Hi, I'm having a problem where I'm getting way too much rate downs. I'm always very carefull what I wright when I post, I know sometimes I might have a spelling mistake, or mis-type something, or even say something that may look confusing or provide information from a bad source. I'm really not perfect, I make mistakes. but nobody bothers , I just get rate downs without any interaction.
My favourate forum is the warrior forum under job forums, or My server's Forum.
what I feel is there is some sort of Bot that looks at all my posts and rates them down, without looking at the contect.
I have plenty of knowledge about FF bin playing for 4 years on and off. there is a lot of people who are more knowlegable than me too. I can uderstand, if someone can help me see what I'm doing wrong exactly and I'm willing to learn.
I also don't post new subject anymore, because someone will usually rate down my entire thread and make it disapear. within few hours, it only takes 1 rate down to do that.
I just feel someone is out there, who has only one interest, which is to rate me down, without taking a look at the contect. I don't know who is it , I wish there is a tool that shows who's rating you down so that at least I know who is doing it.
I don't use any bad words, I never abuse anyone, I'm always friendlly to other players.
I see other players get away with many things that I'm carefull not to do , like bad words, providing bad information, I can't even tell them they have bad infofrmation because I get down rated to sub-default, virtually anything I type gets down-rated, with no good reason.
can someone explain or help me here? what should I do?
Edited, Nov 16th 2007 10:02pm by Kaolian