Me and Leo just finished splitting up the wardrobe. We wear the same size shirt (excluding fitted sleeve shirts), even though he's about a head and a half shorter than I am, so there was a bit of bargaining involved. Got my winter gear, coats, boots, shoes, hats and other random gear packed, save for the stuff I wear most often for the last week before the move.
Over the past few weeks I've been slowly packing up all my worldly possessions, which I'm finding to be a much smaller ordeal than I'd thought. I don't keep a lot of stuff around, so that means that Leo is a bigger packrat than I'd originally imagined. He's got a lot of ****, and when he winds up moving, he's going to have a lot of **** to move.
Did I mention? The day after I finalized my new place to live, we were served papers at the duplex we currently rent, apparently, our landlord has only paid 7k on his 197K mortgage since it was written in 2003... so my soon to be, old place, is being foreclosed and going up for sale at the end of August. I was beginning to have doubts about my decision to split up and move out, but I'm taking the timing of the notice as the universe just assuring me that I made the right decision.
So, All that's really left to do is split up the kitchen gadgets and dishes, lay claim to some of the towels, rags, and other linens, go through the storage closets and basement to gather up any other random boxes of my things, and then disassemble my computer (that will happen at the last possible moment.)
Moving day is next Saturday, the 31st, and it needs to just ******* get here and be done with already.
July can suck it.