Okay, I doubt this posting's going to be read with any seriousness, but I don't particuarly care, I'm posting it anyway.
And yes, before everything else I have to say, I am aware I can filter out messages by rating. But I don't, because... well, dammit, I'm a gossip *****, and I like to know what's going on :P
Now, while no names were given, a while ago, some hands were slapped on the Garuda forum for "flaming" someone, and it really was rather obvious that it originated with Clefairy's postings.
This is when you get into "flame" vs fact, and it's sad to say, most of the flames are fact.
This girl claims to be all hugs and puppies and rainbow sunshine, but when it comes down to it, she's quite the psycho.
All her posts follow the same general trend:
She posts about how awesome her job combo is, or how awesome she is at her job combo, and how we're all blind/stupid/whatever reason every FFXI server isn't full of whm/thf and thf/whm, or some variation on this theme.
Originally she got a couple combolol posts, and a whole bunch of actual helpful people pointing out the benefits of other combinations, and how hers might penalize her later, etc, etc but basically NOT RUDE OR INFLAMMATORY posts. Now her first page of replies are full of trollish posts, intermixed with the "helpful" replies.
The more replies she gets that aren't people standing up and shouting that they agree with her, the more abusive she gets in her responses, until...
Pikko came in and posted on our BPT that it was going to be closed unless it turned itself around. It's a joke... it's THE grand joke of Garuda. "Come to Garuda, we have drama!" I have random people send me tells in game talking about the bad players thread more often than I post in the damn thing. It's sad to say a bunch of us have a sick sense of pride about its length, but hey, human beings tend to be obsessed with length :P
Pikko also posted and locked a few of Clefairy's posts. What's directly before Pikko's posting? Well, it's a bunch of anecdotes about how crappy Clefairy is at her preached job combination. It doesn't take a whole lot to put two and two together and assume that Clefairy complained.
Our bad players thread follows one of three routes, generally.
1. Someone posts someone and whatever they did, and nobody cares.
2. Someone posts someone and whatever they did, and a whole bunch of people crawl out of the woodwork to basically say "OMG! I thought I was the only one who witnessed that, here's my story" but noone ever debates that the original post was wrong - I think this is as close as it gets to it not being a joke.
3. Someone posts someone and whatever they did, and sides are drawn, the subject is debated until we're giving away free horse burgers, and everyone rejoices that we're closer to our "99 pages before (our mystical not-this-year-but-maybe-next-year's) Christmas"
Very rarely does anyone walk away with any hard feelings lasting more than 24H, and in those instances, it's generally a larger topic than what was originally posted in the BPT - ie. <BadPlayerGuy> screwed over a whole bunch of people in some giant MMORPG social no-no, and in those situations, it wouldn't matter if it was posted or not, because the news'd still spread around the server on its own.
I ramble a lot, and am verbose, and I apologise.
Two anecdotes:
I helped Clefairy (Anna in game) with getting some of her white mage artifact equipment. It was a casual partying experience, with your typical much higher level people helping out someone much lower level. I chatted with her while we were doing it, she seemed distracted, but at no time was she rude, or was I rude to her, but at no time was she all hugs and puppies either. Just.. normal.
Fast forward a bit. I partied with her as her thf/whm combo. She was... psycho. Noone said anything about her job combination. She was trying to stack her sneak attack with a weaponskill it wouldn't stack with, and it was pointed out that it had to be a non-elemental weaponskill - useful game information. She flipped out. She chewed out the entire party, ******* at our white mage until they left the party, and flipped out on the people in the party who hadn't said anything, simply because we were "complaining about her job combo". We weren't. "This skill does not stack" != anything about a job combo.
This is exactly what you'll find posted about her time and time again, and given that the other responses she gets are either helpful or trollish, I'm forced to assume she's complained about the trolls+anecdotes.
And, her behaviour is far from limited to these boards. She lets everything spill over and between here and in game, and is equally abusive in bost scenarios.
Normally, I'd rejoice. It's drama. It's the Garuda motto.
I don't personally care what she does with her spare time, or how she plays her game. I tried the helpful route, and I got bit back along with everyone else.
So... why am I posting here?
She is an instigator both here and in game. She has started each and every "flame war" by lashing out at someone when it was uncalled for, and both here and in game, complained when they responded in kind.
Her two-faced (no offense to Harvey Dent by the comparison) behaviour shouldn't be tolerable. You guys have banned trolls for less. Granted, most of those trolls don't come in a "I'm really a nice person, really! People are just so mean to me!" package. (If anyone's mean to her, it's because she bit the hand that fed.)
Look at her threads. I mean go back to the start and really LOOK at them. Look at the path they take. Now couple that with her dragging things off of the board into game, with her flipping out on players there and calling GMs on them after inciting verbally abusive conversations, and what have you got?
She's a troll in huggy-puppy-rainbow-sunshine skin, and she needs to go.
Thanks for reading. I hope it entertained all the non-admins >.>