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#702 May 05 2006 at 1:50 AM Rating: Default
Prodigal Son
20,643 posts
Tehtsuo wrote:
Yay! I cancelled the credit card I used to get premium a few months ago. I don't have to worry about seedy companies getting my financial info! /dance

(And in case you're wondering, I'm moving this month, so they won't even have my home address anymore! Complete anonymity = kickass)


Wow, those are some extreme lengths to go to, just to avoid something that isn't going to affect you. I guess paranoid delusions come in all forms.
publiusvarus wrote:
we all know liberals are well adjusted american citizens who only want what's best for society. While conservatives are evil money grubbing scum who only want to sh*t on the little man and rob the world of its resources.
#703 May 05 2006 at 1:52 AM Rating: Default
Most funniest thing i find is that everyone who is posting here hates rmt(atleast mosts do)
They start ******** about alla and all sites who are with rmt.

But everyone forgets
Do a search to any subject of a MMO and you will see more adds to rmt sites then you ever know.
Noboby says here don't go to google and use search.

just think about it..
#704 May 05 2006 at 1:53 AM Rating: Default
well I think most of these people are going to extremes. alla made a good move and they can do nothing but whine about it.

I think everyone whining needs to muzzle themselves and either leave or stay and watch them get basically owned when they realize alla has as was said NOT turned on us.
#705 May 05 2006 at 2:01 AM Rating: Good
350 posts
Given the main topic of contention on this thread, I thought it would be an interesting place to post this story:

Heads up WoW people, and let's hope Blizzard is a little more helpful to their customers than SE is to ffxi customers who get hacked then get a hearty GFY from SE.
#706 May 05 2006 at 2:23 AM Rating: Decent
What's funny is that people don't understand the idea of a parent company. The company that owns IGE could also own Merck and create the cure for cancer. Would you not support the cure for cancer because the company that owns it also owns IGE? It's a parent company. They own things. Hell, Phillip-Morris owns Kraft and Marlboro! Buy our Easy-Mac, smoke our cigarettes.
#707 May 05 2006 at 2:28 AM Rating: Good
Well big question is ofcourse till how for alla can make sure that we dont see here any links or banners that lead to ige.
But frankly i dont really care.
#708 May 05 2006 at 2:31 AM Rating: Decent
/cancels Premium membership

hey Alla, remember this little gem of yours?

edit: since the link won't work..


Join Date: 2005 Mar While we do not have a Vanguard site at this time, we have every intention of launching one. The reason we don't have on yet is that we don't really consider ourselves a news site, but instead try to post actual game play information, so we usually don't launch sites before the NDA lifts on the games, (though with Vanguard we may make an exception to that).

I can assure you that never has had and never will have any association with IGE. No amount of money will change that. We are players ourselves and disagree with everything they stand for. I've turned down their advances so many times in so many ways over the years that I think they have finally give up on us.

So I can assure you there will be at least on major Vanguard site that will have nothing to do with IGE or any other similar company.

Maybe you should have added "Unless they give me enough money of course"


Edited, Fri May 5 04:01:39 2006 by Boozeguy

Edited, Fri May 5 04:03:02 2006 by Boozeguy

Edited, Fri May 5 03:59:38 2006 by Boozeguy
#709 May 05 2006 at 2:46 AM Rating: Default
No you don't. You sound like whiney, gibbering morons that seem to give more a crap about a video game than real world problems, like wars, genocides, and environmental disasters.

If this were a board discussing those topics would you be explaining how were not patriots for not goosestepping along?

Personal Integrity is something that you ALWAYS have not just when its convenient.

#710 May 05 2006 at 2:48 AM Rating: Decent
45 posts
Wow. I don't really know what else to say but, wow. Sad sad panda.

I've been a strong supporter of Allakhazam since about Kunark's release. I even have a Alla shirt I got at the Velious Release Party in Vegas oh so long ago. I wore it with pride, even if it was yellow (I don't like yellow).

I paid for premium subscriptions, even when I wasn't playing anything. I don't tend to post, but I enjoyed using this site.

When WoW came out, I tried Thottbot. Hated it and stuck with Alla. When I heard TB was connected to IGE, well just another reason not to go there.

I encouraged all my guildies and other players on the official forums NOT to go to TB, but try out Alla's instead.

Lesson learned I suppose.

I've turned off my auto-renewal like so many others. It's very sad really, but unless something substantial comes out to indicate to ME that this is really worth it, it's going to stay off. I just don't have it in me to support gold/gil selling companies, or any related companies no matter how distant. I've also gotten rid of the WoWreader. I loved that little bugger, made keeping track of my alts so handy. But I'd rather not have my game-play data out there for possible use in gold selling schemes.

I'd like to say I'm leaving and never coming back, but /shrug. I'm sure I'll be around until I find a new site. Probably won't be as good, but if doesn't have any connection to IGE it'll have my support. And hey, my premium subscription isn't up till August. I suppose to optimistic - that gives you 3 months to win me & my money back Alla. But don't hold your breath.

#711 May 05 2006 at 2:48 AM Rating: Default
3,101 posts
#712 May 05 2006 at 3:02 AM Rating: Good
359 posts
I also try to defend any side that's in the minority because I think all sides need a voice. And there are only extremely rare occasions when things are really black and white and I try my best to see both sides of every story. This is even more true if I believe in the premise, but despise the argument

I usually try to "stick up for the little guy" myself, but like you say, some rare things are really black and white and this seems to be one of those issues. Theres really nothing positive worth defending the minority on this issue for. You dont have to be a "bastion of moral superiority" to dislike cheating, you could just be maybe... someone who enjoys playing videogames in their leisure time and dislike supporting activities that destroy those games. It is true that theres "2 sides to every story", but that doesnt mean that both sides have merit. Sometimes theres a right side and a wrong side.
#713 May 05 2006 at 3:36 AM Rating: Decent
359 posts
What's funny is that people don't understand the idea of a parent company. The company that owns IGE could also own Merck and create the cure for cancer. Would you not support the cure for cancer because the company that owns it also owns IGE? It's a parent company. They own things. Hell, Phillip-Morris owns Kraft and Marlboro! Buy our Easy-Mac, smoke our cigarettes.


If this was a Easy-Mac forum and Cigarrete companies directly targetted Easy-Mac eaters and sent their employees out to grocery stores to ruin all the Easy-Mac that all the people visiting the forum enjoyed, then... why wouldnt we be upset if the cigarrette company bought the Easy-Mac company? Your argument doesnt make any sense...

I dont understand your IGE and Curing Cancer analogy either. Allakhazam was a site that was pro-gaming, and IGE is a anti-gaming site. Your analogy should have been "a Pro-cancer company could also own a Anti-cancer company." I wouldnt support a company that caused cancer just so it could also make money on the other side by curing it any more than i would support a company who hyped gaming just so it could turn more profits on the other side selling currency and ruining the games.

I think everyone understands the idea of a parent company, but im not sure you understand the concept of "selling out" The problem is that this is a gaming website, not a cancer curing website. There is a huge conflict of interest here that you have to include in any analogies you try to make.
#714 May 05 2006 at 3:49 AM Rating: Decent
This is very disappointing.

My EQ server, Prexus, had a great message board run by Twygg.

One day, Twygg made a post about how the site was about to really improve, and how the new sponsor, IGE, would have very limited visibility. Our server immediately set up a new web site, and Twygg lost his years of reputation built up with most on the board (I give him both credit for the good and condemnation for the IGE sell). The whole server moved to the new board.

The old one is now a ghost town. Compare if you like, the old is '' and the new is ''.

When you go to, the very first text you see says the motto: "The official Prexus message board that won't sell out."

I'm very proud of the server for rejecting IGE.

I'd steered a friend who bought and Alla membership and I'd been meaning to get one too. Plans cancelled.

The quote above of Alla saying he would *never* have any association with IGE no matter how much money nails the issue.

It's scummy.

"Bhodi if I was truly a sellout, I would have just sold the site and run off and sat on a beach and enjoyed the profits."

Being half a sellout isn't ok.

"That would have actually been the easy thing to do. Instead I cared enough about it to insist that I be the one to run it and develop it. It is the fact that I care about this community and what happens to it that I am still sitting here and posting about this. A more cold blooded type would have just run off laughing into the sunset."

A less cold blooded type would have not done the deal. But that's not on your list of options.

"I don't like Marlboros, but I still buy oreos."

And you're exactly wrong to say that people should not make those links. A huge problem is not making them.

I won't buy DirecTV, because Rupert Murdoch owns them, because of my view of Fox News. Some do make the connections.

Sorry, but you are now supporting IGE by being owner by them, helping them get visibility with players.

I cancelled PC Gamer in part because they were taking IGE ads. Now, they and another major gaming magazine cancelled IGE ads at great expense to themselves. Now, I'll resubscribe. You should follow their example. This is just lousy.

Who can suggest a new EQ/WoW site to replace Alla for all we players who refuse to support IGE?

Edited, Fri May 5 04:50:14 2006 by Petoffen

Edited, Fri May 5 05:01:40 2006 by Petoffen
#715 May 05 2006 at 3:59 AM Rating: Default
You really don't get it do you alla and thottbot have both great experience in how to set up a site that details so much info.
90% of the players who play a MMO don't really care who owns the site and what banners the site shows.
Infact before the post yesterday i think 95% of the players of wow didnt even know that thottbot was related to ige simply because the ads weren't directly leading to cannotlinkto.

You can setup a new site but i wish you good luck with it and hope you have a lot of money to spent.
Cause I can tell that some paypalbuttons for helping you setting up a site wont get you anywhere.

Even if you managed to get a site up and maybe all of the people come to it then ige will come sooner or later to you and pay you big money.
And don't come with that **** i will refuse it cause in the end we all want to make money.
#716 May 05 2006 at 5:00 AM Rating: Good
Request to Allakhazam Administrators

1. Please make a locked thread with the posts from the administrators on this topic. Reading all of the statements that you have made in a single place would have helped make the situation much clearer. If I want to ***** or ask new questions I'll come here and do it. Also it is quite hard to track you position on some of the finer points over 15 pages of over 700 posts.

2. Even better I think you should try and formulate a specific page explaining the overall deal in detail and looking at the issues raised by the community and trying to address them. I think you need to answer specific detailed issues and concerns of the community. You have to address concerns that our personal data will be shared because you belong to the same legal entity, Alla will be financing IGE, RMT will be forced upon Alla by the parent company etc etc There are a lot of these issues raised in the thread. You are not stupid - pull them out - respond to them - and make it easy to find and read - god knows i hope you addressed these when you signed the contract and have legally binding agreements with your parent co that this will not happen.

It is clear you have done a fantastic job here up to now. You need to re-assure your community. It seems you have spent a long time sorting out this deal and clearly you put a great deal of thought into it. I am sure you and your staff wrestled with the same issues the community are raising. You must take and clearly state your position to the people !

My personal opinion is there is insufficient information to draw a conclusion at this point, but I am seriously concerned and I hope Alla can provide a clear picture in a single page addressing the issues to gain my trust and respect back.

To a certain extent unless you take the sort of action I have proposed above, I may yet leave Alla because I actually think you are being less than clear over the situation and are quite possibly masking the truth. The odd post in a 700+ post forum doesn’t cut it for me - I am sorry. Something as big and ugly as this issue can be deserves better attention and better respect to the community.
#717 May 05 2006 at 5:04 AM Rating: Decent
506 posts
This isn't a big issue to me, because alla has been far less of a home to me than many others. But i can't help but feel a little bad for good ole alla, so i'll play devil's advocate a bit.

First off, i think people are a little to eager to conflate Alla and IGE. I think its important to remember that they are, in fact, separate companies and needn't neccessarily operate in concert. They are run by different people in different ways and there may never be occassion for the parent company to demand that they conspire. Sorta like the roman empire. Those romans got a strong foothold in many different cultures, but never demanded that the cultures change or collaborate. Matter of fact, part of the success of the empire was that it allowed its captives to retain their culture and a great deal of their autonomy. They just had to give the roman empire kickbacks, and everything was cool. Also, Proctor and Gamble was noted as one of the first parent company to own several different brands of products and actually have those brand compete amongst each other. The brands, no doubt, were run entirely seperately to facilitate this end. So, i feel it is unfair to want to lash Alla and IGE together on the same rock, as they may be no more similar in deed than they were before.

Now here's the thing that really bugs me. All of you guys are shouting that Alla sold you out, hung you out to dry, buried the knife in your back. From what i've gathered reading some of this thread, Alla is/was at some time a dude working out of his house, providing you with these forums. So my question is, where's the gratitude? If this is your home, why are you so quick to burn it down? If all things are equal, and loyalty is loyalty, does not the door swing both ways? Are you all not bound by some imperative of loyalty? That is to say, are you not guilty of the same crime if you immediately withdraw your support? Perhaps instead of acting rashly, in the heat of the moment, you might let up a little and agree to see where this all goes. If your premium accounts are bargaining chips, would they not be put to better use, say, if the parent company tried to wrest controll of the site somewhere down the line?
#718 May 05 2006 at 6:31 AM Rating: Decent
If this were a board discussing those topics would you be explaining how were not patriots for not goosestepping along?

Huh? No. Patriotism is one form of xenophobia. But that's for another discussion.

Personal Integrity is something that you ALWAYS have not just when its convenient.

First, there's a different between integrity and morality. Second, things are not that black and white. Do you blame an ethical senator for being part of a corrupt system or do you applaud them for trying to change the system from within?
#719 May 05 2006 at 7:03 AM Rating: Default
Alla has a price, everyone does. Loads of lost respect, but I guess that doesn't matter to people who get massive paydays.

Enjoy the money made from fools. Use it to buy sold currency in a MMO and reinvest in the website.
#720 May 05 2006 at 7:32 AM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
Materous the Sly wrote:
The company that owns IGE could also own Merck and create the cure for cancer. Would you not support the cure for cancer because the company that owns it also owns IGE?
You pick your battles. If I had cancer, I'd probably have more invested in my own well-being to make that choice. But turning off the renewal, posting and even changing an avatar are minor, trivial things to do. No one is picketing outside of Alla's home or writing to their Congressman or starting a lawsuit or overturning cars and setting trashcans on fire.

If writing a post in a thread explictly about a topic is "over reacting", exactly what is the appropriate response? To just leave without voicing an opinion? What if you're one of the "wait and see" people? Should you just wait and see silently because talking about it in the thread designed to talk about it is taking things too far? Smiley: dubious

No one who has voiced a negative opinion has ridden anyone's *** for saying they're not going to leave. It's a select few of the people who are saying "I'm behind you 100%" who are trying to shame the unhappy or disappointed into silence by pretending that voicing an opinion in the appropriate place is still inappropriate if you disagree with it.
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#721 May 05 2006 at 7:52 AM Rating: Decent
Jophiel wrote:
It's a select few of the people who are saying "I'm behind you 100%" who are trying to shame the unhappy or disappointed into silence by pretending that voicing an opinion in the appropriate place is still inappropriate if you disagree with it.

Republicans, where?? Smiley: confused

#722REDACTED, Posted: May 05 2006 at 8:07 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Wow, 15 pages of "wahhhh wahhh wahhh!"
#723 May 05 2006 at 8:45 AM Rating: Decent
1,354 posts
Now here's the thing that really bugs me. All of you guys are shouting that Alla sold you out, hung you out to dry, buried the knife in your back. From what i've gathered reading some of this thread, Alla is/was at some time a dude working out of his house, providing you with these forums. So my question is, where's the gratitude? If this is your home, why are you so quick to burn it down? If all things are equal, and loyalty is loyalty, does not the door swing both ways? Are you all not bound by some imperative of loyalty? That is to say, are you not guilty of the same crime if you immediately withdraw your support? Perhaps instead of acting rashly, in the heat of the moment, you might let up a little and agree to see where this all goes. If your premium accounts are bargaining chips, would they not be put to better use, say, if the parent company tried to wrest controll of the site somewhere down the line?


I'm still not happy with the site being connected to IGE, but ill wait and see how things go before just getting up and leaving. If IGE and the site become closely affiliated though.. well, you get the idea.

Then again if the company really is just a company created by IGE to buy up sites.. then this sites already dead.

Edited, Fri May 5 09:53:04 2006 by ScyanTheBlack
#724 May 05 2006 at 8:49 AM Rating: Good
129 posts
Wow, 15 pages of "wahhhh wahhh wahhh!"

Seriously, who gives a crap?


Apparently not you.

The reason there is so much "wahhh wahhh wahhh" as you so eloquently put it is because most of the community equate RMT as bad for their MMO of choice. I myself have been through a couple of MMO's where gold buying lazy freaks just ruined the economy and as a consequence ruined the game for the rest of us.

No matter how you slice it, gold buying ruins all games. I have heard arguments stating that it is ok to buy gold as it saves someone the time and effort in acquiring it themselves. Bullcrap. Goldbuying is cheating, plain and simple. It bypasses the in game mechanics, its against several TOS agreements of the reputable MMO's out there and it's the lazy person's way to pixelated glory.

Will I be cancelling my premium membership? Yes. I cannot abide anything that supports the RMT whether it be through information, money, in game currency or whatnot. Alla has, in my opinion, sold out the community he has attempted to protect and serve in the past. I don't care if the site is now owned by a parent company associated with IGE, in my eyes, it's guilt by association. Aren't there laws on the books which hold you somewhat accountable if a crime is committed by someone you are with at the time of the criminal act? I think that may apply here, but even more so as Alla has knowingly and willingly made a pact with the devil (I may be a bit extreme here, but I don't care, thats how I feel) and he most assuredly knew at the time there would be a negative reaction to the buyout.

Will this site be bigger and better now with all the sudden infusion of money, which I may add was acquired by the gold buying/selling masses, it will now receive? Probably, but I don't care, as stated, I am going to cancel my premium account.

In closing, I would like to state that this site is now, in my opinion, a RMT site and I hope it dies the slow lingering money bleeding death that Thottbot is currently experiencing.
#725 May 05 2006 at 9:14 AM Rating: Good
first of all.. lawl.... rating everyone down that supports alla is fairly lame.

second.... all i can read is hypocrisy. any of you who are spewing this stuff in this thread you need to realize if you play everquest or ANY game that SONY makes, you are affliating yourself with a PLAT/ACCOUNT/ITEM seller. As SOE does it for everquest

there is their link as proof so you cant whine and say I am lying.

to the person who canceled his cc. you are actually commiting fraud. This site HAS provoded above AND beyond what you were tld you get for a premium account. as such if they wanted they can take you to court to offset any charges you may have caused. It is their legal right. they in no way were in breech of any contract and as they have you address it would be mighty hard for you to hide even if you are 'moving'

while so many people are cancelling accounts - what would it take for you to stop posting and stab yourself in the face? if it's just as simple as allakhazam selling out to iranian terrorists or something, lemme know, because I'll try to arrange it.

There should be two post counts... total post count, and useful post count.

Almost every post from you demonstrates your ignorance -and- your assholish tendencies. You really should only be one or the other.

I'm not even going to get in to the difference between cancelling a card and disputing charges, or the station exchange and ige...
#726 May 05 2006 at 9:37 AM Rating: Decent
What's funny is that people don't understand the idea of a parent company. The company that owns IGE could also own Merck and create the cure for cancer. Would you not support the cure for cancer because the company that owns it also owns IGE? It's a parent company. They own things. Hell, Phillip-Morris owns Kraft and Marlboro! Buy our Easy-Mac, smoke our cigarettes.

Whats funny is that people DO very well understand the concept of "parent company" here. The parent company in this instance does not own a company that makes the cure for cancer, they are somewhat more sinister.

The Phillip Morris owning Kraft issue is also well known. You do know there is a boycott by many people on Kraft Products around the globe in the same way there is with Nestle products?

Tobacco is big business. Selling gold to MMOG players is also big business. Have you read up on the figures involved with IGE in paying Yantis off?

Personally, as a long time member of this site and a lurker for many years I am sorely disappointed that Alla would sell out in this way.

Alla, you can chalk it up as "it's ok I made sure I would have complete control" etc but please be ready for when that egg lands on your face, because frankly you don't mean anything to them at the end of the day. What does mean something to them is the years of information provided to build this site BY the users FOR the users.

It was interesting to sit and watch what happened to Microwave and L2Orphus, how his site was bombarded with hits to make it go down. Then suddenly, Microwave posted how he was unable to continue with the site because of school commitments. L2 wasn't *that* big, but suddenly out of nowhere the site had so many hits that he couldn't afford to continue with the bandwidth costs. I even made a donation to that cause. Then suddenly the site was scattered with good ole gold selling ads.

I also remember the hullaballoo over on VN boards when a gold selling ad was seen here on Allakhazam. Funny innit how eventually, money talks and everyone sells out.

Good luck with your new venture, I suspect the community will still be around (even if it isn't here on the Zam/IGE network) and will help soothe your wounds when the corporate machine bursts your utopian bubble.

Edited, Fri May 5 10:48:10 2006 by Mulene
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