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#977 May 10 2006 at 3:32 PM Rating: Decent
I went there once seen the gil selling ads and made my way out thats it your assuming so much. i dont believe me staying here right now is supporting IGE by the ads that i never see =). so i'll stay and i'll support any one still here fighting against Alla! he does not deserve a site that makes him money if he just gonna lie.

Edit: if you did not want to see bickering of this matter why come to the place it's gonna happen why dont you leave this thread and not come back if your so damn annoyed by us protesting alla.

Edited, Wed May 10 16:33:11 2006 by Deadlydoc
#978 May 10 2006 at 3:48 PM Rating: Decent
2,496 posts
Allakhazam refues to answer my question or any one elses on here

Allakhazam isn't REQUIRED to answer anyones questions and a few of the questions that people have been asking I am sure he can't answer yet do to the contract he signed.

It's done, end of story. Those of you who are jumping on the hate banwagon have every right to leave. The rest of us who are willing to give him the benefit of the doubt will stick around until things actually start to change.

all you who think he's not sold out IGE need to wake the @#%^ up! So much proof but some of you still believe well sorry but your wrong.

What proof? I have seen alot of stories and writeups from different message boards but I have yet to see any legal documentation stating that IGE now owns Allakhazam's.

Believe what you want. If your leaving, then good luck and goodbye.
#979 May 10 2006 at 4:42 PM Rating: Default
12,501 posts
Deadlydoc wrote:
I went there once seen the gil selling ads and made my way out thats it your assuming so much. i dont believe me staying here right now is supporting IGE by the ads that i never see =). so i'll stay and i'll support any one still here fighting against Alla! he does not deserve a site that makes him money if he just gonna lie.

Edit: if you did not want to see bickering of this matter why come to the place it's gonna happen why dont you leave this thread and not come back if your so damn annoyed by us protesting alla.

Edited, Wed May 10 16:33:11 2006 by Deadlydoc

I'm not annoyed by any means, it's just childish on your part.
#980 May 10 2006 at 6:47 PM Rating: Decent
Come on Allakhazam, stop with the spin, even Smedley is telling the world that you sold out to IGE. You may want to rationalize your sale all you want, but the fact remains that you went back on your word because someone flashed enough money in front of your nose. I am truely disappointed.

Smedley's Blog

Edited, Wed May 10 19:49:40 2006 by fadelman
#981 May 10 2006 at 10:12 PM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
Smedley wrote:
I will say that the sites themselves appear to be left alone from an editorial perspective. In fact, it’s likely that some centralized hosting and bigger financial backing can actually help grow these sites.
Really, I think that's all many of us are hoping for.
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#982 May 11 2006 at 2:37 AM Rating: Decent
Allakzam can answer my question i dont see why not i just wanted to know what changed his mind in the past year when he wrote he would never do what he has done. I dont care if you want me here it's a public board and i have the right to post my opinion on the subject at hand weither you think i'm right or not.
#983 May 11 2006 at 9:14 AM Rating: Decent
Any site that is in any way involved with IGE or farmers is officially boycotted by my guild on WoW.
#984 May 11 2006 at 10:59 AM Rating: Decent
5,677 posts
JackyChan wrote:
Any site that is in any way involved with IGE or farmers is officially boycotted by my guild on WoW.

Then what are you doing here?
#985 May 11 2006 at 12:36 PM Rating: Default
12,501 posts
Deadlydoc wrote:
Allakzam can answer my question i dont see why not i just wanted to know what changed his mind in the past year when he wrote he would never do what he has done. I dont care if you want me here it's a public board and i have the right to post my opinion on the subject at hand weither you think i'm right or not.

You should do what most people who don't agree with it does, and stop coming here.

you'd be doing us all a favor. He doesn't have to answer that, it's his website. You support RMT by just keep bringing it up, cause not everyone might know who they are, so they google IGE and look, they see RMT advertising. Way to go, your supporting gilbuyers.

If you don't like it go away, don't let the door hit your *** on the way out.

Edit: Typo

Edited, Thu May 11 13:36:34 2006 by Darkenbudddy
#986 May 11 2006 at 1:42 PM Rating: Decent
You really think i'm going to listen to you. what gives you the right to tell me to leave this site. sad you think you can make me leave XD. i stay because i want others to know the truth that is all.
#987 May 11 2006 at 2:41 PM Rating: Default
2,496 posts
He wasn't telling you what to do, he was making a suggestion. If you don't like what is going on then feel free to leave. Nobody is forcing you to stay.

So you get mad at darkenbuddy for making a suggestion but it's ok for you to try and force your OPINION on others?

As far as your "truth" is concerned, where is the proof to back up your "truth"? As I said before

What proof? I have seen a lot of stories and write-ups from different message boards but I have yet to see any legal documentation stating that IGE now owns Allakhazam's.

Until you can PROVE it, your "truth" is nothing more than hearsay. All any of us know at this point is that an unknown company owns both Allas and IGE which puts them both on an equal level, neither site has control over the other. The only company that has any say-so in what happens to Allas is the new parent company.

Until the new parent company is identified, it's all hearsay.

Edited, Thu May 11 15:49:03 2006 by Raolan
#988 May 11 2006 at 5:42 PM Rating: Decent
104 posts
I haven't posted too much... I've mainly posted just in the FFXI boards, but I wanted to say good bye to those I've chatted with a few times here, in case they may see this. If anyone knows a way to permanently delete a forum account, please let me know.

Take care all.
#989 May 11 2006 at 8:01 PM Rating: Good
36 posts
He doesn't have to answer that, it's his website.

Damn straight its his website, but its OURS too. Alla created this thread to ANSWER QUESTIONS; thus people have a right to ***** if he choses not to answer them.

And just to add my 2g...
Alla, I really think you shot yourself in the foot by accepting this deal. =(
#990 May 11 2006 at 8:20 PM Rating: Default
2,496 posts
thus people have a right to ***** if he choses not to answer them.

You people do realize E3 is going on right now and it is highly likely that Alla is there don't you?

Or could it be the fact that alot of the recent questions have to do with his moral and/or business ethics. I seriously doubt that anyone here is so squeeky clean that they have a right to question his moral ethics, especially since THEIR IS NO PROOF THAT HE SIGNED WITH IGE!!! As far as his business ethics are concerned, unless you know the exact details of what happened, you have no room to talk.

Everyone here has 3 options:

1: Take what has happened with a grain of salt and wait to find out more details and see if anything changes.

2: Get upset over it and leave.

3: Refuse to ever come here again but continue to stick around and whine. (Wait a second. You refuse to use this site but your still here. So you lied. Isn't that what you are screaming at Alla for doing?)
#991 May 12 2006 at 8:11 AM Rating: Decent
316 posts
Raolan wrote:

You people do realize E3 is going on right now and it is highly likely that Alla is there don't you?

Or could it be the fact that alot of the recent questions have to do with his moral and/or business ethics. I seriously doubt that anyone here is so squeeky clean that they have a right to question his moral ethics, especially since THEIR IS NO PROOF THAT HE SIGNED WITH IGE!!! As far as his business ethics are concerned, unless you know the exact details of what happened, you have no room to talk.

You make a good point about E3 going on right now. Here's something else about E3 to consider.

This convention is a huge worldwide conference for computer and video games. IGE is a really big player in the computer and video game market. According to IGE's website, "Analysts estimate the 2005 marketplace for virtual assets in MMOGs is approaching $900 million.". IGE currently is the leader in this industry. Given that, do you really think that if a company of this size was purchased by a legitimate outside third-party, there wouldn't be considerable buzz at E3 about it? Beyond that, when you're dealing with a company doing hundreds of millions of dollars of business per year, sale of such a company would even warrant mention on business television shows, CNBC, financial websites, etc.

The complete and total lack of such coverage, or even of a minor blurb on the back page of the business section of your local newspaper, leads me to doubt the "Maybe it is an independant third-party company that now owns both Alla and IGE" theory.

Everyone here has 3 options:

1: Take what has happened with a grain of salt and wait to find out more details and see if anything changes.

2: Get upset over it and leave.

3: Refuse to ever come here again but continue to stick around and whine. (Wait a second. You refuse to use this site but your still here. So you lied. Isn't that what you are screaming at Alla for doing?)

You forgot option #4 - ask questions about it in the official Q&A thread in the Feedback Forum. Why do you have a problem with people giving feedback in this forum? You obviously made a special effort to come to this forum to complain about people who have concerns and are expressing them in the proper place. Why?
#992 May 12 2006 at 8:23 AM Rating: Good
41 posts
I may sound quite naive, but in defense of what has been an exceptional site and contained countless amounts of insight and shared information, I ask that you consider one thing.

This may be way out there to conceive, but since we do not know the true background on this merger/purchase, could it quite possibly be that this purchase/aquisition is completly different than many speculations? I would hope that the RMT industry does not effect these sites on alla, and in my own utopia, I hope that Alla is purchased by a company with the integrity that he has brought here. Hopefully, we will be able to see the site improved but with out a sacrafice to many true gamers standards/morals/beliefs that prohibit the undefined cheating methods.

I also hope that Alla and staff have worked out the agreement to allow all creative rights to be unchanged and no hidden pressures to provoke an onslaught of negative advertising and publicity. I feel Alla will stand by his beliefs of the gaming industry and provide all of us with the proper avenue to communicate with each other and research games/materials/forums for the answers we would like.

Unfortunately, Alla and IGE, by many statements appear to be owned by the same parent company. Do we know for sure that this parent co. is not actually looking at keeping them seperate corporations for both sides? Hopefully the new owners (parent company) will respect the visitors/members of this site, and understand what this web site community is in favor for on a grand scale.

I truely believe that Alla's decisions were made with the best intentions in mind to provide "us" with the best possible site "we" deserve, free of charge and commited to the same standards that he has set forth for years. By boycotting this site, it will not make the problem go away, but by making your own decisions to not participate in RMT is what will keep the MMORPG world the best that it can be.

To go way out there on a limb, how do we not know that Alla will now have some sort of say on the decisions of IGE? Maybe he will influence this new ownership on the root of MMORPG problems destroyed by RMT and will make a valuable change for us all. I doubt it, but what is wrong with good hope.

In all honesty we do not know all the details of the deal. So until I see signs that will deter me from using this site, as I am deterred from others, due to RMT and the sort, I will enjoy the content that is contained here. I do not contribute financially, as you may notice by my posts, but I try to contribute creatively.

It is a shame to me that this process has taken away the innocence that Alla has always maintained, but before I start beating the dead horse, and before I rampage through these forums about another mans decisions, I will take in all the evidence and make an educated decision based on that. I will not base it on partial information and partial truths, nor will I follow the leader because he feals Alla has sold out. Alla controls the business and can do as he pleases. The time that I have spent here throughout the past year, would not be beneficial if it were not for the content it contains. Change that and I have no need for these sites, but if it will all be the same, why should there be such an uproar about a business venture.

Why can we not now reap the benefits of the RMT industry. Let these fools who buy their way into the elite on-line class, pay for our research. Let those RMT fools pay for our bandwidth. The RMT industry has screwed us on many games and made our in-game cost soar so let us now get some of that money back. These RMT fools can pay for our faster servers, pay for my words of disgust, and pay to keep this site cleaner. If you have to think about this site being in any way realted to IGE, at least think of the benefits we will reap from the possible extra fund in the background.

This is not a request to support RMT on Alla, but to use up all those funds to pay for a better site for the true player. RMT you have screwed me over on my gear, but please stay clear of this site!

Alla and staff, I hope that your business decisions will be with the best intentions for your members and the community.
#993 May 12 2006 at 1:33 PM Rating: Default
I've been a premium member of Alla for quite some time. I use it for both EQ and WoW. I am highly disappointed in this transaction. I just found out about this today. I do not support gold/plat buyers/sellers in any way.

"for both EQ"

yet you

"hate sellers/buyers"

If this post doesnt show 100% hypocricy then what does? you Play eq. SOE and EQ players buy/sell money and gear and aaccounts on eq's site.

You suppose SOE. Therefore you support selling/buying.

Which is why most people wouldn't pay for premium. I see your point, but you're refusing to see anyone elses. Both are valid, however you can't please everyone.

Because their points are 100% ridiculous. you CANNOT hate a site or company just because they are owned or hosted with the same host.

I have also proved that 80% of the site who play EQ are hypocrits that posted in here yelling at alla. because SOE allows buying/selling from THERI site. and I linked the page where it is also.

I also have proven that since SOE does that and is a SONY company you cannot goto sears or purchase andy of sony's items or any other tiems that sears carries even in another store because they affiliate with sony. who supports rmt and does it themselves.

Noone is even takling the time to actually read th eposts made by serveral people including alla.

IGE is in no way affliliated with alla and will never be Just because they are owned by another compnay who may own alla now doesnt mean squat. and alla and several other people have even proven that. if you are against smoking you can't eat was it kraft foods?

people say it isnt the same thing.. BUT IT IS. you have companies you owne other companies that people are against. and these companies also own things you NEED to survive. it is the SAME thing. you have to buy fromt hese companies to keep your family alive. And when you buy things like kraft stuff you are paying the owners of phillip morris? was it?
#994 May 12 2006 at 4:28 PM Rating: Decent
I've not been very active posting in the community but this is too much for me. Autorenew off and so long alla. I think it was a bad move but make your money it's what i would do. Thanks for the Good EQ info in the years past.
#995 May 12 2006 at 9:46 PM Rating: Decent
The SOE site that is RMT is different they dont have gil sellers who will use dirty tactics to get what they need.
#996 May 12 2006 at 11:19 PM Rating: Default
4,400 posts
Deadlydoc, that's the exact same argument Feba came up with.

Niobia in another thread wrote:
or have them set it to banned like they did for Feba/Febavas

Illia wrote:
that was only done as a special courtesy to a 10k+ poster.

(Whom I might add, was back posting 15 mins after the account was flagged)


Edited, Sat May 13 00:26:37 2006 by Erawyn
#997 May 13 2006 at 3:07 AM Rating: Decent
You saying i'm feba?
#998 May 13 2006 at 12:56 PM Rating: Decent
well..not much to say, i was thinking of getting premium account but i have decided against it, after using this site and haveing free account for nearly a year. I'll not be in anyway resposible for helping sites/people/companys no matter what, you are owned by the company that owns IGN. There is no getting around that, just how things go i give it by the end of the year before gold/gil/plat selling starts on this site. It was fun, bye
#999 May 13 2006 at 6:21 PM Rating: Default
look you sold out. You are now owned by the parent corporation that owns IGE. Lets face it. youre owned by a coked up pedophile (Den ring a bell) and a bunch of peices of crap that are responsible for destroying gaming. I hope you choke on a stack of hundreds you sell out *****. I pray that the money you got can shield you from the flames of the car fire that i hope you get trapped in

Edited, Sat May 13 19:25:50 2006 by gijoeheadstomp
#1000 May 14 2006 at 8:35 AM Rating: Decent
Spre, Eater of Souls wrote:
I've been a premium member of Alla for quite some time. I use it for both EQ and WoW. I am highly disappointed in this transaction. I just found out about this today. I do not support gold/plat buyers/sellers in any way.

"for both EQ"

yet you

"hate sellers/buyers"

If this post doesnt show 100% hypocricy then what does? you Play eq. SOE and EQ players buy/sell money and gear and aaccounts on eq's site.

You suppose SOE. Therefore you support selling/buying.

Technically they implemented their own RMT system to combat IGE etc (plus they saw the profit SOE loves money). So they created 1 or 2 "Exchange Servers" for EQ2 in which RMT is the norm. Thus giving those players that are for paying real money for plat a place to go do it.

Now the people that play on PvE and PvP servers dont have RMT ravaging their economies.

So SoE's 'exchange server' policy has actually been one of the more effective measures implemented to combat shady economy ruining RMT.
#1001 May 14 2006 at 12:14 PM Rating: Default
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