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#802 May 05 2006 at 11:45 PM Rating: Default
Feba wrote:
TheBlix wrote:
God, Feba, your sig makes you look so stupid.

There is no proof that the Mystery Company is IGE.

You say it like it's pure fact, it's not.

Glad you're leaving. (False hope. Smiley: rolleyes)


Edited, Fri May 5 22:48:23 2006 by TheBlix

Ok, the company which owns IGE was created by themselves.

The company which owns allakhazam also owns IGE

Smiley: rolleyes Not that hard of a logic puzzle

Prove it.

It's really sickening to see how you just turned on Allakhazam in a snap, after being here all this time. Not to mention you made a mass movement that had everyone crying out and in joy, thinking you were leaving with them.

What was the point of your big showy "Let's all move to, because allakhazam = IGE!!!, /bangdesk" when you still STAY HERE?!?!


Edited, Sat May 6 00:52:24 2006 by TheBlix
#803 May 06 2006 at 12:45 AM Rating: Good
7,861 posts
This is certainly no defense of Feba, but you guys keep telling him to prove that Allakhazam and IGE are owned by the same parent company. Alla himself said that Allakhazam was bought out by a parent comapny that owned a bunch of other companies *including* IGE. Feba has nothing to prove here.
People don't like to be meddled with. We tell them what to do, what to think, don't run, don't walk. We're in their homes and in their heads and we haven't the right. We're meddlesome. ~River Tam

#804 May 06 2006 at 12:51 AM Rating: Good
blix, you're missing something.

confidentiality contracts are written by the parties involved, for the benefit of the parties involved.

being able to say "no it's not rpg holdings" would be beneficial to alla (more subscribers stay, less furor) and the company involved.

if it wasn't rpg holdings, such would have been publically stated, and this thread would be fifteen pages shorter.

yeah, there's a 0.00000001 chance that it's not. if it's not and for some reason alla/the company didn't predict this happening, it will come out eventually, and people will quiet down.

#805 May 06 2006 at 1:00 AM Rating: Default
4,400 posts
This is certainly no defense of Feba, but you guys keep telling him to prove that Allakhazam and IGE are owned by the same parent company. Alla himself said that Allakhazam was bought out by a parent comapny that owned a bunch of other companies *including* IGE. Feba has nothing to prove here.

Actually, yes he does. He keeps insisting that this site will now promote RMT simply because its owned by a parent company that also owns an RMT company.

He still has yet to explain how other companies can make business moves and stick to their original morales, yet this one can't.
#806 May 06 2006 at 1:21 AM Rating: Default
just be sure to keep the kiddies away from brock pierce at the "parent company" christmas party. he likes them a little too much from what i hear. if you catch my drift.

Edited, Sat May 6 02:22:32 2006 by ininomis
#807 May 06 2006 at 1:37 AM Rating: Default
Kastigir wrote:
This is certainly no defense of Feba, but you guys keep telling him to prove that Allakhazam and IGE are owned by the same parent company. Alla himself said that Allakhazam was bought out by a parent comapny that owned a bunch of other companies *including* IGE. Feba has nothing to prove here.

I know. Feba is saying Mystery Company = IGE, which hasn't been proven. I want to believe if, but I want to keep some itty bitty faith in Allakhaza's judgement, for now.

#808 May 06 2006 at 2:41 AM Rating: Default
I know. Feba is saying Mystery Company = IGE, which hasn't been proven. I want to believe if, but I want to keep some itty bitty faith in Allakhaza's judgement, for now.

Which if he wasn't under a GAG ORDER, Alla could answer. Since however he has now SOLD his integrity he is CONTRACTUALLY OBLIGATED NOT TO ANSWER ON PAIN OF LOSING MONEY.

Soul-Sucking Suits of Greed...

#809 May 06 2006 at 3:09 AM Rating: Decent

This is a sad day indeed. Premium membership was a future goal of mine and my wife, but was is now the operative word. Alla how could you. I know you think your helping but look around. Everyone<well mostly everyone> is deadset against this. Why continue? Isn't the happiness of your users more important. I mean like others have said your site was the #1 site for info because we came here to give it out the minute it was found. You don't need more cash to make something you already had. Your soul belongs to the people who promote and fund RMT. That includes MPK's on legit NM hunters, that includes people being banned because Rmters call Gms on the rival hunters. You now belong to cheaters. I have used this site for a long time. No fancy title or countless posts but i still have found any and all info from here. I guess that i will have to find a new site. Good luck on this merger and hopefully your get what you want. /sigh
#810 May 06 2006 at 3:23 AM Rating: Default
Erawyn wrote:
Alla, I humored you adn went through all 16 pages of this ******** thread, and you haven't answered my question. So no, you didn't answer all the questions. When are these retarded threads gonna go away and when will these retards be banned?

Who's more retarded, the person that posts on topic in the thread [even though it continues] or the person [read: Erawyn] who keeps reading the thread hoping that one day it will be locked, when all he has to do is NOT READ THE THREAD!
#811 May 06 2006 at 3:23 AM Rating: Good
I still do not understand why everyone is flying off the deep end about this. You guys are leaving, swearing up and down that the site is going to become one big IGE advertisement, without even knowing for sure that that's the case. Why not wait a while, give it time, find out where the site is going and what changes are going to be made, and THEN decide whether or not to leave? You're taking the 1/5th of the story you know and running with it, making drastic decisions based on scraps of information. The logical thing to do would be to wait and see for yourself. But I guess logic is dead around here.
#812 May 06 2006 at 3:37 AM Rating: Good
My apologies Alla. I thought I had seen some that hadn't been answered, but apparently I just saw more bickering and "lastest" comments, lol...

I'm staying (and once I get a reliable credit card, I'm considering premium) in the hopes that it's someone that isn't in any way under the pay of IGE (or similar companies) right now or in the past who is in charge of the mystery company. If it turns out to be, say, a conglomerate of the MMORPG companies who bought IGE (and later on, shutting down the RMT section of IGE) and then are trying to make a conglomerate of the informative websites, then I'll be very happy.
#813 May 06 2006 at 3:53 AM Rating: Decent
25 posts
I too remember Allakhazam's post that they would not be a part of ANYTHING IGE. After reading some lengthy posts, namely, it seems they finally were able to offer him his price. Everyone has a price, I had hoped Allakhazam's to be too high to be reached, alas I seem to have been mistaken.

I used Allakhazam's free services before I went premium for a long time. I will be doing so again, as I will not support any company that has ties to IGE/Yantis.

Hopefully Allakhazam will rethink his choice to merge based on his subscribers feedback. I will be waiting for such a response.

Mistikat - Prexus
#814 May 06 2006 at 6:06 AM Rating: Default
Alla, you're a fool if you think nothing will change.

Let's assume that you were indeed bought by a wholly different company that also happens to own IGE.

In any event, you're owned by a company that will want to keep IGE around, profitable, and often visited. Wouldn't it be in that company's best interests to plaster IGE adds all over a site that IGE really would have an advantage advertising on due to great web traffic?

Dunno, just seems like common sense to me.
#815 May 06 2006 at 6:33 AM Rating: Default
359 posts
Let's clarify something. IGE doesn't OWN Allakhazam. The people that own IGE own Allakhazam.

Lets clarify something else, my red car doesnt own my blue car, but if i get drunk and run over pedestrians in my red car, the owner of my blue car ran over the very same pedestrians too.

and FYI Phillip Morris doesnt run "truth" ads because they want to. It's government ordered. There's no reason to support Alla anymore. There's no information on this site that isn't also available elsewhere on the internet without supporting the desruction of games.
#816 May 06 2006 at 6:39 AM Rating: Default
No, incorrect. The people behind IGE own this site.

IGE has not been bought. It has artificially set up a parent company, owned 100% by the people who own IGE. Then it has used the parent company to buy Allakhazam.

Yep and I dont care WHAT you think one way or the other about gold selling....but IGE is owned and operated by Brock Pierce and his merry band of pedophiles that all fled US jurisdiction to avoid prosecution.

So supporting this site means supporting IGE which means supporting PEDOPHILES!

News Story here:,39023166,20106716-1,00.htm
#817 May 06 2006 at 6:56 AM Rating: Good
892 posts
I don't get why some people here are still blindly denying the IGE connection. Alla himself said it on the first page of this thread:

The ownership issues here are convoluted. This is how deals like this get done. The size of this is pretty amazing. This is just the announcement for our own users, not the actual corporate announcement, which will likely come much later. We are now owned by a company that owns a bunch of stuff, including IGE. They bought both of us (and several other sites as well) and then split us into separate divisions so that there is no interaction between them. You know my stand on gold selling. Before agreeing to anything like this, I wanted to make sure that there would be no interaction between those divisions and that I would have complete control over the new network, including the sites that used to be part of ogaming. So this means that the Ogaming sites and Thottbot have been split off of IGE and into our network and no longer have any connection with them.

The company that owns the other sites Alla mentioned: Ogaming and Thottbot, is RPG Holdings, owned and founded by Brock Pierce, who also owns and founded IGE. His company, RPG Holdings, is a holdings company (obviously), which is to say their business is to claim ownership over other companies. An umbrella, if you will. So IGE, Allakhazam, Thottbot, OGaming, MySupersales, and other companies acquired by RPG Holdings are all going to be under the same corporate umbrella, all owned by Brock Pierce of IGE. It's no secret that RPG Holdings is the company at the root of this acquisition. There is only one company that owns IGE, OGaming and Thottbot. It now owns Allakhazam. 2 + 2 = 4.
#818 May 06 2006 at 7:00 AM Rating: Decent

I don't get why some people here are still blindly denying the IGE connection. Alla himself said it on the first page of this thread:

Maybe they dont mind sending their money to people who sexually abuse teenage boys? People like Brock Pierce and his cronies?
#819 May 06 2006 at 7:40 AM Rating: Good
My first reaction was to turn off my auto renew and not return. Upon reading many many posts, both by Allakhazam and by many others in the community, I advocate a wait and see approach. I am not so blind as to think that many products I buy are not in some way related to things I do not approve of. I am sad that Allakhazam may now be one of those things but such is the way of things.

In my years of lurking on the EQ boards, I have been pleasantly surprised by the things availible here and by Allakhazam himself. Truly I believe that in this case, he is seeing the world through rose colored glasses. But sometimes thigs DO work out for the best. I am willing to take Alla's word for it until I see a good reason not to. I have not seen that reason as yet nor am I likely to on these boards.
#820 May 06 2006 at 7:49 AM Rating: Decent
My first reaction was to turn off my auto renew and not return. Upon reading many many posts, both by Allakhazam and by many others in the community, I advocate a wait and see approach. I am not so blind as to think that many products I buy are not in some way related to things I do not approve of. I am sad that Allakhazam may now be one of those things but such is the way of things.

In my years of lurking on the EQ boards, I have been pleasantly surprised by the things availible here and by Allakhazam himself. Truly I believe that in this case, he is seeing the world through rose colored glasses. But sometimes thigs DO work out for the best. I am willing to take Alla's word for it until I see a good reason not to. I have not seen that reason as yet nor am I likely to on these boards.

So its okay that IGE and its parent company are run by pedophiles who sexually abused teen age boys and fled US jurisdiction? And that is who the money is going to now?
#821 May 06 2006 at 7:55 AM Rating: Decent
10,297 posts
Erawyn wrote:
Except you don't have proof except an anon article written by an anon person whom isnt even credible.
There's plenty of proof out there, if you want to go look. Go look up Yantis, IGE, RPG Holdings, Brock Peirce.

And you support gil sellers too Feba. you're friends with them. Doesn't matter if they are regretful about it.
Smiley: rolleyes that lame argument again.

And you act like none of your friends have ver bought gil Smiley: lol
#822 May 06 2006 at 7:57 AM Rating: Good
949 posts
had my account for many years.... /cancel

Thanks for the complete let down...
#823 May 06 2006 at 8:03 AM Rating: Decent
19 posts
I say good for you Alla, I met you at EQ fanfaire years ago and we were drinking at the party that casters realm guy had and had a hell of a time.

I will be more than happy to renew my sub to this fine site, you and Illia really raised the bar of these type of sites, and worked your asses off to make this happen and were able to find some good, dedicated people to work with you to pull this all together for the last few years.

What matters to me is this fine site (which has slowed to the pace of a snail on salt) will get faster, better and intergrate with my other favorite site (thottbot)

Good luck to you alla I wish you continuing success could not have happened to a nicer guy (besides me of course LOL) ..

I have always felt the majority of your posting community has sucked, and I dont post here just for that reason neither does I would say 90 percent of the rest of your members.. Let the little dweebs beat their chest and cancel their accounts hopefully it will raise the bar of the quality of posts around here and get rid of the shark like attacks of this community over any issue they can find.. A reasonable discussion is above the majority and I find them and most people that I have talked to find their venomous attacks far more offensive than anyone selling gold as they are being jerks without even getting paid for it.

Edited, Sat May 6 09:12:16 2006 by Morrisey
#824 May 06 2006 at 8:04 AM Rating: Default
Erawyn wrote:
Except you don't have proof except an anon article written by an anon person whom isnt even credible.

There's plenty of proof out there, if you want to go look. Go look up Yantis, IGE, RPG Holdings, Brock Peirce.

Yep the artcile I linked about Brock and his gang, the assorted pedophilia charges and fleeing US jurisdiction was written by a guy nominated for two emmy's for journalism.
#826 May 06 2006 at 10:36 AM Rating: Default
More information on Brock Pierce...

"The men fled to Spain where they were arrested by Spanish police who found "enormous amounts of child ****" at their villa."
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