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Chick - Fil-A BoycottFollow

#1 Aug 01 2012 at 5:57 PM Rating: Sub-Default
The All Knowing
10,265 posts
So how is the boycott going in your area? I'm out of the country, but looking on Facebook, people are posting pictures of ridiculous size lines at Chick-Fil-A. Doesn't seem to be turning out the way it was planned. Hoax?! Maybe.....
#2 Aug 01 2012 at 6:18 PM Rating: Good
Worst. Title. Ever!
17,302 posts
Chick-Fil-A doesn't exist here in western Michigan. (at least not in my town or any town within decent travel distance)

I did visit them a few years ago when I was in Myrtle Beach. The lady at the hotel desk said I had to go, it was the greatest thing ever. I was very disappointed. It's a highly overrated chain.

I'll take KFC over Chick-Fil-A any day. (Hey, that rhymes!)
Can't sleep, clown will eat me.
#3 Aug 01 2012 at 6:25 PM Rating: Excellent
Soulless Internet Tiger
35,474 posts
I was in Myrtle Beach last week and the one time I drove by a Chick-Fil-A, it was dead.
Donate. One day it could be your family.

An invasion of armies can be resisted, but not an idea whose time has come. Victor Hugo

#4 Aug 01 2012 at 7:24 PM Rating: Excellent
Repressed Memories
21,027 posts
It's going so well I've retroactively boycotted them for several years.
#5 Aug 01 2012 at 7:29 PM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
Almalieque wrote:
So how is the boycott going in your area?

I've no idea, having never eaten at one before or living near one. But if a bunch of people who used to go stop going forever (or for a year, whatever), it'll have a lot more lasting impact than a bunch of other people going for a single meal. That's not to say it'll change anything, just that a crowd today isn't really meaningful except as a photo on Facebook. I doubt many people are planning to eat three meals a day there as a show of solidarity.
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#6 Aug 01 2012 at 7:35 PM Rating: Decent
We're half boycotting it.

We will eat there when there is no monetary gain for the company. I already have a cow calendar laden with free food from last Christmas (not buying another one) and it would be a shame to let CFA get away with not giving me my free food. Also, the Red Cross gives away CFA coupons when we give blood, that are BOGO, and since the markup on most restaurant food is around 50% (if not less), we're not actually giving them any profits when we buy two chicken sandwiches for the price of one.

It's a shame, they tend to be some of the nicest, cleanest restaurants around. I've eaten at the original Dwarf House in Hapeville near the ATL airport. And their grilled sandwiches were one of the few really healthy options from fast food I liked.

CFA won't go out of business due to the boycott, but they're going to have a harder time expanding into new markets.
#7 Aug 01 2012 at 8:53 PM Rating: Decent
12,846 posts
more folks are eating at them today than protesting. The people I know who intentionally went today, went to support free speech - they thought the entire situation was dumb. (Ask a Christian whose business closes EVERY Sunday, what he thinks about gay marriage? And then try to impugn on his free speech , in an effort to promote equality seems idiotic.)

The food is ok. I always liked that kids could eat free on tuesdays, the bathrooms are clean, the whole eatery is clean, the play area is nice and the workers have always been kind. (instead of getting fries you can get fruit, a cool carrot raisin dish and some other not fried options.) I like that they butter the bread instead of using mayo. Really, the COO can believe what he wants because my way of trying to get marriage equality will involve voting.

Edited, Aug 1st 2012 9:53pm by niobia
#8 Aug 01 2012 at 9:16 PM Rating: Decent
It's Just a Flesh Wound
22,702 posts
Allegory wrote:
It's going so well I've retroactively boycotted them for several years.

I wanted to post this. :(
Dear people I don't like: 凸(●´―`●)凸
#9 Aug 01 2012 at 9:38 PM Rating: Decent
1,166 posts
Ate there today, we usually get in there at least once a week.
Great food, employees are always clean, courteous and attentive.
Restaurant is the same.
As a life long American worker and successful raiser of a happy and healthy family...I Love the COO's comments.
It's funny that people love to single out the odd comment and give absolutely no value to the actual deeds of this business. They give more back to the community in their business practices and their contribution to the economy than all their anti blah-blah-whatever protesters put together.
No one ever pays any attention to these bomb throwers in the long run.
As a side note, I hear from many in Chicago that their Mayor hasn't a clue about Chicago's actual values.
Over the last 15 months, we've traveled to every corner of the United States. I've now been in 57 states? I think one left to go.

Barack Obama

Laen - 105 Dru
Haam - 105 Sk
Laosha - 105 Shammy
Lutan - 105 Bard
#10 Aug 01 2012 at 9:51 PM Rating: Excellent
Worst. Title. Ever!
17,302 posts
You know, my Grandmother boycotted Pepsi because they removed "Under God" from their Pledge of Allegiance limited time cans. Which Pepsi never made. She's quick to jump on the "Boycott everything that goes against Christianity" bandwagon without even checking to make sure it's true.
Can't sleep, clown will eat me.
#11 Aug 01 2012 at 11:24 PM Rating: Good
niobia wrote:
more folks are eating at them today than protesting. The people I know who intentionally went today, went to support free speech - they thought the entire situation was dumb. (Ask a Christian whose business closes EVERY Sunday, what he thinks about gay marriage? And then try to impugn on his free speech , in an effort to promote equality seems idiotic.)

How is refusing to give any money to a company who's owner will use that money to support the effort to stifle civil rights impugning on this guy's free speech...?
#12 Aug 02 2012 at 2:07 AM Rating: Good
14,189 posts
niobia wrote:
more folks are eating at them today than protesting. The people I know who intentionally went today, went to support free speech - they thought the entire situation was dumb. (Ask a Christian whose business closes EVERY Sunday, what he thinks about gay marriage? And then try to impugn on his free speech , in an effort to promote equality seems idiotic.)

I've heard this same line over and over today.

The right to free speech simply grants one the freedom from government sanction or infringement. It doesn't mean one can say what they please without consequence. The CEO saying what he did was merely a catalyst for the entire fiasco. It's now public that Chik-fil-a has donated millions to organizations who's sole purpose in existing is to pursue the inequality of an American minority. Free speech is not the issue nor is anyone impugning on his rather than exercising their own.

Edited, Aug 2nd 2012 3:09am by Kaain
#13 Aug 02 2012 at 2:29 AM Rating: Excellent
27,272 posts
alwayslost wrote:
It's funny that people love to single out the odd comment and give absolutely no value to the actual deeds of this business.
Like donating millions to anti gay organizations?
#14 Aug 02 2012 at 5:25 AM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
alwayslost wrote:
As a side note, I hear from many in Chicago that their Mayor hasn't a clue about Chicago's actual values.

Huh. I haven't heard peep about that from anyone unless they were already predisposed to ***** about him, typically because he's a Democrat. I guess we talk to different "many"s. Emanuel will be mayor for as long as he wants the job anyway just like Daley was; he has the correct mix of traits to get elected time and time again.

Anyway, it's good to know that the culture wars are alive and well.

Edited, Aug 2nd 2012 8:01am by Jophiel
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#15 Aug 02 2012 at 6:05 AM Rating: Excellent
12,049 posts
I went last week for the first time in like... 6 years? My university had a Chick-fil-A Express in the student center; I used to grab a sandwich there because they were like 2 bucks and they put a pickle in the sandwich. How many sandwiches in express places have pickles? I honestly don't know, but Chick-fil-A did.

Never realized it was an actual, legitimate "eatery" until the media suddenly went ape-sh*t over it. I saw the "National Chick-fil-A eating day to support free speech" announcement from Huckabee and throught to myself, "Why, that's such a great idea, I think it's the smartest thing I've heard since people recommended eating paste!" Freedom of speech? Bah. The politicians who said they'd block expansion into their cities should be fired if they actually follow through; THEY are infringing upon free speech. But the people boycotting a company because it's spent millions to block gay marriage? That's them exercising THEIR freedom of speech. Same as the people who would go on August 1st. The difference being, those folks have no idea that freedom of speech =/= freedom of consequence when you say something people disagree with.

So I went last week. No line, but it was the middle of a Saturday. Clean place. Bought a spicy chicken sandwich. Sandwich was good, waffle fries were ok. The cost was way too high (like, over $7.00 for that? No thanks). Probably my favorite part was getting to choose sauces to go with it. I'm still curious what the Polynesian was.

Overall? I ate there once, found it to be your generic fast food joint (but more expensive), and won't be going back. And it had jack-all to do with agreeing or disagreeing with the company's religious views.
#16Almalieque, Posted: Aug 02 2012 at 6:59 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Serious question:
#17 Aug 02 2012 at 7:02 AM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
Almalieque wrote:
Are they "anti-gay" organizations or "pro-traditional marriage" organizations? There's a distinct difference.

One sounds better on your letterhead than the other?
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#18 Aug 02 2012 at 7:29 AM Rating: Excellent
12,049 posts
Almalieque wrote:
His Excellency Aethien wrote:
alwayslost wrote:
It's funny that people love to single out the odd comment and give absolutely no value to the actual deeds of this business.
Like donating millions to anti gay organizations?

Serious question:

Are they "anti-gay" organizations or "pro-traditional marriage" organizations? There's a distinct difference.

Are you pro-choice or anti-life? Pro-life or anti-abortion? That's the same amount of difference as your argument.

At least one of the organizations receiving funds from CFA/WinShape is Exodus International, which advocates becoming "ex-gay" through pray-away-the-gay reparative therapy. Pretty sure that claiming to stop gayness is anti-gay. Maybe you have a different definition.

Edit to clarify other stances.

Edited, Aug 2nd 2012 9:38am by LockeColeMA
#19 Aug 02 2012 at 7:36 AM Rating: Good
Drunken English Bastard
15,268 posts
Almalieque wrote:
His Excellency Aethien wrote:
alwayslost wrote:
It's funny that people love to single out the odd comment and give absolutely no value to the actual deeds of this business.
Like donating millions to anti gay organizations?

Serious question:

Are they "anti-gay" organizations or "pro-traditional marriage" organizations? There's a distinct difference.

I'm glad you are opposed to interracial marriage and believe women are property of their father until they become property of their husband.

Could I interest you in signing my petition to revert to the real "traditional marriage".

I've said this before, tradition isn't a good enough reason to deny rights to a group of people.
My Movember page
Solrain wrote:
WARs can use semi-colons however we want. I once killed a guy with a semi-colon.

LordFaramir wrote:
#20 Aug 02 2012 at 8:18 AM Rating: Good
Liberal Conspiracy
Before this turns into a tedious 100 page gay marriage slog with Alma, I got bored and played with some numbers regarding Chicago.

Chicago has 2.7 million people in its actual city limits; i.e. people who can potentially vote for mayor in the city. The average Republican vote during the 2000 and 2004 elections in Chicago was 35%. I left out the 2008 election because I figured Obama coming from Chicago would bias the results. 35% of 2.7 million is 945,000 people. That's more than enough people to make a noise on Facebook or fill a couple talk radio stations with complaints or tell Alwayslost that Mayor Emanuel is a doody-head. Hell, 945,000 people would make the 11th largest city in the US if they ever decided to form their own enclave somewhere.

I have no idea how many people showed up at the existing CFA in Chicago. Let's call it 500 people. That's 0.05% of the Republicans in the city of Chicago. It's still 500 people; it's not as though I could get 500 people to meet in one place in the city, but it's an insignificant number when discussing city politics. 1,000 people (0.1%) would be insignificant. Especially since I suspect most of those people are already predisposed to vote for a Republican anyway.

But here's the thing... it still doesn't matter. Chicago hasn't had a Republican mayor since 1931. In the last election, there wasn't even a Republican on the ballot (it was a "non-partisan" ballot but everyone on it was a Democrat). And Emanuel, against five opponents, still swept 55% of the vote and avoided a runoff.

The CFA pictures make good "news" in that people like reading about it. They give some people cause to gloat. They're also completely irrelevant as far as Chicago politics go. Anyone grumbling that Emanuel doesn't know Chicago values or whatever is kidding themselves if they think anyone else gives a sh*t. Maybe somewhere else it might matter, I'm just talking Chicago since its at the epicenter of this "controversy".

With all that said, I believe Emanuel was wrong to say it or to threaten to use his powers in that fashion (despite it being a pretty impotent threat given how quickly a lawsuit would fall against him). But the "protests" don't mean anything from a city politics perspective.

[Edit: I realize that not all of of that 2.7mil is eligible to vote for whatever reason but this isn't hard science either so I'm not sweating the details. The percentages would remain largely the same.]

Edited, Aug 2nd 2012 9:19am by Jophiel
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#21 Aug 02 2012 at 8:22 AM Rating: Good
Citizen's Arrest!
29,527 posts
You know, it could just be because I'm not a huge fan of PDA in general, but the Kiss-In numerous news sources have reported is being planned for Friday just seems kinda tacky to me.
#22 Aug 02 2012 at 8:23 AM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
Maybe you're just ****-racist! Smiley: mad

I just looked and apparently "gaycist" is a word. I mean, it's a word in the same sense that "sexting" is a word in that people say it even if it makes the dictionary cry in pain.

Edited, Aug 2nd 2012 9:26am by Jophiel
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#23 Aug 02 2012 at 8:29 AM Rating: Decent
Years back when I worked at the Mall in my area I used to eat there for lunch. The food was never really good. It just was there. Since then I've never
eaten at the place and after what was said I will never ever eat there.
#24 Aug 02 2012 at 8:35 AM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
Also, this
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#25 Aug 02 2012 at 9:17 AM Rating: Decent
The All Knowing
10,265 posts
Jophiel wrote:
Almalieque wrote:
Are they "anti-gay" organizations or "pro-traditional marriage" organizations? There's a distinct difference.

One sounds better on your letterhead than the other?

I'm Pro USA, so I want the USA to win the Olympics. That doesn't mean I'm "Anti-Japanese". If the USA isn't participating in an event, I don't care if the Japanese wins, loses or doesn't participate.

There's a huge difference supporting an organization that supports marriage between a man and a woman vs an organization that wants homosexuals dead or in jail with no freedom of any sort. One is supporting a desired set up for marriage and the other is specifically singling out a particular group.

Nilatai wrote:
Almalieque wrote:
His Excellency Aethien wrote:
alwayslost wrote:
It's funny that people love to single out the odd comment and give absolutely no value to the actual deeds of this business.
Like donating millions to anti gay organizations?

Serious question:

Are they "anti-gay" organizations or "pro-traditional marriage" organizations? There's a distinct difference.

I'm glad you are opposed to interracial marriage and believe women are property of their father until they become property of their husband.

Could I interest you in signing my petition to revert to the real "traditional marriage".

I've said this before, tradition isn't a good enough reason to deny rights to a group of people.

I never claimed that "tradition" was a good enough reason alone for anything. I use the same counter argument for people arguing "tradition" to support the Confederate flag on our state flags. Since when do we simply use tradition to govern anything?

With that being said, your understanding of "tradition" is not the same definition of everyone else understanding of the word "tradition". People just use the term "traditional marriage" to describe marriage at their favorite point in time in history. Albeit they should clarify their stance with something more concrete than "tradition", you should understand that concept.

P.S. As I said before... rights aren't being denied, preferences ARE being denied. The ban on SSM is based on the SEX of the person NOT the sexuality. You being a homosexual does NOT take away your RIGHT to marry someone under the same pretenses as your heterosexual counterpart. Is that fair? Of course not. If you want to fight to change that, then so be it. Just please stop saying that "rights" are being taken away. Just because I can't marry the woman I love, because she's already married, doesn't mean I lost the right to marry.
#26 Aug 02 2012 at 9:18 AM Rating: Good
is Happy on Friday!
12,448 posts
What the **** is Chick-Fil-A? seriously, what is it? I've never heard of it before Smiley: confused
Theytak, Siren Server, FFXI [Retired]
Amerida Baker, Balmung Server, FFXIV

Reiterpallasch wrote:
Glitterhands wrote:
Am I the only one who clicked on this thread expecting actual baby photos [of Jinte]? o.O

Except if it were baby photos, it would be like looking at before and afters of Michael Jackson. Only instead of turning into a white guy, he changes into a chick!
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