Facemauler (and by association, fbn) doesn't work for me; I actually find myself floundering when it's just telling me what to do instead of giving me a look at all my buffs/debuffs and leaving it to me to plan ahead. I tried badkitty and found some problem with it, I can't remember what exactly. Plus tracking other ferals' dots is also erroneous information.
I tried RoguePowerBars and liked the interface of it but its really buggy. Classtimers is messy.
Fortunately in the process of all this I managed to figure out why dotimer wasn't tracking my idol proc and fixed it, so I'm back where I started for the time being
And I've never even seen that trinket drop in reg toc
Getting people to run it over and over is tough. The retardedly long intro doesn't help either.
Edited, Sep 4th 2009 8:22am by Norellicus Edited, Sep 4th 2009 8:22am by Norellicus