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Bad Player AlertsFollow

#277 Sep 04 2004 at 11:18 AM Rating: Good
388 posts
Oh yes you're right. I mean people would never embellish their side of the story or omit facts that would make them look partially at fault. No, people don't do that. Never.

Oh and to the person who implied I rated them down. I don't bother rating posters because these little titles are meaningless to me. I've read too many posts by "sages" and "scholars" who are nothing but complete idiots.

Perhaps they would embellish. But everyone is given a chance to plead their case here, should they feel that they were treated unfairly. We can also evaluate the stories themselves for any problems or apparent inconsistencies. The system cannot be perfect, but it can be workable.

But, perhaps, since you seem to be so interested, you might have something constructive to add? Perhaps a suggestion on ways of changing the system that you feel might make it better, or something different we could do? I would hate to think that you simply came here to complain without being willing to do anything about it. No, people don't do that. Never.

#278 Sep 04 2004 at 3:16 PM Rating: Default
I'm not complaining at all. I stated my opinion that threads like this are worthless and my reasons why. Other people have mentioned not many read this board so its unfair to the people if they don't know they are marked as a bad player. Do you send a tell to everyone on this list and say "Hey you might want to check out this forum because people are saying bad things about you." I know I sure don't.

Player A posts to watch out for Player B because he was a rude *******. Player C comes and posts Player B is his friend and that Player B helped 5000 people.

Now Player B may have helped 5000 people but to Player A he will always be an *******. Player B may have been a rude ******* to Player A, but to Player C he will always be a great guy because he helped 5000 people.

So what ends up happening is people turn a thread which is supposed to be helpful and informative into a flamefest and name calling. A more accurate title would have been "List the people you don't like" rather than "Bad player alert"
#279 Sep 04 2004 at 4:10 PM Rating: Good
471 posts
I left when I asked for the D2, Got the d2 and left.

During that waiting period there, I had to change a diaper and didn't think it would be that long. :o

Oh well. :) And, I'm sorry, Astika for calling you the worst thf I had ever ptied with. And, I happened to be a total @#%^ in that pt. I had forgotten most of it. But, Yeah. Blist me, Whatever. It's cool I deserve it. :o

well, i can understand being afk for longer than one expects, i
have a 4 year old boy, and sometimes my afk plans, just don't jive
with his needs, and he comes first. ^^ but, next time, just let
me know, there is no shame in taking care of your child, the
party will understand. I know I do.

as for your apology, it's all good. ^^ i know i am not the
worst Thief ^^, not the best, but not the worst either.
hopefully, we can get another chance to party, do some damage,
have some fun, and laugh about that time in Boyahda Tree. ^^
we all have bad days, no doubt. (i never put you on my blacklist)

hope to see you in-game sometime. /wave

Sometimes it works though... just use your own discretion.

Edited, Sat Sep 4 17:10:51 2004 by Merodi
#280 Sep 04 2004 at 10:18 PM Rating: Default
617 posts
Not necessarily a bad player, but he's new and not exactly in the most "willing to learn" attitude most of the time:


Seemed to be a brand newbie, so we let him get away with a lot. But he just wouldn't listen to us when we asked him to stand still after voking (since with me playing THF at the time it was REALLY hard to get SA to work), and got upset when we told him he had to take the damage because he "didn't want to die." The leader gave him a chance to work correctly but he didn't and so she removed him and we replaced him. A few minutes later we see him in a new party. Interestingly, that party did not last long.

It's obvious he's new, and I wanted to help him (I even had my mentor tag up) but he doesn't want to listen. Just be warned is all I can say.
#281 Sep 05 2004 at 11:05 AM Rating: Default
1,315 posts
seraphimhunter wrote:
Lol...Yeah, I saw that one and just ignored it. It must be coming from the King of A'ssholes...Oneman!

Heh, Oneman must like me then. He was nice to me and shared points. /shrug

*discreetly walks away*

*isn't sure he spelled discreetly right*

*doesn't think he did*

Share? Who ever said you should share points? I have to run around constantly tabbing as everyone else does, and I have absolutely no intention of "sharing" sh[b][/b]it when I get there. When I see someone at a point, I simply keep going and look for my own. I expect all to do the same.
#282 Sep 05 2004 at 12:59 PM Rating: Decent
617 posts
When there are 53 people in Gusgen, 30 of them anon and only 6 of them in a party, you do what you have to do. And no I wasn't stealing points myself, if I found a point and someone was on it, I moved on. It took me 3-4 hours to use all my pickaxes. Oneman didn't come up and just spam the macro, he let me whack it, then he did, then he let me do it, etc. And he was nice to me, which is very uncommon for mining point thieves.

I dunno, he's just one person who didn't bother me. Just my two cents.
#283 Sep 05 2004 at 6:56 PM Rating: Default
955 posts
Figured that I would add Ladyriku to the list. He called a friend of mine who was leveling her summoner several months ago a "****" because my friend told her that a PLD/WHM isn't a good combo depite what Ladyriku believed. Not sure if he has changed but I have heard rumors that he still has the same attitude
#284 Sep 05 2004 at 9:48 PM Rating: Default
617 posts
Ladyriku does have an attitude. And she (most likely a guy but it's a Hume female so I'm calling him a her :P) can come off to be extremely rude if you don't know her. But she's one of the most intelligent people I've played with, and she doesn't take any bull.

She's....opiniated. That's about the best way for me to describe her.
#285 Sep 05 2004 at 11:00 PM Rating: Default
Ronillio's in my linkshell... and I'm also agreeing, put him on this list by all means.
#286 Sep 06 2004 at 3:49 AM Rating: Decent
48 posts
Yes, Ladyriku is quite opinionated, but she does belong to one of the branches of our military (so I've heard from one of my LS-mates) so that may explain some of the no-nonsense attitude she has. However, she is extremely capable in a group. I even found myself defending her one day against a ranger (don't remember the name offhand) who complained that she couldn't keep hate despite the fact that he was constantly spamming all his hard-hitting techniques. Funny though, the other ranger in the party had no difficulty avoiding hate, despite being a level higher...

63 RDM/33 WHM/20 BLM
Bastok Rank 8
#287 Sep 06 2004 at 7:29 PM Rating: Good
LadyRiku and I were in the same linkshell for a time, till I moved on, not sure if Lady is still in Neo or not. Lady is opiniated and pushy, but a good player. Is Lady always right, probably not, but are they right more often then not, yes.
#288 Sep 07 2004 at 8:19 AM Rating: Decent
I too would defend Ladyrikku, see my post in the good player alerts ^^
#289 Sep 07 2004 at 9:31 AM Rating: Decent
5,645 posts
i've pt'd with lady as well and can vouch for her abilities.

As for attitude, whether you are stuborn or not you have no right to be rude to other players.

I encountered this with Antira, sure she may be knowledgeable but she came off to me as a total *****, which is my reason for adding her here.

When a dispute comes up it can be discussed between the other players but when the attitude is "F U i know what im doing and i won't even consider listening to you" you aren't gonna make friends.

I'm not saying this is what happened with lady but i can say in the past i had no problems with her and she performed well in the PT.
#290 Sep 07 2004 at 7:38 PM Rating: Decent
Aesahaettr bad player level 50 or so DRK now, but horrible. I pt'ed with him I remember I said something about smn/blm b/c his brother (who is next on this list for his own reasons) wanted to be one..and he got mad and we got aggro'ed..he's a drk/war..and i was getting aggro'd. we had link and one person uses his provoke and they tell Aesahaettr to use his for me, he said no and that he couldn't remember the macro...almosted died till blm slept it.

Fayte The SMN/BLM that COULDN'T..we were in the dunes and he's a smn/blm using carby and nuking for 3 dmg. carby is hitting for 9 (I know b/c i was a smn in the dunes and that's how much he hit for.). SO we go against a IT very IT pug and start getting our butts handed to us..well we get it under control and it's about dead and we go "SMN use 2hr!" he disbanded and waved goodbye.

Sprite OH yes everyone hates this girl. it is a girl..becuase she use to be friendly with a friend of mine. She got mad at me becausae I asked her questions about avatars and the smn job and she said "If you don't know by now then don't play the job newb.", anyways after she got upset she agree'ed teo help us all out to get kazham keys. She took us in the middle of nowhere and killed all the mobs and said " Wait for them to respawn." so we did. next thing i know she casts Warp! and leaves me and 5 others there to die from aggro.

She's a lonely girl becuase she got upset at me since on Valentines day i got on, and I tried to appologize then I said I was going to see my girlfriend and hopes she has fun with her boyfriend. she said she didn't need a boyfriend, told me to shut up and go away and that she has the game

So it's safe to say Sprite is a 200 pound 14 year old Swamp-thing of a female who hates everyone.
#291 Sep 07 2004 at 7:59 PM Rating: Decent
63 posts
I've had a run in with Ladyriku before. I don't know about you, but even if she is a good player, it doesn't make it ok for you to be rude. Which she is.
#292 Sep 08 2004 at 8:21 AM Rating: Decent
389 posts
This is my first post in a "Bad Players Thread", but there is one person that I partied with last night that needs to be made aware of.

I was leveling my SMN in Qufim Island lastnight, and since there weren't too many people online right after maintanence, it was pretty difficult to get a party rolling. So two of my LS members came online and we decided to start our own PT. Now keep in mind that we didnt want to just pick up random people, we wanted a good PT so we waited it out until we found the appropriate roles to fill.

When I saw people that were LFG that I thought might be good for the PT, I would send a /tell before issuing an invite telling the person what we had and what we were looking to do (XP Party). I also made it clear that it may take a while to start actually fighting because we wanted a great PT.

Anywayz, we finally get a full PT and camp out at the cliff south of the tower. Myself and my LS mates get to the camp first and we wait for the others to show up. It's night time, so they were taking their time as to not get any unnecessary aggro...

VileJester shows up {23WAR/11MNK}, and immediately starts complaining that we're taking to long...and keeps demanding that he's going to pull something. I keep saying "Not Yet, wait for everyone to get here" thing I know VileJester heads down the cliff wall and fishes out a Krakan. Brings it right back to the PT as we're all trying to figure out what the heck he's doing. Needless to say the Krakan wipes out most of the PT and our PLD gets major aggro trying to zone it with a few Wrigths.
Before anyone even knew what was going on, VileJester disbands and heads for HP back in Sandy!!

Now I'm not saying this is someone that nobody should PT with, but just be wary if you see his name. My entire LS now knows about him and a few have said they have pt'd with him, and seen the same disregard on his behalf.

/rant off
#293 Sep 08 2004 at 8:31 AM Rating: Decent
363 posts
Ha Azeroth, I showed up in Qufim a little while later to go kill that Kraken and a friend of mine (Fault..who was lvl'n his Ninja at the time and is a great RNG btw) and said his PT was just eaten by Kraken, must of been what you are talking about. Anyway, myself and a Pally friend got some revenge for you ^^.

edit-Man, i got to start reading the names on the above posts more..ha..sry Wintaru. Must of been reading one of your posts

Edited, Wed Sep 8 09:58:42 2004 by Vimien
#294 Sep 08 2004 at 8:37 AM Rating: Decent
yea, first off AZ im really sorry about that last night, our power keeps going in and out, I probably shouldnt have tried after the first time, and I am sorry about the time the party waisted waiting on me :(

As of this morning the power wasent back on, anyway I am sorry

Yea I was in that Kraken party last night and I really wasent upset to much that he had aggro from the Kraken, cause maybe he was new and was just exploring around and then oh sh*t , but that fact that he ran it to the camp and then when he died just HP'ed, disbanded, and didnt say he was sorry was really crappy.

I voked the darn thing and was gonna zone it, but as I was running I remembered that if I zone it at the tower then lots of peeps would die so I just walked into the middle and stoped and said "good bye world" lol
#295 Sep 08 2004 at 8:39 AM Rating: Decent
I am also sorry to the others too, Darknight, Fault, Cindee, and there was one other, hum. Anyway sorry about that , I have learned not to PT if a hurricane comes through town any more
#296 Sep 08 2004 at 8:54 AM Rating: Decent
Vimien wrote:
Ha Wintaru, I showed up in Qufim a little while later to go kill that Kraken and a friend of mine (Fault..who was lvl'n his Ninja at the time and is a great RNG btw) and said his PT was just eaten by Kraken, must of been what you are talking about. Anyway, myself and a Pally friend got some revenge for you ^^.

Kraken? What Kraken?
#297 Sep 08 2004 at 9:02 AM Rating: Decent
389 posts
I know Fault ran back to Jueno to change to his RNG, then I saw a WHM beatin on the Krakan so I'm glad it got pawned!!

Vogen, no worries little buddy!!! I actually got DC'd shortly after the second time for you, then was not able to log in at all. Seems like there were alot of problems all around lastnight...what good is an 8 hour maintanence if it makes things worse :(

But let me know when power comes back for ya, we'll PT again in Qufim Island!!!!

PS: I won't say anything, but it's Darkangil not *Darknight lmao!
#298 Sep 08 2004 at 9:03 AM Rating: Decent
363 posts
My bad Wintaru ^^...fixed

BTW- Killing Kraken was pretty fun ^^

Edited, Wed Sep 8 10:04:46 2004 by Vimien
#299 Sep 08 2004 at 9:34 AM Rating: Decent
Vimien wrote:
My bad Wintaru ^^...fixed

BTW- Killing Kraken was pretty fun ^^

Edited, Wed Sep 8 10:04:46 2004 by Vimien

LOL ^^ I've only seen that beastie once, when getting the BST quest wrapped up and I was a little WHM back then so it was Sneak and Invis only^^ I wonder if I can take him now...(hmmmm.)
#300 Sep 08 2004 at 2:30 PM Rating: Decent
The other day I overheard in /say a Mithra talking about calling a GM. Now out of sheer curiosity I asked her what had happened. She told me that someone named Libien had been running a casino with a 10k maximum bet. This Mithra, being bored and slightly tired, decided to take up the bet and put up her 10k. Libien then ran off with her gil without allowing her to roll. When she asked him to give her her money back he bragged about how she couldn't do anything about it and that he'd get away scot free. This Mithra discussed the matter with a GM who said that Libien has been suspended before for violating the TOS or something of the like. Libien gave the money he stole to his friend Savont who was holding it for him and knew that he had stolen it.

Now as she told me this I was really very dismayed. It boiled down to outright theft and I immediately told my LS, and my BF who was PTing at that moment. He told his PT and Savont and Libien were /blisted by a large number of people. One person from the PT, Jimbo, convinced Savont that he would have to return the money and he did.

I don't know if either Libien or Savont have been duly punished but Savont from what I have heard has quit the game. Please be wary of participating in any casinos, especially any one run by Libien. I promised that Mithra that I would try to make the Bismarck community aware of these two, as it isn't a matter of them being impolite, or even poor players, but a serious lack of ethics.

Libien called my fiancée a ***** (he plays a mithra) because he wouldn't buy something off of him. O_o
#301 Sep 09 2004 at 10:01 AM Rating: Decent
311 posts
I don't agree with casinos but if u trade them money they cna walk away and it is LEGAL. There is one way to prevent this then... Just don't play any casinos Plain and simple.
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