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#927 May 07 2006 at 12:34 AM Rating: Excellent

Just because it is a virtual game, doesn't mean that it is a Virtual Community.

People communicate with each other. It is a REAL community.

Sad to see Allah get bought by IGE.
Sad to see Vanguard team up with Sony.

In each case, they did it to further their own goals, and that's to be praised... I guess.

Too bad for us, tho.
#928 May 07 2006 at 2:01 AM Rating: Default
403 posts
Um, just a few thoughts I had to a post I saw.

FACT 1. Allah is the head of every major Muslim terrorist network, it's like they all practically worship the guy. I found references to him on the Al-Jazeera site and he was quoted by Al-Zarqawi on CNN just the other night (funny how they all start with AL huh?). This guy knew about 9/11, 7/7, and remember, remember the 5th of November, HE KNEW ABOUT THAT TOO (omniscient anyone!!).

Okay, for your information, when they say "Allah", they're not talking about God or Muslims. They're referring to Allakhazam and Allah is sort of his nickname. I hope that's clear now.

FACT 2. Illia sounds Russian. He probably made the money to start this site by smuggling in Soviet hookers. All those poor young girls down on their knees, taking donations for Illia's Bestiary..... Disgusting.

Also, Illia refers to the person in the Allakhazam accounting department. I hope by now you realize that a lot of the people here have this thing they like to call "screen names" or "nicks." Illia has nothing to do with hookers or prostitution on this site. And a beastiary, in this case, is a catalogue or index of monsters.

FACT 3. Yantis lives in Hong Kong (which is close to China)!!! He is possibly responsible for ALL the sweatshops filled with Chinese Gil/Gold/Plat/Pixel sellers and farmers. Remember folks, buying gold with real money is CHEATING. It's evil. It's ruining "My World" I only come to this web-site because it's full of spoilers, hints, maps, and walkthroughs. I don't want to see adverts for dirty IGE on my beloved pages. I want to "earn" the cash by myself.

All right, unless maps have been changed to make Hong Kong its own island, Hong Kong is a part of China, not close to. And it's nice see that you want to earn your own game money yourself. A lot of us try to and it's an uphill battle.
#929 May 07 2006 at 2:04 AM Rating: Good
Nice to see you two finally meet.

Charjer, meet Mr. Sarcasm, Mr. Sarcasm, Charjer.
#930 May 07 2006 at 4:34 AM Rating: Decent
77 posts
I am merely concerned with what will become "Premium Member Only" and if the prices of that would raise. Not just on this site but the others as well.
I don't want to have to pay 15 bucks a month for information that the site didn't even get itself. Most of the information on allah is from players, players who don't see a dime of the Premium Member fees.
#931 May 07 2006 at 6:51 AM Rating: Decent
2,750 posts
Goodbye alla, thanks for the help - I see big changes in the next couple weeks/months/years for this site, and I don't see myself liking them.
#932 May 07 2006 at 7:30 AM Rating: Decent
Good news Alla, simply for being a sellout ***** I won't be renewing my premium and I will no longer be running my wowreader.

Good game!
#933 May 07 2006 at 9:02 AM Rating: Good
I'm not overly concerned that the FBI is going to show up at my door and grab me for international extradition because I violated an EULA

LOL Just to reassure you, I asked my brother who works for the FBI. He said that we are safe, EULA violations isn't on their radar, and it will not put you on the watch list!

My serious questions though are:
1. Why are banned people still posting? Or is the banned label just popping on all their old posts?

2. Why are people making accounts to post about this, are you that afraid to stand by your views? Talk about a lack of integrity!

Edited, Sun May 7 10:12:00 2006 by Redyne
#934 May 07 2006 at 9:53 AM Rating: Decent
By the way, This might have some effect on your thoughts about what has happened.

"IGE's Parent company, RPG Holdings (CEO: Brock Pierce, The same as IGE) purchased Allakhazam in November of 2005 (Though it was not officially announced until May 2006), a website that prided itself on not supporting the trade of virtual currencies in the real economy. This marks the further expansion of this companies presence in online gaming communities. This purchased followed that of"

Straight off the Wikipedia site
#935 May 07 2006 at 10:00 AM Rating: Decent

(written by a two time emmy nominated journalist)


Quote:As time wore on, the attention of the three men wandered from the company to focus increasingly on the constant round of parties they threw for a largely male group of friends. "You would go to the house," says another former employee, "and the door would be opened by this 15-year-old boy, and there would be teenage boys all over the place. It was very strange."

You do realize that at during the timeframe that this incident took place, Brock Pierce, was in fact a teenager as well? Right? You understaned that right now he is only 25? Most of these incidents took place in 1999-2002. The victims were all within 5 years of his own age, not 9 year old boys that your tone makes it seem. Now, I'm not saying what he did was or wasn't a crime. But it is a very different class of crime. Similar to the senior in high school dating a sophmore.

#936 May 07 2006 at 1:32 PM Rating: Default
By the way, This might have some effect on your thoughts about what has happened.

"IGE's Parent company, RPG Holdings (CEO: Brock Pierce, The same as IGE) purchased Allakhazam in November of 2005 (Though it was not officially announced until May 2006), a website that prided itself on not supporting the trade of virtual currencies in the real economy. This marks the further expansion of this companies presence in online gaming communities. This purchased followed that of"

Further information in the same vein here:

If nothing else, go there, skip to this paragraph and click the links:

As he mentioned, Allakhazam has always been very anti-gold farming and has turned down acquisition offers in the past. His new business partners, called variously RPG Holdings LLC and Content Holdings LLC, according to a quick Google search, include IGE, OGaming, Thottbot, what appears to be an RSS scooper-site that aggregates other site content, designed to milk Google Ads and Gay Indy.

Then look for yourself. Read up on the sordid history of the flopcom called Digital Entertainment Network and the genuinely creepy predators behind it. There's plenty of reportage out there. and,39023166,20106716-1,00.htm for a start. Business Week covered this too, as did many tech and investor publications.

If after all that you're fine with supporting Alla's acquisition by IGE, at least you'll have made an informed decision. Remaining in denial, however, doesn't cut it at all.

Edited, Sun May 7 15:51:45 2006 by nonokitty
#937 May 07 2006 at 2:19 PM Rating: Default
If after all that you're fine with supporting Alla's acquisition by IGE, at least you'll have made an informed decision. Remaining in denial, however, doesn't cut it at all.

Exactly, Nonokitty. As Ive been saying from the beginning it isnt just about the gold farming, its the fact this guy is a sexual predator.

Is this the kind of person people want to do business with?
#938 May 07 2006 at 2:35 PM Rating: Default
722 posts
Honestly, I couldn't give a **** what companies are owned by the company that owns Allakhazam now. Yeah, I hate gilsellers. But Allakhazam isn't going to have anything to do with them. Even if they had gilseller ads ON THEIR SITE, it's not like I would see them; I'm a premium member, so I don't get ads. :P And even if I did... Somepage has gilseller ads, and I still use it all the time. All you have to do is ignore them. :P I use these sites for all of the incredibly useful info; that's all I care about. I'll still continue submitting info, and when my premium subscription runs out, I may well renew it.

All you people who are leaving the site over this, good for you. You're standing by your ideals. In my opinion, though, it's all just a bunch of unnecessary drama. The sites are still going to have all the same features as always, plus some nice new ones, and there aren't going to be negative effects that you can see. It's all in your head, these thoughts of "wait, these guys are affiliated with RMT!" Looking at the site without knowing that, you'd never even know.
#939 May 07 2006 at 3:11 PM Rating: Decent
Somepage has gilseller ads, and I still use it all the time. All you have to do is ignore them.

But somepage is not owned by IGE, and it's free to replace IGE ads with ads for dating services or toenail fungus remedies which are also easily ignored. There's a difference.

The sites are still going to have all the same features as always, plus some nice new ones, and there aren't going to be negative effects that you can see.

You're very trusting here. But Alla's content is contributed for free by users who do this presumably out of pure love for the game, which by definition means a strong disinclination to support RMT cheats. It's unlikely that new content on Alla will be added by these contributors at anything resembling previous levels, and even more unlikely that RMT supporters will pick up the slack. After all, why knock yourself out completing quests and missions, much less undertake the work of writing walk-throughs for them, when you can buy your way through a game?
#940 May 07 2006 at 3:30 PM Rating: Decent

Then look for yourself. Read up on the sordid history of the flopcom called Digital Entertainment Network and the genuinely creepy predators behind it. There's plenty of reportage out there. and,00.htm for a start. Business Week covered this too, as did many tech and investor publications.

If after all that you're fine with supporting Alla's acquisition by IGE, at least you'll have made an informed decision. Remaining in denial, however, doesn't cut it at all.

Along with Pierce, a 17-year-old actor best known for such family fare as First Kid and The Mighty Ducks, they set out to produce online programming that would be nearly as satisfying over a standard phone line as it was via broadband.

If anything reading these articles makes me feel that Brock Pierce was a victim as well and needs some serious help.
#941 May 07 2006 at 4:06 PM Rating: Default
If anything reading these articles makes me feel that Brock Pierce was a victim as well and needs some serious help.

He might have started off a victim but when he started participating in the sodomy (CA civil court cases-found at fault), and ran off to Spain where he was arrested in a villa full of kiddie **** he went from victim to abuser.

Edited, Sun May 7 17:07:03 2006 by Broughden
#942 May 07 2006 at 4:26 PM Rating: Default
If anything reading these articles makes me feel that Brock Pierce was a victim as well and needs some serious help.

You do kind of wonder where his parents were.

But, um, he's a grown man now and the CEO of IGE, by far the biggest player in a nearly billion dollar marketplace if his own company's hype is to be believed. So "victim" at this stage is not a word that comes to mind.
#943 May 07 2006 at 7:48 PM Rating: Good
503 posts
So technically, Allakhazam, since the site has been bought by this mysterious company which is owns all these other networks, that company is definitely public. Meaning has investarus. When a company that went public profits, the Board of that company decides whether to give money directly to the investarus via stock, or otherwise invest it in the company itself, or maybe enrich those on the board with stocks/options of that company.

So, since Allakhazam is now owned by some mysterious company, what happens when the site profits now? Chances are you don't/can't control your own salary now because another company owns the site. Therefore, when the site profits, those profits are sent to that parent company. Then they are redistributed as the parent company deems appropriate. Therefore, they MUST be paying you some salary now that you are totally cool with. Which of course is good for you. However, being under some other company is technically rather restrictive. If for some reason they become unhappy, well, that's your income that can take a nice plunge...though you're probably rich off the selling of already. Anyway, just analyzing things.

My general opinion is that the site has LESS freedom to do really neat and awesome things. Unless you want to hire a team of developers to hack the games horribly, which will require lots of money. Otherwise, by being subordinate to another company you have less direct control over Allakhazam. Every new idea has to be submitted to some yada bureaucracy, lots of paperwork, and chance of being fired.

I don't have a Premium membership, but if I did, I would cancel it too. I'm honestly hoping that you will understand that many people are leaving the site because of the deal and also hoping that closing hasn't been done yet. Chances are it has, though, and we're all ****** straight to hell. Sure, few of us are going to TOTALLY boycott the site, but the least you can be guaranteed is that those who have cancelled their premiums and those like myself who may have had one at some point in the future will use the site for free. And ignore all the advertisements, and whatnot else, as well as take their guides with them. Actually ***** that. Chances are that instead of just getting guides removed and more useful stuff killed, you'll also be stuck with quite a few more trolls. So, unless you have a way out, Allakhazam, this is quite a sad downhill slope to a possible future end...or a possible transformation into something clearly morally inferior...*cough* bots *cough* RMT *cough* hacks *cough* TaultUnleashed *cough*.

By the way, Allakhazam, because you are not quite as 'in control' of the site as you were before, what would happen to your stance of 'NO RMT on this site EVER' if suddenly your position as the Overlord/Manager of the site was in jeopardy? Tough question, huh? That's how we, the community, see this deal. Stances change in tight situations. Trust is hard to sell when there is none in stock.
#944 May 07 2006 at 10:04 PM Rating: Default
So technically, Allakhazam, since the site has been bought by this mysterious company which is owns all these other networks, that company is definitely public. Meaning has investarus.

IGE is still privately held AFAIK, but I agree with your statement otherwise. ^^
#945 May 08 2006 at 1:25 AM Rating: Default
Gildaman's a plant or an adorable 17 year old pretending to be a big man.

I'm not sure which.

Either way, good entertainment.
#946 May 08 2006 at 1:43 AM Rating: Default
players who don't see a dime of the Premium Member fees.

Pemium ISNT for people who submit information. you submit information freely O_O. The premium is to ofset the costs for transfer and for the bandwidth. the more servers ( which I assume are each on 100MBiT pipes ATLEAST ) and the more transfer being used = alot of money.

I highly doubt alla wouldve been able to fund such a gigantic site without the offseting premiums.


Bandwidth = your pipe ( 10MBiT/100MBiT/1000MBiT )
Transfer = amount of info that is transfered between site and client.

IE why certain things like better smilies and avys and journal are premium only, they consume more bandwidth.
#947 May 08 2006 at 2:18 AM Rating: Default
lol im jsut saying this now, im never coming back to this site again now that Gil Sellers own it, i agree with Bodhi and we should boycott this.

So ill be sticking with other sites, goodbye gil sellers :P
#948 May 08 2006 at 4:12 AM Rating: Default
why even post?

Posting it just means you want attention drawn to yourself.. which worked becaus enow I am posting.

if it's a goodbye you want..... not sure you are going to get one.

Edited, Mon May 8 05:12:44 2006 by Spre
#949 May 08 2006 at 4:42 AM Rating: Good

Join Date: 2005 Mar While we do not have a Vanguard site at this time, we have every intention of launching one. The reason we don't have on yet is that we don't really consider ourselves a news site, but instead try to post actual game play information, so we usually don't launch sites before the NDA lifts on the games, (though with Vanguard we may make an exception to that).

I can assure you that never has had and never will have any association with IGE. No amount of money will change that. We are players ourselves and disagree with everything they stand for. I've turned down their advances so many times in so many ways over the years that I think they have finally give up on us.

So I can assure you there will be at least on major Vanguard site that will have nothing to do with IGE or any other similar company.

Answer this question what made you change your mind on this? was it the money or what i dont get it you said your self that you would never be apart of it, yet look what happened you caved in man come on i just wanna know. ( Please answer this one question for me this is all i ask)

Edited, Mon May 8 05:44:19 2006 by Deadlydoc

Edited, Mon May 8 05:45:42 2006 by Deadlydoc
#950 May 08 2006 at 9:04 AM Rating: Default
Thats something you dont get... he has stated the site STILL will have NO assosiation with IGE.

The deal that was made was through A cmpany that owns IGE but alla specifically asked to have no assosiation with IGE before it was a done deal and it was agreed upon ( According to his posts )

Therefore the site actually has no assosiation with them. and the same rules would apply to sellers and buyers in these forums.

And since the deal was announced many sellers were posting and every one of them got banned.

He has shown every action towards holding what he has said.

And hes a decent guy, when I couldnt get into my account I emailed him and he reset my password and sent me a nice reply.. I don't see any other site where te head honcho does that.

Edited, Mon May 8 10:04:56 2006 by Spre
#951 May 08 2006 at 9:22 AM Rating: Default
If I went to a car salesman and wanted to buy a car, but was worried he was charging too much, I would not bother asking his wife if it was a fair price. His wife would be biased.

If I had my fingers in one company that sold gold, and also in one that, among other things, listed prices of items traded, I would quietly ramp those prices up. Higher prices, more demand for gold. The seller in bed with the consulant. Perfect.

And if I was selling gold, and there was a trusted site that listed fair prices for gear, I would... buy them!
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