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#327 May 03 2006 at 11:38 PM Rating: Decent
fenderputy the Shady wrote:
TheBlix wrote:
fenderputy the Shady wrote:
TheBlix wrote:
fenderputy the Shady wrote:
You have 45 posts to your name and, you dont' pay for premium. Your opinion mean what now?

Just the fact that you care about his post count is weak. Smiley: disappointed

You know some people have been here as long as you, and much longer, I'm sure, with a post count still in the tens or hundreds?


BLAH BLAH BLAH. If he's posted that much in over two years, I wouldn't consider him to be a valued part of the community. Has he given anything back? Nope. He wouldn't be considered much help to the community either. Not even a premium membership has been given. In other words, if he's been around that lond he's a free loader.

Jesus Cristo you're a moran.

[sm]I pay money but, it's not for the use of this site. I don't have to pay money to use this site. I pay for the support of something I use so much and, for the avatars. I no longer support his business practices and, avatars aren't that important.

Besides the fact that him just being here for a long time supports the site, even if he's never bought premium?

You think you're better because you have more posts, because you're premium, which is stupid. But if you like feeling like you're more of a man, more of a human, by all means...


Ehhh? What the hell are you talking about? I don't think I'm better. I just don't think his opinion means richard. Ask any business owner which customers he treats well. It isn't going to be someone he hardly sees and, it surely isn't someone who hasn't ever payed them.

Exactly, you're implying that the more posts you have the more your opinion matters. Sense you have more posts than he does you're implying you're better.

Maybe you didn't mean to, but you did.


Edited, Thu May 4 00:45:36 2006 by TheBlix

Edited, Thu May 4 00:40:35 2006 by TheBlix
#328 May 03 2006 at 11:49 PM Rating: Decent
316 posts
FenrirXIII wrote:
Changes I'd like to see:
---New idea! Incentives! A particular forum-goer or site user types up a guide or mini data sheet on a particular gameplay element, he/she gets a 1 or 2 dollar reward if the information is good!

I don't know if paying real money would be a feasible idea, but....nah, I won't say it.
#329 May 03 2006 at 11:50 PM Rating: Decent
284 posts
All of that information is safe and will continue to be private and not sold off to anyone else.

Great for as long as that lasts. I see no "privacy statement" anywhere on the site, so we only have your good intentions to go by. How long before the parent company decides that the membership database can be traded within the company? And then how long before the membership database is sold to the highest bidder by one of Allakhazam's associated companies?

Like others I bought a premium membership to support Allakhazam. Good to know that membership fees will now be used to support IGE's parent company. I have cancelled my renewal like a lot of the others posting here. And I really want a refund on the balance of what I paid for my 1 year membership. I will most likely have to take that up with my credit card company though won't I.
#330 May 03 2006 at 11:52 PM Rating: Good
Stop the ********* Honestly.

Saying that the profit from one member of a corporate entity does not benefit the profit of the head of that entity is ludicrous and naive.

You're already changing, becuase now you're lying to us.

And if you're dense enough to think "IGE won't change us.", think again. Look at the example. You know SKO, the SK class website? Wrong, it's defunct becuase IGE bought it the hell out, so now we're EGN.

Buy yourself some nice stuff with your paychecks, sellouts. You've lost the respect and admiration of most of the EQ community, as well as half the other games you hold. All for profit. Hope the dollar value was worth it.
#331 May 03 2006 at 11:55 PM Rating: Good
Well, to put it bluntly, I'm disappointed. Yes, there may not be any direct connection between Allakhazam and IGE, however Allakhazam is now recieving funds from a company who, obviously, got a very hefty chunk of that from.... thats right, selling gold/gil/plat. In turn, Allakhazam might as well just be playing the farmers who MPK you and sell in-game currency for $$$. Wonder how long until we see IGE adds on allakhazam... my guess is prolly within a year, tops. See ya guys later. Allakhazam, **** you.
#332 May 03 2006 at 11:56 PM Rating: Decent
3,829 posts

Billing Settings:
Renewal Date: 2006-08-28
Auto Renew Premium [NO]

Alas, avatar, I hardly knew ye!

#333 May 03 2006 at 11:57 PM Rating: Good
284 posts
The plan is to make and The Network the ultimate online destination for all the latest information about your game.

And buying Gil, don't forget buying Gil.
#334 May 03 2006 at 11:58 PM Rating: Decent
7,466 posts
One thing i'd like to remind people...

There is nothing to say so far (besides an article that may or may not be accurate and we have had several people saying it isn't already) that this mysterious company is indeed IGE. Of course, at the same time, there is nothing to say that it isn't also. Right now only Allakhazam (and MAYBE some staff members) know the name of the company. Sure, lots of people are saying that it is this RPG Holdings things, but there is really no hard proof that i've seen offered other then rumors.

Either way though, Allakhazam has already pointed out the fatal flaw (probably w/o knowing it) of the sites (since he is now in charge of quite a few it sounds like) has to STAY profitable for the parent company to not interfere and post the RMT advertising. As it is now, Alla isn't really profitable (or so it sounds) and now he is getting more funding and more sites that have to be profitable... add to that that he is loosing quite a few it sounds like, just due to being owned by a company who owns IGE also. Chances are we'll see the parent company step in here....

Time will tell tough, and we can only hope they wont.

Right now though, we just need to settle down and wait for more official news... then after that dig up everything we can on the parent company (if it isn't RPG Holding) like what was done to og and thott about a year ago when people suspected IGE of owning them.
#335 May 04 2006 at 12:07 AM Rating: Decent
415 posts
This makes me really sad. Why would you do this Alla? Why? You... you big... you big ****...
#336 May 04 2006 at 12:11 AM Rating: Default
A lot of you people should feel ashamed of yourselves.

Please, I beg you, find a worthwhile cause to get so hyped about ... because you know, although it may be hard to believe, there is still a 'Real Life' going on out there! And there are a lot of 'world' issues that could do with the energy and time you people seem to have.

What about the companies who exploit children for cheap labor? What about companies that test cosmetics on animals? What about the companies that sell cigarettes? What about the companies who tip waste into our seas and pollute our air?

Those are the companies you should be targeting, not some company who earns a buck by selling stuff for a game.

Let me reiterate ... it is just a game!



When did you last read a newspaper? When did you last watch the news? If a nuclear bomb was heading straight for you, would you actually know about it, or would you be more concerned about pulling a group together to go to Onyxia's Lair for the Alcor's Sunrazor?
#337 May 04 2006 at 12:15 AM Rating: Excellent
I'm going to take a slightly different angle at this, call it more of a bit of speculation.

I'm betting early on this new project will be bankrolled and rolled out well. Alla will be at the helm. The database will be expanded, organized, complied, pages reworked, searches expanded, underrepresented sections fleshed out. All will eventually, and I expect faster than any of us would guess, be rolled into the finest MMO spoiler/info site of the lot for content, useability and healthy forums.

The amount of premium users will shrink substantially as subscriptions expire due to the link to RMT in the corporate chain making people think twice about renewing. I think that in this same time the actual amount of registered (non-premium) users will at least double.

You mentioned that as long as the site shows profitability, the "parent" company will take a hands off approach to this new company. I think all of us know that the perception and definition of profitability can change at the whim of the stockholders. With less premium users, but more actual users, you will have a successfully busy site that isn't as profitable as it's other ventures. It will be really tough to defend somthing that isn't showing a solid profit to the stockholders, even if this turns out to be a killer site.

I think that IGE and it's self formed parent company is banking on this. This new site would be the ultimate ad space for the primary product of the parent company's largest other interest: RMT.

I'm of the opinion that Alla just signed his own termination papers and doesn't even realise it. Alla and Illia will build it and it will be well executed. People will come, but they won't pay for it. The second it has been built to the point that an outsource or lower paid staff can update it and somewhat keep up, the parent company will deem it not profitable. Illia and Alla will likely be replaced, then the "Buy Our Plat, Gold, Gil" embedded banners will appear.

People will still come for the info and RMT will foot the bill. This is exactly how I think the parent company and IGE want it.

I think this is a pretty likely to happen in the next 12 to 18 months.

I hope you guys put some nice early termination packages in these contracts.

...oh, and Alla, if you are being completely sincere, you really need to take off the rose colored glasses. The potential for a site with all this data combined and organized in one place is huge, but this corporation will have no hesitations about sticking the knife in your back as soon as it is finished.

#338 May 04 2006 at 12:16 AM Rating: Good
Drama Nerdvana
20,674 posts
Well kudos on alienating most of your Premium population as well as most of your contributing population in one fell swoop. wrote:
Our site has always been about community first and business second

Until now.

New servers, new content etc will be great but by associating yourself with gold sellers no matter how loosely you have just shot yourself in the foot. You have managed to disenfranchise the majority of your most loyal community members. Wait until word of this starts spreading into the Offical WoW/EQ2 forums. Think of the particularly hard backlash from the FFXI community which has been so plagued by IGE.

In a way taking the money and running would have been more understandable. Greed is forgiveable. Being stupid enough to sell out and not run is just mind boggling.

GFY alla, I am sure you have the extra funds to have the extra ribs removed to make is an anatomical possibility.

Bode - 100 Holy Paladin - Lightbringer
#339 May 04 2006 at 12:21 AM Rating: Decent
the sellout ******* wrote:
I feel I have done what was best for the site.

You did what was best for your wallet, you greedy selfish fuck.

I always KNEW you assholes were crooked. Thanks for proving me right, and I REALLY hope this site goes under, you're fired, and you're thrown into the poorhouse because you wouldn't dance to the tunes IGE plays.
#340 May 04 2006 at 12:24 AM Rating: Decent
Your a ******* sell-out. This will be the last time I ever visit a Allakhazam/zam/thottbot/ige or whatever else this ****** company owns.
#341 May 04 2006 at 12:25 AM Rating: Good
374 posts
AS with many others I am very disappointed. I have been a premium member for so many years now but I will also be turning off my renewal. I donated because I though you deserved the money for running a great site. I will still continue to use the site for my own purposes but I will no longer donate as you are obviously no longer in need nor will I be contributing any information.

In regards to your staff being overjoyed, why wouldn't they be? They all just got full time jobs and raises too likely. It's good for you guys but it definately leaves a bad taste in most of our mouths. I think most here would agree that it would have been better just to sell out.
#342 May 04 2006 at 12:27 AM Rating: Good
181 posts
Great Business Decision? Yep. Good for you, since you are living out the Capitalist Ideal. Rock on with your bad self back in Philly-Town.

"Community First, Money Second?" Please stop insulting our intelligence. This site was a bastion against practices that its contributing members (Be it through submitting information-content or Premium Membership Contribution) felt were ruining the games they enjoy. You have succeeded in alienating a number of them through your insistance on holding your stance.

You have agreed to become a part of a corporation that owns IGE. Whether it is a shell company that is run by the same board as IGE is immaterial, ultimately. Same with your claims that your "division" will not be supporting other "divisions" whose purposes run contrary to the beliefs of your (Now soon to be former) paying contributors.

It's the mere perception that matters. Perception that you have sold your "Soul" to the "Enemy" and that any profits that you generate may be used to bolster that "Enemy."

Auto Renewal = Off.

Wish that My Auto-Renewal hadn't kicked in over the past weekend = On
#343 May 04 2006 at 12:27 AM Rating: Good
7,466 posts
bodhisattva wrote:
Wait until word of this starts spreading into the Offical WoW/EQ2 forums. Think of the particularly hard backlash from the FFXI community which has been so plagued by IGE.

Think there have already been probably 5 threads related to this in some way, shape or form on the ffxi forums that I have seen in my (sparse) checking of them. One was locked by Alla and was posted earlier in this thread...

I bet there is pretty much a thread on each forum about this. I also would immagine that this is spreading like wildfire through many guilds on the games right now, since a ton of people visit this site each day.
#344 May 04 2006 at 12:28 AM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
Mwuahahahaa wrote:
Please, I beg you, find a worthwhile cause to get so hyped about
Either you're grossly exaggerating in an attempt to shame people or else you have a very liberal definition of what it means to be "hyped up". A handful of posts isn't exactly the same as living in a tree or chaining yourself to a bulldozer.

If you think this is "hyped up", you must put very little effort into life.
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#345 May 04 2006 at 12:30 AM Rating: Good
Mwuahahahaa wrote:
What about the companies who exploit children for cheap labor?

From what I've read and the pics I have seen, IGE is in this boat.
#346 May 04 2006 at 12:31 AM Rating: Good
I very rarely use this site anymore, I am pretty sure I had a registered name but have forgotten it. I will admit I just registered solely for the purpose of posting here in this thread. Thankfully this is now my spam email account ... certainly dont want IGE getting my personal info.

This is yet another sad day for MMOers. All we can do is sit back and watch IGE, RMT or whatever they are calling themselves this week tighten their stranglehold on yet more MMOing communities.

You have to be pretty naive to believe that IGE is doing all of this out of the goodness of their hearts. Buying up struggling MMO sites just to give them right back to the previous onwers and make them so much better for the good of the community ... yea, right.

IGE is merely trying every trick in the book to root themselves so deep in the genre thier will be no reversing it. Each time a site sells out to these guys a little part of the genre dies and IGE does a little dance. See, they know what they are doing ... In time you wont be able to visit a non IGE mmo related site. When they own everything whats to stop them from doing whatever it is they want ? They have access and now own everyones account info from these sites they buy, why wouldnt they, they are after all the owners.

I dont care how well its spun or sugarcoated, how much I hear our communties will now be better that we have IGE backing all of our sites now. IGE blatantly ignores MMOs EULA to buy and sell in games that oppose it. But thats good for us to right ? Because they are providing a "needed service" so they claim, in games where economies are ruined, content is hogged and farming is encouraged to get the fat RL loots ... its really pretty sad.

So congrats on your fat bankroll and good job in supporting the company that makes it living off of ruining MMOs, but hey ... they got a lot of money, right ? Good job then apparently thats all that matters !
#347 May 04 2006 at 12:33 AM Rating: Good
223 posts
I'm sure it has spread to hundreds of other forums now; be it large community forums, or simply meager linkshell forums. I heard about this from my linkshell site, and I've been following this thread for a few hours now.

I expect that within a few days, almost the entire community of all of Alla's games will know about this.

And I don't think the general concensus of "SELLOUT" will change.
#348 May 04 2006 at 12:38 AM Rating: Excellent
308 posts
I really don't even know what to think about all this right now. I've been anti-gil/gold selling ever since I started playing FF XI my first, and probably only MMO. Although being anit-RMT hasn't stopped my from using sites that have their banners, espically somepage. However, I usually use them for a quick look up for an item and where it is sold, but if I want solid feedback, Alla has always been stop number one.

Never having bought premium, I can't speak for those members of Alla. I'm sure there is a huge feeling of betrayal for trying to support a site that was solidly anti-RMT, and this is something I cannot comment on or relate to no matter what I say, since I have always held a free account. I have always wanted to "contribute" to this site through any knowledge of FF XI I had. I know this is not the same, but I feel, on a community site like Alla, this is an important contribution to give.

That being said, I'm not a huge fan of this move either. In the end, even if the site doesn't directly profit from IGE, the "investors" as they have been called still do. There is no way around this. This are the same investors that also profit off of IGE as well. And herein lies the problem. Alla, although you may not be supporting IGE, you are still supporting people that profit off of IGE.

I understand the reasons for your deal, although I don't agree with them. Alla, I understand you want to make this site, your project, be the best that it can be. Please though, espically since you claim to still care about the community (and I believe you still do), understand our outrage. Those of us who are strongly anti-IGE/RMT, do not wish in any way to support anyone associated with a company like IGE in any way, shape or form. This would included helping aid in the profits of any investor or company that makes money by supporting IGE.

Be weary Alla, you have taken a step in a dangerous direction, and I hate to see this site completely overrun by IGE with banners, ads, etc. I do wish you luck still Alla, I want to believe this site can still hold it's own without direct support from IGE. But as I've heard many times:

"The road to hell is paved with good intentions..."

I hope this isn't the path that this site or you will go down...
#349 May 04 2006 at 12:38 AM Rating: Decent
Whiners... every last one of ya...

I really do not understand your obvious WANT for alla to be the bad guy here. You are going crazy over some piddly little thing.

I look at your avvys you are obviously putting much use into until they go away. I look at your cursing and swearing in the forums. I look at your obvious sheep mentality. I look at you removing guides and posts that help other gamers.

And I lose all the respect I had for you.

The community is not made by Alla. The database is gathered by the people who play the games. The tons of help and advice I have found here is a product of all of the people who have gathered here at Alla. I will gladly pay every cent of my subscription fee for the priviliges(sp?) I enjoy from that subscription. For one reason:

I pay for what I gain from. I pay the man who made all this possible what he deserve.

Now go to the Official Forums and whine. We who still retain even a hint of common sense don't need you whining and bleating sheep.
#350 May 04 2006 at 12:45 AM Rating: Default

If you think this is "hyped up", you must put very little effort into life.[/quote]

Perhaps you are right but 22870 posts tells me you gotta get out more lol

Bah, I'm kidding ... its all for fun.
#351 May 04 2006 at 12:49 AM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
Mwuahahahaa wrote:
Perhaps you are right but 22870 posts tells me you gotta get out more lol
Yeah, but that's over the course of six years on this site! Smiley: smile
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
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