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#852 May 06 2006 at 2:32 PM Rating: Decent
Ok, I see your links.

Now show me links of where Brock Pierce was convicted. Show me where he served jail time for a conviction and a jury of his peers convicted him. Please. I'm patient.

Don't know about you, but I live in America. In this country, everyone is innocent until proven guilty. So please, take a few more moments of your time and show this to me - I must have missed this.

Thanks in advance.

If you live in the US as well then you know in many circumstances money buys "innocence".

Do innocent men live in a mansion full of teen age boys for your two business partners pleasure?

Do innocent men get found at fault by numerous civil trials of rape, sodomy and death threats against teen boys?

Do innocent men flee the country when they "think" the FBI might be after them?

Are innocent men busted by Spanish authorities in a house "full" of child pornography?

Maybe one occurence...yes. But ALL of them? :-/ I dont think so.

All of these things were reported by main stream professionalmedia outlets...who tend to check their facts so they dont get sued for libel.
#853 May 06 2006 at 2:34 PM Rating: Decent
Vassa the Silent wrote:
I'm sure you have a ton of bucks - I'll drive my S55 over to the carwash that you work at so you can give it a an extra special rinse.. Don't lie about the 5 - 10 hours.. You know you play more. You're just in denial. If you only play 5 - 10 hours (an average of a little more than an hour a day) - and you are into board warrioring, explaining how "anti gold selling" you are.. Then you're either a liar, a geek or someone who's in denial.. Wait, I'm sure it's all of the above..

Freudian Projection
"A defense mechanism in which the individual attributes to other people impulses and traits that he himself has but cannot accept. It is especially likely to occur when the person lacks insight into his own impulses and traits."
I am a person with Integrity. I know that is HARD that is for you to understand lazy cheater. I play on my days off usually 2 to 3 hours each day 3 days a week.

Gold sellers EXPLOIT the poverty of others by selling IMAGINARY GOLD to LAZY CHEATERS who stroke themselves about how IMPORTANT THEY ARE.

Its called CHEATING and no matter how much you whine EVERYBODY else does it, it will not make it any more HONEST.

No, incorrect again.. That is your interpretation of the RMT which you are entitled to. However, you were the one whom needed to thrust your opinion with the heard (follower) of this thread.

While the gold is imaginary or virtual, the time that it takes to acquire is not. Just because you are poverty stricken, quite frankly, is not my care or concern. I told you, I'll give you money (or gold if you prefer) to do an extra special job on the rims of my S55.. However, there is NOTHING dishonest about it. I'm glad you have your integrity, I have the items and things that I want to satisy MY need for MY hobby. Sure, I understand you're a failure in life, and a failure in the game.. Sure, I can even understand how you feel to be looking in through the outdoor so to speak.. I mean, all the people with money to spend on items and gold are evil, because they HAVE and YOU don't! SHAME ON THEM!

Welcome to America buddy.. Suck it up, or zip it up.. Either way, you lose (probably because your gear sucks!)


#854 May 06 2006 at 2:36 PM Rating: Decent

I understand your point. But like I asked, please show me a link that has a conviction for Brock Pierce.

I sure can't find one.
#855 May 06 2006 at 2:38 PM Rating: Default
4,400 posts
Gildaman, I agreed with everything you said, until you basically said everyone who doesn't buy RMT is a failure at life.

**** off.

#856 May 06 2006 at 2:46 PM Rating: Decent
41 posts
Can anyone please explain to me how the measures of accomplishment in gildaman's life has anything to do with this thread?

I hope that your success in your e-life does not deter the real topic in this thread. Please take it somewhere else, I want to read points that have to do with where Alla is going in real life, not really anything about what you can/cannot tell us you have accomplished.
Wow! I do not care about you or what you have or how you can, without any knowledge tell someone to wash your rims, because of your extreme superiority!


Now please drop your elitism. We are not worthy to be in an off-topic thread with you, your degree, your truck, or any of your other success stories. For all I care go make your 3 AM infomercial so we can all bask in your glorious life and learn how to be as succesful as you. I may even buy your DVD.

#857 May 06 2006 at 2:48 PM Rating: Default
That was directed at him and the supporters
Erawyn wrote:
Gildaman, I agreed with everything you said, until you basically said everyone who doesn't buy RMT is a failure at life.

**** off.

Didn't mean for it to come out towards everyone. But I do direct it at him and people that have taken the stance that everyone that strongly believes the way he does - classifying everyone who particpates in the RMT business as failures and cheats. That's just not so.

Please accept my apologies if I offended you.

IMHO - people can play their game and enjoy their hobby any way they want to. That's what it's all about afterall.. Isn't it?

You didn't see me or anyone for that matter on threads saying how bad someone sucks because they don't buy items/gold to save them time. You don't see anyone saying how foolish they are for not spending $50.00 or $100.00 to save countless hours of gridning.

It's people that push their way of thinking on to other people that I'm at odds with here. If people don't choose to play the way I do, (and many many others) - then great.. Don't play that way. Why is there a need to post how bad some people are? If you are going to cancel your membership here, and you are going to stop reading and posting here because Alla took a business opportunity to make sure this site stays amongst the best - then GO. Just stop posting, and get out of here. Who cares if you are going to cancel. The deal seems to have been inked. There's nothing anyone can do about it. This isn't up for vote on who likes it, or who doesn't -- this is not a reader poll. Alla seems to have been quite proud of making an arrangement here and trying to inform the people he's worked his *** off for (for years) that awesome things are going to take place.. New servers, more staff, more information. This is why we all come to these sites isn't it?

Seriously Erawyn, I didn't mean to ruffle your feathers.. It really wasn't directed at you. It was directed mainly at the other guy who's been going tit-for-tat with me.. Please, don't take offense to it..

Gildman --
#858 May 06 2006 at 2:49 PM Rating: Default
locowedo wrote:
Can anyone please explain to me how the measures of accomplishment in gildaman's life has anything to do with this thread?

I hope that your success in your e-life does not deter the real topic in this thread. Please take it somewhere else, I want to read points that have to do with where Alla is going in real life, not really anything about what you can/cannot tell us you have accomplished.
Wow! I do not care about you or what you have or how you can, without any knowledge tell someone to wash your rims, because of your extreme superiority!


Now please drop your elitism. We are not worthy to be in an off-topic thread with you, your degree, your truck, or any of your other success stories. For all I care go make your 3 AM infomercial so we can all bask in your glorious life and learn how to be as succesful as you. I may even buy your DVD.


OK, if I did, and promised I wouldn't have anything to do with RMT would you buy? If I did have RMT advertising, would it stop you? Seriously.. If the infomercial and my DVD were totally kick ***.. If it gave you everything you wanted to know about what it was supposed to do..

I'm going to start work on this now "Board Warriors and their denial" --

Edited, Sat May 6 15:52:11 2006 by gildaman
#859 May 06 2006 at 2:55 PM Rating: Decent


IMHO - people can play their game and enjoy their hobby any way they want to.

Except you're cheating. And cheating is what pisses everyone off. You can't take roids in sports, you can't put nitrous in your NASCAR, you can't do a lot of things in a lot of games and RMT happens to be one of them. THAT is why people give gilbuyers a hard time. You're cheaters, you should be given a hard time.
#860 May 06 2006 at 2:57 PM Rating: Decent
While the gold is imaginary or virtual, the time that it takes to acquire is not. Just because you are poverty stricken, quite frankly, is not my care or concern. I told you, I'll give you money (or gold if you prefer) to do an extra special job on the rims of my S55.. However, there is NOTHING dishonest about it. I'm glad you have your integrity, I have the items and things that I want to satisy MY need for MY hobby. Sure, I understand you're a failure in life, and a failure in the game.. Sure, I can even understand how you feel to be looking in through the outdoor so to speak.. I mean, all the people with money to spend on items and gold are evil, because they HAVE and YOU don't! SHAME ON THEM!

Holy **** are you pathetic!

#861 May 06 2006 at 2:58 PM Rating: Decent
87 posts
for some reason, reading all this reminds me of when G4 bought TechTV and all the promises we got from there. we all know where those went, don't we?
#862 May 06 2006 at 3:06 PM Rating: Decent
41 posts
No, I do not see a purchase in the future, I am content with where my life is going, but I thank you for your guidance.

Back to the thread-point;

Can this be solved by a few simple answers by the admins.
With the merger that has occured, will this set of sites support RMT?
Will its mission statement be similar to that of other RMT sites?
Will my participation on the threads be supporting RMT and the businesses behind them?
Will their still be the true integrity that has been in Alla in the past?
Will you be able to maintain the strict guidlines and rules that you have in the past?

I think, a straight forward and honest answer is deserved by all users of these sites. Please answer the questions and inform users of your stance, so that we may make an educated decision on facts and not open-ended statements. All we ask for is the truth so we may be informed of your decisions and the future of Alla.
#863 May 06 2006 at 3:11 PM Rating: Decent
Materous the Sly wrote:


IMHO - people can play their game and enjoy their hobby any way they want to.

Except you're cheating. And cheating is what pisses everyone off. You can't take roids in sports, you can't put nitrous in your NASCAR, you can't do a lot of things in a lot of games and RMT happens to be one of them. THAT is why people give gilbuyers a hard time. You're cheaters, you should be given a hard time.

Wrong, steroids are illegal - by law without a prescription.

There is nothing Illegal about this.

Companies like IGE aren't the bad people here. If the companies really wanted to stop it, then prove it's a violation of their IP rights, and shut them down. It will NEVER happen. It's impossible. If there is ANYONE that people should be totally pissed off at, it should be SOE - Sony gave 100% validity to the existance of the secondary market. Station Exchange was the BEST thing that could have happened to their industry. A major publisher acknowledged that there was/is and WILL BE a tremendous demand for these types of services and/or items. For the record I will not ever play a SOE game again (not because of RMT, but because their support sucks as do their games) -

In my view, as I've said previsouly (this is my view) - that people should be able to use the items they spend their time and money to earn, develop or acquire any way they so choose. While it's certainly not illegal to be involved with RMT in any way, it's frowned upon. I acknowledge this, and I've made the decision that this is how I enjoy to play the games I have time for.

It's probably a good thing that companies that are involved with this do have integrity. If not, I'd cringe about the people they could make really look bad - the ones that come out against it (so they can fit in with the crowd) - but are easily trackable because of their sig files that have had items delivered to them..

Don't hate.. Just go back to hacking and slashing, and buying gold when your item doesn't make you smile anymore and you can't get into the "elitist" guilds because you're not on par..

Most of all, enjoy the game the way YOU want to enjoy it. Just don't infringe upon anyone elses fun by blasting them for what they want to do..

In all reality, it's no different if you're in a large guild, and your GM is giving you gold, weapons or items. Sure, you are more fortunate than most, but is that cheating? Is it cheating because it's being handed to you? Is it different if you have a level 60 and your friend comes to the server, and you give him a 1000 gold to start off his level 1.. What's the difference? So I don't know anyone here, I want the same thing.. I can afford 1000 gold.. Big deal.. Who really cares..

It's not like the items were DUPED -- EXPLOITING the game because of a bug. The gold and items in these games were farmed by someone. Who cares. I'm paying them for their time. Just like I would pay ANY employee to do a job for me.

Let me understand and say it one more time just to understand..

If I bring my level 1 to Server A, horde side.. My friend whom is in an uber guild gives me 1000 gold or 2000 gold to help catch up.. Or the killer sword, or armor so I don't get killed as easily.. That's ok..

But if I don't know someone on a server, but I want to play there.. I spend $100.00 of my own money, to get that 1000 or 2000 gold to get that killer sword, or armor so I don't get killed so easily.. That's bad?

You know what I say?

Bull****. I can play anyway I choose to.

#864 May 06 2006 at 3:13 PM Rating: Decent
Vassa the Silent wrote:
While the gold is imaginary or virtual, the time that it takes to acquire is not. Just because you are poverty stricken, quite frankly, is not my care or concern. I told you, I'll give you money (or gold if you prefer) to do an extra special job on the rims of my S55.. However, there is NOTHING dishonest about it. I'm glad you have your integrity, I have the items and things that I want to satisy MY need for MY hobby. Sure, I understand you're a failure in life, and a failure in the game.. Sure, I can even understand how you feel to be looking in through the outdoor so to speak.. I mean, all the people with money to spend on items and gold are evil, because they HAVE and YOU don't! SHAME ON THEM!

Holy **** are you pathetic!

Hmm, I don't see any of my posts where I whined about poverty.

Ssshh.. Don't want to make you cry now :( I'll stop picking on you, just stop replying, zip it and go somewhere elese to prove how bad gold buyers are!
#865 May 06 2006 at 3:14 PM Rating: Default
You know what I say?

Bull****. I can play anyway I choose to.

And you choose to be lazy and cheat.

Just admit it.

#866 May 06 2006 at 3:16 PM Rating: Excellent
2,000 posts
Most people are still missing the point.

The problem is not that Allakhazam and IGE are now associated, the problem is that previously the ultimate decisions regarding what happens to this site were made by people who cared a great deal about this community, and from this point forward they will be made by a holding company that cares about nothing more than the bottom line.

The company I work for was recently purchesed for in excess of 3.2 billion dollars in cash and stock. Before the acquisition the purchasing company assured all levels of management that absolute care would be taken to ensure that the customers would not be impacted negatively unless a particular change was absolutely necessary.

Our collections goals ranged from 22-28 million dollars per month, and a good portion of these payments were made by credit card rather than check because our customer's preferred the convenience and rewards offered by credit card companies. Recently the people who acquired us announced that we would no longer be accepting credit card payments for product that had already been shipped (ie was not prepaid but invoiced at Net 30 terms), despite the negative impact this would have on the customers. The reason? The purchasing company was reluctant to pay the 2% fee collected by Amex, Visa, and Mastercard on all payments.

Basically, to the purchasing company that 2% was of greater concern than the inconvenience and irritation experienced by our customers as a result of the change. Granted, with the acquisition came a dramatic increase in our R&D budget and many other positive changes, just as I'm sure Allakhazam is excited about the new servers and other benefits this acquisition will make possible, but eventually he will find changes being made that negatively affect this community in a very real way, and he will be powerless to stop them.

When the people who make the final decisions are concerned with profit more than their customers, it is just a matter of time before the quality and integrity of the goods and services they provide deteriorates. I have seen it countless times in business acquisitions, and we will all be seeing it happen to this community somewhere down the road.
#867 May 06 2006 at 3:18 PM Rating: Default
4,400 posts
Gildaman wrote:
Seriously Erawyn, I didn't mean to ruffle your feathers.. It really wasn't directed at you. It was directed mainly at the other guy who's been going tit-for-tat with me.. Please, don't take offense to it..

I don't support RMT, but I don't condemn it either, especially since the fact tha game I play hires GMs from a company that supports RMT. They wash each other's hands, if you get my drift. I don't buy online currency, party because of morales, partly because I think it's stupid to buy online currency, and partly because I'm a broke *** college student using loans and financial aid to pay for my tuition. But hey, to each their own. You wanna support RMT, fine by me. I'm just using these forums as an excuse to procrastinate my research paper.
#868 May 06 2006 at 3:22 PM Rating: Default
Hmm, I don't see any of my posts where I whined about poverty.

Not YOUR poverty numbnuts. The poverty of the people being paid pennies an hour by the RMT companies like IGE to farm, bot, dupe and exploit A GAME so you can boost your ego with that BIG E-PEEN SWORD.

#869 May 06 2006 at 3:26 PM Rating: Decent
Vassa the Silent wrote:
You know what I say?

Bull****. I can play anyway I choose to.

And you choose to be lazy and cheat.

Just admit it.

I choose to work at a real job, and spend the money I earn to enjoy the hobby I play the way I want to.

You going to take me up on the bumper sticker offer?

I can really understand your point of view. I mean, if I worked at Circle K for $6.00 an hour, I'd be extremely jealous of the people that had the advantage to be "lazy and cheat" because they are spending their hard earned dollars on their hobby the way they want.. Afterall, they'd have what I want, and no way for me to get it without me playing for hundreds of hours.

Since you'd be playing for all that time, you're not lazy. Is that the point you're trying to make?

So please, spin the last thing I've said..

You have a friend on an established server, you create a new character to play.. He gives you 1000 gold. -- That's not cheating? Or is it?

You'd turn it down, because it's dishonest.. I'm sure you would.. Right?

So please, again, explain to me what the difference is with that scenario.. Taking items/gold from a friend, or paying someone or a company that spent their time to get what I wanted?

#870 May 06 2006 at 3:26 PM Rating: Decent
Most people are still missing the point.

The problem is not that Allakhazam and IGE are now associated, the problem is that previously the ultimate decisions regarding what happens to this site were made by people who cared a great deal about this community, and from this point forward they will be made by a holding company that cares about nothing more than the bottom line.

I would agree, people are missing the point. But more importantly than the gold the fact that the guy who owns IGE, and hence owns this site, is a blood sucking parasite and PED0PHILE!

Edited, Sat May 6 16:33:57 2006 by Broughden
#871 May 06 2006 at 3:29 PM Rating: Decent
4,400 posts
I would agree, people are missing the point. But more importantly than the gold the fact that the guy who owns IGE, and hence owns this site, is a blood ducking parasite and PED0PHILE!

Proof please. Show me something reputable, not something posting on a personal blog.
#872 May 06 2006 at 3:29 PM Rating: Decent
akirussan wrote:
Most people are still missing the point.

The problem is not that Allakhazam and IGE are now associated, the problem is that previously the ultimate decisions regarding what happens to this site were made by people who cared a great deal about this community, and from this point forward they will be made by a holding company that cares about nothing more than the bottom line.

The company I work for was recently purchesed for in excess of 3.2 billion dollars in cash and stock. Before the acquisition the purchasing company assured all levels of management that absolute care would be taken to ensure that the customers would not be impacted negatively unless a particular change was absolutely necessary.

Our collections goals ranged from 22-28 million dollars per month, and a good portion of these payments were made by credit card rather than check because our customer's preferred the convenience and rewards offered by credit card companies. Recently the people who acquired us announced that we would no longer be accepting credit card payments for product that had already been shipped (ie was not prepaid but invoiced at Net 30 terms), despite the negative impact this would have on the customers. The reason? The purchasing company was reluctant to pay the 2% fee collected by Amex, Visa, and Mastercard on all payments.

Basically, to the purchasing company that 2% was of greater concern than the inconvenience and irritation experienced by our customers as a result of the change. Granted, with the acquisition came a dramatic increase in our R&D budget and many other positive changes, just as I'm sure Allakhazam is excited about the new servers and other benefits this acquisition will make possible, but eventually he will find changes being made that negatively affect this community in a very real way, and he will be powerless to stop them.

When the people who make the final decisions are concerned with profit more than their customers, it is just a matter of time before the quality and integrity of the goods and services they provide deteriorates. I have seen it countless times in business acquisitions, and we will all be seeing it happen to this community somewhere down the road.


I don't see where Alla said he was walking away - that he sold out. He got his coin and he's done. What I do see is that he seems to be genuinely excited about what's in store for something he built from the ground up..

I don't care that IGE has a piece of this.. What I care about (like you it seems) is that you get what you expect from the site.. I'm going to give it some time, and see what transpires here.. I'm betting it works out well, and everyone will be extremely happy (excpet for the OMG IGE IS EVIL people) - especially if what Alla said was going to happen around here is going to happen..

I think if Alla WAS walking away- then we'd have alot of concern.. Alla - this isn't what's happening is it?

I think we are all going to be really pleased.
#873 May 06 2006 at 3:30 PM Rating: Decent

Wrong, steroids are illegal - by law without a prescription.

Fine. Other examples of cheating include blood doping, running outside of the baselines, the nitrous example I've already given, using shoes with thicker soles than regulation in a basketball game. You're not allowed to give money to refs, you can't take uppers before a game (even legal ones), or spitting on the ball before throwing it. You can't put adhesive on a wide receiver's hands, longer spikes on a running backs cleats, or bug your opponent's locker room. Cheating is cheating, jackass. Every time you log into the game you agree to the terms of service that specifically say that you cannot use RMT in any way. It's a contract, you should read it sometime.


While it's certainly not illegal to be involved with RMT in any way,

Technically SE can sue every user for breach of contract, who uses RMT. IGE can't be stopped because they are a fence. Technically IGE doesn't HAVE the money, private individuals do and they are just connected through IGE for a "finder's fee". Fences never touch stolen property and IGE wouldn't operate any differently. Just because you haven't been prosecuted doesn't mean you haven't done anything illegal. Sometimes people just do cost/benefit analysis and realize it's not worth it.
#874 May 06 2006 at 3:34 PM Rating: Default
Vassa the Silent wrote:
Hmm, I don't see any of my posts where I whined about poverty.

Not YOUR poverty numbnuts. The poverty of the people being paid pennies an hour by the RMT companies like IGE to farm, bot, dupe and exploit A GAME so you can boost your ego with that BIG E-PEEN SWORD.

Ok hotshot -- show me ANY proof that IGE in fact OWNS any farming studios. Show me PROOF that they just don't buy their items from resellers, and players (I've sold all of my old accounts and currency to them) --

By the way -- if I were you I'd be really careful about the libelous remarks you are saying about IGE -- Incinuating that they like to BOT/DUPE/EXPLOIT --

I mean seriously, if they own this company now, they'd have access to the IP records here.. Could track you down really fast and make an example of you.

So PLEASE show me WHERE you are speaking from FACT and not your OPINION.

Please, also show me proof that everything you buy from Walmart, Sears, Best Buy, Target, ETC ETC ETC is ALL MADE IN AMERICA --

I bet whomever does own the new company is laughing his/her/their asses off. IGE > BORG

You are such a tool..

#875 May 06 2006 at 3:39 PM Rating: Default
Materous the Sly wrote:

Wrong, steroids are illegal - by law without a prescription.

Fine. Other examples of cheating include blood doping, running outside of the baselines, the nitrous example I've already given, using shoes with thicker soles than regulation in a basketball game. You're not allowed to give money to refs, you can't take uppers before a game (even legal ones), or spitting on the ball before throwing it. You can't put adhesive on a wide receiver's hands, longer spikes on a running backs cleats, or bug your opponent's locker room. Cheating is cheating, jackass. Every time you log into the game you agree to the terms of service that specifically say that you cannot use RMT in any way. It's a contract, you should read it sometime.


While it's certainly not illegal to be involved with RMT in any way,

Technically SE can sue every user for breach of contract, who uses RMT. IGE can't be stopped because they are a fence. Technically IGE doesn't HAVE the money, private individuals do and they are just connected through IGE for a "finder's fee". Fences never touch stolen property and IGE wouldn't operate any differently. Just because you haven't been prosecuted doesn't mean you haven't done anything illegal. Sometimes people just do cost/benefit analysis and realize it's not worth it.

You should really start searching threads about a company who was sued by "farmers" for having their accounts banned because of violation of the "EULA" --

You'll see a certain court did in fact rule against the publishers, ruled the EULA not enforceable with regards to reselling of in game items. Ordered the accounts to be restored, and they paid fines in the neighborhood of 6 figures..

Happy searching. (I'll make it easier for you) -- this did not happen in United States.

#876 May 06 2006 at 3:44 PM Rating: Decent
I can really understand your point of view. I mean, if I worked at Circle K for $6.00 an hour, I'd be extremely jealous of the people that had the advantage to be "lazy and cheat" because they are spending their hard earned dollars on their hobby the way they want.. Afterall, they'd have what I want, and no way for me to get it without me playing for hundreds of hours.

Really harping on that fantasy of yours aren't ya Sparky?
Little self-stroking there? Tell me in all that time you spend in your TOP FIVE GUILDS where do you find the time to EARN all that money? I had no idea Circle K paid $6/hr. Is this first hand knowledge?

I am by no stretch of the imagination poor.

Nor am I jealous of your PHAT LEWTS Cheater. I come by my gear Honestly. Something YOU can't say.
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