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Bad Player AlertsFollow

#327 Sep 13 2004 at 11:59 PM Rating: Decent
47 posts
Cambot wrote:

While partying in Garlaige, he kept pulling too quickly despite numerous messages by the whm, the sam, and myself and got the sam and I killed a few times before he disbands, saying that the WHM sucks and that when he was leveling with his 62 WHM, he did not need all that mp (nevermind the fact that a war/mnk tank doesn't have the luxury or healing himself/Utsuemi).

I totally second this one - I was partying there last night and he kept training stuff through our party - thankfully we were kickass enough to not be bothered too badly by it, but it was still annoying as hell. >< He seemed to have a problem with bats chasing him. Repeatedly. You'd think he'd learn...

After finding a replacement (an awesome BST who did a great job pulling despite that fact that he's never been to GArlaige) we

Was it Breslin? He rocks ^^ He was pulling for us last night. Man, that party is .. one of the best I've been in. Anyway, I digress. Tejinashi = annoying. ><
#328 Sep 14 2004 at 3:01 AM Rating: Good
28 posts
hello probably not the best way to start myself up on these boards but why not

for the basd players list i would like to nominate
Myself -Blayze
seems ive been a little nasty to some people while lvling my sub(blm) and have already been told i was one of the ********* RDM's that a player has ever seen
eventually i may find my way out of this but until then i will remain here
(or until i somehow by the grace of someone end up on the Good Player's List)
#329 Sep 14 2004 at 9:23 AM Rating: Decent
389 posts
^^Welcome to the boards Blayze!!

I have seen your blm in action along with your RDM of course, and I don't see any reason to be putting your name here :(

You have helped many people out, myself atleast a hundred times!! So I nominate to put you on the Good Players board...Oh wait, I already did along time ago, hehehe
#330 Sep 14 2004 at 1:41 PM Rating: Decent
Hi Blayze
#331 Sep 14 2004 at 1:43 PM Rating: Good
I am kind of ambivalent when it comes to Screams. I agree that he's really, really odd.

One day I was running through the Rolanberry, on my way to the CN. I wasn't lfg, I was just bored and decided to do 'Raise patrol'.
But I hadn't reached the Nest yet when an Ochu aggroed on me. The only buff I had up was Protect, but I didn't want to zone it to the Nest because of the people waiting there, and the possible Escape parties that would end up sitting in its lap.

Screams was there too, he was a few feet away fighting a Gambler. He started to run toward the Ochu, but I went ahead and engaged it, trying to get all buffs up and all debuffs up in the midst of the Ochu's Aphex Twin rat-a-tat-tat'ing on me.

I did end up killing it, but throughout the fight Screams stayed right beside me. I don't know if he was offering help or not, but if I'd have called for help I'm sure he'd have ducked in to help kill it.

However, later that same day I joined a party that was headed to Altepa. The leader asked several times if everyone had the crystal; Screams never really answered him (I agree, he says almost nothing), and when we ported...yep, he was left standing in Jeuno.

I really don't think he speaks English well. He just never communicates with anyone, I think that's most of his problem; there's something going on there that I don't think he can necessarily help.
#332 Sep 14 2004 at 2:48 PM Rating: Decent
i also suggest Bribe as i was in that party after awhile.
i was in the party with Zarathustra and he never beleived that pugils linked so we let him find out for himself.

Edited, Tue Sep 14 16:08:04 2004 by elrihor
#333 Sep 14 2004 at 4:08 PM Rating: Default

quite the lamer, we were killing Fafnir as Ayrilliana mentioned then he comes down to us and starts saying some crap and then 4 spiders came down and killed him. Attempted MPK but didnt work.. we handled the spider threat and I guess he felt so stupid he had to release. Called GM but didnt do anything. GMs arent very helpful. I have heard he doesnt particularly like our linkshell and tends to say bad things about us in his parties. Look out for this guy.
#334 Sep 14 2004 at 5:31 PM Rating: Decent
34 posts
I dont have a good enough attention span to read this whole think so i'll just ask a generalized question. Is Dibrila on this list or
anyone's blist. I personally dont think i'm too bad but there's some people who like to judge people right away and i do occationally mak mistakes.
#335 Sep 14 2004 at 5:40 PM Rating: Decent
996 posts
I personally dont think i'm too bad but there's some people who like to judge people right away and i do occationally mak mistakes.
If that's truly your attitude about things, then I can say with reasonable certainty that you're not on the list. If you acknowledge that you can make mistakes and learn from them, then you probably don't belong on the bad player list. :)
#336 Sep 15 2004 at 12:02 PM Rating: Decent
LMAO, your guys are so funny 8 ) ! OK, here all that happend, me and my pt of blm were trying to exp in dragon aery when every day lunarians come to kill fafnir, all we want is spiders and fly's. So for days they come in, take all our mobs to build there tp to fight the nm, ok no biggie, we take a break. Then one day they all come in we wait, and then go to pull a spidey, when one of there members zerocool is on bst and takes my spidey, i tell him " not cool zero " he tells me "shut up" so my pt goes off, i say itsk, and pulled another spidey, took it to my camp, "note" way away from zero. Zero come to our camp " witch was at zone, and releases his spider, " but doesn't zone . clearly a mpk try, my whole pt can vouge for me. so we zone, come in, zero is there with a spidey under controll again, i tell him i was gonna call gm, and pull a spidey, then he zones and the 2nd spider links again>< . so i tell pt to sleep the spidey, and i went to tell his ls what was up, the /laugh at me and tell me so what, i made a comment, "they wouldnt like it if i trained there hnm, then i guess my pt had to zone, being that it was 5blm 1 rdm, so we cant take hits, and the spiders came for me, so they linked onto there nm.
So it was real funny when it was just us lower levels getting mpk on, "no zero wasnt trying to mpk, he was raising his skills" pfffft ask my pt what happend, so the next day i said sorry for the spideys that i brought, they NEVER said sorry for what zero did, but i guess that cool.
They must be better than other people, why, because they got good gear ? or was it when they told me that it was good i didnt want any high end gear, because they run 2 of the 6 dynamis, and i wouldnt get it. Or is it that a lower level stood up to a so called "god ls" lmao, no, and i dont have to bad mouth that ls, i heard quite alot about that ls before i ever had a run-in with them. I simply wanted to exp, they are no better than anyone else, I PAY TO PLAY, THEY PAY TO PLAY, EVERYONE DOES, just because your 75 doesnt give u the right to do crap, it's a game, some people have a life, they dont spend 22hours a day on ffxi, so no they dont have the best gear, but that doesnt mean that they will take the fun out of it, thats whats LAME , not me, try concideration for other players, weak thats all i have to say , WEAK ! ><
#337 Sep 15 2004 at 4:40 PM Rating: Decent
I can vouch for this story, as this same person Kirrt managed to get half my party killed by bats at the tower zone. Somewhat later, I see this jerk training 4 Gigas to the tower zone AGAIN. I know several players had called GMs during that afternoon, and eventually someone shouted that Kirrt was gone, not sure if he got banned or not.
#338 Sep 15 2004 at 7:32 PM Rating: Decent
To dburton:

You have nothing to worry about, this is not againest Luanrian as a LS but to that 1 guy's remark. This game is not EQ 1 LS cannot monoploy an entire server. Sorry to brake his pipe dream. No matter how many dynamis runs that guy can pull off per month you can still have your own if you try.
#339 Sep 15 2004 at 11:05 PM Rating: Decent
40 posts
heh that was me that shouted about kirrt, i came to guard a friend and her pt, by then a GM had spoken to him i believe and he got ported to Dem.

Edited, Thu Sep 16 00:07:06 2004 by CorpseAA
#340 Sep 15 2004 at 11:17 PM Rating: Good
I hate adding anyone to this list >< People have off days, they have bad days, and I understand that; even when I'm in really awful parties I don't like to lay blame on people.

But this is a situation where I feel if this person is invited into a party with a certain expectation, he's going to let you down big ugly. I don't know about 'bad player', but this guy is definately not your usual red mage.

I joined a party tonight in the Crawler's Nest; there were no WHMs in the party, it was myself and another red mage. The guy's name was Tattoon.
Ok, sweet, I thought, Refresh duty gets split up. I volunteered to main heal, as I had brought my Solid Wand, and it looked as though all Tattoon had was his sword. Ok, cool, no problem.

The deal was that Tattoon would backup heal and refresh. We never worked out debuff, as pulling started almost immediately after we arrived at camp, so I figured I'd play it by ear, assuming he'd debuff (the refresh load was light on us both, he had himself and the PLD, and I had myself and the DRK, when he needed it).

So the rumble crawler arrives, I pitch regen on the tank. Tattoon whips out his sword (no enspell) and starts whacking the mob.
No debuff was forthcoming. With some discomfort I went ahead and hit my debuff macro. No problem, I've done this before too. (usually not with another RDM in the party,

Tattoon did a decent job in backup heal. Unfortunately, that was about all the guy did well. :(
Dropped debuffs had to wait until I could throw them again, in between cures. Dispelling fell to me as well.
(How he managed to miss a Crawler buff...not once but every beyond me :( The thing lights up like Vegas when it buffs, I could time Dispell from several feet away just on visual cue. He was standing right beside it.)
He did Dispell every once in a while, mind you. But it was always on Blazer Beetles that hadn't actually buffed.

Although he seemed determined on melee, he wasn't actually geared for it. He showed up in a robe of some sort (it was identical to the Level 1 robe, but I'm not sure exactly what level it was, didn't want to seem critical by checking him).
The sword he was carrying was doing less damage than the pally's, but he never did enspell it.

And perhaps least forgivable in the face of all this, he kept dropping his Refresh cycle. >< I picked up the pally several times, and one of these times the poor guy was down to 20MP before I took my eyes off the HP meters and chat log.

Silence gas totaled the guy once in one shot, not surprising due to his armor; I only thank Altana we weren't fighting Hornflies.

At the end of the night, we had a fight go bad, I ran out of MP (Convert wasn't up, as it rarely was in this party, and my Refresh MP was blown on an emergency Cure III).

Tattoon disappeared. No D/C, no warning...he just dropped. Two people died, needlessly.

So watch out for this one; he's not going to do his job the way you might be expecting, and if his bad gear gets him killed, look out. He may not stick around and risk it again.

I should add that I have nothing against RDM meleeing. In parties where I'm not main heal, and it seems doable, I always do it. But in addition to that I debuff, backup heal and keep refresh going. Any time I feel that melee is getting in the way of that, I immediately stop the melee.
It's not Tattoon's playing that bothered me so much as his priorities. I feel that an unwary pt leader might invite him in search of his mage skills, and it may cost that party leader in the long run.

If you do choose to invite Tattoon, all of the problems with his playing can be alleviated right off the bat; ask him to forgo melee for the time being. ^^

Edited, Thu Sep 16 00:49:36 2004 by Sioux
#341 Sep 16 2004 at 12:05 AM Rating: Excellent
228 posts
No one should be allowed to get away with that kind of crap. I don't care if they are a whm. All they learn from it is how to be a better xp sponge! I would boot the whm and then put a shout out about it! I have never encountered that and I hope I never will! I got a little can of taru whoopass just in case.
#342 Sep 16 2004 at 12:21 AM Rating: Decent
70 posts
Dburton are you in LibertyBlue or BlueSteel? I just think I remember your name from when my LS was camping Simurgh. Not sure though...anyway, if Lunarians is always camping Fafnir and taking your exp mobs then when Fafnir does pop you can do this. I'm not sure if it's true, but my LS says if someone stands behind Fafnir he does some attack that does 2000+ damage. Not sure if it's true, but if they're gonna be that rude about camping HNMs then they need to learn some manners, and that seems like the best way to do it ^^.
#343 Sep 16 2004 at 12:56 AM Rating: Default
Dburton what are you talking about?

They must be better than other people, why, because they got good gear ? or was it when they told me that it was good i didnt want any high end gear, because they run 2 of the 6 dynamis, and i wouldnt get it. Or is it that a lower level stood up to a so called "god ls" lmao, no, and i dont have to bad mouth that ls, i heard quite alot about that ls before i ever had a run-in with them. I simply wanted to exp, they are no better than anyone else, I PAY TO PLAY, THEY PAY TO PLAY, EVERYONE DOES, just because your 75 doesnt give u the right to do crap, it's a game, some people have a life, they dont spend 22hours a day on ffxi, so no they dont have the best gear, but that doesnt mean that they will take the fun out of it, thats whats LAME , not me, try concideration for other players, weak thats all i have to say , WEAK ! ><

I am not level 75. You're almost the same level as me wtf. Do you have a complex against us (the people in our linkgroup)? If you have a problem with zero handle it with him don't try to mpk us during nm fight... what is this god ls stuff you're talking? sounds like someone is jealous :o was funny to watch you release when your mpk failed too. When did anyone say they were better than you? and from what I understand you were taught that blm pt technique from zerocool himself... and is dragon aery the only area you know how to get to for exp? there are a number of available areas fyi

Edited, Thu Sep 16 02:01:24 2004 by Zenelly

Edited, Thu Sep 16 02:04:24 2004 by Zenelly
#344 Sep 16 2004 at 7:01 AM Rating: Good
642 posts
and is dragon aery the only area you know how to get to for exp? there are a number of available areas fyi

While I'm not taking sides in this disagreement, I do have an issue with you saying that. No one should have to find somewhere else to level if they don't want to. There could have been a number of reasons why they wanted to XP there that might not be known to you.

But anyhow, regardless of why he was there, this is a community game. You are almost NEVER going to find yourself in a zone completely alone and free to do whatever you wish. We are expected in this "community" to have respect and consideration for others. IF (and I say if because I don't know what really happened as I wasnt there) he was trying to XP there and your group was continuously killing every mob in the area, then unfortunately your group was in the wrong. You can't just tell him "Oh too bad, go somewhere else If you dont like it" (well you can but that's likely the behaviour that's going to land you on this list yourself).

I'm hoping that all our parents taught us all a little concept called "Sharing". If no one else is around, go wild, train the whole zone if you want. But when someone else arrives, regardless of whether you were there first, tone it down a notch. They paid to play just like you did. Stick to one side of the area and let the XP group take the other, leave a certain mob you know they are fighting and just go after the other ones, whatever, but share!

All that being said, If the story didnt go as Dburton tells it, then I apologize for my false assumption. But I stick by my feelings that no one ever has a right to say to someone "if you dont like what I'm doing, too bad, go somewhere else" when this is a communtiy game and we all pay to play.
#345 Sep 16 2004 at 9:35 AM Rating: Default
71 posts
I would like to add Square Enix to the Bad Player Alerts.
#346 Sep 16 2004 at 10:46 AM Rating: Good
169 posts
I have to agree with El on this one. I've seen many Link Shell's dominate areas and get a "holier than thou" atitude with other players in the zone. I have a prime example.

Yoshinaka and I were camping Lumbering Lambert for my purple belt. There were a few other people in the area, including someone who I had done Mission 5-1 with the night before.

I sent this person a /tell to ask if they were camping Lambert. (He had on a LS that matched those that were running up and down in the zone.) He proceeded to lie and say that they already killed him, so we should leave the zone. He told me that "I should leave because a very pissed ram was getting ready to show up". Then told me that the other people weren't in his party. We went back and forth while I tried to find out if camping Lambert was going to be worth it, as it was only me and Yoshinaka against an ever growing number of campers.

During our discussion, more members of the LS started to arrive to help camp. He proceeded to tell me that they were not a nice group of people and that they were there for the same thing that we were. At this point I was ready to leave, because even if Lambert did pop, my odds of pulling him were slim because we were outnumbered.

Lambert pops, they get the pull, so we leave. I send this person a /tell with a simple {Congratulations}. He still tries to deny that he was part of the party (LS, Alliance, whatever). I was so ticked off that we logged after we left the zone.

Here's my point: These people acted like Lambert wouldn't ever pop again, and that they were entitled to him if he did pop. They tried to lie to get us to leave the zone, even when it was obvious that they had us outnumbered. And now I know that they are in the same LS, because a number of them post on here and put the LS name in their signature.

Situations like this make me wish that I didn't go out of my way to help other people because it just turns out to bite me in the *** later on. So I understand the dilemna that you guys face when you aren't part of one these "uber" LS. To be honest, I want no part of them.
#347 Sep 16 2004 at 10:47 AM Rating: Decent
311 posts
I would like to add Redbaron to the bad players list. This is the second time he has done this to my pt. There was a little quarrel and Red stopped healing. Our thf died because red wasn't healing. This one was in yuhtunga jungle. The actual first incident was in valkurm dunes. A quarrel occured and we pulled this pug. In the middle of the fight he disbands and leaves. Need i say he is our whm. All of us die. this guy is a total a$$ to the pts
#348 Sep 16 2004 at 4:00 PM Rating: Good
617 posts
On the subject of the Lunarians, I have no personal vendetta against them. However, I've yet to hear one little good thing about your group. I always hear "They killed everything!" "They're training high mobs to the zone!" "They're being rude!" (obviously not that well punctuated :p)

I will say this:

I don't give a damn what level you are.

I have as much respect for a level 1 newbie as I do for a level 75 Rank 10 veteran. No more. Why? Well for starters it's a video game. And secondly, why do you think you deserve a prize? I've been playing this game since November, and I've seen quite a lot, and learned even more (and I'm still learning). I've played every job except Dark Knight, I'm a Journeyman (and counting) in a craft, I know what NMs spawn where and what they drop, I know mining and fishing tactics, etc. Do I think I should be respected? No. I am a player, totally equal to everyone else in this server. THAT is what everyone in this game needs to realize.

Some members of your group seem to believe that since they're high leveled and in a huge group, they're better and more powerful than everyone else. Do you know what we call that in real life? A bully.

I can't say it any better than has already been said. You need to share this game and realize you don't own it, and your level and ranks mean little. Especially since you can be handheld through a lot of them.

Edited, Thu Sep 16 17:03:03 2004 by seraphimhunter
#349 Sep 16 2004 at 5:52 PM Rating: Decent
Wow, I just LOVE watching people try to tar entire groups with the same brush... hmmn how many other large groups of people can we historically group and mark for death because they must be evil!!! it sounds like a GREAT way to deal with people.

Yes. We have LOTS of high levels in Lunarians. AREN'T WE HORRIBLE PEOPLE!!!! we must all be 98 pound, 16 year olds with backne, pizza addictions and no income!!! I KNOW I enjoyed my last 36 hours straight online... Maybe someday I'll get to see a purdy lady nekkid somewhere other than the web because I'm a 75 whm and that will make her hot!!! WOO WOO!!! (/em laughs derisively and puts his kid down for a nap to keep typing)

Yes some of our members seem arrogant at times.(funny you have so much issue with zero after he showed you how to do all mage groups btw) now we get to have the latest person with a napoleonic complex get something up their tailpipe, and by the time you have your 10th or 15th fafnir/nidhogg train it gets boring.

FIRST you arrogant taru. the world existed LONG before you zoned in. if you are so self centered as to believe you have ANY god given right to ANYTHING you are delusional.

AS A WHOLE....We do our UTMOST to respect any exping group in the Aery Dburton, perhaps if you had spent the last 3 months on this stupid overgrown lizard, or even had been exping in this zone before the person you hate so much SHOWED you how to exp like this, you might have noticed a ABSOLUTE pattern to our actions. you'd notice that we sit quietly except for the short time we fill our tp bars and LEAVE THE MOBS ALONE!!!!!
Just like the few days BEFORE this event where we sat behind your exp pt and left you ALONE. or are you completely oblivious?

How about you come up when we're competing against 70 other people ALL in that one spot gathering TP. will that make the nature of the situation more clear?

if this coincides with your EXP time I'm quite sorry, 21 hours of the day the place is a ghost town... but for 3 hours a day....IT'S THE REALITY OF DRAGON'S AERY AT FAFNIR SPAWN TIME!!!!!!!! to attempt to kill people for taking "YOUR" mobs is pure Egotism.

I'm terribly sorry my cohorts have made your life so miserable as to deserve an attempt on their fictional lives, especially since they LAUGHED at you. each one should be shot, and their intestines filled with hot coals.

Obviously, since each and every mob in the zone was SPECIFICALLY yours since you chose to exp there, noone had any right whatsoever to touch a single one.. in fact I'm appalled our banks of mages didnt immediately escape out to sit and powerlevel your group when zero had to zone his spider, to atone for our horrible actions.

If you have a problem, how about you step up the level of maturity to say "Adult" (if indeed you are capable) and deal with specifics. if you try to encompass us all in one statement, or even better, try to take a mistaken revenge against complete innocents, invariably you will prove yourself to be nothing more than someone with an insubstantial grudge, no self control, less maturity, and no real target beyond the phantom of an "EVIL LS!"

Just think, if you had dealt civilly with them then you wouldnt get to deal with otherwise nice, associated people, who werent even in the zone. ridiculing you because the best you seem to offer is "MINE!!! DIE A$$****S!!! YOU MADE ME SAD!!"

My apologies if this entire vein offends, but since I left high school behind WELL over a decade ago, I expect better behaviour out of people than this. silly me.

Lunarians....Such an evil LS... running all those semi-free to the public dynamis runs at our cost in months past... teaching so many others to get into tu'lia, AND letting rival HNM shells WATCH our god fights for Strategy, thats pretty evil... ALLLLL those AF runs for 50+ people... Avatars... Oh yea dont forget our evil GENKAI assistance... we're doomed to hell for that.

Oh and lets not forget our high level and middle level synthers who just cant get the hang of raping people for 500k a shot. thats VERY evil. must start taking notes from some of our "esteemed very-not-evil JPN friends" (sad but true.. but also a LOT of Cheapo, INCREDIBLY nice synthers from JPN too)

Why dont you do some research and train some LS's that made a habit of stealing NM & HNM USING YOUR METHOD hell you might want to join, you seem to fit in already. BUT you forgot the part of your train where your entire LS floods in, dies to Breath and then blames us.

We are so evil, we've been randoming with the other HNM off and on for weeks with other shells to keep the peace, and giving back mobs instantly when and if ever we've claimed them on accident as a LS.

I swear... the entire server should blacklist all of lunarians right now, so many evil deeds we cant be repaid.

Along with every other person on the server with ANY armor over level 60 or a value more than 1 million. thats gotta be evil somewhere... arrogant too.

Hmmn so far tho, only truly "evil" person I've seen is you DBurton... 4 spiders to take care of ONE person you hate... because a BST lost charm on a spider and had to zone...
BTW if you dont want to be laughed at, try for an honest apology, instead of sending /tells to our people SAYING we need to "take care" of someone, followed by a VERY considerate warning that you were training us because you don't like zero.

Your attitude is the equivalent of "I dont like your friend... and you look like a bunch of @#$KS anyhow... so I'm going to drive a steamroller over your house, then park it on your friends dog" great reasoning. Makes you look REALLY good. hell look at me. I don't know you from adam Db. I even joined in a communal shout with you in jeuno today.

yet when I see these sort of mistaken beliefs, you bring out the windbag in me and I type... and type... and type

insert random /rant...
~OH and as a note to the person suggesting the 2k + AE attack to try and mpk us GO FOR IT, if you cause a spike flail outside of the alliance, YOU DIE and NOONE else does... and we get to laugh at you for being stupid. IT DOES NOT WORK EVEN IF "Certain" LS'S TRY TO CLAIM WE CAUSED ONE BY CURAGAING OUR PT WHILE THEY FIGHT!! YOU KILLED YOURSELF BECAUSE YOU CANT MANAGE YOUR AGGRO!!!!DEAL WITH IT!! ( you know who you are losers, suck it up and admit you caused it yourself isntead of trying to blame us... SEVEN TIMES IN A ROW!!!! 5 hour fafnir fight... umm wow and you dragged what 30 mid 60's in to die OVER and OVER for you?) random /rant off rofl.~

EVEN if you cause a flail.... Faffy will just pull you in and kill you, then go back to the pt fighting it honestly and you'll still be dead!!!

lol back on track.

Are we arrogant? Honestly, some are, a Lot arent.
the people I find calling me a things in that vein, are the random people who spam examine, use single letters for words, beg for ports/raises from 14 zones away, then swear at you till you blacklist them. Since I wear a stupid Nobles tunic, Every moment of my day MUST be for helping every person who makes a request, INSTANTLY.

Multiply that by 30+ people. most of them doing the same things in their own veins. most of us since Day ONE of retail on PC.

And people call us arrogant...
we should be doing more for people.

Simple truth is, most people dont ever deal with us face to face in most camps. go ahead and look for your "devil" LS. just dont pick one at random just because we know our work, and actually execute it.

Are we a bunch of angels and supermen in lunies? HELL YES WE HAVE NO FLAWS WHATSOEVER WE ARE PERFECT IN EVERYRESPECT!!!!!!!

and if you believe that, I have a bridge to sell you.

How about you just deal with your own BS personally instead of dragging people in? or are you just a drama queen?

lol dammitaru.. you made me mad enough to make a posting account here...

time to spend another 325 hours solid online, /em does the Nerd Laugh from Revenge of the nerds


Edited, Thu Sep 16 19:27:56 2004 by Synapsiswhm

Edited, Thu Sep 16 19:51:15 2004 by Synapsiswhm
#350 Sep 16 2004 at 8:08 PM Rating: Good
So yeah, the Lunarians, a pain in the ***, huh?


I heard of this linkshell a very long time ago from a player in mine, Chibikaiser. Apparently several members of the LS ganged up in a personal vendetta against Chibi; I know you guys don't know this player, but he's not an aggressive or confrontational guy. Not once, but several times, the Lunarians mpk'ed Chibi, and frequently had something obnoxious to say to him when they saw him.

If a member of this LS can remember what Chibi did to you to deserve that, please post it.

Edited, Thu Sep 16 21:19:06 2004 by Sioux
#351 Sep 16 2004 at 8:17 PM Rating: Decent
415 posts
Screams is not just an idiot, he speaks very bad english and doesnt respond to people. I know, I was in a pt with him, several times. It does get a bit annoying, but i think he is from a foreign country and doesnt understand english very well
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