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#402REDACTED, Posted: May 04 2006 at 3:37 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Sellout schmellout. I do believe a bunch of small children need to get their heads out of Luke Skywalker's non-stinky butt and realize the it's not always about good and bad. Allakhazam is a business. Thottbott is a business. IGN is yet another business (Ni Hao!). They are all owned by a bigger business that makes their money off of all the other small businesses and pays its employees. Allakhazam is becoming an employee of a larger company.
#403 May 04 2006 at 3:38 AM Rating: Decent
Well, hopefully the performance will improve with the new servers daddy is buying for them... tried to post and managed to get it to post 3 times.
#404 May 04 2006 at 3:39 AM Rating: Decent

Edited, Thu May 4 15:25:00 2006 by SphiriahSphinx
#405REDACTED, Posted: May 04 2006 at 3:39 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) you need to set your settings to never filter to ready my replies on page 8... I guess it filters out posts with more then 2 words with capitols or something....
#406 May 04 2006 at 3:57 AM Rating: Good
Loved the Site. Sorry to see you've sold out.

Crying shame too.

Unless the You can confirm the 'new' owners of IGE are going to STOP selling gold for games...


As it stands now auto-renew will be unchecked.

Damn shame.

#407 May 04 2006 at 4:05 AM Rating: Default
647 posts
A sad, sad panda am I.
#408 May 04 2006 at 4:05 AM Rating: Decent
1,157 posts
I don't know the kind of reaction you were expecting to get when you posted this message.

I can not believe that you expected to get a good reaction with everyone dancing in meddows hand in hand with the RMT we all know and hate.

Pathetic move, truely pathetic.

See you again, to be honest there are better resources than this out there anyway, just shame you had to own a community by making a foolish decision like this.

Laters ^^
#409 May 04 2006 at 4:33 AM Rating: Decent
I'm going to wait.

I will sit upon the firm stone amongst this violent quake, and I shall watch the earth and rock leap and crash. And I will sit and wait, until things are at peace once more.

And the land may be a desolate ruin, or give birth to waterfalls and fertile soil. But I will not judge this catastrophe until all comes to rest.

I'm going to wait.

It's like poetry! But topical! Damn I'm sleepy.
#410 May 04 2006 at 4:46 AM Rating: Default
Question to OP...

What you gonna spend your paycheck on?

#411 May 04 2006 at 4:52 AM Rating: Excellent
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
Okay, I slept on it. I still feel it's a shi[/black]tty deal that's basically insulting the very people who ever made you something.

I've been advertising for Allakhazam whenever I had the chance. People would bring up Thottbot and I would flame it for being affiliated with goldsellers. Now I feel like sh[/black]it for turning people to your site when you're no different from Thottbot.

Bad excuses won't change the fact that you SOLD OUT!

You say that you'll get the boot if you don't swing this site around and create a profit. Then at the same time you say that no profit was the reason why you did this deal.

Do you expect the money to roll in now that you are in control of Thottbot and OGaming? Newsflash: They don't make money off of Thottbot or you. You said so yourself in the response to the Azzor article. You said IGE made enough money to keep Thottbot running with a leak in the money tank.

They don't care about your site, Alla. They just want your 800,000 users. This is the best site to advertise on now and you don't think they'll take advantage of that?
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#412 May 04 2006 at 4:52 AM Rating: Decent
A quote from sums this all up.

Working to integrate all of their web properties (Ogaming, Thottbot, and Allakhazam), IGE today announced plans to create a new super-network, This new MMO network is being spun to the community as if Allakhazam had purchased Ogaming when it was himself who was bought out. We thought the truth should be known.

#413 May 04 2006 at 4:57 AM Rating: Default
109 posts
I'm a little surprised at what people decide to get indignant over. The truth is, if just 10% of you raising Hell and threatening to break off ties with Allakhazam over their new dubious business connections actually applied your righteous indignation to (arguably more worthy) enterprises throughout the rest of the world ... the REAL world ... well, we could get some real humanitarian changes going.

I mean honestly. How many of you continued to buy your clothing cheaply from The Gap, even after you knew full well that it was all pieced together by children in dismal sweat shops? The bad PR was enough to make them make cursory efforts to clean up their act, but it wasn't as a result of poor sales.

How many of you fellows bought engagement rings for your wives-to-be, fitted with stones that were provided to your jeweler via the diamond slave trade? Make no mistake about it ... almost every single diamond currently on the Western, English-speaking market is actually a so-called "blood diamond". There's almost a guarantee that if you've bought a diamond at any time, it came from one of these African countries: it was mined by a slave, who is kept in line by torture and sheer terror.

How many of you, knowing that, still have every intention of wearing your diamond jewelry, and buying diamond jewelry in the future?

How many of actually stopped eating at KFC because of reports of inhumane cruelty to chickens on the part of its suppliers? How many of you stopped wearing your Nikes because of human rights abuses in the sweat shops in which they were assembled? How many of you purchase items, knowing full well where and how they were made, yet somehow manage to not care "enough" on a moral level to be a bit more discretionary with your buying habits?

And yet, the moral highground you've finally chosen to "take a stand on" is when a website goes into business with people who help others cheat at your favorite video game? I don't like the virtual money trade, either, but on the scale of issues worldwide, it's faaaarr down the list. If I'm going to cut anyone off of my wallet based on principle, it's going to be one of the markets I listed above, first.

If you're still willing to buy blood diamonds, eat chicken that lived its entire life in agony, in a cage it was too big to turn around in ... if you're still willing to wear clothes sewn together by a child forced to work 15-hour days, simply because it's easier not to think about it ... then ...






Either get REAL about your newfound "principles" when it comes to your spending, or realize yourself for what you are: an angry geek. This has nothing to do with taking the moral high ground, and refusing to associate yourself with evil. If that were the case, you'd keep your money out of a lot of fat mouths that forward the cause of "evil" worldwide.

No, your priority is with your MMORPG. You're mad at cheaters in your game. Make no mistake about it, my yuppie friends: you are very much the billionaire who gets angry at orphans living on the land that you want for your new golf course, yet stops writing checks to businesses that support a politician that they don't like. This is a disturbing reflection of skewed priorities.

Guys, the vague, barely-tangible connection to IGE is something that is complicated and distant enough for it to be argued that it is not a sin at all. This move positively PALES in comparison to the kind of horror, the kind of evil, that you feed financially (without having to) on a daily basis. Your righteous indignation is confusing, when one takes into account the general apathy towards anything else that most of us have.

This is personal, for you.

Edited, Thu May 4 06:16:12 2006 by Lazrical
#414 May 04 2006 at 5:00 AM Rating: Decent
1,252 posts
bummer, now I can remember my 36'th burfday as the day when Alla announced the "reorg" Smiley: frown
Still a noob. :-P
Characters on Drinal, Povar, EMarr, Firiona Vie.
#415 May 04 2006 at 5:06 AM Rating: Default
So are most things still going to be free or is it all going 'premium' now them?

EDIT: So now you're all rich too you can quit it with all the forced pop ups right? Kinda sick of sponge bob square pants screen saver ads...

Edited, Thu May 4 06:11:32 2006 by BrooklyFFXI
#416 May 04 2006 at 5:14 AM Rating: Good
754 posts
I can't go into my contract details. They are confidential.

Yeah, with you so far. But Realize that this makes all the 'z0mg ALLAH IS RMTer' posts look legit. If it could be said by one or both of the people who own Allahkazam that IGE did not in fact buy you out that would go along way towards easing my mind. Its an easy phrase and considering they don't in fact own you it should be easy to say. Why haven't you yet?

I will tell you that I was represented by one of the largest lawfirms in Philadlelphia when I did these negotiations and that they took quite a long time to finalize.

Does Mr. lawyer have a name? See previous, i'm tired of reading fanboy's theories i'd love to have some hard facts about what's happening.

What Gbaji says is basically true though. As long as we are profitable, they will leave us alone and let us do our thing.

However on that note you've been very vauge about details. Confidentiality aside you could dispel the smoke by saying that there are site features which you can't announce or try and take the heat off the issue that you're part of a company that own's IGE. If the theory that this is a group of investor's who went around throwing money at whatever looked profitable, make your voice heard and tell them what the fanbase is going to do to their new company. So far all i've seen is you dancing to their tune becuase they implemented code with login's on thottbot that would have spoiled the surprise.

I'm not sure if the thousands of rabid MMO fans cancelling thier accounts in unison is enough for you to bleed money, but i'm certain it ain't good. Gil Sellers ruined my game for new players, making it stagnate. Good luck with your future, but I won't be supporting you with my money or my ad views. Go go adblock.

Edit: I wasn't happy with the way i let one point be missed.

Edited, Thu May 4 06:39:39 2006 by Sberry
#417 May 04 2006 at 5:14 AM Rating: Default
139 posts
In a nutshell: Alla did not buy IGE. IGE did not buy Alla. A parent company (currently unidentified) has bought both IGE and Alla. Some are saying that IGE made up the parent company in order to trick the Alla users by buying Alla indirectly. The only evidence of this was a thread posted on Alla last year that said that Alla was bought by IGE in secret last year, which isn't true.

Now that i've quoted this, let me say something about the matter.


for the love of god, People = Sh*t. Forgive me for using bold+italics+large letters, because some people just don't get it.
#418 May 04 2006 at 5:17 AM Rating: Default]

So what changed?

Edited, Thu May 4 06:26:41 2006 by Skanda
#419 May 04 2006 at 5:18 AM Rating: Excellent
Allakhazam Defender of Justice wrote:
The only person who has access to all of that information is Illia, who has been the one all along with that access. All of that information is safe and will continue to be private and not sold off to anyone else. I know it is hard to believe me, but we are still running the site the same way we were before. I am still posting from my house. Nothing has changed on how things are being run here except that we are adding these other sites and expanding our services.

As a veteran of several acquisitions, I have to say that I'm afraid you're being naive. Ownership is ownership: while for the time being, you may be left alone, all the data and resources are now simple financial instruments, and if it is seen as necessary for the goals of the parent organization to take that data, they will, their honeyed words of promises autonomy aside. The only protections that you - and we - have, are those that are specified in the contracts that we signed with you (which I think I need to check now) and in the various privacy laws and regulations of the countries in which you operate. Fortunately for everyone, I believe you are a UK-based operation, which guarantees some privacy protection for our personal data that we might not enjoy if you were a US-based company.
#420 May 04 2006 at 5:20 AM Rating: Decent
I don't get what is so wrong with this, they are making allakhazam better in the long run. I look forward to the new site and will continue to pay for premium membership.
#421 May 04 2006 at 5:43 AM Rating: Excellent
130 posts
Whatever happens, I think Alla might get more than he bargained for. If the site flourishes it means more work for him to moderate and eal with improvements, if it flops it means more work to fix it. If it flourishes the parent company will push for more control to implement more pay as you go schemes, if it flounders they'll push to implement gold selling ads and so forth.

TBH it reads as a lose-lose situation for Alla.

And part of my brain screams that the OP was a pre-prepared statement from the parent company. It was too... slick. It was a sales pitch, not a passing of information.

I just hope your contract is literally airtight...
#422 May 04 2006 at 5:45 AM Rating: Good
Also, gil sellers will continue to be banned from the forums and no gil seller ads will appear on the site. None of that has changed.

Hey hang on, where have I seen this before...

"From: CJayC | Posted: 6/3/2003
GameFAQs isn't going to be merged in with GameSpot or any other site. We're not going to strip out the soul of the site."

3 guesses on what happened to GameFAQs. Winner gets a cookie.

EDIT: and LOL @ this:

Edited, Thu May 4 06:54:39 2006 by Eyeconfide

Edited, Thu May 4 06:49:19 2006 by Eyeconfide

Edited, Thu May 4 06:55:41 2006 by Eyeconfide
#423 May 04 2006 at 5:47 AM Rating: Default
Do we get a million gil with each premium membership now?
#424 May 04 2006 at 5:48 AM Rating: Decent
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
Eyeconfide wrote:
Also, gil sellers will continue to be banned from the forums and no gil seller ads will appear on the site. None of that has changed.

Hey hang on, where have I seen this before...

"From: CJayC | Posted: 6/3/2003
GameFAQs isn't going to be merged in with GameSpot or any other site. We're not going to strip out the soul of the site."

3 guesses on what happened to GameFAQs. Winner gets a cookie.

Check their logo.
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#425 May 04 2006 at 5:54 AM Rating: Default
i find it amusing that most of you seem to think that selling/buying gaming currency is like replacing a childs pacifier with a lit cigarette.
#426 May 04 2006 at 6:01 AM Rating: Good
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
mcivor wrote:
i find it amusing that most of you seem to think that selling/buying gaming currency is like replacing a childs pacifier with a lit cigarette.

It is.
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
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