slightlysober wrote:
Ah, the joys of childhood taste-buds.
My daughter only likes the crust on her sandwiches. She'll leave the whole middle and just munch on the edges. I don't get her, but I guess I finally found someone to eat the ends of the loaf.
In WoW news, I don't love people sometimes. They don't read/watch the boss fights before hand, then complain that it takes too long to explain them. You don't get it both ways people...
The +10% ICC buff feels to me like the point a lot of the fight mechanics start to breakdown. I feel I've gotten sloppier, but it hasn't mattered.
Oh and I think I finally found a niche for that Rapid Rejuv glyph in my healing. I've found I love it on 10-man aura-ish fights like festergut and twins, makes my rotation nice and tight.
More bulletins as events warrant.
Edited, Apr 7th 2010 9:15am by someproteinguy
That monster in the mirror, he just might be you. -Grover