39 Aug 14 2004 at 5:06 PM Rating: Decent
415 posts
umm i know dark...
for one, he is a he
and ok...
he wasnt talking crap about the pt...
he was just very mad that all the pts he had recently been in the people had no subs, and the pts were filled with n00bs
one of them had a galka whm with 69 mp, so he was kind of mad...
he just said "sub jobs would be nice"
and plus u arent exactly telling the whole story
he didnt keep "dissing" the pt....
that is not what happened AT ALL
so just remember everyone
o well.. i dont think that dark is mean at all
he is a nice person, and dont blist him lol
#40 Aug 14 2004 at 5:08 PM Rating: Decent
415 posts
sorry if i sound like an
"Annoying windpipe"...
me and sheeba were joking around..
at least i htought we were.....
#41 Aug 14 2004 at 5:09 PM Rating: Decent
415 posts
err asspipe
i guess people always have to use bad language when they dont like someone...
#42 Aug 14 2004 at 5:46 PM Rating: Decent
124 posts
Anyway, two more to add. Xaeon - the first linkshell member I've ever blacklisted... A couple weeks or so ago, as a level 31-ish paladin, he agreed to join a static a few other LS member and myself were trying to get started. A few days later, he had leveled past us all, by about 3-4 levels. When asked why, or upon hearing our displeasure at his ditching us, his only replies were simple "lol"'s, or the explanation, "I wanted to meet new people." I advised him to have fun meeting the people on my blacklist - he didn't get it. He's level 42 now... Rank 2.

And then there's Tweedledumber, Rushwood. I'll let Celestia/Chaos/Sneakyweaky tell you all about him, but the story is pretty much the same. I'll just add that he joined my blacklist when, upon finding out a fellow LS member was gay, his reply was 'EWWWWWWWWWWWW!" ... yeah.

Both these two are in it totally for themselves, and are on a mad rush to be ubar 1337 aweXome level 75 dooders. Unfortunately, they're both Paladins, and much like the Brd/Sam Blazingtiger up there, that often means a Free ride exp-wise - whether they deserve it or not.

I third that XD

Also Taoh, was fooling around on my whm and when I declined to party with him, he came back to call me a hoe and send blind invites.
#43 Aug 14 2004 at 11:28 PM Rating: Decent
617 posts
Adding Morphious, Elvaan SMN/WHM.

Tonight in our party, after a very very long period of downtime and no WHM, Morphious (who was DRK/WHM originally) went back to town to change to SMN/WHM so that we could sustain our party (I was leveling SMN/WHM myself at the time). Sounded good, and he did. When he came back, we picked up a 6th, and apparently a powerleveler somehow, and we started.

EXP was good, despite the fact that he insisted on meleeing, and eventually we started talking about the Avatars. I mentioned that I wanted the rest of the Avatars but I haven't gotten a job to 50+ yet and since I have officially retired as WHM, I figured leveling SMN to 20 would be much quicker than waiting for my next job, BLM (which is level 35) to reach 50+. Blah blah blah. And then Morphious starts talking about since it was Watersday, Ifrit was only level 35 and we could take him. Well you already see some problems with this I'm sure, but that's not what I'm getting at.

The 6th we picked up (his name is Kulganflame by the way, really great guy) and I tried to explain to him how the level 20 quests worked and how the level 60 quests worked. Then someone threw in the argument that we couldn't be right because he saw a level 12 SMN with Ramuh. So we tried to explain how that's possible but Morphious wouldn't listen, was very rude, and used the terms "douche" "noob" and "@$$hole" to express his frustration. He insisted that we could go right now and fight Ifrit because he was only level 35. I asked him if he started the quest, because if he didn't he can't do the fights. He said "no but I know how." THen I mentioned you need high Kazham fame to start it, and he ignored it. He kept repeating "ok i'm going to go fight ifrit who's coming with me." He also insisted you could take a party into the level 20 quests, and would not listen to us when we said that you couldn't.

All the while, the rest of our poor party was getting very confused. Kulganflame and I managed to explain the quests to about two of them but Morphious insisted we were wrong and just plain got nasty. Kulgan couldn't take him anymore and disbanded, and then so did Morphious, and so naturally the group broke up.

And to add insult to injury, Morphious claimed to have called a GM on Kulgan for who knows what reason.

I can't tell if he was just so misinformed or he really did believe that he was correct. Either way, he was very rude, and wouldn't listen to reason anyway. He was right and that's all there was to it. It seemed as though the guy started this game after the level 20 quests were implemented, as he truly didn't have any idea how the higher leveled quests worked.

Anyway, I'm adding him because he's overall a very rude and difficult person, and won't listen to reason.
#44 Aug 15 2004 at 4:12 AM Rating: Decent
67 posts
Adding Morphious, Elvaan SMN/WHM.


Heh... it was funny hearing Kulgan's reactions to all of this on LS chat.

I think the best part was when Morphious called Kulgan (Who's a 65ish Drk, Rank 7) a "noob." Sounds like a nice guy =P
#45 Aug 15 2004 at 4:40 AM Rating: Decent
First off, Errorenous is wrong, BlazingTiger was never in our LS, I don't think me or Celestia would have liked that too terribly well.

As for the Morphious thing, it's very hard to enjoy yourself when people decide they need to be rude and stubborn about something without even listening. I felt bad for the others in the party when I left, but there was no way I could take anymore of his excessive stupidity and rudeness towards me and the rest of the group. Like I said to my Linkshell, I find it funny that a rank 2 Elvaan SMN called me a noob when I'm rank 7. (Intelligence)(Do you have it?)

Edited, Sun Aug 15 05:41:11 2004 by kulganflame
#46 Aug 15 2004 at 8:49 PM Rating: Decent
Guys, Not to amaze you or anything, but Ronillio is my friend... Ummm yeah, I read your guys posts about him. Once you get to know him he aim't that bad.
#47 Aug 15 2004 at 9:19 PM Rating: Decent
Well, to reply. Jerryx. Ok heres the story:

I first arrived in Qufim, I'm a lvl 19 RDM. Then, I was LFG, Then this guy named Jerryx invites me. So I accept. Then I look at the member list. He's a lvl 25 THF with NO sub. Heres the convo:

(Andykiller) Umm, yeah. Your kinda like 25 with no sub.
(Jerryx) So?
(Andykiller) One thing, where not gonna get ANY EXP, cuz your 6 levels, and even worse. You dont have a ****ing sub job!
(Jerryx) Shut the hell up *****!

Then he kicks me. Then I go:

/blist add "Jerryx"

Man, he creepys me out.

Edited, Sun Aug 15 22:21:58 2004 by Andykiller
#48 Aug 15 2004 at 9:21 PM Rating: Decent
76 posts
Andykiller i dont know if you qualify to bash ppl about subjob and not having one >_<!
Because if your Profile Info is correct NONE of your Characters have a proper leveld sub, and your RDM/WHM 30/6 whats up with that man?
Well Happy hunting

Edited, Sun Aug 15 22:22:05 2004 by Bsat
#49 Aug 15 2004 at 9:23 PM Rating: Decent
Well, 2 of them aren't mine. lol. *Puts his pinky up near his mouth, like Dr.Evil*
#50 Aug 15 2004 at 9:36 PM Rating: Decent
617 posts
Beware of Jerryx. This person is one of the most enigmatic people I have ever met. She (only using she because it's a Mithra) used to be a level 50 THF/NIN so I don't know how she lost all those levels, but I wouldn't be surprised if she intentionally leveled herself down and used the subjob glitch to remove it.

She also goes in and out of Japanese, Dutch, Chinese, and English. She's also known to hit on female characters. She's also a well known mob stealer.

I just don't understand this person.
#51 Aug 15 2004 at 10:18 PM Rating: Decent
996 posts
Guys, Not to amaze you or anything, but Ronillio is my friend... Ummm yeah, I read your guys posts about him. Once you get to know him he aim't that bad.
I certainly don't mean to imply anything on the part of anyone else's interactions with him, but I didn't do anything to him at all, and was nothing but friendly with him. In fact, I gave him several chances before we finally just disbanded the party (after he got me, the WHM, killed, because he wouldn't engage half the time, and never provoked).

So, I don't know what you have to do to "get to know him", but if it's self-sacrifice, then no thanks.

Tell him to lay off the /check spamming, and to quit acting like a mental patient. He can't seriously expect me to go for this:

Ronillio examines you.
Ronillio examines you.
Ronillio examines you.
Ronillio examines you.
Ronillio examines you.
Ronillio examines you.
(Zarathustra) Ronillio, please stop that.
Ronillio>>: ??
Ronillio examines you.
Ronillio examines you.
Ronillio examines you.
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