I've actually only done ToGC on 25-man, so what we do will be a little different. We have a frost DK using Hungering Cold every time it's off CD. We put a Prot warrior on the pally for interrupts, and a combat rogue on the disc priest. Enhance shammy on the main DPS target to purge shields and hots. Warlock on the resto druid to keep him banished and feared.
Burn order went like this:
1) Disc Priest, instant shields, instant hots, general PITA
2) Enhance Shaman, tremor totem sucks
3) melee on the rogue, ranged on the warrior
All this time, we had a mage+warlock on the mage and warlock, alternating chain-sheep and chain fear, + frost stuns and death coil
If you have an extra DK (we don't at this point), use them to Chains of Ice spam a melee and try and kite them around the arena.
Balance and Resto druids root / cyclone melee until DR kicks in.
At the start of the pull, we had our prot warrior pop shield wall and charge in and shockwave, then Challenging shout and Intimidating Shout. That way, all the mobs burn their PvP trinket. Our DK death gripped the disc priest, then ran in and hit Hungering cold so we had a good 10 sec of everyone burning the priest.
If all this seems confusing as hell, it's because the fight is, well, confusing as hell. Melee hits a lot harder now and can blow up a cloth class in just a couple seconds. I somehow had 3 melee aggro me at once when we were burning the rogue, only lived because I went bear and had a holy pally spam HL me until CC was off DR.