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#352 Sep 16 2004 at 8:30 PM Rating: Decent
*blinks once, then blinks again*


I don't know anything really about the Lunarians personally...

but is attacking a full LS truly worth it? I thought we had settled this issue with the DevilWolfpack thing...
Proud citizen of Miranda.

-Currently on Pochacco Server of Hello Kitty Online.
#353 Sep 16 2004 at 8:37 PM Rating: Decent
"several times, the Lunarians mpk'ed Chibi, and frequently had something obnoxious to say to him when they saw him."

Good question. How about instead of being one of those who assault a room of shadows... you try giving NAMES.

of course if you gave names... you might be able to connect the event with something real.

Amazing that 30+ people ganged up on your friend since your use of "the lunarians" is so free. Since I've never seen your friend before, i'll have to assume someone is hacking my account. Please attach ALL details to this thread and appropriate legal measures will be taken.

I swear, if you want to be taken seriously. make a serious post.
Attack the people who INJURED YOU. instead of an entire organization. unless you DO have a screenshot of our entire roster standing around your dead friend.

Now... if you have any sense of right. Post NAMES, TIME, PLACE.


"If a member of this LS can remember what Chibi did to you to deserve that, please post it. "

WTF!!! if YOU AND YOUR FRIEND DONT HAVE DETAILS WHAT THE HELL IS THE POINT OF TRYING TO SLANDER US!!!!! your post count not high enough? or just going to edit names in as you read them off our website to lend credence.

GET YOUR DUCKS IN A ROW PEOPLE!!!!! this post is for bad PLAYERS
not for conspiricy theorists attacking Dark VERY EVIL organizations because a friend did something to **** a handful of people off, that you cant even relate, or connect to people involved!!!

" they did it, I know they did, Dont know who, but it must have been ALL of them!!!" /disgust. Please. (not a real quote for sticklers reading this out there :D )

Oh yea Big seconds on Salvationman on this list UTTER TOOL.
(just to attempt to steer this on topic again)

now if anyone has something to say about a PERSON feel free!!!

and I mean a REAL person, not some fictionalized villanous baddie.

Edited, Thu Sep 16 21:45:54 2004 by Synapsiswhm

Edited, Thu Sep 16 21:46:44 2004 by Synapsiswhm
#354 Sep 16 2004 at 9:33 PM Rating: Default
You know, people train all the time. But to zone. Last time I checked Dburton, you can't zone in the pit.

Better luck next time.

And we aren't all the same Lunarians that started the LS. In fact we're probably like the 2nd and 3rd rounds of members. So don't hate us for members we don't even know about. :P
#355 Sep 16 2004 at 10:28 PM Rating: Default
Magvius wrote:
I would like to add Redbaron to the bad players list. This is the second time he has done this to my pt. There was a little quarrel and Red stopped healing. Our thf died because red wasn't healing. This one was in yuhtunga jungle. The actual first incident was in valkurm dunes. A quarrel occured and we pulled this pug. In the middle of the fight he disbands and leaves. Need i say he is our whm. All of us die. this guy is a total a$$ to the pts

Dunno what you're smoking, but I heal my pt when it's needed. You didn't die because I stopped healing. Ever heard of a whm with no MP? It's hard to cast spells when you don't have MP.

I'm bad yes... Bad to the Bone...

Would you like some Cheese with your Whine Magvius you putz.
#356 Sep 16 2004 at 10:58 PM Rating: Decent
Synapsis is a very angry taru :P

most of my comments have probably already been stated by syn, so ill just add my tidbits.

In response to whoever claimed we mpk'ed Chibikaiser:

I've been in Lunarians ever since week ~2 of NA release. When you say 'the lunarians', that implicates the whole ls. I've never, EVER mpk'ed anyone, so that already is a false statement :P Point here is I have never heard of any talk about Chibikaiser (we are a very talkative group and word spreads in LS when someone pisses us off) so maybe it wasnt even us. Maybe its the other "Lunarian" (without the 's') linkshell. There was even this LS with the same color pearl as ours that had the name "Lunarains". Again, please name some names so it isnt just some blank accusation.

In response to people claiming we claim that we're some "god ls":

I dont think we have ever declared we were better than anyone. Sure, we talk about it in LS sometimes and joke about it, but we dont ever say we're better than people. Like Synapsis said in one of his posts, we try to leave exp parties alone if we're in the zone hunting something. Sure, we take one or two mobs to build tp on, but isnt that the same as if theres another group there exping? Anyway, people who say that we're some "god ls that holds control over everything" are just people who are jealous of those that have some better things and higher level than them.

In response to the Dburton incident:

I personally wasnt there when this happened, and I'm pretty sure that him zoning spiders wasnt an attempt at mpk. Judging by the way you type, you're probably one of those 15 year olds trying to make up a story to justify why you trained spiders on us. He had to zone because he had some charming trouble, simple as that. Dont really have much more to say since Syn mentioned a lot of it.

In conclusion, some things you probably didnt know about us:

We are not the stuck up ******** that some people thing we are. Not everyone that has a high lvl and lots of nice stuff are bad. We are nice and considerate to people who were here before us doing whatever they're doing and try our best to leave you alone (unfortunately for exp parties in DragonAery, it is such a small area that theres not many other places we can stay at and be safe). Maybe there are a couple arrogant people in the LS, but every LS will have em.

One of our original rules that was set is that we do not steal HNMs, and we still follow it 'til this day. We let everyone in the group that claimed it wipe (or ask us to take it off them) before we even engage it. If that somehow means we lose the claim to another waiting LS that claims it before the last person dies, then so be it. There was one incident where somehow we got the claim in the middle of someone else's HNM. We immediately returned it and gave our apologies.

Most people dont know us mainly because we focus on the end game stuff and dont see many outside people on our activities. People hear stories, both good and bad, and they end up getting twisted by a few jealous individuals so that now we're the bad guys. I'm just here to say we're not. We do our thing, you do your thing, and we wont even interfere. In fact, we even do our best to help out when people run into trouble. (except when your hunting something we're after, then we let you die then raise you afterward :P) We'll throw out some raises if you need em or take out some links if your party is in trouble.

So anyway, I think I just basically restated everything Syn said in his posts :P I'm pretty sure I forgot to add something I meant to add but its been a long day.

Oh, and to stay on topic ...uhh...Zooejl*** sucks! Dont party with them!
#357 Sep 16 2004 at 11:42 PM Rating: Decent
Well, let's throw another name up here.


Straightforward MPK. Lower level of garlaige, we're doing our thing on beetles and bats, and this idiot runs over to the magic jug, casts stone II, runs into our camp, and stands there. So I'm thinking -- oh, maybe it's just a mistake, didn't know they were that mean, he'll continue on to the zone, and that jug will probably lay waste to all the 32ish parties up there. Not a good thing, but being the party's whm, I'm just glad it's not my party getting hurt.

But no. They just stand there. Long enough for me to type out "MPK! RUN FOR IT! ZONE!" The taru goes down and as soon as the pot aggros us, HPs.

I'm sure you can guess where it goes from here.

So a quick /sea all Overaa reveals that they've not got the smarts to flee the server after committing such an atrocity, blm/whm mid-30ish.

[edit] Silly me. Was lacking supporting details. -- still fuming.

Edited, Fri Sep 17 01:26:04 2004 by Baosroth
#358 Sep 17 2004 at 2:13 AM Rating: Decent
Oh? Did Syn mention ducklings in a row? I think Kiryu and I would be much interested. ^-^
#359 Sep 17 2004 at 4:17 AM Rating: Decent

/em tosses more taru steaks

#360 Sep 17 2004 at 5:41 AM Rating: Decent
this thing with the lunarians is very funny, most of them play the game to be the best/have fun(i mean c'mon who doesn't have fun being the best). I know several of them I talk to one on almost a daily basis(he is supposedly one of the most hated lunarians on the server) he's cool in my book though. I think most of this is from jealousy, i get along with all the ones i know because i don't care what they have, if i want it i can get it when i've put in the kinda time that they have. Some people think they don't deserve what they have, they're wrong, i've leveled with a few lunarians they play thier jobs well.

-- meh whatever
#361 Sep 17 2004 at 7:09 AM Rating: Decent
955 posts
Zero come to our camp " witch was at zone, and releases his spider, " but doesn't zone

Once you drop down into the pit, you cannot come back to where your PT was.

They must be better than other people, why, because they got good gear ? or was it when they told me that it was good i didnt want any high end gear, because they run 2 of the 6 dynamis, and i wouldnt get it. Or is it that a lower level stood up to a so called "god ls" lmao, no, and i dont have to bad mouth that ls, i heard quite alot about that ls before i ever had a run-in with them. I simply wanted to exp, they are no better than anyone else, I PAY TO PLAY, THEY PAY TO PLAY, EVERYONE DOES, just because your 75 doesnt give u the right to do crap, it's a game, some people have a life, they dont spend 22hours a day on ffxi, so no they dont have the best gear, but that doesnt mean that they will take the fun out of it, thats whats LAME , not me, try concideration for other players, weak thats all i have to say , WEAK ! ><

We or most of us don't value ourselves above others. We happen to enjoy playing the game together and aiming for a common goal. Many people want better armor than they currently have, so are they bad for wanting to do so? I personally want the Koenig set but not because I'll want to brag that I'll be better than everyone. Many of our members help others. Synapsis helped someone get Fenrir recently.

so i tell pt to sleep the spidey, and i went to tell his ls what was up, the /laugh at me and tell me so what, i made a comment, "they wouldnt like it if i trained there hnm, then i guess my pt had to zone, being that it was 5blm 1 rdm, so we cant take hits, and the spiders came for me, so they linked onto there nm.

Here's a question for you, why did you abandon your PT while they were still fighting? We did not laugh at you. The spiders were right behind you when you came to us. If your PT had zoned, wouldn't you think that they would come after you so why come to us? Not more than 5 seconds after you made your comment about training us, the spiders came. Kind of hard to believe that it was an accident.

Not sure if it's true, but if they're gonna be that rude about camping HNMs then they need to learn some manners

We try to be as polite and considerate when hunting our HNMs. It was just unfortunate that that area was very confined.


"They killed everything!" "They're training high mobs to the zone!" "They're being rude!

EXP parties kill everything so why don't people attack them? We're getting attacked for this because you're able to pin a name onto the group. We try our best to not kill all the EXP mobs. People train things to the zone all the time. Sometimes not all of us are present at the fight since we move rather quickly and we overestimate ourselves. Why wipe-out when we can zone? If people see someone training to the zone wouldn't the smart thing bbe to zone with them or move out of the way? This happens in Qufim and Kazham alot.

Some members of your group seem to believe that since they're high leveled and in a huge group, they're better and more powerful than everyone else

There probably are some members like that but where isn't there? This is an online game and there is bound to be many people like that. Do you consider JP players to be the same way then?

You need to share this game and realize you don't own it, and your level and ranks mean little. Especially since you can be handheld through a lot of them.

We never said or act like we're better than others. Yes you can be handheld by them, but who could've done that for us? Certainly not the JP players. We did this together with our LS and other people that were high at that time.

heard of this linkshell a very long time ago from a player in mine, Chibikaiser. Apparently several members of the LS ganged up in a personal vendetta against Chibi;

I have never heard about anyone in our LS doing this. I've been part of the LS since February and I don't recall hearing anything about that. If this is true, and that you're not making it up, they are not representing what our LS is about.

Just to re-iterate what I am trying to say. We do not try to make ourselves off to be better than everyone else. We just happen to work great together as a team and hunt HNMs and do another events together. We help other people if they need it and if we have the time. We host Dynamis twice a week, I believe where anyone 65+ is welcome. We hunt HNMs for the fun and to get better equipment than what we already have. Just because we do this doesn't mean that we're any better than everyone else.

Also regarding the Dragon Aery incident. Zero cannot MPK you once he dropped down into the pit with Fafnir. The mobs that we kill once we zone we use to get TP. It's a nice way to start off the fight which alot of people undoubtly know. What Dburton is failing to mention is that we only kill "his" EXP mobs for about 5-10 minutes and not for the amount of time he seems to be making it out to be. Now is that small amount of time really that bad? Once we have maxed TP, we stop. We only ever come there to kill the Fafnir or Nidhogg, whichever happens to be up at the time.
#362 Sep 17 2004 at 7:21 AM Rating: Decent
363 posts
Lunarians eh...never heard of them (must be hiding in a hole something). Althought being called a god LS would be more of a compliment than anything :). You present your argument very well Synapsis. Very well spoken. /clap. I'm guessing your a lawyer in real life (or a salesman). Not knowing what happened and just reading both sides, its obvious DBurton was having a very bad day and was sour over this incident. Hey, we all have bad days. I think is was good of ya Syn to defend your friend and LS like that. I know I would do the same if a situation like that had occured. We meet lots of friends in this game and would go to the bat for a lot of them. Out of all the 'bad player' post I've seen here, this is truly the first one that (i believe) that has been successfully refuted.

Synapsis, you could sell ice to an eskimo. :)

#363 Sep 17 2004 at 7:24 AM Rating: Good
642 posts
**I had to take this out as I was threatened with severe bodily harm or death by several people and asked nicely by a few**

Edited, Fri Sep 17 12:14:09 2004 by Eleusynia
#364 Sep 17 2004 at 8:05 AM Rating: Decent
Time for me to back up a friend :)

I can personally vouch for Synapsis himself, I count he and another he knows well as one of my closest friends in the game (even though I don't get to chat with him much anymore what with HNM's and all ^^)

From what little I know of the Lunarians I would have to say that the behaviour Dburton describes is NOT what I know, and I can't see them acting like that. Sure there may be bad apples in a LS, but we obviously have many here who are supporting the Lunarians, not so many confirming Dburton's story. I base a lot of what I know on Synapsis' and his integrity, which is the very highest. I can't see him getting himself involved with people who would act that way.

I see quite a few Lunarians around, most of the time I over hear shouts or conversations and they seem like a good group of people (that I might one day have the chance to ally with, God willing I get to a level where I can).

Just my 2 cents, take it for what it's worth ^^
#365 Sep 17 2004 at 8:27 AM Rating: Decent
400 posts
I can't beleive you are mad at the Lunarians. They might be the best LS on all of bismark. They are the best of the best and I have some friends that are in that LS. Just becouse they were raiseing their tp for the HNM fight where you were exping doesn't make them bad players. They have every right to the gobs as you do. I will tell you this if I was exping I would not go out of my way to **** of a high lvl around me they can make your life hell. Just play the game. If you don't like them pullin all the gobs around you go to another zone or stay there and fight for pulls. This just goes to show that people need to make there own impression about other players in this game. You can make some people happy some of the time but you will never make all the people happy all of the time. If I put everyones name in here that made me mad at 1 point or anther in this game hell the list would go on forever. I will tell you this that I hope one day when I hit lvl 70 that I will have the chance to get into this LS.

Edited, Fri Sep 17 09:52:06 2004 by Beefnutz
#366 Sep 17 2004 at 9:30 AM Rating: Decent
353 posts
It's kinda funny. The stories I see on here about the Lunarians could easily be stories I've seen or heard about any other HNM ls. The stories are usually the same, just switch the names to Lunarians, IRON, Averyl, etc. I've thought about this a while and these are my own conclusions about many people's natural dislike of the HNM linkshells.

The first thing that comes to mind is just normal jealousy. They're doing the end game stuff and we're not. Plain and simple.

Then I thought of another reason, much more personal. Many people watch many of the old familiar faces in their own ls's leave for the HNM linkshells. Again, this leads to more feelings of animosity, which is somewhat understandable. But that's not necessarily the HNM ls's fault. The person made the decision, but the feelings of betrayal still come entertwined with the name of the HNM ls.

Then there are encounters like mine. One person joined a pt of mine (he was leveling his sub). He was pushy and generally rude and literally scoffed at my pt's attempts to have fun and be light hearted. I don't remember which HNM ls he belongs and I don't care to know. I rather not judge an entire group based on the arrogance of a single player.

I guess these are just things for everyone to keep in mind, no matter which side of the line you're on.
#367 Sep 17 2004 at 9:37 AM Rating: Decent
1,315 posts
I will tell you this if I was exping I would not go out of my way to **** of a high lvl around me they can make your life hell.

What are they gonna do, not pay my bills? Force me to keep my trash in my house? Come to where I work and bi[/b]tch all day?

I think this attitude is what people may not like about this LS from what it appears. It's a fu[b]
cking game. By no means is anyone on this game gonna "make my life hell." What are they gonna do? Constantly somehow find out what I am auctioning off and undercut me for two weeks? (Because that, in fact, would **** me off) Hold a gun to my Moogle's head and force him to "give up the goods?"

I don't give a sh[b][/b]it if my character has a big fat ? next to his head and you are level 75w00tzUbEr101!!1! what is the worst you can do, not Raise me? Tell all yur friends to /blist me and not give me teleports? Please...

PS: I don't know any of these people and have absolutely no opinion about them, just commenting on this comment in general. I don't care what color your AF is, I judge you by how you interact with me and/or others, not your level. Your level simply means you have owned the game longer than I have, nothing more.

Edited, Fri Sep 17 10:44:22 2004 by Trizzoro
#368 Sep 17 2004 at 9:40 AM Rating: Decent
1,315 posts
Eleusynia wrote:
Me ^^;

I'm on this list now for real!!

I was half asleep and cracking jokes with my friend in pt while killing a kraken in Qufim. All of a sudden I see "AAHHHHH!!" in my linkshell. Nothing registered, I just thought hrmm Mamimi's having trouble, I'll kill this kraken then go help them.

Again, "AHHHHH!!!!". We kill the Kraken and I look around and Mamimi, Trizz and Erroneous are dead!!

Then it hit me....AOE!!! >< %&*#@$%^*!

So yea, I may not really be a bad player but wow....if that wasnt my most noob moment ever, then the sky isn't blue.

On that note, I'm so sorry about that guys!

**This is just a friendly reminder to everyone reading this list that we all do have our asshat moments, no matter how hard we try to be good players ><**

It's quite alright Ele. I thought it was a Banshee whipping us with Aeroga or was really kinda funny if you think about it!
#369 Sep 17 2004 at 11:07 AM Rating: Decent
Now this is a guy i would love to have in my ls. True spoken and got right where my point was also, good job !
word go out to trizzuro, good point

Edited, Fri Sep 17 12:08:42 2004 by dburton
#370 Sep 17 2004 at 11:15 AM Rating: Decent
and yes whoever post the remark dont hate all of the ls, i dont, i said sorry, i wasnt trying to zone , i was trying to get to pellaz, zero on the other hand was not. i dont blame everyone, and yes my stupidy on bringing spidy with me to tell your ls what zero was doing, but doesnt change the fack that 1 or even 2 members in a ls can give it a bad name,
one of the best ls i have ever been that has that mottow is SKYLIGHT , that ls creator kicks people if they are out giving his ls a bad name, i give him props on that
#371 Sep 17 2004 at 11:22 AM Rating: Decent
400 posts
I am not sticking up for what he did I am saying if you **** off a high lvl he can make you life hell by following you around training gobs to your pt than loggin there is a ton of ways he can get you back. I will say don't bring yourself down to his lvl just play the game becouse if you get in a pissin match he is going to win and if you contact a GM now you might hear from him by X-mas so they are no help either.
#372 Sep 17 2004 at 11:24 AM Rating: Decent
1,041 posts
It's totally unfair to judge an entire LS by the actions of just a few members. I don't know the whole story or which side was to blame (and don't really care to, it all sounds like drama to me) but even if everything Dburton said was true (which I seriously doubt) that still didn't give him the go-ahead to make what sounds like a very bad attempt at MPK on the group.

Even in the LS I am in, which is not that large, I would not care to be judged by the actions and attitude of other members. The fact is that we are different people with different opinions and different methods of handling situations. So, get real, if any members of Lunarians (or any LS at all) are arrogant -- that's not a reason to point fingers at the LS itself and whine about it.

But, you know, thanks for the idea. Next time some random person has to zone a monster and zones on top of a group of mine, I think I'll check his LS and make sure to add the whole thing to the Bad Players List. :P Silly.
#373 Sep 17 2004 at 11:40 AM Rating: Default
lmao, due to the message of this one person in 2-3 months i will due my best to give u compition. rude, thats all i have seen from most remarks to my name being defended,
you cant push no one around, and btw jerk, im not a 15 year old kid, lmao, i m a 24 year old /cry almost 25 model , actor, and computer tech, lmao. and i club every weekend, almost with doing other things. um like the gym, taking care of my wife that was just in a fire. and more. so please pull your foot out of your ***. or take a look at a real man, yah im there. i have more rl friends due to my moving around and being able to get along with everyone but jerks than u do in this whole server. so the 75 can eat my ***, i pay to play, anyone who needs a good home or just a ls to talk with someone, give me a tell, dburton. i dont run people out of zones, i help people so much and die some much all my friends are 75 now, and guess what im 68. and i didnt mpk or have to realease i was talking to a gm at the time. /slap
i guess when u have no life you can fufill your dream s on this game and treat others in a not so good way. this game is entertanment not a life, rl comes first, even your stupid remark shows your morales. typing while putting kid to bed, maybe it was a joke to u, but take care of priority first. LAME.
one day another ls with give u compition, without it the game is boring, but domination is boring, rude is rude.

Pellaz, i give credit to. Rudo , Hammy they are all good people, the ones i have meet, but these others who took snap shoots and just open there mouth, SHUT IT. u should just accept what happend , form both sides, and the name s in my pt. lmao ok rabid,greatbs,haque,dano,ocjp, and dburton
there they are i have nothing to hide , its a game, whoever the jerks are, are the ones who will ruin the game, and jelious over items roflmao, no way, the fun is getting them, not haveing them, to all my friends thank u for sticking up for me, and just send a tell when u need help like always.

#374 Sep 17 2004 at 12:36 PM Rating: Decent

Nevermind, I've already made up my mind who I believe. I'll just leave it at that ^^
#375 Sep 17 2004 at 1:02 PM Rating: Default
Hmmmm.... Can you say "Missed the point" Begin quote..

lmao, due to the message of this one person in 2-3 months i will due my best to give u compition. rude, thats all i have seen from most remarks to my name being defended,
you cant push no one around, and btw jerk, im not a 15 year old kid, lmao, i m a 24 year old /cry almost 25 model , actor, and computer tech, lmao. and i club every weekend, almost with doing other things. um like the gym, taking care of my wife that was just in a fire. and more. so please pull your foot out of your ***. or take a look at a real man, yah im there. i have more rl friends due to my moving around and being able to get along with everyone but jerks than u do in this whole server. so the 75 can eat my ***, i pay to play, anyone who needs a good home or just a ls to talk with someone, give me a tell, dburton. i dont run people out of zones, i help people so much and die some much all my friends are 75 now, and guess what im 68. and i didnt mpk or have to realease i was talking to a gm at the time. /slap
i guess when u have no life you can fufill your dream s on this game and treat others in a not so good way. this game is entertanment not a life, rl comes first, even your stupid remark shows your morales. typing while putting kid to bed, maybe it was a joke to u, but take care of priority first. LAME.
one day another ls with give u compition, without it the game is boring, but domination is boring, rude is rude.

Pellaz, i give credit to. Rudo , Hammy they are all good people, the ones i have meet, but these others who took snap shoots and just open there mouth, SHUT IT. u should just accept what happend , form both sides, and the name s in my pt. lmao ok rabid,greatbs,haque,dano,ocjp, and dburton
there they are i have nothing to hide , its a game, whoever the jerks are, are the ones who will ruin the game, and jelious over items roflmao, no way, the fun is getting them, not haveing them, to all my friends thank u for sticking up for me, and just send a tell when u need help like alwa

End Quote..
How touching, a response written by someone who didnt even read what they are attacking. Hooked on phonics is 1-800ABC-DEFG

Hmmn lets see what you seem to defend your uninformed position with, such an erudite, well thought and expressed response fills this windbags bellows...

Your wife was in a fire (unrelated, but she was in a fire and you still go clubbing? how callous of you.. if it's that serious what the hell are you doing playing a game!!!)

Your age ( no-one attacked it.. but YOU Attacked ours yourself already, saying we had no life) HOMEWORK - read previous post relating to the "age" sarcasm. Hell why not READ THE WHOLE THING you might have made an entirely DIFFERENT post if you actually read what you seem to be attacking.

your Job (Actor/model/computer tech.. that explains the "one letter words" and inability to read an entire post. also unrelated)

Your declaration of being a "real man" Yay, I know the first thing I think of when someone delcares that in a VIDEOGAME is what a ripped, massive he-man that person must be and how badly I want a lock of his Fabio-type hair. (welcome to just under HALF of the population of the earth... TOTALLY Unrelated)

Your Massive volume of RL friends ( unrelated... why not bring them all in here if you want that to count, it wont but you might have more people to make you feel better since you seem to desperately seek that)

the level of competition (spelled with an "e" btw... remember the comment of 70 people getting TP in that one spot? what do you call that... a kegger? we arent the ONLY game in town bucko)

Funny thing you mention Haque... he's a great guy, played with him off and on since last year. OCJP good guy too very friendly.
Small world huh? see we KNOW who's in your PT because if you read my response ( you obviously didnt) WE'VE BEEN PARKED BEHIND YOU QUIETLY FOR DAYS!!!!!

AS to MY morals... Gosh and golly. I simply LOVE how all of a sudden you try to attack me to deflect your own actions. What a Charmer. backed into a corner so you strike at anything. instead of just sucking it up, being a man and saying " sorry, I overreacted" so here's your LOVELY quote

"rl comes first, even your stupid remark shows your morales. typing while putting kid to bed, maybe it was a joke to u, but take care of priority first."

I'ts 2 in the afternoon, and cranky 2 year olds need naps. and trying to insult me for taking care of whats important first.... LIKE MY KID. is pure idiocy. not to mention you can't even do THAT RIGHT!!! perhaps I should toss my baby in a fire and go clubbing so I can put THAT in the next response!!!

Why dont you take some time from your incredibly busy modeling career, read a book on english composition, and try this again?
If you REALLY want to try and turn this into a war of words with ME feel free. but I did NOTHING to you beyond defend my LS as a whole.

So instead of describing how utterly wonderful your life is... clubbing while you have a burnt wife Please... feel free. another post like this and you do all the work for me.

Thats the end of it DB. attack me again if you wish.

that is... IF you have an actual, VIABLE beef with ME, feel free. I may not agree with you, but i'll defend to the DEATH your right to speak.

But if the best you can come up with is that I'm ignoring RL because I stop typing a post to put a cranky kid in bed...

Edited, Fri Sep 17 14:24:08 2004 by Synapsiswhm
#376 Sep 17 2004 at 1:06 PM Rating: Default
38 posts

hmm... was gonna add someone i ptd with w/ whm recently, but dont want to run their name down, may have been a bad day. we all have them....sorry for the wasted post ><;...

Edited, Fri Sep 17 14:11:45 2004 by greatbs
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