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#277 May 03 2006 at 10:14 PM Rating: Default
"kudane" wrote:
IMHO the article has a few things correct (for example Brock Peirce was in First Kid), but in some of the more incriminating details I believe they have made their own conclusions.

I think you are jumping to conclusions yourself. You may have inside info about EQInterface/ that contradicts one claim, but that "truth about IGE" article has a lot of good info.

I didn't write it, but I researched some of the same stuff a while back, with evidence from media reports. Here's my version:

IGE's CEO Brock Pierce was arrested in Marbella, Spain in 2002 with Marc Collins-Rector and Chad Shackley. An international arrest warrant had been issued in 2000, when the trio left the USA after being forced to resign from their disastrous DEN (Digital Entertainment Network), following a sex abuse case against Collins-Rector which was settled out of court. Collins-Rector and Shackley had earlier founded and sold the ISP Concentric Networks.

Pierce and Shackley were released, but police reportedly found "enormous amounts of child ****" at their villa. Collins-Rector (who changed his name in 1998 from Mark Rector) was extradited to the USA and remained in custody until he pleaded guilty in June 2004 to luring five male minors across state lines for sex. Alleged victims claimed they were drugged, raped, and threatened with death. Each charge carried a possible jail term of up to 10 years and he was sentenced on September 9, 2004, but the final sentence is not recorded online.

Pierce, Collins-Rector and Shackley also had a $4.5m default judgement against them over offences with teenaged boys in the Beverly Hills and west Los Angeles area dating back to the early 1990s, after losing a civil court case brought by victims.

Chad Shackley had dropped out of high school at age 15 to live with Collins-Rector, who was in his late 30s. Brock Pierce, child star of The Mighty Ducks and First Kid, later moved in with them. In 1999 at age 18, Brock Pierce's DEN salary was $250,000. DEN blew its US$60 million venture capital on a video streaming website targeting "generation Y". Brock Pierce produced a series for DEN called Chad's World, about a gay teenager who moves in with a gay couple.

Apart from the crude flash movie you can find by searching google for "den dot com deadpool" (without quotes), a journalist also recorded his six weeks at DEN.

Edited, Wed May 3 23:19:20 2006 by MorvenDee
#278 May 03 2006 at 10:15 PM Rating: Good
7,466 posts
TheBlix wrote:

Allakhazam, what about this. What changed your mind? Smiley: confused


I think more so it should be:

Were you given proof that IGE sold out to someone else and did you even think of this (refering to the posts about knowing ige owned thott and all) before going into talks?

(Removed my post since I wanted to keep the length down and alla should know what we are refering to anyways...)
#279 May 03 2006 at 10:20 PM Rating: Decent
Tomec the Wise wrote:
TheBlix wrote:

Allakhazam, what about this. What changed your mind? Smiley: confused


I think more so it should be:

Were you given proof that IGE sold out to someone else and did you even think of this (refering to the posts about knowing ige owned thott and all) before going into talks?

(Removed my post since I wanted to keep the length down and alla should know what we are refering to anyways...)

He says they asked him repeatedly, how could he have forgotten? There had to have been some extreme form of proof that persuaded him to giving in. At least, I hope.

#280 May 03 2006 at 10:23 PM Rating: Decent
476 posts
Man, I generally don't have any out bursts on this site, but you guys are being asses. Go start your own site if you have such moral issues with this move. No one is stopping you. That's well and fine to turn off your auto premium renewal to show your distaste for this (after all, the best way to protest any decision a business makes is to simply not buy/invest in their product). There is no reason to be such jerks about it to alla though. He has put a lot of work into this site, and to call him a sell out is a bit much. Sell out would be the announcement that you get some in game currency with purchasing a premium account, courtesy of IGE.

This is simply a smart business decision. And when you have a site that has grown this huge, it IS business. I know you get some kind of warm and fuzzy feeling thinking otherwise, but if it were between this, or there not even being an alla to come to, which would you choose? I don't see any of you getting off your asses to build a site like this. I say good work Alla; They'll get over it just like the BSTs of FFXI got over their nerf. >_>;
#281 May 03 2006 at 10:24 PM Rating: Decent
The man who started it all!
1,635 posts
It's late here and I am calling it a night. I suggest everyone else take a deep breath and relax and sleep on this as well. I feel I have done what was best for the site. In time, I believe you will come to realize that as well. For those who feel they can no longer support us or use our services, all I can say is we were happy to have you here all those years and wish you the best of luck wherever you end up. It is interesting that when I broke all this to the staff, all I got was enthusiasm about what we will be able to do in the future. Everyone has had a pet project they have wanted done that we have just not had the resources to do before. Give us time to show you what we can do with this and you may well be enthusiastic as well. I personally am looking forward to seeing the full potential of this network blossom and grow.
#282 May 03 2006 at 10:26 PM Rating: Default
you people are silly.

how many of u have premium accounts? almost none of you.

you think that amount is helping pay for IGE? this sight takes alot of money to run i think, and ur bills arnt even covering that.
#283 May 03 2006 at 10:28 PM Rating: Decent
Man, even if you're completely right in what you're doing. Even if IGE is gaining no profits.

Why are you ignoring some questions? That's just so weak...

#284 May 03 2006 at 10:28 PM Rating: Default
476 posts
Well said, by the master Faust kiter himself :D
#285 May 03 2006 at 10:28 PM Rating: Default
5,677 posts
I bet 85% of the whiners in this thread have at one time or another bought goldz, and proly from IGE....

#286 May 03 2006 at 10:28 PM Rating: Default
Okay, I personaly think that morally this a big ****** on alla's part, but I'll still suport him and this site. This site has needed a little bit of a jumpstart for awhile, and while I don't approve of the source, I think Alla will keep his word when he says that IGE will never have any say in the way this site is run. If that day ever comes, then I'll think about turning off premium.

Plus this might mean that the EQ2 part of this site won't be a ******** anymore.
#287 May 03 2006 at 10:31 PM Rating: Decent
Jawbox the Furtive wrote:
I bet 85% of the whiners in this thread have at one time or another bought goldz, and proly from IGE....

I bet 85% of your bet is stupid and false!

See how our fake statistics mean nothing?


#288 May 03 2006 at 10:32 PM Rating: Good
I bet 85% of the whiners in this thread have at one time or another bought goldz, and proly from IGE....

god you're a moron.
#289 May 03 2006 at 10:34 PM Rating: Decent
1,089 posts
Ends do not justify means.

RMT ruin MMO economies. Of course the investors want them to be seperated. -_-;;;
#290 May 03 2006 at 10:34 PM Rating: Good
I've read 3 pages and can't stand any more.

To the owners of this site: You've just given us all the finger and expect us to thank you. All the people contributed to this site to give you your information on these games. They could have given it to competitors, to IGE-owned businesses. But that would be sleeping with the enemy in my books.

IGE is the ruination of our games. And now you are their most valued asset.

Wait, scratch the et.

So you expect us to stomach giving information to your company? When we know, in essence, we give it to IGE?

Are you *@%^ing retarded? Did you ride the short bus to school? How can this be good for us? You sold out, just cop to it and let the rape and pillage of your good name begin.

Goodbye Alla.
#291 May 03 2006 at 10:34 PM Rating: Decent
2,152 posts
Allakhazam Defender of Justice wrote:
I don't like Marlboros, but I still buy oreos. I would never buy a Ford, but would definitely buy a Jaguar. Not big on Taco Bell, but like KFC. Many products you use are owned by people who own other products you may not like. It's the way of the world. As long as the companies are run separately, most people are fine with that. If your oreo cookie wrapper had a marlboro ad on it, maybe that would be a problem. It is important to keep in mind that we are a completely separate company within a large holding company that just happens to own other companies as well.

I realize some people are not going to be happy with this, but the fact is that we are now able to do things we just were never able to do before. This gives us the financial backing and stability to really do a great deal for everyone. Before the financial backing for the site was just me. Now it is a well financed corporation. I want our network to always be the first to have new game information. I want to be the destination of choice for anything having to do with any game we cover. There have been many cool things we have discussed doing over the years that we have just not had the ability to do without stretching ourselves too thin. Now we can do all that and more. I have loads of exciting new plans for making your experience even better than before. By adding these new sites to our network, we are gaining resources and flexibility that we have never had before.

We are purchasing eight new servers to run the site. Expect the speed issues to go away. We are also working on a way for people to personalize their view of the site and add blogging and other individual features. Our programmers will be able to put significantly more time into the site too, so there can be more searches and more features for every game. The benefits of this far outweigh the negatives. Given all of that, frankly this was a no brainer. The plan is to make and The Network the ultimate online destination for all the latest information about your game.

Absolutley pathetic. Auto renew off, hope it feels good to sell yourselves out. Do me a favor and buy me a lapdance for your new chinese buddies for me, and take them to the noodle bar when they're done stroking theirs.

Later Alla, sad to see your site fail.
#292 May 03 2006 at 10:35 PM Rating: Good
3,101 posts
Allakhazam Defender of Justice wrote:
As long as we are profitable, they will leave us alone and let us do our thing. If the site bleeds money, then someone higher up would likely step in and try to make changes. I have every intention to keep us profitable and keeping the investors happy with us. I have had long talks with the investors behind this and they completely understand that the RMT sites and the content sites should stay separate. They have actually gone out of their way so far to keep it that way. Nothing in life is a guarantee. All we can do is do the best with what we have.

Here's the clause. It's in small print. It's stuck 6 pages down in a thread. IT'S BULLSH[red][/red]IT!

You covering your *** MR.Zam? Sounds like someone thinks IGE might be advertising here as well at some point in time.

Personally, I'm not giving my money to anyone associated with IGE in any way. Consider my premium membership gone. It also sounds as if others feel the same way. I wonder how profitable you'll be if half your premiums don't renew...
#293 May 03 2006 at 10:41 PM Rating: Default
117 posts
Yeah, no offense to anyone elses opinions or anything, but it seems the more I think about this the more it seems like not really that big of a deal. I think everyone got caught up in the abruptness of this thing, but didn't actually think about the news we've recieved. Just think about it for a bit and I think you'll finally calm down and say whatever. It isn't really that important. IMHO
#294 May 03 2006 at 10:44 PM Rating: Default
2,152 posts
Gasgiant wrote:
Yeah, no offense to anyone elses opinions or anything, but it seems the more I think about this the more it seems like not really that big of a deal. I think everyone got caught up in the abruptness of this thing, but didn't actually think about the news we've recieved. Just think about it for a bit and I think you'll finally calm down and say whatever. It isn't really that important. IMHO

Except that Alla was the one forum where they actively spoke out against RMT. Now they are sucking IGE's corporate **** for some money.

Alla, just make sure to defend your hole, because you are getting slammed in the ***.
#295 May 03 2006 at 10:45 PM Rating: Decent
3,101 posts
You have 45 posts to your name and, you dont' pay for premium. Your opinion mean what now?
#296 May 03 2006 at 10:46 PM Rating: Decent
Thought this was funny.
#297 May 03 2006 at 10:48 PM Rating: Decent
fenderputy the Shady wrote:
You have 45 posts to your name and, you dont' pay for premium. Your opinion mean what now?

Just the fact that you care about his post count is weak. Smiley: disappointed

You know some people have been here as long as you, and much longer, I'm sure, with a post count still in the tens or hundreds?

#298 May 03 2006 at 10:49 PM Rating: Excellent
6,760 posts
It seems like a smart business deal to me. Is Alla more or less compromising his moral stance? Yes. But I think it's a small compromise. In the end he gets to more or less run the biggest gaming network on the internet, and attempt to keep the feel and content as high of a quality as it has been for the last several years. All while probably collecting a fat check. I can't say I blame him for doing it. Hell, he's been scraping by for this long. You can only stand playing the noble pauper for so long.

That all said, one of the reasons I've been coming to this site for roughly 6 years is because of the community. If the community goes to hell after this, I won't be sticking around. I'm sure there will be a bit of a shaky period, there always is in something like this. I will be watching with much interest to see how it develops. But I wish the Alla team all the best during this move. I hope it goes well.
Some people are like slinkies, they aren't really good for anything, but they still bring a smile to your face when you push them down the stairs.
#299 May 03 2006 at 10:51 PM Rating: Decent
Kakar the Vile wrote:
It seems like a smart business deal to me. Is Alla more or less compromising his moral stance? Yes. But I think it's a small compromise.

In so many words you're saying he has sold out, which is pretty much most people's point.

#300 May 03 2006 at 10:51 PM Rating: Default
5,677 posts
Sir Groogle wrote:
I bet 85% of the whiners in this thread have at one time or another bought goldz, and proly from IGE....

god you're a moron.

Care to renew your order?
#301 May 03 2006 at 10:53 PM Rating: Default
117 posts
I definitely understand why ya'll are angry. I'm just reccoending you take a minute to reflect on it and try and put it in perspective. In the end I personally don't care who Alla may or may not be owned by. If I were to refuse service from everyone who's policies and partners i have a moral objection to I would probably end up living in a shack in the woods or something.

(Insurance companies for example.)

And we aren't even sure how related these two companies have become. I guess the point I'm trying to get accross is that we need to just calm down and try and really think about it.

And, if after all that you still can't bear to visit the site anymore, well than that's a shame. Just my opinion though not trying to make up anyones mind for them or anything.
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