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what subspec goes with resto?Follow

#1 May 31 2007 at 1:46 PM Rating: Decent
2,717 posts
I was just wondering what sub-spec goes with resto. I know the low-end resto talents can benefit both feral and balance (and as such those trees should sub-spec into resto), but since resto can't sub-spec into itself...what tree would be best to complement a resto build?

This Is the resto-side I was thinking of. I figured I'd put nothing into HT since that's not up in tree of life.

Last thing I wanna mention - this would be a group/raid build for PvE only, and would be one for end-level stuff, not levelling. My sole purpose with this build would be to heal in instances and/or raids at the highest level.
#2 May 31 2007 at 1:56 PM Rating: Decent
#3 May 31 2007 at 2:08 PM Rating: Decent
2,717 posts
Okay, that answers the question in my post...uh...what about the rest of my build? Should I remove some of those I've used in resto, put more in resto, and which should I use in balance?
#4 Jun 01 2007 at 1:33 AM Rating: Decent
if u wanna go resto 4 group/raids, go fully resto then put as much as you can in balance.
#5 Jun 01 2007 at 1:59 AM Rating: Decent
538 posts
It's a difficult question, mostly because you've put so many points in resto already. With only 11 points to put elsewhere, it's hard to see what could benefit you in the other trees for so little (based on the fact that it's purely a raiding build).

In feral, nothing would really be helpful before Heart of the Wild, and that's 30 points in feral for not much.

In balance it's a bit different, but the really useful talents don't start before tier-5: the 3 of them (Lunar Guidance, Nature's Grace and Moonglow) would be useful. The next one is Dreamstate but that would be too far into balance to be really useful.

So all in all I'd see 2 options:

- either go full resto, 5 in naturalist (shorter HT cast time), 2 in empowered touch (better HT), 3 in natural perfection (crits might overheal but overhealing won't generate threat anyway). One point left. You could even forego OoC (how often are you going to melee?) and take 2 points in Natural Shapeshifter to save precious mana when going in and out of ToL. This way you can use ToL when it's really useful, and keep some flexibility for 5-mans where ToL might not be the best choice.

- put 27 in balance to get the 3 tier-5 talents. That would increase your healing by 25% of your int (at least +100 healing right there), faster cast time after a crit, and 9% less mana cost on Regrowth, Rejuv and HT (but not Lifebloom, unfortunately). You would also get Insect Swarm (nice debuff) and resist pushback on Cyclone. You would have 34 points left in resto, enough for Swiftmend but not for ToL. Here is an example. You can move some talents around in the resto tree if you plan to use Tranquility or Regrowth more.

I'm not sure the 2nd option is better given what you want to achieve. I guess it all depends on how much you think you will really need ToL. I've heard different views on it. Some ppl are happy to stop at Swiftmend. If you absolutely want ToL I don't think you will find much synergy with other trees.

EDIT: link to build was wrong.

Edited, Jun 1st 2007 6:00am by anathor

Edited, Jun 1st 2007 6:00am by anathor
#6 Jun 01 2007 at 4:28 AM Rating: Decent
Alot of my friends end up just doing 0/0/61 :p

You still solo fine as long as you carry the respective gear, and what not. o_O
#7 Jun 01 2007 at 5:03 AM Rating: Decent
1,180 posts
Nature's Focus is fairly pointless for raiding/heroics as if you're being hit you're probably dead anyway. Marginally useful for soloing, but you can just stun (bach/mangle), cyclone or root to get a heal in. I'd take naturalist as sometimes you'll want to use HT, more dmg for soloing and out of the two I think it's a better talent investment.

I'd put the final 11 pts in balance. NG or Starlight Wrath depends on if you are pvp (go for NG, otherwise SW). Then max out control of nature (for escaping when you need to heal while solo) and 2 points in whichever other seems more appealing (I've not done any math on this as my healing druid had both as resto, pre-tree form talents). Last point into insect swarm, I think it's a nice little debuff especially against melee mobs, can't use it in tree but if you have to go out for some reason you can always pop it on before shifting back.

If you decide to go for feral with your points then I'd drop Imp MotW (it doesn't do much anyway), pick up furor and go Ferocity -> Brutal Impact -> Feral Instinct/Thick Hide (probably FI) -> Feral Charge. Gives you the ability to shift and stun/spell interupt. (anyone ever got healing agro and then tried shifting and charging another tanked mob? might be fun)

Basically you're 11 pts will largely improve your soloing ability, HotW isn't enough value in my opinion to make a feral/resto spec strong enough for simply healing. Balance/resto is better, but relies on more int heavy gear and the use of HT rather than HoTs. You've got a strong HoT build going so you can either choose to put a few more points in resto to benefit HT (HoTs can't crit, but swiftmend and end of lifebloom can) or go for balance or feral to improve soloing a little.

Edit: Link to a HT build
(might not be the best as I seem to go for different talents each time I make a balance/resto build)
Subtlety isn't maxed out (not sure how much of an agro issue druids have in raids) and no OOC (which I love for soloing, but is fairly useless in raids unless like me you love running at bosses and hitting it with your mace for a proc). This build is focused more on using HT, so may not be what you're looking for as all the other classes can do good direct healing, but druids speciality is HoTs

Edited, Jun 1st 2007 9:14am by Tynuv
#8 Jun 01 2007 at 5:55 AM Rating: Good
760 posts
I figured I'd put nothing into HT since that's not up in tree of life.

My experience healing has shown this not to be the best idea, but it's heavily dependent on your group make-up It's difficult to solo heal 5-man instances in ToL form due to the burst damage potential of a lot of bosses. Also, you cannot de-poison/decurse in ToL, so if there's a potential for that, you're not going to be able to be ToL. And without the HoT bonuses of the tree, using Re-growth/swiftmend as your burst heal is extremely mana intensive. Typically there's just one healer type in a 5-man because of the dps needs. All in all, I found I used ToL to main heal less and less the further up the instance levels I went.

Into Kara, I am still main healing as the priests are shackling and cleansing.

I say all this and now I'll show you my spec:

I also elected to forgo the HT improvements because I was main healing in ToL. I was keeping up just fine, but not really anymore. On Kara runs, I'm needed as a dedicated de-curse/de-poison and main healing. I'm in caster form more than tree.

I have always had "thorns" off the balance tree as I felt it helped the tank out a tad. They always ask for it, so I assume it's been helping. If I go back to HT, I will get rid of thorns.

Subtlety really does help a resto druid. Aggro is a very serious problem as we do not have fade or bubble. As a tree, I used Re-growth as a burst heal. The inital cast of re-growth generated 3x's the threat (as seen on KTM Threat meter) as the same heal Healing Touch spell. If you plan to use re-growth with any regularity, I stronly recommend Subtlety.
#9 Jun 01 2007 at 6:45 AM Rating: Decent
2,717 posts
What I gather from this is that builds heavy on HT are better for 5-mans, while builds heavy on HoT's are better for bigger raids? (Maybe situationally it may be different but that's what I gather is the general comment). So for 5-mans I should go with a 27/0/34 build and for the bigger ones pick up the tree?
#10 Jun 02 2007 at 9:26 AM Rating: Decent
I am a 1/0/60 resto druid and in my opinion, tree of life is very viable in a 5 man as long as you know when to shift out. If you realize that your group is losing health too fast for your HoTs to replenish, then you should just shift out and start using HT as needed.

Remember that ToL is just a form and a tool to help you with mana efficiency but you aren't stuck in it if you decide to use it.

Edited, Jun 2nd 2007 7:26pm by Apachanu
#11 Jun 02 2007 at 10:02 AM Rating: Decent
Also, you cannot de-poison/decurse in ToL, so if there's a potential for that, you're not going to be able to be ToL.

And WHY not? The same reason Blizz made it so you can't OoC in tree and moonkin, and all the other little things that just make sense. When someone finds that reason, tell me, because I'd like to know why I have to waste 300 mana to shift out of Tree to heal that slowing poison on the tank so he doesn't lose aggro.

And no matter what you do with those extra 11 points, make sure you take Subtlety. I didn't, and now I've got to go respec because I cause that much aggro with my Regrowth crits. As for which tree, if you don't put them in Restoration I would advise Balance, so you can get the Brambles, Swarm, and Nature's Grasp.
#12 Jun 02 2007 at 4:15 PM Rating: Decent
I am a 4/0/57 Resto Druid. I think by not using Naturalist, you are losing value to your abilities as a Healer.

Example #1... Aeonus of The Black Morrass (Caverns of Time - Dark Portal). The dude hits like a truck. HoT's are needed, and helpful, but your tank's life can be gone in seconds. I was required to use HT's on top of HoT's.

Example #2... Temporus of The Black Morrass (Caverns of Time - Dark Portal). This dragonkin uses a healing debuff which stacks. This makes HoT's virtually useless. Without Naturalist, etc. I wouldn't have been able to heal for this fight. Believe me I tried 3 different techniques. HT, did it. Kept the tank alive, enough for the DPS to knock this guy out.

These are two examples that I can think of right now. 5 Man raids. I usually do a pretty darn good job with just my HoT's in ToL form in 5 mans or 10 mans. Usually that is all that is required. However you don't want to be without your HT's because I think there will be time's they are definately required. Even before BC came out. In MC, and BWL there comes a time when you need to use both HoT's and HT's.

I think if you plan to be raiding more often then not, Put it all in Resto.
#13 Jun 06 2007 at 12:16 PM Rating: Decent
Anyone that puts more than 50 points in 1 talent tree doesn't know what they're doing. In the resto tree, I can't imagine putting more than 48 points into it, there aren't that many good talents.

I believe putting anything that buffs healing touch is a waste, you can't use healing touch in tree form, which is where you will spend most of your time.

To combat the argument about healing 5-mans, if can't keep up your tank with just HoT's, you can regrowth spam. In tree form regrowth costs like 600 mana, and takes 2.5 seconds, instead of a 3.5 sec cast that costs 950 mana (healing touch). I have no trouble keeping up a full group in ToL form. If you REALLY need to remove the poisons/curses, you can cancel form, remove them, then switch back (I suggest having 3 points in natural shapeshifter) for relatively low mana cost.

As far as your first build goes, if you want to keep it as is, which I don't suggest because improved tranquility and tranquil spirit is a waste, you have 11 skills left..which is screaming Feral. With 11 points you get feral charge, which is the most useful talent in the whole tree.

If you go with balance, brambles is pointless, don't bother with it.
#14 Jun 06 2007 at 12:25 PM Rating: Decent
2,717 posts
Charge may be useful, but as a healing build I dont see how it would help.
#15 Jun 06 2007 at 12:31 PM Rating: Decent
1,859 posts
Well, if you have leftover points you feel like putting in Feral, FC is indeed a keeper if you can afford it.

You can just throw a HoT, shift, charge to interrupt something big and then shift out and go back to healing.

When used skillfully this is a great skill for any type of Druid. Furor is, however, required.
#16 Jun 06 2007 at 1:20 PM Rating: Good
760 posts
To combat the argument about healing 5-mans, if can't keep up your tank with just HoT's, you can regrowth spam. In tree form regrowth costs like 600 mana, and takes 2.5 seconds, instead of a 3.5 sec cast that costs 950 mana (healing touch). I have no trouble keeping up a full group in ToL form.

I'll try to test this out tonight. I think re-growth spam is quite ineffient, but I'll try. I think my re-growth at y mana, only flat heals for 1700 (at +1004 heal, which is not spectacular so don't jump all over my case m'kay?). I think it crits for 2700, and then to use an immediate swiftmend at x mana, and y mana again.
So for x + y + x + y etc mana, in tree form, how much health can I heal?

Where's my HT-13 at mana q crits for 6k, and HT-9 heals for about 2k at n mana. Now, I know HT-13 is not mana efficient, but we're talking about your tank has just taken a cannon ball to the face recovery. In trickle heal situations, I typically use HT-9, which I ran the numbers and found had the best mp spent: hp healed ratio for me (with my stats of +heal and mp/5).

Hmm, I'll have to find someone who's going to bleed a whole lot, that might be rough. I'll update this post with any findings.
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