Horsemouth wrote:
I would explain Puti as follows.
Avoid sh*t that isn't in the room when the raid starts.
Puti tank hang out in the middle area. Everyone else, start on orange side, then go green ,then orange, etc. Until P3 attack Puti and oozes on the way.
Ooze control is main priority.
When the green one picks a guy, DPS the ooze tell its close then stack on the guy it is skeeting on unless your a healer.
If the orange one chases you run, everyone else kill it.
When someone says stop DPS on boss, stop.
Tanks know what to do in P3. Everyone else stay near existing green ground but no stand on it and go apesh*t on the boss. If your a shammy blow hero.
Avoid sh*t that might hurt you.
Get loot.
I'd write it something like (assuming the Abomination tank knows the drill):
* Don't stand in goo
* Nuke adds
* DPS stack on the green add's target
* Don't stand in orange cloud
* Move away when he casts goo
* P1 repeat
* DPS race
* Pop BL
* Tanks switch at 2 stacks once, then every stack
That's the Wowwiki tactics broken down, pretty much.
If the Abomination tank doesn't know how the fight goes, it's pretty much "eat goo, snare adds" and then off-tank P3.