Mazra wrote:
someproteinguy wrote:
Mazra wrote:
Now that people are pugging raids like it was more normal than doing stuff with your guild
seriously? I totally missed that one... but the definition of a "good" pug on my server is one that can clear Saurfang on 10 man.
Maybe it's just Kazzak (EU) then.
I took my Shaman and Druid into ICC25 with two PUGs, each clearing up to Saurfang. It seems to be the default ICC25 PUG run.
All ICC25 PuGs I've joined so far fell apart after Saurfang because of ninjaing. Some might not have made it farther, but you never know.
Hell, Aposematic always pug a few people for our ICC10 runs. This week: Idiot PuGs preventing us from even getting any decent tries on Blood Princes. Right, Maz?
But yeah, I PuG the weekly, VoA10, VoA25 and ICC25 every week now. ToC maybe if I have the leisure and/or stumble upon a group.
And our PuG 5v5 team (that's 10 games a week with 2-4 "core" people and 1-3 randoms) has passed 800 rating today, haha. My PvP set is actually getting so good I'm considering getting a spec for it but I don't want to lose a PvE DPS spec that gives me access to more raids.
On my previous server, back in October or whenever it was I played for a bit solo and lost interest quickly, people were pugging Ony25 and such from the day it came out. Granted, I have no clue how well that went.
And on the server before that back in mid-TBC, I frequently got into Kara pugs. Half the server knew me from my previous hardcore raiding priest, though, so that helped.
A few people in my guild actually pugged T6 content (including the third or so Illidan kill on the server), as well. If you had a T4 priest, you got into BT without a problem because that server was priest-free zone.