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#752 May 05 2006 at 12:32 PM Rating: Good
2,824 posts
How many socks were created because of this buyout?

Spin #1 Clearly the Karma System discourages people from speaking their mind, people have to create whole new accounts to do so!

Spin #2 Since the announcement of our registered user number jumped by 15%!
#753 May 05 2006 at 12:37 PM Rating: Good

If this was a Easy-Mac forum and Cigarrete companies directly targetted Easy-Mac eaters and sent their employees out to grocery stores to ruin all the Easy-Mac that all the people visiting the forum enjoyed, then... why wouldnt we be upset if the cigarrette company bought the Easy-Mac company? Your argument doesnt make any sense...

It's very simple. IGE hasn't DONE anything to Allakhazam yet. They aren't hiding little easter eggs with bought gil around the webpage. They aren't advertising, there will be, on the subject of gil/gold/account buying/selling/trading NO CHANGE.


I dont understand your IGE and Curing Cancer analogy either. Allakhazam was a site that was pro-gaming, and IGE is a anti-gaming site. Your analogy should have been "a Pro-cancer company could also own a Anti-cancer company." I wouldnt support a company that caused cancer just so it could also make money on the other side by curing it any more than i would support a company who hyped gaming just so it could turn more profits on the other side selling currency and ruining the games.

Fine. If Philip Morris had a cure for cancer, would you not buy it because they gave you cancer in the first place? Let's clarify something. IGE doesn't OWN Allakhazam. The people that own IGE own Allakhazam. What's the difference? Well, first and foremost it means that IGE's ******** won't end up on Alla's forums.


I think everyone understands the idea of a parent company, but im not sure you understand the concept of "selling out" The problem is that this is a gaming website, not a cancer curing website. There is a huge conflict of interest here that you have to include in any analogies you try to make.

You mean like how Philip-Morris sponsors those obnoxious "Truth" advertisements? It's no rare occassion that someone would own two diametrically opposed operations. It happens quite often, mostly as a way to make sure that you're always making money. Think about it. Assume 10% of gamers buy gil. Ok, that's a good bit of money. But what if you could get paid by all those who DIDN'T buy gil too? Buy a forum, buy THE forum. IGE is instant payoff, but buying Alla is an investment. They are going to pour money into making it "More-of-the-same"+1 hoping that it attracts new members. To do that, step 1 is not hurting the basic institutions upon which it was founded, namely honest gamers helping honest gamers and flaming everyone else. Maintain your basic membership, then improve upon what they like so that others will join too. THAT is the stated goal of the parent company so far. I'll at least wait until they **** it up before I start crying foul.


Let's imagine a more likely scenario. Let's imagine a bio-tech operation that's working on the cure for cancer and new bio-warfare, and another bio-tech operation that is totally opposed to bio-warfare. I'm putting my money in the latter operation, and if the former have to let their bio-techs go due to lack of support, those techs are likely to move to the latter operation, where they will continue to work on the cure for cancer unhindered by demand for bio-weapons. They will be MORE likely to find the cure for cancer when they're not being pushed to create weapons instead. You're damn right I'm going to be against the company creating bio-weapons regardless of their efforts to cure cancer.

The scenario doesn't fit for a number of reasons, the least of which is that you're saying the same company is doing both operations. Someone would own two different companies two distinct entities. This is really important, and I'll get to why in a minute. The other point is Alla already IS the cure for cancer. And the best cure. The only thing is, the best is going to keep getting better. THAT is a huge point.

Finally, I don't know if anyone else has picked up on this, but a lot of people are saying **** like "I don't want my premium dues going to support IGE." Well, they don't. They go to the parent company, which is NOT IGE. And a lot of people are going to respond with "Yeah, but they can just pour the money into IGE to make up for a bad quarter." Well, guys, guess what? They can't. It's illegal to report money from one companies earnings as another companies. If you think they're going to pour money out from Alla to FUND IGE that's kinda retarded, don't you think? "This company is losing money, let me put more money into it." IGE and Allakhazam will sink or swim on their own, with no real interaction with each other. How do I know this? Because if they don't it's a real LONG jail term for it.
#754 May 05 2006 at 12:55 PM Rating: Decent
1,092 posts
Sarlos, Defender of Justice wrote:
I do, however, think people are letting themselves be controlled by their emotions, and thus are overreacting to the situation. I trust Mr. Allakhazam to do what is best for his business, and for his customers.

If, in the future, the worst of the doom-and-gloom predictions come to pass, then it will be time for me to move on. For now, the most appropriate action is to wait and see how things pan out.

Allakhazam said the merging is the best for the site, and I believe him. Larget staff, more servers, things should expand.

However, he's delusional if he thinks he still hold any significant power over He does not own it anymore, he only runs it.

It's like a sport team.

There's an owner ( 1 person or a group of people )...
Hiring a GM and a coach to run his team.

If the GM makes the owner unhappy, he gets fired. As easy as that. Allakhazam is employed by RPG Holdings, aka IGE's front compagny. He's an employee now, so his talks about no IGE ads on the site and stuff like that, it's ********* If RPG holdings says to advertise IGE in here, there's simply nothing he can do to stop it. Even further, if RPG Holdings tells the new staff to find and delete every single posts bashing on IGE, RMTs and gilbuyers in general, there's nothing to stop them.

It's a very simple move by IGE. They know they **** off players and our main opposition to RMTs is propaganding anti-RMT ideas. They know gamers often communicate by forums. Buy the ( profitable )forums, put the whole deal in a sweet package to change everyone's focus, silence the opposition and raise IGE's profits by bringing in new clients that won't be "affected" by anti-RMTers. Microsoft does it everyday, there's nothing new here.

To Alla, Pikko and the rest : Congrats on the sell. I really hope you made them pay a lot because you worked your asses off for years and while the site is profitable, I do not believe it made any of you rich, not even enough to be a full-time job. But unfortunately, things are gonna change, and we will change forums.
#755 May 05 2006 at 1:06 PM Rating: Default
Also the other thing that i find is pretty funny is at least 50% of you people crying and being a baby about the fact that Alla has been bought by the Parent company of IGE.
Is that you are the gil/gold/plat buyers keeping them in business.

BS. Until you have something to support that statement, stfu. What is pretty funny is at least in FFXI losers who are caught out in game as gilbuyers and/or bought accounts are looked down on, rejected from the good shells, and pretty much limited to playing with each other. RMT is a stigma that gets you laughed at and shunned.

On Alla though, the fastest way to get a rate-down is to dare say a word against RMT. Judging from that, maybe people here are getting the IGE ownership they deserve.
#756 May 05 2006 at 1:24 PM Rating: Default
Premium membership cancelled. Bookmark now deleted. Alla's is dead.

First off, I don't blame Alla for selling out. I'm sure they waved a huge wad of cash at him, and nobody is going to turn that down, even from a sleazebag outfit like the vermin that own IGE. And attempting to hide complicity by saying 'THEY'RE NOT IGE, THEY JUST OWN IGE' is about as retarded as a drug kingpin blaming the dealers on the street for the entire drug trade. These scum make money off of IGE, otherwise they wouldn't own the company. This is a simple fact. Therefore, they make money from IGE making money, and IGE makes money from selling MMO loot. Of course these vermin have always done their best to hide and deceive, since they know exactly what they are, and they know they will face enormous backlash and hatred from the majority of honest gamers.

Any company that makes money selling MMO loot is the enemy.

Of course lazy, shortcutting as*holes that keep giving these douchebags money are also the enemy.

Farewell Alla. We enjoyed your site for quite a while, but I will never support a company that is in any way affiliated with IGE or any other MMO lewt-selling business.
#757 May 05 2006 at 1:31 PM Rating: Good
Of course lazy, shortcutting as*holes that keep giving these douchebags money are also the enemy.

What about game companies that have lousy game machanics that do little to curtail of prevent this kind of thing (or even lousier ones that in some ways encourage it -- e.g. FFXI)?

Edited, Fri May 5 14:32:32 2006 by Huxli
#758 May 05 2006 at 1:36 PM Rating: Decent
4,136 posts
Materous the Sly wrote:
The scenario doesn't fit for a number of reasons, the least of which is that you're saying the same company is doing both operations. Someone would own two different companies two distinct entities.
It looks like you get the point, but refuse to accept it, so you're aruing about pointless tidbits to avoid the point. It doesn't make you look smart, because if you really are so hung up on that detail that you don't get the point you're not.

To clarify: by "operations" I meant bussinesses, be they run by seperate corperations within the same conglomerate, or by entirely seperate conglomerates. More specifically, I had in mind that the first two "operations" were run by different companys within the same conglomerate (like alla-ige), and that the other was an entirely seperate corperation.

You're essentially just arguing semantics, and it makes you look dumb.
Materous the Sly wrote:
Finally, I don't know if anyone else has picked up on this, but a lot of people are saying **** like "I don't want my premium dues going to support IGE." Well, they don't. They go to the parent company, which is NOT IGE. And a lot of people are going to respond with "Yeah, but they can just pour the money into IGE to make up for a bad quarter." Well, guys, guess what? They can't. It's illegal to report money from one companies earnings as another companies. If you think they're going to pour money out from Alla to FUND IGE that's kinda retarded, don't you think? "This company is losing money, let me put more money into it." IGE and Allakhazam will sink or swim on their own, with no real interaction with each other. How do I know this? Because if they don't it's a real LONG jail term for it.
Holding companys are investors. What do you think they do with the return on their investments? They reinvest it. So in the long and short of it, money from goes to the holding company which is then reinvested in the properties owned by the holding company which includes IGE, so yes.. membership fees will go into IGE (in theory).

However, the people you're talking about, that think their memberships are going to fund IGE, have it a little backwards. isn't their big money maker. It is far more likely that IGE profits will be invested into They already are.

Where do you think the money came from that is buying those 8 new servers Allakhazam is so proud of? Gil selling, which put money in IGEs pockets, which put money in IGEs investers pockets, which is now being invested in

I don't want a better, sleeker, faster forum if it has to come at the expense of my fun in a video game.

Materous the Sly wrote:
The other point is Alla already IS the cure for cancer. And the best cure. The only thing is, the best is going to keep getting better. THAT is a huge point. is a FORUM. That's it. It is nothing without the community. We can easily go to any of the millions of forums out there. It's not the cure for anything. It's nothing special in and of itself.

Edited, Fri May 5 14:49:48 2006 by ThePalace
#759 May 05 2006 at 2:10 PM Rating: Default
i urge all those opposed to RMT to stay

i say turn the tables on the machine if you believe alla is selling out

if you believe by having a premium account on alla in any way supports RMT ... then cancel your premium BUT continue to use the forums

this is your community, built by each and everyone of you ...

... many of you have chosen to put down roots here, don't let them chase you out

if you believe this community will be overun and corrupted by RMT propoganda, what better place to oppose it than striking the viper's head !

yes, cancel your premium but stay on and prepare to meet the enemy

be the necessary voice to educate and thwart the evil temptations of RMT propaganda

i say we as a community should stay and remain steadfast and strong ...

1 voice is usually lost in a crowd ( as i've experienced in trying to discuss my odd theories in the mnk and pld forums ), but many many voices speaking on the same thing will gather attention ( as i've experienced in the mnk and pld forums )

while it does make a statement to not use the site at all, i think it's a bigger statement is to continue to use the site and turn up the volume on voicing your opinions on RMT

fight the power ~


#760 May 05 2006 at 2:18 PM Rating: Decent
LOL AK finally sold out.
#761 May 05 2006 at 2:23 PM Rating: Default
84 posts
Thank you Allakhazam! Your anouncement came at just the right time. I was just about ready to pay for a Premium account, but guess what....
#762 May 05 2006 at 2:34 PM Rating: Decent
4,400 posts
Me in the other thread wrote:
Q: When are the admins gonna buckle down and get rid of the spam? And when are you gonna ban the repeat offenders of this said spam?

Give them their answers so they can get the **** off the forums. Better yet, ban the retards. Feba isn't paying you anymore. No reason to keep him and his fan boys around.
#763 May 05 2006 at 2:37 PM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
Materous the Sly wrote:
You mean like how Philip-Morris sponsors those obnoxious "Truth" advertisements? It's no rare occassion that someone would own two diametrically opposed operations.
The Truth ads are created by an independant non-profit organization which is finaced by a legal fund created from the monetary legal settlements paid by tobacco companies to the federal government.

Exactly how does that relate to this?
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#764 May 05 2006 at 2:40 PM Rating: Good
1,907 posts
i say turn the tables on the machine if you believe alla is selling out

if you believe by having a premium account on alla in any way supports RMT ... then cancel your premium BUT continue to use the forums

this is your community, built by each and everyone of you ...

... many of you have chosen to put down roots here, don't let them chase you out

Nice idea, if you can put up with the adverts. I sympathized when it was still Alla's, and was willing to pay to not have ads, but I will not tolerate it once premium runs out, nor am I willing to pay more. I bet the ads get worse, and nastier, and sneakier. I will use the site rarely as I do other's of its ilk.
#765 May 05 2006 at 3:01 PM Rating: Decent

Use Firefox, Adblock and Noscript. You have to be a moron to put up with ads anywhere.
#766 May 05 2006 at 3:01 PM Rating: Good
41 posts
The Allakhazam Sellout Song

This is sung to the tune of Green Day - Good Riddance(Time of your life).

Another website
bought out by IGE.

Alla joined with them
And now he’s an enemy.

Even though he says it was the
best thing for the site.

There are a lot of us who don’t
Think that he was right.

It was something unpredictable
and in the end it‘s wrong.
This is the end of

Delete your forum posts
and all your online guides.

‘Cause Alla sold us out
And with it sold his pride.

So cancel your premium
and let this website die.

Just make one final post
And say your goodbye.

It was something unpredictable
and in the end it‘s wrong.
This is the end of

It was something unpredictable
and in the end it‘s wrong.
This is the end of

It was something unpredictable
and in the end it‘s wrong.
This is the end of

I don't think I need any legal stuff in here since it's all my own words except for the first line and a half of the chorus. In any case that part was taken from the Green Day song "Good Riddance(Time of your life)" and all credit for that goes to them.

Edited, Fri May 5 19:08:08 2006 by abyssion
#767 May 05 2006 at 3:36 PM Rating: Good
Jinghles, back with his bizarre theories of tanking the RMT NM...

Where did Allakazham the moderator (not to be confused with the forums) go, why is this link from in the ffxi main forum's Q&A no longer stickied, and why is he suddenly censoring posts because people with post counts of 200 and less say to?

Why not answer the questions which have been spread over the 8 pages he obviously have had time and opportunity to read if he had to go back through them and rate himself back up? There's some damn good questions back in there that keep getting asked but not answered, despite the fact that this is a Q&A thread which was started for the sole purpose of answering those questions...

Why am I suddenly reminded of when the SE employee came and started up a Q&A thread on MPK'ing and wasn't seen after the second page even though it went to something like 20 pages?

Well, I'm staying, but only because Illia's belly-dancing gnome has me hypnotized... I must watch it... (f@.@)f
#768 May 05 2006 at 3:43 PM Rating: Decent
506 posts
Do you also look down on ppl who divorce their spouse after their spouse cheats on them? The majority of consumers are now divorcing Alla's for betrayal, yet you have the nerve to criticize them...

Your analogy's off. If alla and IGE had merged, then your analogy would be valid. But this is more like your spouse taking a job with a boss who is also the boss of someone you hate. And then you divorce your spouse. I think that's worthy of critcism.

At any rate, i'm not so much critcizing the choice that some users have made; rather, i'm criticizing the rashness of that choice and making an argument for patience. Usually, people talk things out before the sign the divorce papers.

Edited, Fri May 5 16:56:23 2006 by MightyMolasses
#770 May 05 2006 at 3:59 PM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
Baron von AngstyCoder wrote:
If the spouse steals the covers at night, does that make it more valid?
I steal the ladyfriend's covers in our sleep.

To add insult to injury, I don't even swaddle myself in them -- I just dump 90% of them onto the floor and wrap myself in the tail end that used to be covering her Smiley: laugh
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#771 May 05 2006 at 4:02 PM Rating: Decent
638 posts
In all honesty, i have no idea where this might go, and i have to admit im a bit afraid of that since alla was always the infomation database to go to, and not ONLY that, but opposed the selling of gold as well (IGE can go to hell). But i think running off now might not be the answer. I trust him enough to stay and see what happens. Alla, you've really disappointed me, but maybe this won't turn out to be as bad as we think, and i hope you can prove that to us.

#772 May 05 2006 at 4:03 PM Rating: Decent
39 posts
As they say, "The captain goes down with the ship.", eh Alla?

Guess the forms opinions are moot now. Enjoy your money, sellout! Way to be anti-RMT now, huh? Asshats...
#773 May 05 2006 at 4:07 PM Rating: Decent
As posted on another thread:

From what I have read and have heard from people I trust - I cannot trust any company or site owned or associated with IGE. Not only have their actions in the past been appalingly corrupt, but there seems to even be evidence that sites and programs associated with IGE have been responsible for hackings and spyware.

I cannot risk dealing with anyone associated with them. And I will not condone Ally's choice to be bought by them. I can understand the temptation - I'm sure a lot of money changed hands - but - they will not have any more of mine.

As of today, I am "unclicking" the "auto-renew" feature. I will let my subscription expire. Where I'll get the info I found so helpful here - I have no idea. But - all I can say is "Bye, bye Allys!"
#774 May 05 2006 at 4:16 PM Rating: Decent
Alla selling out is better than a multiple train wreck!!! A mesmerizing *********** but no one gets hurt or killed.

It really amazes me though the number of mental midgets that refuse to acknowledge that RMT causes legitimate gamers a lot of grief.

On second thought I geuss we should expect that kind of thinking from people that are too stupid to learn how to play a video game purely for enjoyment.
#775 May 05 2006 at 4:41 PM Rating: Good
2,824 posts
Jophiel wrote:
I steal the ladyfriend's covers in our sleep.

Yes, more "Joph's Stories from the Bedroom" please.
#776 May 05 2006 at 5:35 PM Rating: Decent
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