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#377 May 04 2006 at 1:23 AM Rating: Excellent
3,825 posts
I really really want my money back for premium.

Even IF there will never be gil seller adds on this site, you are now 100% associated with THEM. I don't want to be associated with YOU.
#378 May 04 2006 at 1:39 AM Rating: Good
292 posts
Allakhazam Defender of Justice wrote:
Frankly if Thottbot hadn't existed I doubt I would have had to sell Allakhazam. Because Thottbot existed and was giving away their information for free (and losing money like crazy to their former company who didn't care if they made any money off it) we could not make a profit off our wow site even though it was by far our biggest expense.

I don't think people have paid enough attention to what Alla wrote here. It sounds a lot like the guys behind IGE were running thottbot at a loss in order to run allakhazam's profitability down, thereby forcing Alla to sell. That's actually a pretty common tactic in industries like this.
#379 May 04 2006 at 1:40 AM Rating: Default
Well well, another sellout. Its sad that so many people sellout these days, makes my respect level go up for those that continue to sellout. Money is not everything, however people seem to forget this. Sure its nice to have in this life but none of that matters when you die. Its amazing how you can build a community like this and do something that is going to hurt you in the end, it does not matter if you promote RMT or not, just be being owned by a company that owns IGE in effect says you support RMT. After all, those that pay for service here, well that money now goes to IGE in effect. I for one hope that this new network tanks and is the end of you.
#380 May 04 2006 at 1:42 AM Rating: Decent
42 posts
Gil selling ads are certainly something to be concerned over, but I think the fact that IGE now effectivley controls the market is more ominous. What is to stop them from slowing making more and more features require a premium account? What is to stop them from raising prices on these accounts? Don't be surprised if in a few months you find these sites have become useless unless you pay a fee.
New sites will come to compete, but it takes a long time and alot of willing users to build a relatively complete database. Only a few will achieve this, and then IGE only needs to wave some money to make them disappear.
#381 May 04 2006 at 1:42 AM Rating: Excellent
184 posts
Congratulations Alla and Illia.

Coming from a family business that sold itself "to the enemy" I can understand some of what you are going through. Like you've stated, the acquisition will likely give you the funds to do all sorts of new things for the site. I do hope that you all have done well financially in the deal, the site is worth a lot of money.

As a gamer, contributor, past donator to the site (back when you just accepted donations), and current Premium User I am saddened. While it was just you guys running the site, I had no issues with contributing information for free or supporting you financially. Afterall, you're gamers like me. Now I know that some of my money will be going to a company that supports the multi-million dollar trade in plat and cheats. Sure, the service I get will likely increase, but I have to decide whether or not the service is worth the knowledge of where my money goes.

Don't let all the people calling you "sellouts" get you down. They don't understand what you've gone through and they don't understand what you have in mind for new services.

I do hope that you tuck away a large portion of the money you've received for selling and save a good portion of your paycheck. Large corporations don't care about what you and all the players have put into this site, they care about how much money they make (and you can't blame them for that)

Good luck to you. Hopefully the new services you hope to offer will bring back some of the people who have cancelled their accounts.
#382 May 04 2006 at 1:45 AM Rating: Decent
The name says it all. Alla sold out and I hope the money he gets from selling out lasts him a long time because he just lost a lot of paying premium customers. Great way to ***** yourself over Alla.
#383 May 04 2006 at 1:49 AM Rating: Default
806 posts

Sorry, it seems like the popular thing so I thought I'd contribute in a large way.
#384 May 04 2006 at 1:56 AM Rating: Good
I'm really baffled by those who downplay the significance of this deal.
Aside from the fact that gold and item farmers effectively remove game content for players, their "services" are directly in violation of ToS. Being in any way affiliated with IGE is a plain and simple slap in the face to honest players. Any effort you make to spin a tale of seperate corporate shells is merely that...spin. You have knowingly entered a contract with an entity that controls a company whose sole purpose is to profit off the corruption of the same games you aver a love for.
#385 May 04 2006 at 2:02 AM Rating: Good
1,996 posts
The link to IGE may or may not be as strong as everyone is speculating. However, in the responses it is evident that Alla recognized before hand that there was a link.

A resonable amount of thought on the matter would have revealed what the reactions of the community might be.

No matter how you spin it, even if you say it's for the 'good of the community', in the end it came down to:

money in your pocket >>>>>>>>>> Respect for the community.

And that's fine. Really it is. Just say it. It's obvious that the vast majority of people here would rather stick with the current technology then be "in bed" with a company that costs us RL hours and RL frustration. Just tell me you wanted to get paid and that will be enough, but don't try to sell the 'its what's best for the community' when 99% of people here are outraged at it. The response could have easily been predicted.......
#386 May 04 2006 at 2:35 AM Rating: Decent
77 posts
So does this mean I have to pay to use decent features on Thotbot now too? Lame...
#387 May 04 2006 at 2:37 AM Rating: Default
Reason. Courtesy. Patience. These are things that have no place in an Alla forum. Ironically enough, this is why I have not previously paid for premium membership, but if the hot-head, gut-reaction crowd is clearing out, I may reconsider that.

But what the hey, I'm a glutton for punishment. I can't resist to at least throw out a little attempt to interject some actual thinking into this.

The biggest single mistake that Alla made was thinking that many of the people that post here would see this as any way other than dichotomously. Money is a web. If you have money, then you are supporting gil sellers. It's more complicated than they think it is. Shocker.

In a nutshell: Alla did not buy IGE. IGE did not buy Alla. A parent company (currently unidentified) has bought both IGE and Alla. Some are saying that IGE made up the parent company in order to trick the Alla users by buying Alla indirectly. The only evidence of this was a thread posted on Alla last year that said that Alla was bought by IGE in secret last year, which isn't true.

In a smaller nutshell: People are idiots. Just wait and see before jumping to conclusions, eh?
#388 May 04 2006 at 2:39 AM Rating: Decent
Double post. A Bit bogged down here today.

Edited, Thu May 4 04:28:16 2006 by imbtrthnur
#389 May 04 2006 at 2:44 AM Rating: Good
My premium membership was up for renewal a few days ago. I'm very glad I found out about it before I renewed. Allakhazam's site has been a valuable resource for me since I started playing EQ in 1999. I've been a premium member since "premium membership" was offered.

I'll not contribute another dime (or penny for that matter) to a site that is in any way affiliated with IGE. No matter what smoke and mirrors you expect me to look at it through, IGE still profits from my membership.

Sorry Alla, I've been with you from the beginning, but we go our separate ways now. Gods, I hope eqtraders doesn't get sucked up by this lunacy.
#390 May 04 2006 at 2:52 AM Rating: Good
1,257 posts

Everyone has a price I guess

9. ..... You may not buy, sell or auction (or host or facilitate the ability to allow others to buy, sell or auction)any Game characters, items, coin or copyrighted material.

#391 May 04 2006 at 2:53 AM Rating: Decent
i always said **** alla at the beginning. so no difference here
#392 May 04 2006 at 2:54 AM Rating: Decent
I'unno. I'm still iffy on this whole thing. Granted, I don't use this site a whole lot overall in my gaming, but I was first directed here back in my EQ-only days, and later when FFXI became my main game to play.

I must admit, though, I'm torn. This site's been great for helping me with the info I've needed (and I must admit, lurking here has been hillarious watching people pointlessly fling insults at each other for no reason other than 'I'm right!' 'Nuh-uh!')...

I sat and read this whole thread, hoping for answers, and all I see are more and more questions, and fingers being pointed.

Do I support the people who run this site to begin with taking their venture to another level? Yeah, I do.

But, on the other hand... Do I support the fact that the parent company that bought Alla is the same parent company that owns IGE? No, not really...

Eh I'm babbling now. I'm not gonna shout "ZOMG SELLOUTZZ!!11one" like everyone else, but I'm not entirely happy. :/

EDIT: Cravy, go drown in a lake.

Edited, Thu May 4 04:01:35 2006 by Ayasu
#393REDACTED, Posted: May 04 2006 at 3:00 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) I will read page 2+ in a minute and then edit accordingly.. just wanted to say.
#394 May 04 2006 at 3:14 AM Rating: Good
792 posts
Allakhazam wrote:
It's late here and I am calling it a night. I suggest everyone else take a deep breath and relax and sleep on this as well. I feel I have done what was best for the site. In time, I believe you will come to realize that as well. For those who feel they can no longer support us or use our services, all I can say is we were happy to have you here all those years and wish you the best of luck wherever you end up. It is interesting that when I broke all this to the staff, all I got was enthusiasm about what we will be able to do in the future. Everyone has had a pet project they have wanted done that we have just not had the resources to do before. Give us time to show you what we can do with this and you may well be enthusiastic as well. I personally am looking forward to seeing the full potential of this network blossom and grow.

In a word: NO.

And you know, I'd be happy too if I were gonna make more money off of the deal.

Damn, I'm glad that temptation to buy premium this weekend passed.
#395 May 04 2006 at 3:20 AM Rating: Decent

interestingly enough, that is pretty true actually. SE actually has listened to the cominuty (which a large amount is/was alla) for some of the major game changes and things have been put in. Of course, sometimes those changes aren't that good >_> but hey its the thought that counts lol.

what if
Mystery parent company's parent company = SE...

lol j/k

but then again it isnt too hard to believe, nearly all the other asian MMO companies RMTs directly (you can even buy game items at your local 7-11 for your favorite MMO) and soon all xbox gamers will RMT through xbox live.


IGE = leader of an ~$800mil and growing industry worldwide.
Alla = network of user dependant, profit through ads, minimum user subscription/(donation) of 15,000-20,000? MMO content/info sites.

whatever profit alla can make probably just barely cover the "eat sushi off nakkid models" expense budget over at IGE.

in comparison:
IGE = Juggernaut
Alla = something the begins with the letter 'B_ _ _ _'

Edited, Thu May 4 04:23:16 2006 by Telimek
#396 May 04 2006 at 3:32 AM Rating: Decent
124 posts
I'm done...
My $ and the $ you get from the adds i see every time i hit your sight will be no more.

what a let down.... oh well, off to find a new place for info that dosn't in any way help the gil farmmin world.

#397 May 04 2006 at 3:35 AM Rating: Decent
Ah yes, what a hot thread this is... started out with a nice announcement and lead on to the real truth coming out. I have a bad feeling about this. Reminds me of so many of the big corporations out there that buy that up and coming company, but you never seem to hear from that company again. Hmmmm, a certain company that seems to work this way comes to mind...

Microsoft - Resistance is futile, you will be assimilated.
#398 May 04 2006 at 3:36 AM Rating: Decent
Ah yes, what a hot thread this is... started out with a nice announcement and lead on to the real truth coming out. I have a bad feeling about this. Reminds me of so many of the big corporations out there that buy that up and coming company, but you never seem to hear from that company again. Hmmmm, a certain company that seems to work this way comes to mind...

Microsoft - Resistance is futile, you will be assimilated.
#399 May 04 2006 at 3:36 AM Rating: Default

I also don't want any of my guides on a site where the bottom dollar is going back to the guys that own IGE etc.

you have a really bad atitude. Especialy since you are making others suffer for your ignorance.


Allakhazam wrote:You know my stand on gold selling.

As I said on another board:

No, not anymore.

wow.. you to... stand by the man or like i said get out. if he says there will be no gold selling then hey do this.. BELIEVE HIM


No Allakhazam is now owned by the company that owns IGE. IGE and Allakhazam are distinct entities however in the end the money goes to the same parent corporation.

This is somehow supposed to make it less morally ambiguous.

What a facking joke.

Let me explain to you how websites work.

you got guy A who has all this space and sites he wants run.
you got guy B who gets a site and pays guy A for the site and pays him more so thast he can do what he wants with it no questions asked. Meaning guy A has no affiliation with the workings of the site Guy B does.
You got guy C (alla) who pays Guy A ( YOU SEE THAT GUY A ) for his huge site filled with great information but tells guy A he doesnt want to affiliate with Guy B Guy A Agrees.

do you understand NOW? god...


So who will now have easy access to the databases containing our usernames, email addresses, mailing addresses, billing addresses, and possibly credit card numbers, as well as IP addresses and other such information?

Most networks have retuble administrators.also Alla has stated he still maintaints ownership over the network so he says who can access these. I dont think he would give someone access to that who was un trustworthy,


I'm of the same mind as bodhi.

Allakhazam just sold out to a company that sells online gold/gil etc. etc...

Support Allakhazam: Support Gold Sellers!

I don't think so.

Go back to school... you OBVIOUSLY havent even read it like half of the others that posted he said

do people have to yell for you to read it?


So does this mean selling of accounts/items will be legal now???

Alla has said NO. only type of selling that I would think would even BE allowed is through SONY for EQ2. Sony Now allows you to buy and sell accounts items and plat from THEIR site.


No, man. It's not like you lost credibility on this little stunt.

Fact is, my personal information is in the hands of the people who couldn't turn down goldsellers. What will happen the next time they make a generous offer?

gold sellers arent hurting you. and they dont physically strike you. they arent here threatening you or your family. Let the authorities deal with them. and let alla do what hes doing.... thats why hes in the position.. he nows what hes doing.


What happens if the company that bought you suddenly demands that you share your client data with IGE? Can you pull out of the deal? Or can they just fire you and do it anyways?

...the way I see this is that you're not the 'boss' anymore, some faceless corporation is. They can say 'jump' and you'll say 'how high?' or you'll lose your job.

to bad. Alla has privacy agreements with us. IGE cannot force him to break those. if they do then they will be liable for hefty legal obligations.


Alla, when your network makes money, where do the profits go? To you, and to your higher-ups. Looks like it's time for the kids to find a new tree-house.

try tansfer and services. alla doesnt sell anything does he? premium memberships go for the transfer the sites incur... I hardly think he makes a profit on it..


Bhodi if I was truly a sellout, I would have just sold the site and run off and sat on a beach and enjoyed the profits. That would have actually been the easy thing to do. Instead I cared enough about it to insist that I be the one to run it and develop it. It is the fact that I care about this community and what happens to it that I am still sitting here and posting about this. A more cold blooded type would have just run off laughing into the sunset.

exactly.... and if i had owned this site... ida done banned you for your avy and sig... you need to stand WITH alla.


IGE makes its living by directly damaging the quality and content of the games that Alla supports. Marlboro does not chase after cookie eaters.

actually only 1% of all gamers in all these games actually play without buying money. so who cares. sony realized it and now does it if they do it why should you whine about it? ( SONY OWNS EVERQUEST! )

and actually marlboros damage the way we live and our lungs and our childrens lungs.


Codyy da Basher wrote:I'm surprised how worked up people are getting. We support a company that supports IGE. So? The little bit of money they take in from the site will be probably profit only/go back to help alla. :P


SOE sells gold... so you are the one that you shoudlve said that to... as we support SOE


To think after that post Alla made asking what would it take for us to get premium I started thinking about buying a membership. Even though I dont care about avatars I was gonna get it just to support Alla.

I'm glad I didn't. >.<

if you use the site content... get premium.... every page you load costs in transfer... do your part to help offset those costs. saying OMG JUST BECAUSE YOU ARE GOIGN TO BE BETTER I WONT PAY YOU is childish.

BULL-FRACKING-CHIT. You guys have purchased new servers several times, each time promising the same goddamn thing. Then you go off and develop something completely unrelated, IE: the WoW signature images. The actual fact of the matter is that you don't give a good goddamn about user satisfaction as long as the $ keeps rolling in. But hey why should you? You're no worse than any other company. Right?

I respected the fact that you guys were a small-time op, and I was more than happy to pay for premium because of that. Now I won't give you the time of day or brake if I see you crossing the street.

Way to be average and unoriginal Alla, kudos to you guys.

lmao..... actually they have done a great job... you just cant cure slowness with a swift wrist movement.... this site probably averages thousands of people at one time.... you NEED more servers and better bandwidth alloted to handle all of those requests. That costs ALOT of money

After the 3rd page I stopped reading. all i saw were morons spewing out garbage.

If you are not going to support alla then just leave, alla needs friends and SUPPROT at this time. not your lame whining behaivor.

Let me tell you something. Alla IS the PREMIUM MMO site. I dont give a flying bird who owns alla. IT DOESNT MATTER WHO OWNS THEM. the fact is you get the SAME services PLUS better features. you get the SAME promises and sellers CONTINUE to be BANNED and the ADS CONTINUE to be REMOVED.

I support you alla 100% and if everyone else leaves then so be it I will still be here. good luck and I hope it works out.
#400 May 04 2006 at 3:36 AM Rating: Default

Edited, Thu May 4 04:40:10 2006 by SphiriahSphinx
#401 May 04 2006 at 3:36 AM Rating: Decent
Ah yes, what a hot thread this is... started out with a nice announcement and lead on to the real truth coming out. I have a bad feeling about this. Reminds me of so many of the big corporations out there that buy that up and coming company, but you never seem to hear from that company again. Hmmmm, a certain company that seems to work this way comes to mind...

Microsoft - Resistance is futile, you will be assimilated.
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