1. Is there any way we can make it so that if we try to link to a post in the same thread instead of opening a new window/tab, it will just move the existing window down to that post?
2. Is there any way we can enhance the formatting of posts, possibly with the option to change font or background color of the entire post (not just [ bg]). Font is really what I'm after, but being able to change the entire background color would be pretty cool too.
3. Is there a way you could make it so we can embed stuff like Youtube videos? I was thinking it could work the same way as images, you could have a [video=http://www.youtube.com/] that would embed the video into the post.
These things I'm asking for are for journals, but I'm not sure how much work you want to put into it.
Edited, Oct 13th 2007 8:03am by Wint