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#877 May 06 2006 at 3:45 PM Rating: Good
Reading this is sad, sad news. I've been a loyal subscriber pretty much since that feature became offered back in my EQ days. It followed through EQ, DAOC and Warcraft & has been a mainstay as my homepage for 6 years now. I've posted rarely, but used Alla's at least once a day. I find it sad to say that this is a NEGATIVE change to Alla's and will not support it further & have cancelled my auto renewal to the premium services.

Foremost, it is not for it's new association with gold sellers, those are here to stay regardless, but more for the attitude of the community that surround those sites & have already began to infiltrate here. "Blue" posters without a clue, "reds" sometimes with far less a clue than some of the blues. The community of Alla's has been on a downhill slide to me for some time & this just stakes the heart.

Best of luck on the endeavor.
#878 May 06 2006 at 3:49 PM Rating: Good
Proof please. Show me something reputable, not something posting on a personal blog.

(written by a two time emmy nominated journalist)

As time wore on, the attention of the three men wandered from the company to focus increasingly on the constant round of parties they threw for a largely male group of friends. "You would go to the house," says another former employee, "and the door would be opened by this 15-year-old boy, and there would be teenage boys all over the place. It was very strange."

As their former lawyer points out, Marc Collins-Rector, Chad Shackley, and Brock Pierce have vanished. Like old-time grifters who drifted from town to town on the railroad, they have simply packed up their sample cases and gone away. Rumors circulating in L.A. have placed them in France, in Mexico, in Malaysia. Recently, according to the Los Angeles Times, the three men incorporated an Internet company in the British Virgin Islands. Though the agency delined to comment, the Federal Bureau of Investigation is now reportedly looking into some of the allegations against DEN's founders.


The men fled to Spain where they were arrested by Spanish police who found "enormous amounts of child ****" at their villa.

All three are likely to face Spanish charges, but US police have stated that Spain will let the US charge them first, according to the New York Post.

Collins-Rector, Shackley and Pierce already face a $4.5m default judgement over offences with teenaged boys in the Beverly Hills and west Los Angeles area dating back to the early 1990s, after losing a civil court case brought by victims.

There are also stories on from the LA Times, and New York Post.

Edited, Sat May 6 16:53:25 2006 by Broughden
#879 May 06 2006 at 3:51 PM Rating: Default
Vassa the Silent wrote:
I can really understand your point of view. I mean, if I worked at Circle K for $6.00 an hour, I'd be extremely jealous of the people that had the advantage to be "lazy and cheat" because they are spending their hard earned dollars on their hobby the way they want.. Afterall, they'd have what I want, and no way for me to get it without me playing for hundreds of hours.

Really harping on that fantasy of yours aren't ya Sparky?
Little self-stroking there? Tell me in all that time you spend in your TOP FIVE GUILDS where do you find the time to EARN all that money? I had no idea Circle K paid $6/hr. Is this first hand knowledge?

I am by no stretch of the imagination poor.

Nor am I jealous of your PHAT LEWTS Cheater. I come by my gear Honestly. Something YOU can't say.

Sure I can. I have one hell of a job.. For all you know it is first hand knowledge that Circle K pays $6.00 per hour.. For all you know I own three of them.. I work hard (maybe for three hours a day to go to the the accountants office and to make bank deposits) to earn my money in RL, then I honestly pay that money to someone who has played the game and wants to sell it for whatever reason, or I've paid money to someone who pays to play games for a living..

What's your point again? I must have missed it.

As I've said, you're a tool.. Quit while you're behind..
#880 May 06 2006 at 3:54 PM Rating: Decent
"The community of Alla's has been on a downhill slide to me for some time & this just stakes the heart. "


Last year the WoW forum, where I mostly live, was alive, creative, fun - we had crazy events like "trolling the o-boards" contests.

Then the main alla guild, KT, had a severe implosion. Also, they made their own site. A lot of the really crazy and fun (and intelligent) people left - either from burnout - or to the KT site - or ... they just left.

Now this sellout to IGE. Sure, I don't want to lose my Alla community. But rmt is wrong. Spitballs may not be against the law, but they are against the rules of baseball. Buying game money is cheating - period. I feel awful about this. I'm not quitting yet - but I don't feel good staying here, either.

I wish some rich gamer could create a new site for us.
#881 May 06 2006 at 3:55 PM Rating: Default
I don't see anything where it says Pierce was convicted.

The beauty of it all, anyone can be charged or accused of CRIMES. Please show me a link to convictions.

I realize the burden of proof in a civil action is far less than a criminal matter.. So please, show me a criminal conviction.

From what I'm seeing also in the articles, wasn't pierce like 18 at the time?

#882 May 06 2006 at 3:57 PM Rating: Decent

This virtual economy is blurring the line between fantasy and reality. A few years ago, online subscribers started competing with other players from around the world. And before long, many casual gamers started asking other people to baby-sit for their accounts, or play while they were away.

That has spawned the creation of hundreds - perhaps thousands - of online gaming factories here in China. By some estimates, there are well over 100,000 young people working in China as full-time gamers, toiling away in dark Internet cafes, abandoned warehouses, small offices and private homes.

Most of the players here actually make less than a quarter an hour, but they often get room, board and free computer game play in these "virtual sweatshops."

"It's unimaginable how big this is," says Chen Yu, 27, who employs 20 full-time gamers here in Fuzhou. "They say that in some of these popular games, 40 or 50 percent of the players are actually Chinese farmers."

For many online gamers, the point is no longer simply to play. Instead they hunt for the fanciest sword or the most potent charm, or seek a shortcut to the thrill of sparring at the highest level. And all of that is available - for a price.

"What we're seeing here is the emergence of virtual currencies and virtual economies," says Peter Ludlow, a longtime gamer and a professor of philosophy at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. "People are making real money here, so these games are becoming like real economies."

The Chinese government estimates that there are 24 million online gamers in China, meaning that nearly one in four Internet users here play online games.

And many online gaming factories have come to resemble the thousands of textile mills and toy factories that have moved here from Taiwan, Hong Kong and other parts of the world to take advantage of China's vast pool of cheap labor.
#883 May 06 2006 at 3:59 PM Rating: Decent

Uh scroll back up. You and I have already had this conversation about conviction.

Im posting for someone else now.

Are you like an IGE plant or something? Because you are starting to argue with EVERYONE...including me, and you and I already settled our disagreement. So do you want to repeat it or something?

Broc is not a ped0phile even though he lived with two, fled to Spain with two, and was busted in a villa full of child ****.

Oh and RMT isnt cheating!

Riiiiiiiight. :-/

Yeah you are an IGE mole/plant posting.

Edited, Sat May 6 17:07:23 2006 by Broughden
#884 May 06 2006 at 4:04 PM Rating: Default
Vassa the Silent wrote:

This virtual economy is blurring the line between fantasy and reality. A few years ago, online subscribers started competing with other players from around the world. And before long, many casual gamers started asking other people to baby-sit for their accounts, or play while they were away.

That has spawned the creation of hundreds - perhaps thousands - of online gaming factories here in China. By some estimates, there are well over 100,000 young people working in China as full-time gamers, toiling away in dark Internet cafes, abandoned warehouses, small offices and private homes.

Most of the players here actually make less than a quarter an hour, but they often get room, board and free computer game play in these "virtual sweatshops."

"It's unimaginable how big this is," says Chen Yu, 27, who employs 20 full-time gamers here in Fuzhou. "They say that in some of these popular games, 40 or 50 percent of the players are actually Chinese farmers."

For many online gamers, the point is no longer simply to play. Instead they hunt for the fanciest sword or the most potent charm, or seek a shortcut to the thrill of sparring at the highest level. And all of that is available - for a price.

"What we're seeing here is the emergence of virtual currencies and virtual economies," says Peter Ludlow, a longtime gamer and a professor of philosophy at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. "People are making real money here, so these games are becoming like real economies."

The Chinese government estimates that there are 24 million online gamers in China, meaning that nearly one in four Internet users here play online games.

And many online gaming factories have come to resemble the thousands of textile mills and toy factories that have moved here from Taiwan, Hong Kong and other parts of the world to take advantage of China's vast pool of cheap labor.

Now, why don't you give the rest of the true information. Which you have NO clue about. The real information that average income in China (a third world nation) - is .25 - .50 cents PER HOUR without food, room & board. Again, what's your point?
#885 May 06 2006 at 4:07 PM Rating: Default

You are such a tool..


I mean seriously, if they own this company now, they'd have access to the IP records here.. Could track you down really fast and make an example of you.

For all you know it is first hand knowledge that Circle K pays $6.00 per hour.. For all you know I own three of them.. I work hard (maybe for three hours a day to go to the the accountants office and to make bank deposits) to earn my money in RL,..

Nah, I have a pretty good clue that is NOT reality.

#886 May 06 2006 at 4:09 PM Rating: Default
Broughden wrote:

Uh scroll back up. You and I have already had this conversation about conviction.

Im posting for someone else now.

Are you like an IGE plant or something? Because you are starting to argue with EVERYONE...including me, and you and I already settled our disagreement. So do you want to repeat it or something?

Broc is not a ped0phile even though he lived with two, fled to Spain with two, and was busted in a villa full of child ****.

Oh and RMT isnt cheating!

Riiiiiiiight. :-/

Yeah you are an IGE mole/plant posting.

Edited, Sat May 6 17:07:23 2006 by Broughden

Don't speculate. I'm just bored.. I'm raiding and on Skype with my friends.. We are laughing about how easily the thread was jacked..

Maybe Brock is a twink and he likes boys and geting fondled by the two guys he lives with. Who cares? Do you know first hand? If not, why don't you just stop. What I asked was when you said those things were to SHOW ME proof. That's all I want to see.

Domo just got owned, and Rag should be one shotted shortly.. Then I gotta go.. So lets finish this up within the next hour or so..

#887 May 06 2006 at 4:09 PM Rating: Good
Thanks for making my point Gildaman, that the Alla's community is virtually dead. We can't even rate your posts down to make you just go away.
#888 May 06 2006 at 4:13 PM Rating: Default
Aeolwind wrote:
Thanks for making my point Gildaman, that the Alla's community is virtually dead. We can't even rate your posts down to make you just go away.

Aren't you the clever one? You're right.. I'll stop posting here.. This is boring be beyond tears.. I'm going to go to the NO GOLD sites and find out why they make articles to posts that go to sites that support RMT. In theory, they shouldn't be posting those links, because if they don't support sites that support RMT, then by default they should not be supported either.

Sigh, it's just an RMT world.
#889 May 06 2006 at 4:13 PM Rating: Default
Again, what's your point?

That you are a LAZY CHEATER who makes up for his incompetence by paying slave wages to someone else to play a game for him.

Whats so hard to understand Circle jerK?

#890 May 06 2006 at 4:22 PM Rating: Default
Vassa the Silent wrote:
Again, what's your point?

That you are a LAZY CHEATER who makes up for his incompetence by paying slave wages to someone else to play a game for him.

Whats so hard to understand Circle jerK?

TSK TSK.. I just paid $460.00 for the 10K gold I received about 4 hours ago. What country are those slave wages in?

Let's see.. With your last post you were spewing that the professional gamers that make .50 cents an hour (on par for labor costs in their country - NOT THE USA) - if they worked 8 hours they made $4.00 hmm..

So in effect, I just bought them 115 days of life, liberty and the pursuit of defection to a country where the standard of living is better. Since the item I bought is 9200 Gold, I will need another 10K tomorrow probably.. which if I double that, will give them the same things for 2/3 a year.. and if I buy more gold I can pay for that one farmer to live for a year..

Damn -- I'm doing my part to help out their economy! You're playing a game for as many hours as you are and you're not getting paid for it? Maybe you're a sucker.. Farming gold has to be better than slinging slush puppies though.. Right?
#891 May 06 2006 at 4:28 PM Rating: Default

That you are a LAZY CHEATER who makes up for his incompetence by paying slave wages to someone else to play a game for him.

Whats so hard to understand Circle jerK?

Just drop it the guy is obviously trolling. He has 25 posts to his name and they are ALL in this thread....trying to defend RMTing and cheating.
#892 May 06 2006 at 4:30 PM Rating: Decent
41 posts

I feel very sorry that you openly exploit your position as a Circle K owner, and how meaningless your employees are. I hope that you do not treat your staff the way you loosely speak here, make them feel as inferior humans in the job they do and the life they give you. I personaly would be ashamed if my superiors ever spoke of my crew like this and how they are so insignificant. I fear for the other Franchisees that have Circle K's, because you have your head in the clouds and cannot stop and accept reality. Do you have good values or morals. I would question your friends that are laughing with you now, and concern myself with are all of us fed by our parents with 3 Circle K's on a silver spoon? so I can comment on how "so-n-so" is a loser through my posts and waste my time in a virtual game to prove to everyone that my money can buy me my friends. Maybe you should start a fraternal organization for your friends in the RMT business and you can all brag about how much money you have to blow on fake money. Hey I think I have a monopoly game that I don't play, wanna buy my monopoly money? Anyways get off this thread please, you are a nuisance and under everyone's skin. Wow, I must mention I think you have inspired everyone again with your impressive group of friends, chillin out at the owners house of the circle K, damn to live the life jacking threads....... I cannot believe that you have the notion of down playing your own employees, I hope to never live such a life as you brag about; my friends, family, and myself would be ashamed of what you brag about.
#893 May 06 2006 at 4:32 PM Rating: Default
locowedo wrote:

I feel very sorry that you openly exploit your position as a Circle K owner, and how meaningless your employees are. I hope that you do not treat your staff the way you loosely speak here, make them feel as inferior humans in the job they do and the life they give you. I personaly would be ashamed if my superiors ever spoke of my crew like this and how they are so insignificant. I fear for the other Franchisees that have Circle K's, because you have your head in the clouds and cannot stop and accept reality. Do you have good values or morals. I would question your friends that are laughing with you now, and concern myself with are all of us fed by our parents with 3 Circle K's on a silver spoon? so I can comment on how "so-n-so" is a loser through my posts and waste my time in a virtual game to prove to everyone that my money can buy me my friends. Maybe you should start a fraternal organization for your friends in the RMT business and you can all brag about how much money you have to blow on fake money. Hey I think I have a monopoly game that I don't play, wanna buy my monopoly money? Anyways get off this thread please, you are a nuisance and under everyone's skin. Wow, I must mention I think you have inspired everyone again with your impressive group of friends, chillin out at the owners house of the circle K, damn to live the life jacking threads....... I cannot believe that you have the notion of down playing your own employees, I hope to never live such a life as you brag about; my friends, family, and myself would be ashamed of what you brag about.

What do I say to that? Thanks? Believe it? I should fear my maker on judgement day?

#894 May 06 2006 at 4:36 PM Rating: Default
SK TSK.. I just paid $460.00 for the 10K gold

Since the item I bought is 9200 Gold, I will need another 10K tomorrow probably.


Gonna make you an E-Peen Hero?

#895 May 06 2006 at 4:40 PM Rating: Default
Vassa the Silent wrote:
SK TSK.. I just paid $460.00 for the 10K gold

Since the item I bought is 9200 Gold, I will need another 10K tomorrow probably.


Gonna make you an E-Peen Hero?

Was a trinket actually! (A uber rare purple one at that)

Don't worry noob - When your ADD stops affecting your play - and you learn what end game is all about.. Then your opinion might make a difference!

Satai Level 13 Tauren Hunter on Earthen Ring
Kraymond Level 17 Night Elf Hunter on Earthen Ring
Billabull Level 8 Tauren Shaman on Earthen Ring
Lueana Level 12 Night Elf Druid on Earthen Ring
Hamson Level 9 Dwarf Paladin on Whisperwind
Klang Level 13 Dwarf Hunter on Whisperwind
Glurga Level 14 Undead Mage on Whisperwind
Karag Level 18 Orc Warlock on Whisperwind
Brant Level 14 Human Warlock on Whisperwind
Kaisarbrute Level 17 Orc Hunter on Whisperwind
Adobe Level 7 Gnome Warlock on Whisperwind
Tetanka Level 6 Tauren Hunter on Whisperwind
Ratori Level 25 Troll Shaman on Feathermoon
Snowhoof Level 21 Tauren Hunter on Feathermoon
Burloc Level 12 Orc Warlock on Feathermoon
Muralla Level 36 Night Elf Hunter on Feathermoon
Salara Level 21 Gnome Warlock on Feathermoon
Lythandra Level 26 Night Elf Hunter on Feathermoon

#896 May 06 2006 at 4:45 PM Rating: Decent
Why isn't this thread locked this is going way out of hand.
It's a pure flamewar with no winning in the end so please lock it.
#897 May 06 2006 at 4:48 PM Rating: Default
Don't worry noob - When your ADD stops affecting your play - and you learn what end game is all about.. Then your opinion might make a difference!

What would you know about PLAYING? You pay someone else to do it for you.

#898 May 06 2006 at 4:56 PM Rating: Default
Vassa the Silent wrote:
Don't worry noob - When your ADD stops affecting your play - and you learn what end game is all about.. Then your opinion might make a difference!

What would you know about PLAYING? You pay someone else to do it for you.

Wrong again (that seems to be your general theme) -- I don't pay anyone to level my character. That's called powerlevelling (Should I invoice you for the education here) in the RMT economy.

I prefer to level my characters myself so I can enjoy learning the zones and seeing the different terrain.

Don't distort what I've said - I never said I pay anyone to play my character - what I have said is I buy currency to enjoy to play the game the way I want to play.

#899 May 06 2006 at 5:04 PM Rating: Default
what I have said is I buy currency to enjoy to play the game the way I want to play.

Demonstrating you are INCAPABLE of actually playing the game as it was meant to be played. Were you the type of guy that never played DOOM without the cheat codes?

Gildaman, I would like to thank you for playing the starring role in my little morality play called "Here's why Gold buyers are such losers." You truly shined in the part. First class E-Peen heroics. Fantastic!


Edited, Sat May 6 18:05:33 2006 by Vassa
#900 May 06 2006 at 5:14 PM Rating: Default
Vassa the Silent wrote:
what I have said is I buy currency to enjoy to play the game the way I want to play.

Demonstrating you are INCAPABLE of actually playing the game as it was meant to be played. Were you the type of guy that never played DOOM without the cheat codes?

Gildaman, I would like to thank you for playing the starring role in my little morality play called "Here's why Gold buyers are such losers." You truly shined in the part. First class E-Peen heroics. Fantastic!


Edited, Sat May 6 18:05:33 2006 by Vassa

OK geek.. lol

Never played single player games like doom, doom 2 etc.... only played DM.. (Online incase you don't understand" -- Guess you wouldn't understand things like modem clients like "sir doom" and mod/level packs like dwango.. So won't even get into it..

Vassa -- I'd like to return the favor and thank you for proving the point that I made to a few of my guildmates.. That if you throw in noob and some words that attack someones feeling of self worth or self esteem, they'll come back at you to try and make themselves look better..

You've replied over 10 times to me.. You've now earned me a bet of 2K gold.. lol

You're amusing.

Anyway .. Rag's down.. It's been fun playing with you..

Have a great evening, and even a better life.. (My offer still stands about washing my rims though) -- I will pay in gold..

Gildaman (AKA Guild AMan)

#901 May 06 2006 at 5:14 PM Rating: Decent

What's funny is that people don't understand the idea of a parent company. The company that owns IGE could also own Merck and create the cure for cancer. Would you not support the cure for cancer because the company that owns it also owns IGE? It's a parent company. They own things. Hell, Phillip-Morris owns Kraft and Marlboro! Buy our Easy-Mac, smoke our cigarettes.

100% good point. you can't just choose to hate alla you must hate all. which brings me back to. you may nolonger play SONY produced or sold games. since they sell plate/accounts


Who can suggest a new EQ/WoW site to replace Alla for all we players who refuse to support IGE?

you don tget it you are refusing to support alla not IGE. alla has complete control. he has given you years of excellent service. he doesnt deserve this.

Why not go whine about the gas prices.. lord know there heck... 4$ average in the us and 7$ a ga in the UK


I'm still not happy with the site being connected to IGE, but ill wait and see how things go before just getting up and leaving. If IGE and the site become closely affiliated though.. well, you get the idea.

United states schools are funded and powered by the US lottery. are you going to pull your kids out of school because they are funded by something that tears families apart and ruins lives?


while so many people are cancelling accounts - what would it take for you to stop posting and stab yourself in the face? if it's just as simple as allakhazam selling out to iranian terrorists or something, lemme know, because I'll try to arrange it.

Because he didnt sell out. he found a way to provide better services to us yet keeping the same promises.


Almost every post from you demonstrates your ignorance -and- your assholish tendencies. You really should only be one or the other.

Actually my posts have reason and sense. and quite frankly unlike you uses intelligent words instead of unintelligent insults. It also offers proof as to why if you hate alla you need to stop play sony games.


I'm not even going to get in to the difference between cancelling a card and disputing charges, or the station exchange and ige...

You cancel a card that has yet to be charged by the company yet they gave you these services. you entered into by a legally binding contract. You sir would be a fraud and not a very nice person and why most services cost and arm and a leg to purchase.


One of the contracts we have is our privacy policy which specifically states that we will not sell your information. Thus, they can't violate that policy.

No it is a legally binding contract. privacy policies CANNOT be changed without first contacting all effected persons and allowing them to discontinue their services and choose weather or not to allow the ocmpany to disclose. if a company does and doesnt have your consent you may file charges against them.


How can I get a refund of my recent Premium renewal?

IDEA, you wait and see where this all goes during your services. I think alla has been good enough to his word to believe him when he says no selling no privacy leaks and he will remember those he started with.


Fine. If Philip Morris had a cure for cancer, would you not buy it because they gave you cancer in the first place? Let's clarify something. IGE doesn't OWN Allakhazam. The people that own IGE own Allakhazam. What's the difference? Well, first and foremost it means that IGE's bullsh*t won't end up on Alla's forums.

EXACTLY. this goes back to my server space and guy A,B,C senerios. Web owners give their sites the ability to do AS they please. they donot CONTROL them if they dont want to.


IGE will probably have allakhazam adds..... bringing a sh*tstorm of @#%^tards here

So? alla has strict rules. if anyof them wanna remain then they will follow those rules. he was given full control over and people must respect the rules.


Nonetheless, I will reiterate somewhat. The sky is not falling. IGE is not taking over Allakhazam. There will be no connection whatsoever between IGE and The two networks are run by different management teams and will have no interaction in any way. We will be running the site in the same way we always have, including banning all RMT ads and promotions. The only thing that is changing is that we will have far more resources to develop better features, add more staff and keep things even more up to date. Trust me. This is a good thing for everyone. Give us some time to show you what we can do with this and I think you will ultimately be amazed and happy.

And if you turn your back on that after all the years of service and trust alla has providded/gained... I pity you. I sure as heck dont wanna be your husband/wife then... who knows what you would do after a few years of marriage


LOL Why are so many of you that swear you are leaving, all up in arms over this merger, still here posting?

I tend to agree.. why whine why not just leave? I believe in the hearts of ,most of these people they want to give the site a chance... but they also wanna look good as to not be persacuted by their peers..... we are not in highschool.. who cares what people think about you.


This is certainly no defense of Feba, but you guys keep telling him to prove that Allakhazam and IGE are owned by the same parent company.

Who cares who owns what..... most of your favorite foods and items are owned by a QUESTIONABLE parent company. thats how the world works.

Google & MSN aren't gaming websites - they dont know any better and there is no conflict of interest. Allakhazam is a gaming website and they do know better and it is a conflict of interest for them to belong to a group that damages the gaming community in the manner that IGE does.
[/QUOTE] is a gmaing site owned by sony. they sell plat and accounts. you support sony. So infact you are hypocritical no?

You didn't see me or anyone for that matter on threads saying how bad someone sucks because they don't buy items/gold to save them time. You don't see anyone saying how foolish they are for not spending $50.00 or $100.00 to save countless hours of gridning.

Sony believes in this... do YOU play games created by sony?

Actually do you use ANYTHING created by sony? since sony allows buying/selling and does it.

It is the SAME thing as alla being 'near' a company that does it

Except you're cheating. And cheating is what pisses everyone off

How is buying and selling cheating? when game compnaies are doing it themselves as extra services. if they allow it then it isnt cheating is it?

And in truth if you dislike IGE you must like was said dislike sony AND google. I myself use adsense for my eq site. the firts 500 ads were of you know? PLAT SELLERS yea they utilize google alot. it takes alot of work to filter out all the sites that pertain to that.


[]click on STATION EXCHANGE. all the proof you need that if you hate buying/selling plat/accounts that you must stop using all things related to SONY just like you are against all.[/]

this means

no ps/ps2/ps3
no ps games
no sony made music
no sony made movies
no pc games
no sites
you can;t even go into sears because sears is affiliated and sponsored BY many compnaies one including sony.

and since sears sells the following you cant buy them because they are affiliated with sony.

Craftsman tools
any brand of tv
xbox and all the games
any type of appliance.

I can keep going because it still filters because sears is affiliated with companies like MAYTAG and GOODYEAR and RCA and plenty of other major and minor brands. therefore according to your arguement you bascially cant even own a house because that house couldve been built with craftsman tools bought from sears or an affiliate.

Edited, Sat May 6 18:17:45 2006 by Spre
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