Mikhalia the Picky wrote:
Just throwing this out there, since I -am- an IT guy...
Microsoft does host some email services. If you have a program on your system called "Microsoft Online Services Sign-in", then you may be using it.
All of our email administration (quota management, disabling email accounts, resetting passwords) are done by me going to
https://admin.microsoftonline.com and logging in. I can provide screenshots if desired.
So while your IT guy may or may not be an idiot, Microsoft's servers do have issues from time to time.
Yeah. I think the point is that when someone can get to the work email from their phone, but not their office, that usually means that it's not the "other end" of the connection that is the problem. Of course, my conversations with the network admins usually goes like this:
Me: Hey. I'm having some problems connecting to <whatever>
Network Admin: Have you tried <X, Y, Z>?
Me: Yeah. Not my first picnic. Done that and traced the problem to what looks like a faulty port on a switch between <A> and <B>. Could you take a look at this?
Network Admin: I'm not seeing a problem. Our reporting thingie would alert us if there was one and it's saying it's all good.
Me: Are you sure? Cause <insert ton of information> indicates that there is a problem and it's
right there where I'm telling you to look.
Network Admin: Hmmmm. Oh... <clickity clackity click click clack clickity clack>. Try it now?
Me: Yup. Looks like it's working now. What did you end out doing?
Network Admin: Nothing.
Me: Huh?
Our network guys *never* acknowledge that something was broken. It's become quite the joke.