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I hate my job!Follow

#1 Mar 30 2014 at 3:44 PM Rating: Good
1,333 posts

Well, that's not entirely true. I love working Mental Health, I love the patients, I love feeling like I make a difference, I love seeing someone walk out all smiles that came in suicidally depressed. The management is what I hate. The way our facility is run is so broken, it's unreal. I have been pulling damn near 30hrs of overtime a pay period because management refuses to fire useless people and always need people to cover shifts. They don't give you a choice about working all this overtime, they make you just so they don't have to come in on their days off or when they are off work to cover it. I am getting so fed up. And you might as well forget about a raise. I make just as much now as when I started a year ago and it's not all that much to begin with. Because management is so broken and damn near bi-polar, other employees are afraid to call them when they have a question or need direction on a given situation, so who do they call? Me! Which means, even when I'm off work, I'm not off work.

Take today for instance. I worked a 12hr shift last night after working Mon-Fri night. I get home, get 2hrs of sleep, and get woken up by the phone. The employee was very apologetic but some **** was going down and they had tried to get a hold of both of our on-call administrators with no answer. I directed them on what to do and then tried to get a hold of the on-calls myself. Guess what?! They were both at the casino, gambling and had their phones out in the vehicle! Both on-calls this weekend are friends outside of work, to clarify. I have problems sleeping anyway, as mentioned in a previous post, so once I got woken up, I'm up. 3hrs of sleep yesterday, 2 today, and I have to work another 12hr shift tonight with no hope of an alternative day off next week. It's irritating to say the least.

#2 Mar 30 2014 at 4:45 PM Rating: Good
I have been pulling damn near 30hrs of overtime a pay period because management refuses to fire useless people and always need people to cover shifts. They don't give you a choice about working all this overtime, they make you just so they don't have to come in on their days off or when they are off work to cover it. I am getting so fed up.

Which is it? They're incredibly assertive and won't let you say no (on pain of firing?) or they won't fire people that don't even do their own shifts?
#3 Mar 30 2014 at 5:11 PM Rating: Excellent
29,919 posts
I put a hat on my resume once to make a bad "I hat my job" pun. I didn't get that job, but it was totally worth it.
Arch Duke Kaolian Drachensborn, lvl 95 Ranger, Unrest Server
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#4 Mar 30 2014 at 5:24 PM Rating: Excellent
10,601 posts
If you're not on call, you probably need to start keeping your phone off from the sound of it.
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#5 Mar 30 2014 at 7:16 PM Rating: Good
Sir Xsarus wrote:
If you're not on call, you probably need to start keeping your phone off from the sound of it.

^ This. I know a nurse who works the ER. When she is not on call, that cell phone is not on.

On the topic of hating one's job, mines starting to get there after 3.5 years. It really isn't for me. 40hr/week I think isn't for me.

Edited, Mar 30th 2014 8:17pm by Sandinmygum
Sandinmyeye | |Tsukaremashi*a |
#6 Mar 30 2014 at 7:36 PM Rating: Good
Worst. Title. Ever!
17,302 posts
Sandinmygum the Stupendous wrote:
40hr/week I think isn't for me.

The full time employment isn't for you?
Can't sleep, clown will eat me.
#7 Mar 30 2014 at 8:45 PM Rating: Good
TirithRR wrote:
Sandinmygum the Stupendous wrote:
40hr/week I think isn't for me.

The full time employment isn't for you?

Yea. I feel as if life is just passing by. I don't think I need to be full timer, or at least not in the line of work I do.
Sandinmyeye | |Tsukaremashi*a |
#8 Mar 31 2014 at 6:52 AM Rating: Good
I've thought about switching to a contract basis once my student loans are paid off and I have a bit of a nest egg built up. That's assuming things don't work out where I am now, but I agree about questioning whether full time all the time is what I really want. I don't even mind pulling the 40 hours a week - it's only having two weeks of vacation time that bothers me. If I went to working on a contract basis, I could work six months in the winter and travel in the summer instead.
#9 Mar 31 2014 at 7:01 AM Rating: Good
20,024 posts
Are we starting a "I ******* hate my job" club? I'm in.

I've been at my job a year now, and it's hit the point where it's giving me panic attacks. So I'm doubling down on the job hunt. I'm hoping to be able to keep working here until I find a new place, but I might need to just give in and do the full time job-hunt thing.

I have enough saved I could subsist for a fair bit of time before I had to dip into credit.
IDrownFish wrote:
Anyways, you all are horrible, @#%^ed up people

lolgaxe wrote:
Never underestimate the healing power of a massive dong.
#10 Mar 31 2014 at 7:24 AM Rating: Good
50,767 posts
Sandinmygum the Stupendous wrote:
Sir Xsarus wrote:
If you're not on call, you probably need to start keeping your phone off from the sound of it.
^ This. I know a nurse who works the ER. When she is not on call, that cell phone is not on.
I wish I had that option. Smiley: frown
George Carlin wrote:
I think it’s the duty of the comedian to find out where the line is drawn and cross it deliberately.
#11 Mar 31 2014 at 7:54 AM Rating: Good
Skelly Poker Since 2008
16,781 posts
If you're not getting paid to be on-call, you're under no obligation to respond to off-hour emergencies.

I know that doesn't help when there are patients and other employees that need help - obligation is hard - specially for the sympathetic martyry types .

Perhaps you could try saying 'no' harder, screen your communications or push for some kind of on-call rotation (with compensation).
Alma wrote:
I lost my post
#12 Mar 31 2014 at 7:57 AM Rating: Good
Skelly Poker Since 2008
16,781 posts
lolgaxe wrote:
I wish I had that option. Smiley: frown

You must be the change you wish to see in the world.

Choose carefully.

Alma wrote:
I lost my post
#13 Mar 31 2014 at 10:18 AM Rating: Good
27,272 posts
lolgaxe wrote:
Sandinmygum the Stupendous wrote:
Sir Xsarus wrote:
If you're not on call, you probably need to start keeping your phone off from the sound of it.
^ This. I know a nurse who works the ER. When she is not on call, that cell phone is not on.
I wish I had that option. Smiley: frown
Unless Putin starts WW3 I'm sure they'll be fine without you for a couple hours.
#14 Mar 31 2014 at 2:34 PM Rating: Excellent
35,568 posts
Delva wrote:
Take today for instance. I worked a 12hr shift last night after working Mon-Fri night. I get home, get 2hrs of sleep, and get woken up by the phone. The employee was very apologetic but some sh*t was going down and they had tried to get a hold of both of our on-call administrators with no answer. I directed them on what to do and then tried to get a hold of the on-calls myself. Guess what?! They were both at the casino, gambling and had their phones out in the vehicle! Both on-calls this weekend are friends outside of work, to clarify. I have problems sleeping anyway, as mentioned in a previous post, so once I got woken up, I'm up. 3hrs of sleep yesterday, 2 today, and I have to work another 12hr shift tonight with no hope of an alternative day off next week. It's irritating to say the least.

Stop letting other people walk over you. I get the whole "dedicated employee" bit, and that'll usually get you positively noticed, so it's not all bad. But you have to couple this with "make sure the people who are slacking get noticed (negatively) too", or you're just doing someone else's job for them.

Someone is on call (doubly so in a health related field) and is in a casino gambling without their phone? How is that not a firing offense? Did you inform management of this? Or did you cover for them because they're your friends? Let me give you a suggestion. If they're doing this sort of thing (to you, because they wouldn't do this if they didn't know you'd do the work for them), they aren't really your friends. They are using you. Stop letting them do that.
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#15 Mar 31 2014 at 5:21 PM Rating: Good
1,333 posts
gbaji wrote:
Delva wrote:
Take today for instance. I worked a 12hr shift last night after working Mon-Fri night. I get home, get 2hrs of sleep, and get woken up by the phone. The employee was very apologetic but some sh*t was going down and they had tried to get a hold of both of our on-call administrators with no answer. I directed them on what to do and then tried to get a hold of the on-calls myself. Guess what?! They were both at the casino, gambling and had their phones out in the vehicle! Both on-calls this weekend are friends outside of work, to clarify. I have problems sleeping anyway, as mentioned in a previous post, so once I got woken up, I'm up. 3hrs of sleep yesterday, 2 today, and I have to work another 12hr shift tonight with no hope of an alternative day off next week. It's irritating to say the least.

Someone is on call (doubly so in a health related field) and is in a casino gambling without their phone? How is that not a firing offense? Did you inform management of this? Or did you cover for them because they're your friends? Let me give you a suggestion. If they're doing this sort of thing (to you, because they wouldn't do this if they didn't know you'd do the work for them), they aren't really your friends. They are using you. Stop letting them do that.

The people that were on-call this weekend are management and when this has happened before, I did inform my boss's supervisor. He said he would talk to her about it. I did that 3-4 more times, and each time, I got the same response and nothing happened so I quit informing home office. It is a completely backwards system, they refuse to fire the useless people but over the past 2yrs that I have worked there, they have fired 4 good employees for complete ******** reasons. I do have a bit of a martyr complex where my job is concerned and that is my fault. I would rather take the off-hour phone calls to limit the stress of my co-workers and to make sure the patients are being taken care of. I work the hours needed so the other people on that shift aren't short handed and stressed because they're having to do double the work. There are two other employees that have been there longer than I have and we all take off-hours phone calls and help the newer employees because they don't get the training necessary to do the job to their fullest potential before they are let loose on a shift.

I'm starting the job hunt. I'm going to try to stay in mental health but look for a different company in my area that provides similar services. I fine-tuned my resume today and am going to start looking tomorrow. Glad I'm not the only one that has the "I hate my job" blues! Good luck to everyone that's also on the job hunt!
#16 Mar 31 2014 at 6:40 PM Rating: Good
35,568 posts
Is this a private health provider, or state run? If the former, I'm finding it hard to believe that the folks father up the chain aren't dealing with this problem, if for no other reason than the fear of massive lawsuit if something bad happens as a result of their on call folks not being available.

If it's public, then maybe an anonymous call to a local TV or news reporter letting them know how managers at <publicly funded whatever> are out gambling when supposed to be on call, wasting taxpayer dollars and putting lives at risk (or whatever, I'm not sure what the details of the place you work at are). Might be a bit drastic though. Maybe a last resort?

Or, just walk away and move on. But if you remotely want to do something about it, talk to the two other folks and tell them that they need to be available when actually on call. Document what's going on as well. Like write down the dates and times that you receive calls because the on call folks aren't available. Talk to those who weren't available and find out what their excuse was. Write it down. Report it higher up the chain (and document what you said, and to whom). Preferably, do this in email if possible.That way, if things ever come to a head, you've got the leverage.

Just complaining about it verbally (or on this forum) may make you feel slightly better, but it's not going to resolve the issue. Bad behavior tends to persist unless someone does something about it. Now, whether it's worth your own time and effort (and potential career effects) trying to do anything about it is up to you. There are ways to go about doing this that are quiet enough that you wont suffer backlash, but with the potential to raise problems sufficient to get the changes you want done. But the key in every case is to document document document. In a "my word against his" situation, the person who can pull out a list of dates, places, times, and events is going to win, every single time.

Not saying to do anything with the information, but having it at least gives you options. Just having a vague "I had to cover for those guys when they were on call" claim will just look like whining if the issue ever comes up.
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#17 Mar 31 2014 at 8:03 PM Rating: Good
Out of the blue, right after I clocked out, owner wanted to talk to me. I figured it was about a small art project I'm working on for them. No instead he asks me if it is ok if he gives me a raise.
They make it so hard to hate them. It is just the work that sucks Smiley: bah
So looks like I'll be getting paid more to keep on keeping on (I build turbos for diesel trucks, I went to school for art..can you see why I have a dislike of my job?).
Sandinmyeye | |Tsukaremashi*a |
#18 Mar 31 2014 at 8:17 PM Rating: Good
35,568 posts
Sandinmygum the Stupendous wrote:
So looks like I'll be getting paid more to keep on keeping on (I build turbos for diesel trucks, I went to school for art..can you see why I have a dislike of my job?).

Hah! Grats on the raise. I'm curious. What did you think you'd be doing with a degree/whatever in art? At least what you're doing is kinda art related (engineering being a blend of art and science after all). Maybe you can get into designing cool auto related stuff. Make them turbos look pretty or something! Dunno, I just know a lot of people who went to art school thinking they'll be designing stuff for the next video game, animating for Disney/Pixar/whatever, or drawing/inking comic books or something and ended out in a job involving a paper hat and fry basket.
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#19 Mar 31 2014 at 8:55 PM Rating: Good
13,240 posts
Delva wrote:
gbaji wrote:
Delva wrote:
Take today for instance. I worked a 12hr shift last night after working Mon-Fri night. I get home, get 2hrs of sleep, and get woken up by the phone. The employee was very apologetic but some sh*t was going down and they had tried to get a hold of both of our on-call administrators with no answer. I directed them on what to do and then tried to get a hold of the on-calls myself. Guess what?! They were both at the casino, gambling and had their phones out in the vehicle! Both on-calls this weekend are friends outside of work, to clarify. I have problems sleeping anyway, as mentioned in a previous post, so once I got woken up, I'm up. 3hrs of sleep yesterday, 2 today, and I have to work another 12hr shift tonight with no hope of an alternative day off next week. It's irritating to say the least.

Someone is on call (doubly so in a health related field) and is in a casino gambling without their phone? How is that not a firing offense? Did you inform management of this? Or did you cover for them because they're your friends? Let me give you a suggestion. If they're doing this sort of thing (to you, because they wouldn't do this if they didn't know you'd do the work for them), they aren't really your friends. They are using you. Stop letting them do that.

The people that were on-call this weekend are management and when this has happened before, I did inform my boss's supervisor. He said he would talk to her about it. I did that 3-4 more times, and each time, I got the same response and nothing happened so I quit informing home office. It is a completely backwards system, they refuse to fire the useless people but over the past 2yrs that I have worked there, they have fired 4 good employees for complete bullsh*t reasons. I do have a bit of a martyr complex where my job is concerned and that is my fault. I would rather take the off-hour phone calls to limit the stress of my co-workers and to make sure the patients are being taken care of. I work the hours needed so the other people on that shift aren't short handed and stressed because they're having to do double the work. There are two other employees that have been there longer than I have and we all take off-hours phone calls and help the newer employees because they don't get the training necessary to do the job to their fullest potential before they are let loose on a shift.

I'm starting the job hunt. I'm going to try to stay in mental health but look for a different company in my area that provides similar services. I fine-tuned my resume today and am going to start looking tomorrow. Glad I'm not the only one that has the "I hate my job" blues! Good luck to everyone that's also on the job hunt!

If you are providing free unpaid training for new hires for your employer, they have no incentive to retain people, or to hire people to give appropriate coverage.

The system is working as intended.
Just as Planned.
#20 Apr 01 2014 at 5:52 AM Rating: Good
gbaji wrote:
Sandinmygum the Stupendous wrote:
So looks like I'll be getting paid more to keep on keeping on (I build turbos for diesel trucks, I went to school for art..can you see why I have a dislike of my job?).

Hah! Grats on the raise. I'm curious. What did you think you'd be doing with a degree/whatever in art? At least what you're doing is kinda art related (engineering being a blend of art and science after all). Maybe you can get into designing cool auto related stuff. Make them turbos look pretty or something! Dunno, I just know a lot of people who went to art school thinking they'll be designing stuff for the next video game, animating for Disney/Pixar/whatever, or drawing/inking comic books or something and ended out in a job involving a paper hat and fry basket.

When I was younger and before Jr. High I always thought it would be cool to work for Lego. I use to really be big into Lego and did manage to make some neat stuff with what I had.
As I began to get more into drawing,and later painting, I thought it would be neat to be a Tattooist. What better way for people to see your art? I was headed that way when my parents dropped a bomb, basically telling me it wasn't going to happen. I've always found it odd, and it has lead into some heated arguments over the years. So I finished 1 part of schooling and never did the rest or go back to pick a different path (design, teacher, w/e)
I never wanted to be doing "big" projects like Disney/Comics (tho it would be awesome to go to the Kubert School, and/or classes related to Disney style), but designing anything could have been fun.
Sandinmyeye | |Tsukaremashi*a |
#21 Apr 01 2014 at 6:40 AM Rating: Good
Skelly Poker Since 2008
16,781 posts
I never wanted to be doing "big" projects like Disney/Comics (tho it would be awesome to go to the Kubert School, and/or classes related to Disney style), but designing anything could have been fun.

I'd not let gbaji's twisted pov and disdain for the arts sway you one iota.

My sister was a very successful graphic artist (before she gave it all up to knit) and my daughter is now a successful photographer. I went the physical science route - and while I'm employed, my earning potential with a BS in Geology is pretty much maxed out.
Alma wrote:
I lost my post
#22 Apr 01 2014 at 10:36 AM Rating: Good
20,024 posts
Delva wrote:
gbaji wrote:
Delva wrote:
Take today for instance. I worked a 12hr shift last night after working Mon-Fri night. I get home, get 2hrs of sleep, and get woken up by the phone. The employee was very apologetic but some sh*t was going down and they had tried to get a hold of both of our on-call administrators with no answer. I directed them on what to do and then tried to get a hold of the on-calls myself. Guess what?! They were both at the casino, gambling and had their phones out in the vehicle! Both on-calls this weekend are friends outside of work, to clarify. I have problems sleeping anyway, as mentioned in a previous post, so once I got woken up, I'm up. 3hrs of sleep yesterday, 2 today, and I have to work another 12hr shift tonight with no hope of an alternative day off next week. It's irritating to say the least.

Someone is on call (doubly so in a health related field) and is in a casino gambling without their phone? How is that not a firing offense? Did you inform management of this? Or did you cover for them because they're your friends? Let me give you a suggestion. If they're doing this sort of thing (to you, because they wouldn't do this if they didn't know you'd do the work for them), they aren't really your friends. They are using you. Stop letting them do that.

The people that were on-call this weekend are management and when this has happened before, I did inform my boss's supervisor. He said he would talk to her about it. I did that 3-4 more times, and each time, I got the same response and nothing happened so I quit informing home office. It is a completely backwards system, they refuse to fire the useless people but over the past 2yrs that I have worked there, they have fired 4 good employees for complete bullsh*t reasons. I do have a bit of a martyr complex where my job is concerned and that is my fault. I would rather take the off-hour phone calls to limit the stress of my co-workers and to make sure the patients are being taken care of. I work the hours needed so the other people on that shift aren't short handed and stressed because they're having to do double the work. There are two other employees that have been there longer than I have and we all take off-hours phone calls and help the newer employees because they don't get the training necessary to do the job to their fullest potential before they are let loose on a shift.

I'm starting the job hunt. I'm going to try to stay in mental health but look for a different company in my area that provides similar services. I fine-tuned my resume today and am going to start looking tomorrow. Glad I'm not the only one that has the "I hate my job" blues! Good luck to everyone that's also on the job hunt!

Don't stop informing the office, and make sure you keep a record of the complaints. Log them down.

Then you just stop stepping up. They're the admins, which means it's their *** on the line here. You're essentially covering for them each time you agree to come in. Though I'm sure the office doesn't love paying you the overtime... if they are?

If you get yelled at (or they try to fire you) for failing to do something that's not in your job, you use your record of complaints to fight that. You have a contract, and that's a mutual agreement between you and them. Unless you're on call for those periods, you're not on call for those periods. That's just how it works.

Definitely keep job hunting, but you don't want to just take it in the meantime.
IDrownFish wrote:
Anyways, you all are horrible, @#%^ed up people

lolgaxe wrote:
Never underestimate the healing power of a massive dong.
#23 Apr 01 2014 at 10:42 AM Rating: Good
50,767 posts
Sandinmygum the Stupendous wrote:
(tho it would be awesome to go to the Kubert School, and/or classes related to Disney style)
I've actually considered going to the Kubert School after retiring, though I don't think much would come out of it as far as an actual career.
George Carlin wrote:
I think it’s the duty of the comedian to find out where the line is drawn and cross it deliberately.
#24 Apr 01 2014 at 11:27 AM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
I managed to draw Tippy the Turtle so well that I was invited to join a prestigious art school.
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#25 Apr 01 2014 at 5:41 PM Rating: Good
Jophiel wrote:
I managed to draw Tippy the Turtle so well that I was invited to join a prestigious art school.

I drew him, the pirate, and the dog.
Few weeks later an old man came to my home to meet with me and my parents when I was 17. Was cool.
Sandinmyeye | |Tsukaremashi*a |
#26 Apr 01 2014 at 7:40 PM Rating: Decent
35,568 posts
Elinda wrote:
I never wanted to be doing "big" projects like Disney/Comics (tho it would be awesome to go to the Kubert School, and/or classes related to Disney style), but designing anything could have been fun.

I'd not let gbaji's twisted pov and disdain for the arts sway you one iota.

Hey, no disdain at all here. I'm just saying to be realistic. I've just known too many people who thought art was "easy" and you'd get a certification or degree and immediately get hired doing something super cool. I suspect that some of this comes from the perception in high school of art as a throwaway or easy A class. Which, sadly, is still perpetuated today by school administrators who think art class is where they should just dump all the discipline and learning disabled kids. Cause... Art is easy and unimportant, right?

The reality is that if you actually want to do something art related, you're going to have to treat it seriously, actually spend the time and work on your trade, and have a lot of patience. I did not intend my comment to appear as disdain for the field. Quite the opposite, in fact.
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
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