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Ask an Admin day 2011 ThreadFollow

#1 Nov 18 2011 at 3:21 PM Rating: Excellent
29,919 posts
In continuing with that most sacred of Zam traditions, here is your 2011 Ask an Admin thread (of doom!) The rules are as follows:

1. Any question is fair game, but we get veto rights. It can be related to the site, questions for any or all of the individual admins, personal questions within reason, etc. If we can't answer, we'll try to at least give you a reason for the veto.

2. If you ask about your karma score, it's 2.00, and then we make it 2.00...

3. Asking about Admin notes is lame, and will probably result in us making up even more lame things to put in them.

4. If its a question that involves another user (for example, "did poster bob do X to poster sam") I need permission from both involved users before I can answer, unless its something public knowledge.

So, that being said, fire away! We'll leave this open for the weekend and into next week.

Edited, Nov 18th 2011 4:16pm by Kaolian
Arch Duke Kaolian Drachensborn, lvl 95 Ranger, Unrest Server
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#2 Nov 18 2011 at 3:24 PM Rating: Excellent
50,767 posts
Oh the one year I want to know about my karma score and it's denied me. Smiley: motz

Guess I'll settle for "What was your favorite admin related action/favorite ban?"
George Carlin wrote:
I think it’s the duty of the comedian to find out where the line is drawn and cross it deliberately.
#3 Nov 18 2011 at 3:28 PM Rating: Excellent
16,959 posts
What is lolgaxe's karma score?

You didn't say anything about asking for other people's karma~
Please don't ban me.
MyAnimeList FFXIV Krystal Spoonless
#4 Nov 18 2011 at 3:32 PM Rating: Excellent
3,530 posts
Does Yoshida smell like stale coffee and cigarette smoke, or coin-operated laundry and nine-dollar cologne?
#5 Nov 18 2011 at 3:32 PM Rating: Excellent
4,419 posts
Can you add a filter to change "Cure V" to "a perfectly-seasoned Steak Dinner"?
Linkshell: CrimsonMercenaries Server: Carbamesh

Sandinmygum the Stupendous wrote:
Human (?) females look ugly.
Post in /K/ where the orbital laser system is now online.
#6 Nov 18 2011 at 3:34 PM Rating: Excellent
9,526 posts
Kao what is your avatar of/from?

Also if we are asking for filters could Ukon be changed to "dead fish"?
#7 Nov 18 2011 at 3:35 PM Rating: Excellent
29,919 posts
lolgaxe wrote:
Oh the one year I want to know about my karma score and it's denied me. Smiley: motz

Guess I'll settle for "What was your favorite admin related action/favorite ban?"

Huh. Thats a good one. There are definitly fun times to be had with spammers, especially the ones that can't figure out the bad link filter and keep editing / making new posts to try and get around it, and growing ever more frustrated. We had one that kept going in the same post for about 30 tries, with various admins taunting him before he was nuked. That was hilarious. The Oxid / Abbay thing was somewhat satisfying too, just to see the little **** get obliterated. The ones I really enjoy are the ones that really have worked to earn their bans I guess. Though the pre admin hijack of all 45 of Thundra's sockpuppets was also pretty hilarious.

Kirby the Eccentric wrote:
What is lolgaxe's karma score?

You didn't say anything about asking for other people's karma~
Please don't ban me.

If I tell you that, I still have to make your karma score 2.00. Are you sure you really want to know that?
Arch Duke Kaolian Drachensborn, lvl 95 Ranger, Unrest Server
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#8 Nov 18 2011 at 3:37 PM Rating: Good
4,419 posts
Also, can you artificially boost Spoonless's post count by 1 just to tick him off?
Linkshell: CrimsonMercenaries Server: Carbamesh

Sandinmygum the Stupendous wrote:
Human (?) females look ugly.
Post in /K/ where the orbital laser system is now online.
#9 Nov 18 2011 at 3:40 PM Rating: Excellent
3,767 posts
Does this dress make me look fat?
#10 Nov 18 2011 at 3:41 PM Rating: Excellent
16,959 posts
Dread Lörd Kaolian wrote:
Kirby the Eccentric wrote:
What is lolgaxe's karma score?

You didn't say anything about asking for other people's karma~
Please don't ban me.

If I tell you that, I still have to make your karma score 2.00. Are you sure you really want to know that?
Naw, that's 'kay.

If you drink alcohol, what is your favorite drink?
MyAnimeList FFXIV Krystal Spoonless
#11 Nov 18 2011 at 3:45 PM Rating: Excellent
29,919 posts
KaneKitty wrote:
Does Yoshida smell like stale coffee and cigarette smoke, or coin-operated laundry and nine-dollar cologne?

Teriyaki sauce, actually.

Aliekber wrote:
Can you add a filter to change "Cure V" to "a perfectly-seasoned Steak Dinner"?

I can't, a Dev could though. Would they, is an entirely different proposition

Olorinus wrote:
Kao what is your avatar of/from?

Also if we are asking for filters could Ukon be changed to "dead fish"?

The avatar is my drawing. Over the years there have been several iterations of them. It basically is a representation of my character backstory from the story I was working on for everquest I, mixed with symbology from forums. It's in my journal somewhere if you are curious or in need of insomnia cures. Basically, the shield and crossed swords represents the admin part of the job. The dragon is a Kaolian Dragon, a rare green and blue forest dwelling dragon with affinity to archers and rangers, the "X" should actually be an "XII" now, for how many years I have been around the site in some capacity. "Pax Draconis" is a motto I thought went well with my forum persona. The flower represents that not all conflicts are solved with force of arms or something like that.

Some of the image sigs in the same series as the avatar. They tell some of the back story as well:



There are more of those in my images repository. I'm not a particularily good artist, but I like to try! also, I think I draw a pretty damned neat looking book personally.

Edited, Nov 18th 2011 1:48pm by Kaolian
Arch Duke Kaolian Drachensborn, lvl 95 Ranger, Unrest Server
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#12 Nov 18 2011 at 3:48 PM Rating: Excellent
29,919 posts
Aliekber wrote:
Also, can you artificially boost Spoonless's post count by 1 just to tick him off?

I can't, A dev could though.

Chewzer wrote:
Does this dress make me look fat?

Aardvaarks. That is the only safe answer.

Kirby the Eccentric wrote:
If you drink alcohol, what is your favorite drink?

I don't actually. There was alot of alchoholism amongst my grandparents when I was growing up, so I tend to not drink much at all. If nothing else, I figure with family history and knowing that I have the occasional weight issue, its better to not tempt fate. Though oddly enough, I would like to try making wine from my grapes in the garden someday.
Arch Duke Kaolian Drachensborn, lvl 95 Ranger, Unrest Server
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#13 Nov 18 2011 at 3:51 PM Rating: Good
Do the admins every have a real life "ZamCon" gathering? For business or for fun?
#14 Nov 18 2011 at 4:04 PM Rating: Excellent
3,767 posts
Dread Lörd Kaolian wrote:
Chewzer wrote:
Does this dress make me look fat?

Aardvaarks. That is the only safe answer.

Brilliant! Smiley: lol I suppose I should use the opportunity to ask a real question, though:

While perusing the forums, do you ever give 'admin rateups' to posts you find exceptionally informative or helpful, or are those saved for special occasions?
#15 Nov 18 2011 at 4:10 PM Rating: Excellent
catwho wrote:
Do the admins every have a real life "ZamCon" gathering? For business or for fun?

We thought about it at one time...but think of the amount of booze we'd need.
Lady Jinte wrote:

Vlorsutes' Negotiation Skill rises 0.2 points
Vlorsutes' Observant Parent Skill rises 0.3 points
Vlorsutes' Argument Diffusing Skill rises 0.1 points

#16 Nov 18 2011 at 4:11 PM Rating: Good
Here are my 2 burning questions.

1) can we get a better diversity of avatars for none "Premium Membership" members.

2) can we get a better diversity of smileys Smiley: nod

Edited, Nov 18th 2011 5:46pm by TwiddleDee
#17 Nov 18 2011 at 4:12 PM Rating: Excellent
16,299 posts
Can you edit the title of this post so that it says Admin Day? Smiley: grin

Also, can you come over here and cook dinner? I'm feeling more lazy than usual.
#18 Nov 18 2011 at 4:38 PM Rating: Good
492 posts
Is there any way I could get a Lurker title? :P

Also, I am also curious if admins ever boost ratings for exceptionally informative posts like the rate-bombs dropped on blatant trolls or abusers.

Last question, make out with Chris Farley for 30 minutes or attempt to have a meaningful conversation with Snooki from Jersey Shore for a night?
#19 Nov 18 2011 at 4:56 PM Rating: Good
For any/all of the admins:

Do you honestly thing FFXIV will succeed and become popular?
#20 Nov 18 2011 at 5:25 PM Rating: Good
482 posts

Have you ever been to Boeing's "Little Red Barn"?

And... given the age of my user account and the average posting rate, in what year will I finally achieve 1000 posts?
Jophiel wrote:
Pack your own lunch and bring nothing but Pixie Stix and Pop Rocks and get your liberty on.
#21 Nov 18 2011 at 5:32 PM Rating: Excellent
7,566 posts
hmmm i should probably ask about my karma score 2.0 is probably and increase.

My burning question is this. Does Pikko ever cook up a big feast for you all to have at Zam Day. Is there a Zam Day?
HEY GOOGLE. **** OFF YOU. **** YOUR ******** SEARCH ENGINE IN ITS ******* ****** BINARY ***. ALL DAY LONG.

#22 Nov 18 2011 at 5:45 PM Rating: Good
I want to know if I can get a job at Zam as the OOT administrator. I am currently out of work and could use the money. Smiley: glare

I also want to know what happened with you, Kao, and the crazy lady who was stalking you?

Also, I guess, according to the thread title, I should ask you to say "2011." Smiley: tongue

Edited, Nov 18th 2011 5:47pm by Belkira
#23 Nov 18 2011 at 6:07 PM Rating: Decent
Can Rog be unbanned yet?

Sandinmyeye | |Tsukaremashi*a |
#24 Nov 18 2011 at 6:07 PM Rating: Good
2,346 posts
Is Black Friday a taboo subject on ZAM? It's getting close and I'm surprised I haven't seen anyone here talk about it. Unless no one else really cares but me.
#25 Nov 18 2011 at 6:36 PM Rating: Excellent
29,919 posts
catwho wrote:
Do the admins every have a real life "ZamCon" gathering? For business or for fun?

There have been a few over the years, less recently than before. I've met probably about 1/3rd the current admin crop myself. Allakhazam used to have them every couple years and the company would spring for veeeery expensive dinners for us that showed. I've also met several people at zam user meetups, or just as they travel through the area.

Chewzer wrote:

While perusing the forums, do you ever give 'admin rateups' to posts you find exceptionally informative or helpful, or are those saved for special occasions?

Sometimes. The feedback forum and the tech cupport forum especially, when people go out of their way to be helpful to other users, things like that. I really try not to participate in the general rating of threads in general, though I will counter thread rate bombs, or adjust karma camped users back to where they were. Sometimes, like on my birthday threads, everyone who posts gets a 5.00 for that post. but thats an admin job perk.

TwiddleDee wrote:
Here are my 2 burning questions.
1) can we get a better diversity of avatars for none "Premium Membership" members.
2) can we get a better diversity of smileys Smiley: nod

If someone wanted to provide some specific better art and was willing to give us usage rights, that could probably be arranged. Basically we have to make sure its something we can legally use.

Smilies, same thing. Suggest additional ones. We don't go too crazy on those because each thread that posts has to check the text to match it to the smily list at creation time. the more smilies, the more time that process takes.

Nadenu wrote:
Can you edit the title of this post so that it says Admin Day? Smiley: grin
Also, can you come over here and cook dinner? I'm feeling more lazy than usual.

Spelling is not my strong suite... And by the time I got where there is, it would probably be well past dinner unless you have a hidden concorde that I don't know about. in which case I want a ride in the concorde!

ElvaanTHF wrote:
Is there any way I could get a Lurker title? :P

Also, I am also curious if admins ever boost ratings for exceptionally informative posts like the rate-bombs dropped on blatant trolls or abusers.

Last question, make out with Chris Farley for 30 minutes or attempt to have a meaningful conversation with Snooki from Jersey Shore for a night?

Sure, post 10,000 times, Yes, we do on occasion. Usually we try not to make a huge deal out of it though, and Snooki, because I posess duct tape!

digitalcraft wrote:
For any/all of the admins:
Do you honestly thing FFXIV will succeed and become popular?

They added a jump button, so thats something right? I think it could, if they really manage to fix some of the glaring problems they had at launch, and make it worth peoples while to come back. The FFXI nostalgia will bring people if nothing else eventually, but only if they hear the game has been repaired. they really need to do a complete relaunch like they did with EQ2 at the time.

klausneck wrote:

Have you ever been to Boeing's "Little Red Barn"?

And... given the age of my user account and the average posting rate, in what year will I finally achieve 1000 posts?

Yes! at least assuming you are talking about the one that is attached to the Boeing air museum. And 1972, because you find a time machine. I was told there would be no math!

rdmcandie wrote:
hmmm i should probably ask about my karma score 2.0 is probably and increase.

My burning question is this. Does Pikko ever cook up a big feast for you all to have at Zam Day. Is there a Zam Day?

There is not a zam day, and Pikko has not cooked up a big feast for us as of yet. We do occasionally do cookie exchanges at christmas, though recently with as many admins that has been problematic.

Belkira the Tulip wrote:
I want to know if I can get a job at Zam as the OOT administrator. I am currently out of work and could use the money. Smiley: glare

I also want to know what happened with you, Kao, and the crazy lady who was stalking you?

Also, I guess, according to the thread title, I should ask you to say "2011." Smiley: tongue

We are hireing for a Java coder right now, but beyond that, we don't currently have openings for forum specific minionship.

As far as the crazy lady went, I pretty much just had to enforce a no contact situation. I mean, I feel bad for her and all, but just looking at past history, she wasn't looking for a relationship, she was looking for someone with health insurance basically. I realize beeing single as long as I have been, I don't have any real cause to be particularily picky, but I didn't want to go there.

Sandinmygum the Stupendous wrote:
Can Rog be unbanned yet?

No. I know he's sorry, I know he appologized and was sincere, but he burned too many bridges repeatedly with the FFXI admins. I'm willing to give him a chance again someday, but he's going to have to convince Pikko and Vlorsutes before that happens.

Hyolith wrote:
Is Black Friday a taboo subject on ZAM? It's getting close and I'm surprised I haven't seen anyone here talk about it. Unless no one else really cares but me.

Nope, just haven't been that many good deals so far this year.
Arch Duke Kaolian Drachensborn, lvl 95 Ranger, Unrest Server
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#26 Nov 18 2011 at 6:44 PM Rating: Good
Dread Lörd Kaolian wrote:
In continuing with that most sacred of Zam traditions, here is your 2011 Ask an Admin thread (of doom!) The rules are as follows:
If you ask about your karma score, it's 2.00, and then we make it 2.00...

Is my karma score 4.00

Edited, Nov 18th 2011 7:44pm by Tailmon
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